Download - SSCG20, SSCG21 & SSCG22 REVIEW. White Collar Crimes Nonviolent crimes by office workers for personal or business gain.



White Collar Crimes

• Nonviolent crimes by office workers for personal or business gain.


• When a person breaks into a building and plans to do something illegal inside.


• Placing someone in fear without actual physical contact.


• Harming someone through physical contact, as with a weapon or a fist.


• Stealing money that has been entrusted to one’s care.

Plea bargain

• When a defendant agrees to plead guilty in exchange for a lesser charge or a lighter sentence.

Probable cause

• Good reason to believe that a suspect has been involved in a crime.


• Legal paper, issued by a court, giving police permission to make an arrest, search, or seizure.


• Money that a defendant gives the court as a kind of promise that he or she will return for the trial.


• Formal charge against the accused.


• Court hearing in which the defendant is formally charged with a crime and enters a plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest.


• Letting an inmate go free to serve the rest of his or her sentence outside of prison.

Status offender

• Youth who is judged to be beyond the control of his or her parents or guardian.


• Juvenile who is found guilty of a crime.


• A minor crime for which the penalty is often a fine.


• Serious crime for which the penalty can be imprisonment for more than one year.

Crimes against people

• Acts that threaten, hurt, or end a person’s life are which category of crime?

Victimless crimes

• Acts that primarily hurt the people who commit them, such as gambling or drug use.

Crimes against the government

• Treason and terrorism are 2 examples of this type of crime.

Crimes against property

• This category of crime occurs more often than any other crimes. Most involve stealing!


• The use of general rules of fairness, to settle conflicts.


• Case in which the court is asked to settle a dispute


• Money that is paid in an effort to make up for a loss.


• An order to do or not to do a certain act.

Criminal Law

Criminal or Civil Law?• Protects society by punishing people who

break the law.

Civil Law

Criminal or Civil Law?• Goal is to make a fair settlement and to place

responsibility where it belongs.

Civil Law

Criminal or Civil Law?• Deals with disputes between individuals,

organizations, or between the two.


• What do most domestic relations cases relate to?


• Legal agreements between buyers and sellers.

Probate cases

• Civil cases involving disagreements over how to divide up property of a friend or relative who has died.

Property Case

Which type of civil case?

• A car owner sues a repair shop if the car comes back with a new dent.

8th amendment

• Which amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment? 8th amendment

5th amendment

• Which amendment allows the accused due process (fair treatment), the right to a grand jury, and the right to not be forced to incriminate themselves?

6th amendment

• Which amendment gives the accused the right to a speedy and public trial, the right to a lawyer, and the right to be told what crimes they have been charged with?

Property disputes

• Which of the following is not associated with criminal law?

• Theft, property disputes, robbery, murder


• A civil lawsuit begins with a ___________, a legal document that charges someone with having caused harm.


• Defendant’s written response to a complaint.


• Court order to produce a witness or document.


• Process of gathering evidence before a trial.


• Order to appear in court

1. Investigation/warrant2. Arrest3. Initial Hearing4. Trial5. Sentencing6. Appeal

Correctly order the steps in a criminal trial.• Appeal• initial hearing• arrest• investigation/warrant• sentencing• trial.

Foreign Policy

• a government’s plan for relating to other nations; this plan outlines the goals it hopes to meet in its relations with other countries.

Foreign Aid

• a program of giving military and economic help to other countries.


• the relations and communications carried out between countries

Summit Meeting

• gathering at which the President talks about important issues related to foreign policy with heads of other governments.


• to stop or limit trade with another nation in order to change its behavior


• information about another country and what its government plans to do


• formal agreements between countries that must be followed


• an attack or threat of attack by another country


• Keeping a strong defense to discourage aggression by other nations.


• The _______________ defense argues that since the individual was intoxicated on a toxic substance, he/she should not be fully responsible for the actions committed while under the spell of the substance.


• The _______________ defense implies that the individual was not of sane mind when committing the alleged crime and unable to comprehend the consequences of his or her actions.

Self Defense

• Type of defense that involves the act of protecting an individual person or one’s family from harm.

More than 1 million!

• How many lawsuits are filed by Americans every year?

To prevent war and protect the United States.

• What is the main goal of our military?


True or False?• Damages make up for past injuries, while

injunctions prevent future harm.



• Lawsuits often take a long time to settle.

False-They are often very lengthy and expensive!!


• Civil trials are often inexpensive.