Download - Spring Programme 2020...t y Church Road, Westbury-on-Trym, BS EQ. 1 Spring Programme 2020 at Elsie riggs House t y Church Road, Westbury-on-Trym Bristol BS z EQ • 0117 950 7242 Email:

Page 1: Spring Programme 2020...t y Church Road, Westbury-on-Trym, BS EQ. 1 Spring Programme 2020 at Elsie riggs House t y Church Road, Westbury-on-Trym Bristol BS z EQ • 0117 950 7242 Email:


For Spring Programme Events, please see overleaf and mark the

number of places required for each event on list


Phone No:_____________________________

Email address: _____________________________________

or Postal address:



I enclose a cheque £________. (Helpful but not required to book)

Either copy, paste and return by email to:

[email protected]

or post to:

The Warden,

The Well, Centre for Spirituality,

at Elsie Briggs House,

38 Church Road,

Westbury-on-Trym, BS9 3EQ.


Spring Programme


at Elsie Briggs House

38 Church Road, Westbury-on-Trym

Bristol BS9 3EQ • 0117 950 7242

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Spring Programme 2020...t y Church Road, Westbury-on-Trym, BS EQ. 1 Spring Programme 2020 at Elsie riggs House t y Church Road, Westbury-on-Trym Bristol BS z EQ • 0117 950 7242 Email:


The Well, Centre for Spirituality

at Elsie Briggs House

The Well, Centre for Spirituality, is based in Elsie Briggs House,

originally a 15th century hall house, next to the Parish Church in

Westbury-on-Trym. It has been a place of ecumenical, contemplative

prayer since 1991 after Dr Elsie Briggs left the House to the Bristol


In her booklet about the House, Linda Hall says: “Elsie Briggs

House is an important survival from the medieval period and is unu-

sually complete.” We welcome visitors to see the House and are open

during the Westbury Fair, Bristol Doors Open Day and by arrange-

ment with the Warden at other times.

We welcome everyone from wherever they come to contempla-

tive spirituality in a medieval setting. We are ecumenical, open-

minded and use imaginative spiritual practices. The weekly and

monthly various regular groups of contemplative prayer are on pages

3-5. Special Events are on pages 8 & 9.

For further information about using the House for a group a

quiet day or short retreat, see page 7.

“Old Man’s Beard”

Photo by Sue Heap taken during

“Seeing The Light In Life”

Photography Day with

Rev’d Steve Radley


Events marked: * in the Programme, are events which are being held at The

Well but are not part of the House Programme. For details and to book for

the event, please use the name and contact details given in the Programme


There is no need to book for regular events in the Programme, just

come. Please book early for House Events:


Date of Event: Title of Event: Suggested No. of

Donation ** Places .

25th Jan “Moses, Mysticism and

the Mountain”

With Ann Conway-Jones £20.00 _____

Sat. 22nd Feb “Just before Lent begins…”

A Quiet Day

with Frances Henley Lock £20.00 _____


Sat. 21st March “Touching Silence in Mind and Body”

With Jacqueline Evans £20.00 _____

Sat. 28th March Jewish Prayer and Meditation

with Valerie Russell Emmott and

Nicky Spencer-Hutchings £15.00 _____


The Spring Term ends: 4th April and the Summer Term begins: 19th April, 2020

For all events marked: “£” No-one should be prevented from at-

tending any of these events for financial reasons. If any of these

suggested donations** pose a problem, please give a donation

according to your means. If you are able to offer more, you will

be helping to fund future events.

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Yes, it has been a long time a-coming but is not far off now. We have

heard that work will begin on 6th January and last for three or four weeks.

This does mean that the House will be closed, probably, for the whole of Janu-

ary. It may be possible to find alternative venues for weekly/monthly activi-

ties and we will help the leaders of these groups, in any way we can.

Many thanks to each person who has contributed in any way - and there

have been many ways - towards the money needed for the Upgrade and for

the patience that’s been needed when nothing has happened for ages.


