Download - St. Louis - · The St. Louis Parish Office will be closed Friday, April 19th. Natural Family Planning A Natural Family Planning Class will be held on Sunday, May 5th, from

Page 1: St. Louis - · The St. Louis Parish Office will be closed Friday, April 19th. Natural Family Planning A Natural Family Planning Class will be held on Sunday, May 5th, from

w w w . s t l o u i s - b a t e s v i l l e . o r g

C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

1 3 S T . L O U I S P L A C E • B A T E S V I L L E , I N 4 7 0 0 6

Fifth Sunday of Lent • APRIL 7, 2019

St. Louis

Parish Office Hours ................... Mon.-Fri. 8:00 am-4:00 pm

Phone ................................... (812) 934-3204

Fax ........................................ (812) 933-0667

Residence Phone ................ (812) 933-0708

Parish Staff Pastor, Fr. Stanley Pondo ............................... x 265

[email protected]

Deacon, Ronald Freyer ................... 934-3175

[email protected]

Business Manager, Scott Weekley ....... x 221

[email protected]

Business Office, Tina Weber ................. x 280

[email protected]

Director of Religious Education,

Amy Tonges .......................................... x 249

[email protected]

Youth Coordinator, Carrie Wesseler ..... x 223

[email protected]

Director of Music & Liturgy,

Mike Fritsch .......................................... x 266

Susan Kohrman ................................... x 266

[email protected]

Parish Secretary,

Michelle Wachsmann........................... x 251

[email protected]

Brenda Moll .......................................... x 277

[email protected]

Maintenance Wade Ryle .......................... 934-3310, x 271

[email protected]

Brian Lamping ................... 934-3204, x 231

[email protected]

School Office Phone ................................... (812) 934-3310

Fax ........................................ (812) 934-6202

Principal, Chad Moeller ......................... x 239

[email protected]

School Secretary, Joan Riedeman ....... x 235

[email protected]

School Secretary, Kathy Forbeck ......... x 236

[email protected]

School Nurse, Lydia Gardner ................ x 283

Parish Council Chairperson, Hannah Giesting ....... 363-3714

V.-Chairperson, Todd Tekulve .......... 363-0066

Secretary, Amy Streator ................. 212-0402

School Commission Chairperson, Gloria Brelage ........... 932-6205

P.T.O., ......................... [email protected]

Faith Formation Commission Chairperson, Angela Werner .......... 212-5090

R.C.I.A., Darlene Hirt ...................... 934-2603

Finance Committee Chairperson, Brenda Ratcliffe ....... 932-1449

Parish Life Commission Chairperson, .................................. 934-3204

Respect Life, Jerry Ollier ................ 525-1854

Bereavement Luncheon Committee Bonnie Hertel .................................. 934-2840

Anita Brelage ................................... 934-3095

Carmie Meyer .................................. 934-4922

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Christy Moenter .................... (812) 239-9164

Welcome to St. Louis Parish!

We are blessed by your presence with us

today. Whether you are a long-time

parishioner, relatively new to the parish,

home from school, or visiting for the

weekend, we are grateful that you have

chosen to worship here at St. Louis

Catholic Church. As Roman Catholics, the

Holy Eucharist is the center of our lives,

and the source or our mission.

Nourished by the Word of God, we strive

to instill family values, promote social

justice, and foster life-long formation in

the Catholic faith. As we work together to

build a community dedicated to living the

Gospel, we commit ourselves to generous

stewardship and the responsible use of

our spiritual and material resources.

If you are new to the parish, we invite you

to register as a member by calling the

Parish Office.

Prayer & Devotion Rosary & Holy Hour: First Sunday of the

month at 7:00pm

Prayer Service: Saturday at 8:05am

Mass Schedule Weekend: Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am


Tuesday 6:00pm

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 8:10am

Sacraments Reconciliation (Confession):

Tuesday at 5:00pm;

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday after the

8:10am Mass; Saturday at 4:00pm

Baptism: Second & fourth Sunday by

appointment. Call the parish office.

Marriage: Couples desiring to be married at

St. Louis should be registered, active

members of the parish. Please contact the

parish office to schedule an appointment

with the priest at least six months before

the anticipated date.

Anointing of the Sick: This sacrament is for

anyone with a serious illness, undergoing

surgery, etc., or near death. If you would

like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick

please call the parish office.

