Download - Speechless in the RGV, Issue #1


This issue is a reflection of what our students from the Rio Grande Valley

Cover Art by Nora Martinez

2011-2012 Semester I

Issue 1

In the Rio Grande Valley

Speechless in the Rio Grande Valley INTRODUCTION Speechless is the Rio Grande Valley’s creative writing & art magazine. This is an opportunity for the

Rio Grande Valley of South Texas to showcase its young artists. Art is subjective and means

something different to every person. It is in a constant state of change, so you can never really pin

down what it is other than thought provoking.

Bullying: Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to

another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.

The research and quotes in this issue were taken directly from LJISD Olweus Bullying Prevention

Program, OBPP.

“Thank you RGV for providing us with the knowledge to prepare and defend ourselves.”

Speechless would like to thank Mr. Jaime Garcia for letting his students express

themselves through this magazine, along with the entire San Benito Art Department,

La Joya ISD, and STC for continuing to introduce the Rio Grande Valley artists to

our community.

Speechless NOTE:

Speechless will be coming out every semester. No work

or any part of this issue may be reproduced (quoted,

copied, photographed, videotaped, or broadcasted) without

the written consent of the artist or writer.

All letters to the editor are welcomed; however, please

limit the length of each letter to one double-spaced page of

which some may be published in our next issue with your

consent. Include your name and e-mail address.

We are always looking for submissions. Please e-mail

art, photography, and writing along with your contact

information. For more information on Speechless contact

E. Noyola, by e-mail. [email protected]


The Bullying Issue

Issue # 1

Spring 2011

Speechless members at large:

Garcia, Jaime, Art Director

Leon, Luis, Art Editor

Noyola, Esmeralda, Chief Editor

Tapuro, Marco, Art Editor

The views reflected within this issue do

not represent the views of Speechless in

the Rio Grande Valley; in fact, the views

expressed by any speaker or character

in any statement, poem, drawing, pho-

to, painting, or short story do not

necessarily reflect the views of anyone.

This is an artistic and abstract

expression of the artists and writers.

This is art.



It’s difficult to believe how incredibly difficult it has

been to put out this issue. The concept of Speechless

has been around for three years, but has grown from a

high school publication to something that can no

longer be contained. This semester it has branched

out. Contributing students from La Joya ISD,

McAllen ISD, Mercedes ISD, and San Benito ISD,

have made this magazine what it is today. If it wasn’t

for the students and dedicated teachers of the Rio

Grande Valley this magazine would not be possible.

Speechless got it’s first start in Mercedes High

School in Mercedes, Texas in 2008-2009 thanks to

Mr. De Anda and Ms. Gutierrez both supporting an

outrageous idea and the student body for being so en-


This new edition of Speechless Rio Grande Valley

will feature art work and writing from students, artist,

and writers from all over the Rio Grande Valley in

the online magazine format.

Speechless in the Rio Grande Valley would like to

thank you for helping us spread the word that there is

talent in the RGV.

Thank you,

Esmeralda Noyola, Chief Editor

Speechless in the RGV


Page 2 SPEECHLESS Artwork by Marco Cortez

Cover Art by Nora Martinez ~~~~~~~~~~~ Cover

Artwork by Marco Cortez ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 2 Contempt by Marco Tapuro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 11

No Fear by Gustavo Martinez ~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 2 Ran Over by Juan Mora ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 11

Passive by Marco Tapuro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 3 Not Worth the Pay Back

Space by Marco Tapuro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 3 by Marco Guajardo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 11

Artwork by Elva Treviño ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 3 New Playmate by Fernando Ramirez III ~~~~~ Page 12

Artwork by Marco Tapuro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 4 DEPS by Aaron Cantu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 12

Drawing by Humberto Gonzalez ~~~~~~~~~ Page 5 Puppy Love by Dalia Davila ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 12

Bullied by Gustavo Martinez ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 5 Snapped by Juan Herrera ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 12

STOP! by Julie Scoggins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 5 Quote by Hector Gutierrez ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 12

Bully Demo by JL ACE ELA Students ~~~~~ Page 5 Pencil by Eduardo Ortega ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 13

Bully Buss by Luis Leon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 6 Mexico by Marco Guajardo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 13

I’m a Punk by JL ACE student ~~~~~~~~~~ Page 6 “M” by Eduardo Velazquez ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 13

Quote by Albert Hernandez, Luis Leon, I Have Arrived by Marco Tapuro ~~~~~~~~~ Page 13

& anonymous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 6 Artwork by Juan Herrera ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 13

Why? By Aaron Cantu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 6 Freshman by Javier Garza ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Page 14

Brother by Javier Garza ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 7 Mine by Juan Herrera ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 14

