Download - st January 31 December 2020Confirmation Letter ... Please quote your BF Reference Number in all communications. Any Disputes ... Mr Mustafa Pirbhai Mr Mustafa Datoo Dr Mahmood Datoo

Page 1: st January 31 December 2020Confirmation Letter ... Please quote your BF Reference Number in all communications. Any Disputes ... Mr Mustafa Pirbhai Mr Mustafa Datoo Dr Mahmood Datoo

The KSIMCoL - Burial Fund Application/Renewal Notes

1st January – 31 December 2020

Eligibility A household having at least one paid member of The KSIMCoL is eligible. The KSIMCoL Membership of that member must be current and up to date at the time of the application/renewal. The paid member in the household will be designated as a BF Member.

A household is defined as a United Kingdom residential address in which eligible persons (defined as those who, when of age, would normally be accepted for The KSIMCoL Membership) permanently living therein are

registered on the application/renewal form, and are permanently resident in the United Kingdom.

Contribution For the period 1st January – 31st December 2020, the annual contribution is:

for single occupancy households: £120 for 2 or more occupancy households: £200

New Members – Phased in Benefit

New eligible households will have the Burial Fund monetary benefit phased in:

a 25% of the eligible burial costs for a death within one calendar year of joining;

b 50% of the eligible burial costs for a death within two calendar years of joining;

c 75% of the eligible burial costs for a death within three calendar years of joining;

d 100% of the eligible burial costs thereafter.

An individual moving from an existing household, within a year of the move, to a new household, will not be regarded as a new application.

Benefit For the period 1st January – 31st December 2020, the upper limit is tabulated below. This is based on the burial costs for office-hours adult borough resident and borough non-resident, plus hearse, coffin, kaffan, mortuary facility, gratuity and sundries for Brookwood, Watford, Northwood, Carpenders Park cemeteries. (Note – this does NOT include the compulsory costs of £925 Headstone, £100 Marshal, and £300 Administration charges at Northwood; these are NOT covered by the Burial Fund).

Brookwood Carpenders Park Northwood Watford

Borough resident £3,310 £3,035 3,875 £3,010

Borough non-resident £3,310 £5,410 £7,050 £7,160

** To be revised in April 2020 when Local Councils update charges

Benefit will be payable, subject to confirmation of eligibility, only to registered eligible households who are up-to-date with their Burial Fund contributions and KSIMCoL membership. A sum to cover the total actual office-hours burial costs, will be payable either to the next-of-kin or directly to the authorities, upon the production of a death certificate and an invoice/receipt from the relevant authorities, within 30 days of burial. The benefit will also extend to burials at other cemeteries; in this case, the benefit will be the actual total office-hours burial costs incurred, but will not exceed the upper limit of £6,860.

Beneficiaries The Burial Fund contribution will extend the benefit to the registered eligible Burial Fund Member and all registered eligible persons in that household, including eligible overseas guests, provided there is a Family

KSIMCoL Membership. A Single KSIMCoL Membership (of a multi-occupancy household) will limit the benefit to that one person only in the household.

Page 2: st January 31 December 2020Confirmation Letter ... Please quote your BF Reference Number in all communications. Any Disputes ... Mr Mustafa Pirbhai Mr Mustafa Datoo Dr Mahmood Datoo

Multi-Residency in UK Eligible members from a registered eligible household who, from time to time, move to other households (say in the case of parents moving to childrens’ houses) must inform in writing to the Burial Fund of the move, and must have the other households registered as an eligible Burial Fund household. This is for the benefit to be effective in case of death at the other households.

UK based full-time bona-fide students, from registered eligible households, are exempt.

Multi-Residency in UK and Overseas Eligible members from a registered eligible household who have multi-residency in the UK and overseas, will have the Burial Fund benefit effective only in the case of death in the UK.

Renewal Date The benefit is effective from 1st January – 31st December 2020. Eligible members may join at any time subject to payment of the contribution in full, but subsequent annual renewals will be on the 1st January of every year. Renewal letters will be posted to the Burial Fund Members on the first working day in January of each year.

Grace Period There will be a grace period of 1 month (up to 31st January of each year) allowable for current renewals. If a current Burial Fund household has failed to renew their membership by 31st January of the renewal year, the Burial Fund reserves the right not to honour any benefit payments until the contribution is paid upto date; should a death occur in that household from 1 February this would not be covered.

Rejoining Rejoining eligible households must pay any Burial Fund contribution arrears since first joined (at the current rates) before subsequent renewal.

Confirmation Letter All the household details will be computerised and a confirmation of the Burial Fund membership and details will be posted to the household.

Change of Details Please inform the Burial Fund Admin staff, in writing, of any change of household details, like change of address, an eligible person and/or an eligible guest moving out of or into the household, etc. Failure to do so will jeopardise the payment of benefits.

Address for Communication By post: Burial Fund Admin, Husaini Shia Islamic Centre, Wood Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4LQ or by e-mail: [email protected] Please quote your BF Reference Number in all communications.

Any Disputes The Executive Committee of The KSIMCoL shall have the final say in all matters relating to any query or interpretation of the rules.

Discretion and Other Benefit Payment Covers The KSIMCoL shall have the power to make benefit payments wherein such payments are deemed to be appropriate by the Executive Committee of KSIMCoL. In making such a decision, the Executive Committee of KSIMCoL shall have regard to factors including, but not limited to: (i) the need and requirement of the individual member and his/her family; (ii) the general welfare and financial viability of the KSIMCoL; and (iii) any other factors which, in the opinion of the Executive Committee of KSIMCoL, shall be deemed relevant.