As part of the Village festivities, the House will be open for visitors dur-

ing the day. If you have not been to The Well before, this is a quieter oppor-

tunity than during Doors Open Day! We will probably have the ladder down

so that folk may see the medieval rafters, not usually able to be seen. If the

weather co-operates, it may be possible to sit in the garden with refreshments.

Bricks/volunteers would be very welcome during

the day for a variety of jobs and for as long as you feel

able; even an hour can make a big difference to re-

lieve the Bricks who are with you.


On several Sunday afternoons in JUNE and

JULY w e w ill serve traditional CREAM TEAS,

hopefully, as we have so often, in the garden where the summer flowers and

foliage will be looking wonderful. Keep an eye out for dates in the Summer


Again, Bricks to serve teas and scones would be really welcome, with

the reward of a Cream Tea.

All these events give opportunities to meet other members of the Com-

munity at The Well. See Page 10 for more information about the Community

at The Well.


Weekly Programme The House offers a regular programme of events that encourages ex-

ploration of the contemplative tradition. All groups are open to any-

one who might be interested.


2:00pm – 3:00pm THE JULIAN MEETING

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, beginning on 7th January.. A time of silence with a

short reading at the beginning and the end of the silence. Contact Sue Heap

for details on: 0117 973 3866.

3:00pm – 5:00pm OPEN AFTERNOON

A chance to meet people and get to know the House. All are welcome to en-

joy the House, Garden, Library and a cuppa. House will be open on 7th Jan-


5:00pm – 6:00pm SHARED SILENCE

An hour of meditative silence, come for as long as you like, a few minutes or

the hour.


*7:15pm-8:45pm CENTERING PRAYER

Weekly in term time. Beginning 8th January. Last session of term: 1st April.

Based on the teaching of Thomas Keating. Newcomers, please come on the

first Wednesday of the month, when we offer a short introduction to the

method of Centering Prayer. For details, contact: Emma Lanham: 0117

908 6884 or Julia Richmond on: 0117 942 6128.



SILENT VIGIL FOR PEACE & HEALING OF CONFLICT Every week, from 9th Jan. To hold the fear of a worried world in Light &

Love. Everyone is welcome from all faiths and none. Come for a few

minutes or the hour. Bring a prayer book, beads, prayer mats or just your-

self; what-ever will help you in the silence. Contact the Warden: 0117 950

7242 or [email protected] .

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8:00pm-9:00pm CHRISTIAN MEDITATION (WCCM) Every week from 9th Jan. Based on teaching from the Desert tradition and

the work of John Main OSB. Contact: Caroline Price on: 07786 934687

or [email protected]



14th Jan, 11th Feb, 10th March

Using an Iona-style format, we come together to pray for healing for those

who have asked our prayers, for the world and for ourselves. Prayer petitions

may be added to baskets in Quiet Room or Kitchen. More info on page 6.


Usually, the first Wednesday of each month:

8th Jan: The Well – Catherine Chanter

5th Feb: The Sealwoman's Gift – Sally Magnusson

4th Mar: The Resurgence Magazine—we have copies

1st Apr: The Water Thief – Claire Hajaj

Contact Penny De Lacy on: 0117 942 3952 or email:

[email protected] £3.00


29th Jan, 26th Feb, 25th March

Usually, the last Wednesday of the month. The purpose of Film Night is to share

the experience of a film that has been selected because of its spiritual or ethi-

cal theme, we then offer our reactions and insights to one another. This is

preceded with a shared supper and so a sense of a community is forged.

Contact Katy Staples: [email protected] £6.00


wells and you know that most often they are built of bricks, to make

the well strong and maintain its shape. If you are wondering how you

could contribute to strengthening and maintaining The Well, would you

consider being a Brick - a volunteer - at The Well?