Art by Adan Garza ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 7 Bullying by Teresa Rosalez ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 14

Monochromatic Blue Flash By Alexis Ramos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 14

by Humberto Gonzalez ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 7 World Domination By Comps ~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 15

Art by Liliana Martinez ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 7 In My Head by Marco Tapuro ~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 15

Talk At Her by Gabby Zumaya ~~~~~~~~~~ Page 7 Whispers by Ruby Red ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 15

Support by Robert Armendariz ~~~~~~~~~~ Page 8 Alone by Alexis Ramos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 15

Family by JL ACE student ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 8 Artwork by Elizelda Reyes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 16

Down by Fernando Ramirez III ~~~~~~~~~~ Page 8 Wacky by Alexis Ramos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 16

A Good Look by Aaron Cantu ~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 8 Chango By Julian Cisneros ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 16

So Funny by Aaron Cantu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 9 Green Monster by Yesenia Aldana-Cruz ~~~~ Page 16

Bouquet by Dalia Davila ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 9 Monsters by Luis Leon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 16

You’re Dumb by Luis Leon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 9 Annoying by Elizelda Reyes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 17

El Pato by Monica Rodriguez ~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 9 Writing on Walls by Ruby Red ~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 17

Take Just One Step by Eduardo Velazquez Page 10 Artwork by Joe Miranda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 17

What? By Juan Herrera ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 10 Fab by Azaret Saenz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 17

Just Deserts by Osvaldo Davila ~~~~~~~~~~ Page 10 Artwork by Dalia Davila ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 18

Artwork by Liliana Martinez ~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 10 I'm Gonna Be Me by Ruby Red ~~~~~~~~~~ Page 18

Hope By Luis Jesus Rodriguez ~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 11 Johnny by Aron David Garza ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 19

Panda by Dalia Davila ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 19

Joy by Alexandra Y. Hernandez ~~~~~~~~~~ Page 20

Burnt by Joshua Mena ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 20

Juan Salinas former graduate and cover artist ~ Page 19


No Fear

Future is the new opportunity, every minute, every second

Gotta keep checking which track I'm heading in

Headin’ with

Power and strength there’s no limit I will take

I’m strong

I'm young

I’m the one who time chases

Low-on the chase

I feel the masses of weight that this life gives,

but I ain’t afraid

I sit back and enjoy my steak

Love to my family and friends

Trust nobody check the clock

Boi cuz time stops for nobody

Behave, lay back, and enjoy life, buddy.

By Gustavo Martinez Passive by Marco Tapuro

Space by Marco Tapuro Artwork by Elva Treviño


“The greatest glory consists not in never failing, but in rising eve-

ry time we fall.” ~Vincent Van Gogh

Major components of bullying:

(What are the parts of bullying?)

1st, it is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions.

2nd, bullying typically involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time.

3rd, it involves an imbalance of power or strength.

School Rules About Bullying

We will not bully others.

We will try to help students who are bullied.

We will try to include students who are left out.

If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school

and at home.

© The Olweus Bullying Prevention Group, 2010

Artwork by

Marco Taputo



When I started middle school, I began to get weird


“That’s an awesome shirt.” “Hey where do you

shop?” “What’s up with all of the black?” “Are you

like Emo?”

These types of judgments I took as a whatever

thing. I never cared what people said about me.

Why would I? I am a free spirit.

People, mostly guys, would pick on me in sixth

and seventh grade. I would feel like crap. When I

got to eighth grade and high school I turned into the

bomb. I’m me. I’m happy and I never wanna be

someone else. My life is full of fun.

Even as I get older I have some dreams I need to

fulfill, like own my own nightclub, learn,

professionalize in Disc Jocking (DJ), and

compose music. My life consists of music, so

much of it. I even keep my life as a song. Just

wait and see. One day my dreams will all come

true and all my problems will be gone. This is

my world. Cook it how you like it and all those

haters will be swept up in smoke.

By Gustavo Martinez

Juan Caudillo and Jose Luis Escamilla bully the

JL ACE Twinkies, Janelh and Giovanna Solis.

Art by Juan Tapuro

Artwork by Humberto Gonzalez

Artwork by Julie Scoggins

Cyber bulling is when someone is bothering you online.

This can be through e-mail, facebook, myspace, blogs, or

any postings online. If you wouldn’t say it in person

don’t say it online. Remember that anyone can see what

you put online. Even when you delete it, someone has seen

it. Be careful what you say online. Hurtful words can

escalate to deadly consequences.

Let’s stop cyber bullying altogether.


Bully Bus

My friend, Leo, was looking out the bus window and was pushed around.