April 10th


St. Louis

Catholic Church

Page 2: St. Louis - · The St. Louis Parish Office will be closed Friday, April 19th. Natural Family Planning A Natural Family Planning Class will be held on Sunday, May 5th, from

N e w s & N o t e s Baptisms The newest members of the St. Louis

Parish Family are: Madelyn Caroline

Weber, daughter of Mark & Kelsey

(Padgett) Weber; and Meredith Ann

Kohrman, daughter of Dustin & Susan

(Fritsch) Kohrman. Congratulations!

With Deepest Sympathy Please remember in your prayers the

families of Esther Hoover, age 80, who

passed away Monday, March 25th; and

Edward Wilhelm, age 82, who passed

away Saturday, March 30th. May they

rest in peace.

Bulletin Deadlines Articles for the April 21st (Easter)

Bulletin are due by 9:00am, Tuesday,

April 9th.

Parish Office Hours The St. Louis Parish Office will be closed

Friday, April 19th.

Natural Family Planning A Natural Family Planning Class will be

held on Sunday, May 5th, from 9:00am

to 12:15pm in the Deanery Resource

Center at St. Louis. There is a $40.00

fee for books and materials. For

reservations call or text Aly at 812-212-

4951 or Mike at 812-212-2719.

Baptism Preparation Class The Baptism preparation class is for

parents who are having their first child

Baptized. The next class will be offered

on Tuesday, April 16th at 7:00pm in the

Deanery Resource Center at St. Louis.

Please call the parish office to register



Lenten Schedule There will be Mass each Monday during Lent at 9:00am. Stations of the Cross are

every Friday at 7:00pm. There will also be Spanish Mass each Sunday at 5:00pm.

8 Hours of Confession There will be an extra opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation during

this Lenten Season. Fr. Stan will hear confessions on Friday, April 12th from

9:00am—1:00pm and 2:30pm—6:30pm.

Parish Lenten Penance Service Our parish penance service is Wednesday, April 10th at 7:00pm. Please take

advantage of this opportunity as there will be no confessions during Holy Week.

St. Louis Cardinal Crawl 5K Saturday, April 13th—Race Day registration begins at 8:00am; 5KRun/Walk starts

at 9:00am. $15/person; $40/family. Registration forms are available in the

parish office.

All You Can Eat Breakfast The Team Jesus Youth Group of St. Anthony, St. Louis, and St. Nicholas are having

a breakfast on Sunday, April 14th from 7:00am—12:30pm at Schad Hall, St.

Anthony Church, Morris. All proceeds will help area youth attend the Steubenville

Youth Conference in June.

Adoration Chapel Information Easter is quickly approaching and the Adoration Chapel will be closed

for the Easter Triduum. This means the Chapel closes at 6:30pm for

Holy Thursday Mass but adoration will continue from 7:30pm until

midnight in the Parish Activity Center. The scheduled adorers for

7:00pm thru 11:00pm should plan to be in the Activity Center for

their hour. The Chapel will reopen at noon on Easter Sunday.

Spring Cleaning of the Adoration Chapel will take place on Good Friday

at 9:00am. Many hands make light work!

Please call Christy if you would like to help or have any questions -


The open hours for the Adoration Chapel are: Sunday – 9:00am, 12:00pm,

1:00pm, 3:00pm; Wednesday—11:00am, 6:00pm; Friday – 1:00pm. If you are

able to fill an open hour, call Christy 812-239-9164.

Help Needed for Haiti Mission Trip Thanks to everyone for their help so far this year and last year. Over $30,000 has

been donated from Saint Louis parishioners, family and friends to help the poor at

Saint Francis Xavier in Gandou in 2018. Thanks to all who have donated soap and

shoes this year. The children at Saint Louis School are doing a great job too. They

collected toothbrushes and toothpaste in January. We consider all our

parishioners, family and friends a part of the HAITI MINISTRY TEAM! We could not

do it without all of you. May God bless you always.

We need your help again. We are in need of people to go on our next mission trip

June 19-27. We are seeking doctors, optometrists, dentists, pharmacists, nurses,

a chiropractor, mechanical and electrical support, and people with no experience

who just have a desire to help. If you are interested or know someone who may

like to go even if they do not belong to our parish, please contact Susan and Paul

Roell at 812-933-0704 or email at [email protected].

Holy Thursday Volunteers Needed Participants are needed

for the foot washing at

the Holy Thursday Mass

on April 18th at

6:30pm. Both men and

women, 2nd grade and

older, are invited to volunteer.

Please call the parish office if you

would like to participate.