More Information For further information on the Burial Fund, please do not hesitate to contact direct:

Mr Mustafa Pirbhai Mr Mustafa Datoo Dr Mahmood Datoo on [email protected]

Page 3: st January 31 December 2020Confirmation Letter ... Please quote your BF Reference Number in all communications. Any Disputes ... Mr Mustafa Pirbhai Mr Mustafa Datoo Dr Mahmood Datoo

KSIMCoL - Burial Fund Husaini Islamic Centre, Wood Lane, Stanmore, HA7 4LQ

Registered Charity in UK No 288356

1 Payment Method:

a by Cash

b by Cheque

c by Bank Transfer:


Sort code: 20-52-74

Account number: 83 88 21 79

Reference: BF .... (quote your BF number)

2 Return of Renewal Form

Please return the renewal form, regardless of payment method.

The renewal will be processed only when the renewal form is received.

3 Please note that the receipt of payment is not an indication that the BF

is active for the year. It is only active when the Jamaat subscription and

BF contributions are checked as being up-to-date, and the confirmation

letter with the receipt is issued, by post.

BF Benefits 2020





At Northwood:

Marshall (£100) Headstone (£925)

Battlers Foundation (£300)

Office hours burials Out-of-office hours burials

Mortuary facility Front row spaces

Coffin plaque (on coffin) Plastic name plate on grave

MRI Autopsy

Thank you.

BF Admin

Page 4: st January 31 December 2020Confirmation Letter ... Please quote your BF Reference Number in all communications. Any Disputes ... Mr Mustafa Pirbhai Mr Mustafa Datoo Dr Mahmood Datoo

KSIMCoL - Burial Fund Husaini Shia Islamic Centre, Wood Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4LQ

Registered Charity in UK No 288356

December 2019

Dear Burial Fund Household

Salamun Alaykum

2020 - No Increase in Annual Contribution of £200/£120

From 1 April 2019, the total burial costs for office-hours, adult non-county resident, including hearse, coffin, kaffan, gratuity, mortuary charges and sundries (rounded up to the nearest ten pounds) are as shown below. (Note – this does NOT include the compulsory costs of £925 headstone, £100 Marshall, and £300 Administration charges at Northwood; these are NOT covered by the BF.)

Brookwood Carpenders Park Northwood Watford £2,600 £6,280 £6,145 £7,310

The BF policy has always been to set annual contribution such that there is at the minimum a buffer zone of funds for an equivalent of subsequent one year payments (at current average payment rates and costs), and not to increase the annual contribution just to increase the reserves or keep up with the yearly burial costs.

The budget is based on the most expensive burial site, Watford - £7,310. BF budgets for 27 payments per year (averaged over the current and last year).

Current £200/£120

Income from 815 households @ £200 £163,000 Income from 108 households @ £120 £ 13,000 ------------- £176,000

Payments (27 @ £7,310) for year 2020 £197,000 ------------- (Deficit) Surplus (£ 21,000) Estimated Reserve B/fwd £233,000

------------- Estimated Net reserve C/fwd £212,000 ======== Represents payments @ £7,310 29 payments (number of payments in 2021) =========

At £200/£120 contribution there will be enough for 29 payment for the year 2021. The Executive Committee, at its recent meeting, and in consultation and agreement with the Burial Fund, has approved the £200 annual contribution for the year 2020. Yours in serving BF Administration ([email protected]) Mustafa Pirbhai, Mustafa Datoo, Mahmood Datoo

Page 5: st January 31 December 2020Confirmation Letter ... Please quote your BF Reference Number in all communications. Any Disputes ... Mr Mustafa Pirbhai Mr Mustafa Datoo Dr Mahmood Datoo

KSIMCoL - Burial Fund Husaini Shia Islamic Centre, Wood Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4LQ

[email protected] Registered Charity in UK No 288356

For BF Admin Use Only


Application Form: 1st

January – 31st December 2020

Please complete the form below, duly signed and dated, and return with a payment of: £120 (for single occupancy households), or £200 (for two or more occupancy households). Cheque must be payable to "KSIMCoL - Burial Fund". The form and cheque should be posted directly to: BF Admin, Husaini Shia Islamic Centre, Wood Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4LQ; or handed-in at the Jamaat Office.

Please note that the first person on the list is the eligible designated BF Member in the household.

BF Member's Details Surname

First Name(s)

Permanent Residential Address

Post Code Tel No (home) Mobile Email


1 Surname First Name(s) Under

2 Over

2 Relation to BF

18 18 Member3

1 BF Member







8 1: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss 2: Tick appropriate box3: Mother/Father/Wife/Son/Daughter/Daughter-in-law etc.

Page 6: st January 31 December 2020Confirmation Letter ... Please quote your BF Reference Number in all communications. Any Disputes ... Mr Mustafa Pirbhai Mr Mustafa Datoo Dr Mahmood Datoo

To Be Completed By Applicant I certify that:

(a) the address given above is my and my family members’, whose details are entered above, permanentand usual residential address.

(b) the particulars given/entered above are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Please tick relevant box:

(a) this is a completely new application

(b) I am moving, within the last calendar year, from an existing BF household:

Previous BF Number: ………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………

Post Code: ………………………………………………

BF Member’s Full Name: Signature: Date:

For Executive Committee Use Only

Application Received on …………………………………………………………………

Membership Status: …………………………………………………………………

Membership Number: …………………………………………………………………

Hon Secretary: Name: …………………………………………………………………

Signature: …………………………………………………………………

Date: …………………………………………………………………

For BF Admin Use Only

Application Received on …………………………………………………………………

Confirm New Application: N/A Yes No

Confirm Existing Household: N/A Yes No

Receipt No: Cash Cheque Bank Transfer

Membership Status: LM LMS PM UM SM EM

Confirmation/query posted on:
