Download - Springvale Water Treatment Project - Centennial Coal€¦ · Water Transfer System (WTS): ... Placement of any outstanding orders for equipment and materials. Water Transfer System

Page 1: Springvale Water Treatment Project - Centennial Coal€¦ · Water Transfer System (WTS): ... Placement of any outstanding orders for equipment and materials. Water Transfer System

Springvale Water Treatment Project

SSD 7592

Progress Report #5

19 September 2018

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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 5

1 Project Status ..................................................................................................... 6

1.1 Works Completed during Reporting Period ................................................. 6

1.2 Works Proposed for Upcoming Year ........................................................... 7

1.3 Identified Potential Delays and Mitigation Measures ................................... 7

2 Reporting ........................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Report Access ............................................................................................. 8

3 Site Photos ......................................................................................................... 9

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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


Introduction SSD 7592, for the Springvale Water Treatment Project, was granted to Springvale Coal Pty Limited on the 19

th of June 2017 by the Planning Assessment Commission (under delegation

from the Minister of Planning). Veolia Australia & New Zealand (Veolia) have been engaged as the construction and operations contractor to carry out the Springvale Water Treatment Project (Project) for MP Water, who are contracted to Springvale SK Kores Pty Limited, Centennial Springvale Pty Limited (together, the Springvale Joint Venturers) and EnergyAustralia NSW Pty Ltd (EnergyAustralia) for that purpose. The approved Project encompasses the following major elements:

A mine water transfer system with sufficient hydraulic capacity to allow transfer of 42 ML/day of dewatered mine water from the existing mine water Booster Station 2, forming part of the approved dewatering facilities on the Newnes Plateau, to the Mt Piper Power Station (MPPS) site;

A new water treatment plant at MPPS incorporating desalination processes to reduce the salinity in mine water to a standard suitable for either industrial reuse or environmental release;

Transfer of treated water from the water treatment plant for use in the MPPS cooling water system;

Infrastructure to allow pumping of excess treated water to Thompsons Creek Reservoir;

Disposal of residuals from the pre-treatment process in the reject emplacement area (REA) at the Springvale Coal Services site;

Transfer of the saline brine stream to the MPPS for integration with existing fly ash and brine disposal practices; and

Installing a crystalliser to provide further treatment of the additional salt load generated within the MPPS cooling water blowdown system.

The NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) issued a modification application (SSD 7592 MOD1) for the Project on 12 January 2018. The changes to the Project as a result of the modification include an amended brine management process, a change to the pond strategy, additional hydraulic controls and minor changes to the pipeline alignments and an increase in the estimated peak construction workforce.

On the 16th of April 2018, DPE approved a request to extend the construction hours for the

Water Treatment Project. The approval was in relation to:

Extended construction hours for the Water Transfer System works over a 48hour period to complete horizontal directional drilling at the Wolgan Road drill site.

Extended construction hours (24hours, 7 days a week) at the Water Treamtnet Facility as required, to ensure the Project is completed within the approved timeframe (June 2019).

In accordance with Schedule 4, Condition 7 of SSD 7592 (as modified), reproduced below in Table 1, this progress report has been prepared to address the requirements of this condition.

The reporting period covers the period between the 20th of June 2018 to 19

th of September

2018 (Reporting Period).

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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


Table 1: Condition Requirements

Condition No.

Requirement Section Addressed

7 Progress Reporting

The Applicant must monitor the status of the development and submit a quarterly progress report to the Secretary. The report must:


(a) be submitted within 3 months of 19 June 2017 and every 3 months thereafter until the operation of the Water Treatment Plant;


(b) describe the development (including any construction) that was carried out in the past 3 months, and the development that is proposed to be carried out over the next year;



(c) identify any potential delays and describe measures to ensure that the Water Treatment Plant is operational by 1 July 2019; and


(d) be made publicly available on the Applicant’s website; 2.1

to the satisfaction of the Secretary. Noted

1 Project Status

1.1 Works Completed during Reporting Period

During the Reporting Period the progress made is as follows:


The detailed design is nearing completion allowing other delayed contingent work

components to be progressed;

Model review and design workshops are mostly complete with all relevant outcomes

defined and being incorporated into the completed models; and

Veolia has reached 91% completion in the detailed design, for issue to construction

subcontractor, Abergeldie, for supply and installation.

Water Treatment Facility (WTF):

Detailed excavation to pile caps complete;

Concrete works are ongoing with completion planned for September 2018;

Underground services pits and conduits completion planned for September 2018;

Process drainage installation is commenced and progressing to completion;

Installation of a fire main complete;

Deliveries of equipment for the WTF are progressing; and

Installation of the equipment for the WTF is ongoing with interconnections to


Water Transfer System (WTS):

Pipe deliveries complete;

Vegetation clearing and grubbing of the pipe corridor in Zones from 0 to 4 and 6


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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


Vegetation clearing and grubbing of the pipe corridor in Zone 5 has commenced and

is progressing;

Erosion and sediment controls are progressively being installed along the pipeline

construction corridor. The erosion and sediment controls regularly monitored and

maintained for them to work properly, and effectively minimise sediment pollution;

Directional boring of pipeline under Castlereagh Highway and Coxs River complete.

The pipe has been pulled back through the final borehole to complete installation of

the WTS section in Zone 3;and

Installation of the pipeline for WTS sections in Zone 2 and Zone 6 are complete.


Procurement packages cumulatively ordered at 80% complete.

1.2 Works Proposed for Upcoming Year

The following work is scheduled to be completed in the forward 12 month period:

Engineering and Procurement

Completion of remaining final detail design; and

Placement of any outstanding orders for equipment and materials.

Water Transfer System (WTS)

Installation of the WTS sections in Zones 0,1,4,5;

Joining and hydrotesting of all of the WTS sections;

Installation of fibre optic communication cable for pipeline monitoring;

Rehabilitation of the disturbed areas; and

Pre-commissioning and commissioning of the WTS.

Water Treatment Facility (WTF)

The remaining electrical design;

The final remaining detail design;

Interconnecting pipelines to the power station water systems;

Receipt of all process equipment and installation;

Installation of switchboards and power supplies;

Piping and cabling installation and connections;

Installation of buildings, offices and associated infrastructure; and

Pre-commissioning and commissioning of the WTF.

1.3 Identified Potential Delays and Mitigation Measures

Recent reviews of the project schedule have highlighted actual and potential slippages

against contracted construction completion dates. This has been driven by refinements to the

WTF configuration, which has effected completion of detailed design activities and

construction requirements more broadly. To mitigate the delay risk Veolia has engaged

external specialist assistance within project delivery to enhance and increase the capability of

its team to successfully deliver the works. Initial reviews have highlighted the opportunity to

bring forward completion of underground services and completion of all civil works to provide

a clear access to maximise productive installation of the Mechanical and Electrical packages.

Additionally, the construction sequencing is being modified to maximise the approved benefit

available through increased construction and commissioning hours (shift-work and 7-day

operation). Agreements are in place between Veolia and its major contractor which have

streamlined communications and workflow, enabling critical fabrication and pipe-spooling

works to be fast-tracked from newly available design information.

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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


The project forward schedule is being reviewed to incorporate a range of strategies to allow

increased work-fronts and parallel activities than originally anticipated due to the design

complexity and procurement delays. The impact of these strategies will be confirmed within

the next quarterly report as all Design and Procurement activities are finalised.

2 Reporting

A timeline of reporting under Schedule 4, Condition 7 of SSD 7592 is tabulated below.

Table 2: Reporting Submissions

Progress Report #

Date Prepared By Distribution

- 19 June 2017 NA – SSD 7592 Granted.

1 19 September 2017 Springvale Coal Pty Limited DPE, Veolia, Centennial website

2 19 December 2017 Springvale Coal Pty Limited DPE, Veolia, Centennial website, Energy Australia, SSKK

3 19 March 2018 Springvale Coal Pty Limited DPE, Veolia, Centennial website, Energy Australia, SSKK

4 19 June 2018 Springvale Coal Pty Limited DPE, Veolia, Centennial website, Energy Australia, SSKK

5 19 September 2018 Springvale Coal Pty Limited DPE, Veolia, Centennial website, Energy Australia, SSKK

2.1 Report Access

Progress Reports can be located on the Centennial website, located at the following website address:

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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


3 Site Photos

Project Construction Zones

WTS installation completed – Zone 2

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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


WTS installation in progress – Zone 4

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) under Castlereagh Highway and Coxs River complete – Zone 3

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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


Water Treatment Facility – Site Overview

Water Treatment Facility – Installation of Crystalliser unit complete

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September 2018 – Progress Report #5 for SSD 7592 Springvale WTP


Water Treatment Facility – RO Building Installation

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Springvale Coal Pty Ltd

P O Box 198

Wallerawang NSW 2845