Download - St Leonard’s of E (A) Primary School · Goodbye to our brilliant year 6s who have amazed us with their resilience in challenging times. We hope they feel that St. Leonard’s has

Page 1: St Leonard’s of E (A) Primary School · Goodbye to our brilliant year 6s who have amazed us with their resilience in challenging times. We hope they feel that St. Leonard’s has

St Leonard’s C of E (A) Primary School

1 7 T H J U L Y 2 0 2 0

Well I cannot quite believe that another academic year has come to an end and what a very different year it has been for us all. We have all certainly had to adapt to a very different way of learning. I am so unbelievably proud of all we have achieved as a school community through such adversity. The commitment to home learning has been incredible and we cannot thank parents enough for all you have done to support your children learning at home throughout the lockdown period and for some families this has continued for over a term. I am also extremely thankful to our brilliant staff team who have worked continuously including throughout the Easter and May half term holidays to provide both face to face and online learning for our pupils. I was over the moon to have been able to welcome almost all of our pupils back into school for a month before breaking up for the summer. It has certainly been an extremely challenging time for everyone but as always St. Leonard’s rises to the challenge and continues to flourish to do the very best that we can.

We know that when we return fully in September, there is much work to be done to support the emotional needs of our pupils who have been through a time like no other. We also appreciate that learning stamina may have dwindled and that even with the very best home– learning, there will be gaps to address. We have already began to make plans to support all pupils on their return in September.

We are really looking forward to welcoming our new children in September (all 45 of them!) but equally we are sad to say goodbye to our wonderful year 6 children who have been an absolute joy to know.

I hope you all have a wonderful summer and we look forward to welcoming back most children on 2nd September, with the Nursery children (Wrens) on the 3rd.

A note from the Headteacher

‘Growing in Faith

and Learning’

St Leonard’s C of E (A)

Primary School

Syerscote Lane




B79 9DX

Tel- 01827 213995


www. st-leonards-


Mrs C Young

Charity No-117438

Goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 children

Goodbye to Bear Today we also say ‘Goodbye’ to Bear from our Robins class. We will certainly miss your lovely smile and kind nature. We send you love and our best wishes as you move to your new school in September.

You are my God.

My future is in

your hands’ Psalm

31: 14-15

Goodbye to our brilliant year 6s who have amazed us with their resilience in challenging times. We hope they feel that St. Leonard’s has given them a great send off and given them memories that will last forever. They have been excellent role models; kind and generous as well as being extremely hard working. We wish them all the very best as they move onto the next stage of their lives. We will miss you all.

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Attendance It has been tricky to measure 100% attendance this year due to the ongoing situation with the COVID-19 situation. However we still felt that it was important to acknowledge the children who have attended on every single one of the possible days that they could attend. This year we have lots of children who have managed to attend for 100% of the time. We have 3 children who have had 100% attendance 3 years running– well done to Harry B, Alfie B and Lily T—can you make it 3 years in a row?

Robins Molly B

Kingfishers Daniel Sophie Poppy

Harry B* Alfie B*

Elijah Hannon

Owls Rosy B Jacob Lilly H Lily T*

Emily W Asher W Joshua W

Falcons Elsa

Ethan Tabitha Amelia Jason Jess

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Class Dojo Winners

Each year the children receive Dojo reward points for good behaviour, excellent work, kindness, head teacher's awards, brilliant home learning and much much more. We usually have a celebratory ‘Rewards’ day but this has been tricky this year, not having everyone in school and not being able to mix the bubbles. We will make sure we do something special in the new school year when it is safe for us all to be back together. This Year’s Dojo Award winners for receiving the most reward points in their year group are:

Nursery- Martha

Reception– Ollie T

Year 1-Alfie B

Year 2- Alfie M

Year 3- Asher

Year 4- Natalie

Year 5- Leo

Year 6- Jess

Well done everyone

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Leaver’s poem 2020

With love and best wishes from Mrs Young

What a strange final year it has been for you, With a worldwide pandemic that we have all been living through. We’re in a time in history, that will be on the shelves A tale to tell our grandchildren that’s greater than ourselves Where we wash and wash our hands and keep away from everyone, To help to keep us safe until this virus has completely gone. It has been tough and I’m proud of the resilience you’ve shown, When facing such adversity unlike we’ve ever known. But you haven’t whinged and moaned like you could’ve easi-ly done, Instead you have embraced every opportunity and had a lot of fun. It’s been a privilege getting to know you and all your quirky ways, Your talents are endless and you never cease to amaze What a fabulous group of children you really are and there is no doubt in my mind, that you will all go far. So many happy memories of your primary school years: So let’s put on our happy face and wipe away those tears. Reception, One and Two-Mrs Hunt was your main teacher, Where lots of trips and arts and crafts were sure to be fea-ture. Then you matured to become an Owl under the care of Mr P, Where dressing up as a Roman is another memory Next you became a Falcon- with so much responsibility With Miss Williams in charge you worked so quietly As she is renowned for her strictness which you might have feared at first But soon you came to realise that her banana fear is worse.

I’ve watched Miss Williams challenge you every single day And then your SATs were cancelled and you all shouted hip hip hooray! It wasn’t always easy and some days you did feel sad but Mrs Hateley was always there to pick you up to show it’s not so bad. I cannot fail to mention the spectacular talent show where it was a pure delight to watch the confidence grow of so many of these children whose talents we did see: singing, dancing, hosting and, of course, the comedy. Then we have your leaver’s play- a little different this year, But you still managed to make us giggle and shed a little tear. ‘Growing in Faith and Learning’ is what we hoped for you to prepare you for your next stage in life and whatever you hope to pursue As we look into your parents’ eyes as they sit and watch to-day, with a lump in their throats and a heart full of pride they are here to send you on your way. So it is with happy memories we send you out of the door with great hope and expectation for what the next year holds in store. As I look back in the future I’ll think of you and smile; The kids who showed resilience and went the extra mile. So hold your head up high, be proud of your success So to the Year 6 of 2020 we say ‘Goodbye and God bless’