The jobs are many and varied and can be swapped, so no-one has to feel

they are stuck with one job forever. These are some of the roles for which

we need Bricks:

Open Days: Bristol Doors Open Day

Westbury Fair

Cream Teas and other Events

Contacting Friends and Supporters:

Emailing Programmes, termly; leaflets as needed

Mail copies of Programmes as needed

Preparation of Programme:



Distributing Programmes and Leaflets to other places


(Making beds and washing linen)


Watering and caring for the House plants

Sewing jobs—repairs, mostly

Small handy-person jobs


A variety of jobs all year round for experienced and novice

gardeners or those who just want to be Garden Bricks.

In return, as a Thank You, we can offer Bricks a 10% discount

on all The Well events when booking.

If being a Brick appeals to you, please contact Vicki Thomas on

[email protected] or 0117 968 6561.

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The Friends of Elsie Briggs House

Since 1998, the Friends of Elsie Briggs House (registered charity

number 1064760) have supported the House with voluntary practical

help and by regular financial contributions. They have often raised

money for major maintenance work on the fabric of our 15th century


They also own and maintain the cottage (39 Church Road). This

provides free accommodation for the warden.

Many people already support the Friends on a regular basis, for

which we are extremely grateful. Others, including many who come to

the House regularly, are hardly aware of their existence.

We would like to welcome more of you as Friends. As the

Friends are a charity, it is possible to Gift Aid donations to The Well,

which enables us to increase the value of a donation by 25%. The sug-

gested subscription is £25.00 but please give a subscription of what-

ever you can afford.

If you are interested in becoming a Friend, please let Frances

know, and we will send details, or pick up a yellow form in the kitchen

when you next come to visit.

Be a Brick at The Well - an essential part of what we are

Many people have given their time and energy over the years to help

make The Well at Elsie Briggs House the special place it is today and we

are very grateful to each of them.

We are now appealing to those who may not have helped in the past

but may have more time to give now. You have probably seen pictures of


THURSDAYS 30th Jan, 27th Feb, 26th March

6:45pm—7:45pm RELAXATION FOR LIVING and more

Relaxation tools for stress-free living. Easy ways to feel relaxed, energised

and in control, to enable meditation, prayer and daily life. Led by qualified

RFL practitioner, Hilary Milsom, who will teach simple, fun exercises for

everyday use.

Contact Hilary: email: [email protected] £6.00

FRIDAYS 7:45pm for 8:00pm TAIZÉ PRAYER

1st Friday of the month. Beginning on 10th Jan., Taize Prayer is a time of

songs, readings and intercessory prayer. Contact Richard Rigby for details

on: 0117 904 9813 £3.00


*18th Jan, 15th Feb, 14th March


Come to one, some or all. Led by qualified practitioner Vicki Thomas. Take

time out of busy lives to learn valuable skills for calming the mind and self-

acceptance. Contact: Vicki 07985075295 [email protected]


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An Iona-style format for:

A Time of Prayer For Healing

This time of prayer for healing reflects our belief that, as expressed

in Jesus’s life and teaching, God’s purpose is a life of wholeness for everyone.

Recognising that we all stand in need of healing; through this time

of prayer we include the healing of divided communities and nations, and

the healing of the earth itself, alongside the healing of broken bodies, hurt

minds and wounded hearts, as well as the hurts and divisions within our-

selves. This time of prayer is complementary to all forms of healing and the

work of traditional medicine, all are being used for God’s loving purpose.

We invite anyone to bring the names of particular people, places or

situations for prayer during this time. There will be paper and pens for pray-

er requests to be added to baskets kept in the Quiet room and Kitchen for the

time of prayer for healing. Each person, each place or situation is already

known to God but by bringing them to the time of prayer, we focus our at-

tention on God’s love being brought into the prayer request. God can’t be

changed by our prayer but through God’s love we seek to change the world.

We do not know or understand how our prayer will be answered or when,

but we trust God that they will be answered.

During the time of prayer, those who wish to receive or share in the

act of laying on of hands, will have the opportunity to come forward. The

prayer can be for those present and those absent or for situations. This work

is for the whole Christian community, not restricted to certain individuals.

All who are present are part of the healing process and purpose of God’s

healing and life-giving love for each of us.

A Time of Prayer For Healing takes place on Tuesday evenings from

7:15pm for 7:30pm this term on: 14th Jan, 11th Feb and 10th March.

Everyone is welcome.

This approach is inspired by the Iona Community, and material from the Iona Abbey Worship Book (published by Wild Goose Publications - is used by permission.


If you would like to write something for this page, a line or a para-

graph, about why The Well is important to you in some way, we can publish it

in future Programmes and it would help, I hope, to maintain and strengthen

the sense of Community at The Well.

Here are two to start with:

“Thoughts on The Well Garden in November It is chilly but dry and the sky is all-over blue. The time of leaf-harvest - cher-

ry red, oak brown, lime yellow - glorious colour everywhere. There are au-

tumn leaves in abundance - on the grass, the flower-beds and the paths, in

the containers, clogging the gutters and the drains - some already feeding a

variety of worms. I rake them together and bag them as my part in their

transformation into mulch. I love this space. It reminds me of Wordsworth's

description of the skylark ' True to the kindred points of Heaven and Home' -

a safe haven but open to the sky. Open also to view by passers-by on the path

from car park to Church Road. Open to everyone who chooses to visit wheth-

er the individual retreatant or the hundred people who arrive on Open Doors


But for now I am alone here. An ambulance siren calls out on the road to

Southmead Hospital and the angelus bell sounds from the church linking pre-

sent time to the Middle Ages when the bell was made. The garden has lost its

colour hidden in shades of grey. It's time to go home.”

Sue Heap

“A Spiritual Home

“I've been part of The Well community now for 4 years and it has become

a spiritual home for me. Both the house itself, which seems to have

peace and prayerfulness in its very fabric, and the community of people

I meet there on a Tuesday open afternoon for tea and silent meditation, give

me nourishment for my soul and spiritual life. It is also a real

privilege to be able to share my Mindfulness and Compassion practices

with people there once a month and the space and peacefulness that The

Well has in its walls - gives a wonderful environment and atmosphere to

the healing sessions we have there - the participants feel this too and com-

ment on it.”

Vicki Thomas


Warden at The Well

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The Community at The Well

You may not see The Well as ‘a Community’, it is not a residential

place, it is not a place where people gather together as a ‘Community’, to have

meals or prayer together specifically. Yet more and more there appears to me

to be a dispersed community coming together. The groups that come to the

House are separate, each comes at a specific time and leaves, often without

encountering anyone other than those in their group. There are, also, the

regular individual people who come for Quiet Days or Quiet Time. All of the

groups and people could go to different places. Yet it seems that each group

and person comes to The Well because it is The Well at Elsie Briggs House.

That is the common denominator.

Alongside all the activities, there are more people coming to the House be-

cause they are lonely. Coming to The Well on Tuesday afternoons or any of

the groups, is a safe way of being with other people, without being questioned

or judged.


Rodger and



serving teas


Doors Open


Each individual for whatever reason they come, brings something to

The Well and, hopefully, takes away more than that for which they came.

Often people talk about the sense of presence, the silence and the peace of the

House and each of those who come contributes to that. For me that’s where

the sense of community arises. All make a contribution - which is invisible

and silent - but significant to The Well, linking us with invisible threads,

making a deeper connection, in my view, with the Community at The Well.

. Maybe there could be a reason or opportunity to gather together at

some point, to meet each other in person. That’s not the purpose of The

Community; it is the recognition that whoever comes to the House is a part of

something bigger than the group or themselves, and, by their presence, con-

tributes to enlarging the Community.