Page 3: St. Louis - · The St. Louis Parish Office will be closed Friday, April 19th. Natural Family Planning A Natural Family Planning Class will be held on Sunday, May 5th, from

Mass Intentions Saturday, April 6

5:00 pm Dottie Voegele

Sunday, April 7

8:00 am For the Parish Community

9:30 am Rosemary Holtel

11:00 am Ron Harmeyer


Monday, April 8

9:00 am Special Intention

Tuesday, April 9

6:00 pm John H. and Vic Schutte;

Amanda Shadday

Wednesday, April 10

8:10 am Cliff Niese

Thursday, April 11, St. Stanislaus

8:10 am Terry Prickel

Friday, April 12

8:10 am Marilyn Todd

Saturday, April 13

5:00 pm Martin, Frieda, Ed and

Melvin Nobbe

Sunday, April 14, Palm Sunday of the

Passion of the Lord

8:00 am Rosie Prickel

9:30 am George & Julia Daugherty

11:00 am For the Parish Community


Altar Servers Tuesday, April 9

6:00 pm Volunteers Needed

Wednesday, April 10


Thursday, April 11


Friday, April 12


Saturday, April 13

5:00 pm Megan Batta, Noah & Ingrid


Sunday, April 14

8:00 am Catherine Streator, Regina

Gerstbauer & Evan


9:30 am Alyssa, Anna & Henry


11:00 am Noah Livers, Calvin & C.J.


Rosary & Holy Hour Sunday, April 7

7:00 pm Olivia & Megan Raab

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday, April 13

5:00 pm Dave Meyer, Bill Meer, Mary

Sitterding, Mary Jo Mahle,

Carolyn Dieckmann,

2 Volunteers

Sunday, April 14

8:00 am Ed Gerdowsky, Janet

Maple, Erma Hartman, John

Gerstbauer, Amy Streator,

Mary Sitterding, Ken Rudolf

9:30 am Beth Hoog, John Brelage,

Bertie Schmidt, Kathy

Wagner, Nancy Werner,

Lissa Ritter, Christy


11:00 am Ken Bohman, Tyler Myers,

Rita Schneider, Mary Jo

Sunderman, Kathy

Mattucci, Nelson French,

Mark Masavage

Greeters Saturday, April 13

5:00 pm Mary Jo Mahle, Dave Meyer

Sunday, April 14

8:00 am Joe & Marlene Greiwe

9:30 am Thomas & Lisa Brown

11:00 am Bob & Kathy Mattucci

Lectors Saturday, April 13

5:00 pm Jerry Ollier

Sunday, April 14

8:00 am Tom Fritsch

9:30 am Leo Enneking

11:00 am James Dickey

Ushers Saturday, April 13

5:00 pm 4 Volunteers

Sunday, April 14

8:00 am Todd Tekulve, Jim Scheele,

Larry Enzinger, Bob

Obermeyer, Bruce Miller

9:30 am Eugene Laker, John

Vogelsang, Mike Weigel,

1 Volunteer

11:00 am Jeff Bedel, John Wilson, Ted

Telles, Jake Wilson

April Prayer Intention of Pope Francis Doctors and their Collaborators in

War Zones

For doctors and their humanitarian

collaborators in war zones, who risk

their lives to save the lives of others.

Readings for the Week Sunday: Is 43:16-21/Ps 126:1-2, 2

-3, 4-5, 6 [3]/Phil 3:8-14/

Jn 8:1-11

Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30,

33-62 or 13:41c-62/Ps

23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [4ab]/

Jn 8:12-20

Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9/Ps 102:2-3,

16-18, 19-21 [2]/Jn 8:21-


Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Dn

3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56

[52b]/Jn 8:31-42

Thursday: Gn 17:3-9/Ps 105:4-5, 6-

7, 8-9 [8a]/Jn 8:51-59

Friday: Jer 20:10-13/Ps 18:2-3a,

3bc-4, 5-6, 7 [cf. 7]/Jn


Saturday: Ez 37:21-28/Jer 31:10,

11-12abcd, 13 [cf. 10d]/

Jn 11:45-56

Next Sunday: Lk 19:28-40/Is 50:4-7/Ps

22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-

24 [2a]/Phil 2:6-11/Lk

22:14--23:56 or 23:1-49 ©LPi

P a r i s h C a l e n d a r 3

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Holy Thursday



Good Friday



Easter Vigil


Easter Sunday


8:00am, 9:30am &


Rosary & Holy Hour Sunday, April 7th


Page 4: St. Louis - · The St. Louis Parish Office will be closed Friday, April 19th. Natural Family Planning A Natural Family Planning Class will be held on Sunday, May 5th, from

April 7

RCIA— “Catholicism in the World

Today,” St. Louis Parish Office,


April 10

St. Louis Parish Penance Service—


April 12

Fish Fry—Millhousen Knights of St.

John, 5:00pm—7:30pm. Adult $10,

Child $5. Carryout available.

April 13

St. Louis Cardinal Crawl 5K—St.

Louis Activity Center, 9:00am.

April 14

RCIA— Stations of the Cross, St.

Louis Parish Office, 9:00am.

Breakfast—New Alsace Conserv.

Club, 7:30am—12:00pm at the New

Alsace American Legion

April 19

Fish Fry—Millhousen Knights of St.

John, 5:00pm—7:30pm. Adult $10,

Child $5. Carryout available.

St. Louis Cash Raffle Congratulations to the following winners:

Mar. 19 - $50 - Sarah Miller

Mar. 21 - $100 - Marion Gutzwiller

Mar. 28 - $100 - Jerry & Vicki


Pro-Life Stations of the Cross Join us for the second annual Pro-Life Stations of the Cross at Planned

Parenthood, Georgetown Road, Indianapolis, on Friday, April 12th from 6:00pm—

7:00pm. For more information please call 317-937-6614.

Come and Be Comforted -SEASONS OF HOPE If you’re in need of consolation after losing a loved one, this Christ-Centered faith

sharing group is for you. We will meet for six Mondays beginning on April 22nd

and continuing on April 29th, May 6th, 13th, 20th and June 3rd, with arrival from

6:30pm-6:45pm and the program from 6:45pm to 8:30pm at St. Mary’s

Greensburg, Church Meeting Room. If you are interested in attending, please call

the Parish Office at 812-663-8427 and leave your name and phone number. A

member of the Bereavement Ministry Team will call you back. In order to have

enough materials on hand for the program, please let us know if you’d like to

attend by April 15th. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you.

Pre-Cana Conference Schedule The following Pre-Cana Sessions will be offered for those preparing for Marriage:

April 12-13 - Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg

April 26-27 - St. Agnes, Nashville

May 31-June 1 - St. Michael’s, Indianapolis

The first day is 6:30pm—9:30pm and the second day is 9:00am—4:00pm.

To register visit:

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Do you want to make your marriage stronger? Do you want to spend an

uninterrupted weekend with your spouse? Why not make a Worldwide Marriage

Encounter Weekend and learn more about your wonderful vocation? Future

Marriage Encounter Weekends will be at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House,

Indianapolis, April 26-28 and November 1-3; and at Mount Saint Francis Centre

for Spirituality, New Albany, August 16-18. Visit for more


St. Nicholas Annual 5K Run/Walk Turtle Trot This 5K run/walk will take place on Saturday, April 27, beginning at 9:00am at St.

Nicholas School’s front parking lot. All ages welcome! For more event information,

registration forms, and/or sponsorship forms: or

Project Rachel Suffering is the untold story of abortion. Grief after abortion is normal — it is the

grief of a mother who has lost a child in a traumatic way; it is the grief of lost

fatherhood. We are here to help you experience the hope and healing of Christ

through Project Rachel. We are here to help you. Call 317-452-0054 or email

[email protected] to begin your healing journey.

6 N e w s & N o t e s W h a t ’ s

H a p p e n i n g

Saturday Morning Prayer Service

April 13th at 8:05am

Meet in the Adoration Chapel

This week we pray for our country

and our world, that policy makers

would protect all life.

Come Pray with Us!

Stations of the Cross Friday, April 12th


Weekly Bingo Volunteers Week 2: Thursday, April 11th

Floor/Bank/Instants: Alisha Salatin, Jill Reidy, Paul Wuestefeld, Adam Maple, Caro-

lyn Dieckmann, Nathan Schutte, Bob/Autumn Hurm, Kate Tekulve, Beth Steinkamp,

Julie Cox, Jade Ritter

Kitchen: Ann Edwards, Nic Wonnell, Anne Schebler, Brooke Maple, Cheryl Baechle,

Marilyn Hountz, Kim Schrank

Bakers: Paula Behlmer, Amy Watson, Chelsea Gillman, Shannon Young, Denise Hil-

lenbrand, Diane Jones, Holly Siegel, Rachael Hornbach

Mass Schedule Change There will be no Mass

on Tuesday, April 16th.

The Chrism Mass is at 2:00pm

in Indianapolis.

Page 5: St. Louis - · The St. Louis Parish Office will be closed Friday, April 19th. Natural Family Planning A Natural Family Planning Class will be held on Sunday, May 5th, from
Page 6: St. Louis - · The St. Louis Parish Office will be closed Friday, April 19th. Natural Family Planning A Natural Family Planning Class will be held on Sunday, May 5th, from