Coming To The Well

Individuals and groups seeking a place for quiet days and silent retreat

are very welcome, by arrangement with the Warden. Overnight accommoda-

tion is also possible for one or two people.

The House consists of an ancient Quiet Room, a light and airy meeting

room upstairs and a well-stocked Library. We hope, soon, to have completed

the refurbishment of the kitchen and bathroom, to bring the facilities up to a

good standard. The lovely garden has interest all year, cared for by hard-

working and dedicated Bricks/volunteers, and is part of the Quiet Garden


We don’t have a charge for coming for a day or for staying. We do sug-

gest a donation but no-one should be prevented from coming for financial

reasons. If a suggested donation poses a problem, please give a donation ac-

cording to your means. If you are able to offer more, you will be helping to

fund the future of The Well.

For further details about any of the House events at The Well or if you would

like to spend time in the House or come with your group, please get in touch.

Contact the Warden: email: [email protected] or

telephone: 0117 950 7242

Getting to know the House … Come and visit the House on a Tuesday after-

noon. You will be most welcome to join us for a cuppa and chat, in the gar-

den, if it’s fine, or in the warmth of the kitchen, if the weather is cooler.


The Well is Affiliated to these organisations:

Retreat Association, offers listings of retreat centres throughout the UK.

The Quiet Garden Movement. Large and small gardens open for contempla-

tion and renewal.

Small Pilgrim Places Network (SPPN) a national organisation promoting

quiet places in which to pray or be.

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09:30am for 10:00am—4:00pm


Led by Ann Conway-Jones

Come and discover how Moses’ experiences on Mount Sinai relate to the

practice of prayer and contemplation. We will explore Moses’ journey into

darkness; the elders’ vision of a sapphire pavement; God’s refusal to reveal

the divine face; and Moses’ glorious transformation. With the help of early

Christian mystics, who drew on difficulties in the biblical text to argue for a

higher, spiritual meaning, we will reflect on such questions as: What treas-

ures are hidden in darkness and silence? Where is God to be found? What do

we even mean by ‘God’? How might prayer transform us? £20.00


09:30am for 10:00am—4:00pm


Led by Frances Henley Lock It’s not long since we celebrated Christmas and in the coming week will start

the journey to Easter. It’s often said that Jesus took time away to a quiet

place. Maybe we need to do the same and find Jesus and ourselves in the

ordinary before starting the pilgrimage of Lent. The day will have some

input, time for reflection and experiential opportunities. £20.00




led by Peter Crowe and Samantha Cairns

.Designed for those wishing to forge a meaningful path through, what Keats

called, “the vale of soul-making”, this course is for people seeking greater self-

expression, more fulfilling connections and a deeper sense of purpose in their

lives. The four-day intensive offers a transformative and enriching opportuni-

ty for personal development and spiritual discovery through a programme

that encourages embracing potentiality, opening to possibility, and exploring

creative insights and inspiration. Contact Peter 07543225011 or

email: [email protected] £320 including £50 deposit



09:30am for 10:00am—4:00pm “TOUCHING SILENCE IN MIND AND BODY”

Led by Jacqueline Evans .

Jacqueline is an Alexander Technique teacher for whom Alexander princi-

ples profoundly deepen the experience of meditation. On this day retreat she

will be teaching techniques for rediscovering your inherent ease and free-

dom, which help to calm breathing and quieten your mind, both on and off

the meditation mat or chair. You will discover ways of touching into Silence

as you go about your life. £20.00

Some of the Book Group, which meets on 1st Wednesdays



2:30pm—5:00pm Please note the time .EXPLORING JEWISH MEDITATION AND CHANT .

An experiential afternoon where we will learn about how to embody some of the central Jewish daily prayers through gentle movement, chanting, and silent meditation. Co -led by Valerie Russell Emmott and Nicky Spencer-Hutchings. Both are students of Jewish and other spiritual traditions, and are lay service leaders and members of Bristol and West Progressive Jewish Congregation ( in Easton.