All he was doing was looking out the window at nothing in particular and

someone thought he was looking at them. The guy called Leo out. Leo started

running his mouth from the safety of the bus. They argued for a bit.

When Leo got off the bus they guy followed him off. POW! The guy suck-

er punches Leo in the face! He started punching him repeatedly. I just

watched. The guy’s my age, 16, but Leo is 18. Leo was throwing punches

yelling at me.

“Yels, throw me corners.”

I feel terrible. I froze. I froze and my friend got his butt kicked. KICKED!

For a good 15 seconds it was punch after punch. My friend...Leo, was bleeding

on the floor with some jerk pounding on him. All because he was staring out

the window and didn’t want to look like a chump? So, he stood up for himself.

He stood up and I backed down.

By Luis Leon, YELS

I’m a Punk

I have to think about me.

“Come on get in the car. We’re gonna catch them

slipping and get them on the rebound.”

“Nah, I think I’m gonna book it to my house.”

He’s bigger than me. They’re all bigger than me.

I don’t want to be a punk,

but I don’t want to end up junk

thrown on the ER curb

From a moving low-rider.

By JL ACE student

What’s it called when someone who’s jumped

grabs his buddies and goes to find the people who

messed him up?

“I’d say it’s called revenge.” ~ Albert Hernandez

“Hey you, go hit’um up if your down.” ~ YELS

“Man, u tnk dr mkin fun of me? U tnk we squashed

da beef? Or is he gonna sucker punch me?” ~ Leo

“Home boy ain’t even here today, ay. He was too

scared he’d get some just for being a friend of Leo’s”

~ JL ACE Student

WHY?! By Arron Cantu



The most influential role model in my life would be my big brother, Eddie. The reason he

is such a huge influence on me is because he has had the roughest life and still he manages to

be the most positive and happiest person I know.

Throughout our childhood we lived a pretty normal life until one night on July 12 of 2008

my brother was in a horrible fire and burned 60% of his body. That was the day everything

changed for us. We stayed at the regional Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota for four

months. My brother was so happy, throughout his time in the hospital. He was glad that God

let him keep his life and continue to live in this wonderful earth, but that was not the last

tragedy that would happen to him. We later found out that the doctors had injured his throat

and he had to get a tube in his throat called a “trachea.” But, still that would not be the end.

He then went for surgery two years later to get the pipe removed, and one of the doctors

made a mistake on his dosage of anesthesia and one of his nerves burst from too much pres-

sure. To this day he remains paralyzed from his chest down but a happier and more outgoing

person there is none.

Eddie still has high hopes for the future. He has hopes of walking, running, and living life

again as he once did. This is why my brother is the person I admire the most.

By Javier Garza

Monochromatic Blue by Humberto Gonzalez

Art by Adan Garza

Talk At Her

Last week, I had an experience with bullying. I

a guy pushed a girl into a wall. I went to the

restroom when they were talking just outside it.

They seemed to be simply talking, but instantly

he pushed her hard and the girl fell down.

I thought they were playing

around, so I giggled a little uncomfortably. But

the guy was serious. He was talking at her

while she was on the floor.

“What did you do?”

I left to class.

By Gabby Zumaya

Artwork by Liliana Martinez


Support by Robert Armendariz

A Good Look by Aaron Cantu


How was she supposed to know?

He kept it on the down low.

The way he felt,

She just couldn’t tell.

“Tell her how you feel.”

His heart was always sincere.

He was filled with fear.

What would she say?

By Fernando Ramirez II

“The only thing constant in life is change.” ~ François de la Rochefoucauld

Dare to make a positive change.


There will always be haters.

There will always be someone that

intentionally goes out of their way

to make your life difficult.

“No me agas la vida de cuadritos.”

They’ll make your life a chess

board and leave you the pawn

looking for a night to save your


“I have my prince charming,

I have my family,

I have my friends.”

They can try to take your dignity,

but just leave theirs instead.

JL ACE student


You’re Dumb by Luis Leon, YELS

El Pato

I saw El Pato bully Erick. El Pato was

jealous that Erick talked to other girls. So,

El Pato started bullying Erick. “Go with

those girls.”

“No, baby, it’s not true.”

El Pato kissed Erick right in front of all the

school. She took his cheeks in her hands

and he took her face in his.

This random girl came up to Erick.

“Why are you with her?”

El Pato responded.

“I love him he’s mine.”

Question: Was El Pato bullying Erick?

Answer: No.

By Monica Rodriguez and inspired by Pat-

sy Rodriguez

So Funny

An experience I had with bullying was when

this kid,

Vlad, was getting hit with paper by another

guy in math class.

It was so funny. Everybody in the class was

laughing, but I

felt sorry for him. He could’t defend himself.

The other kid

was hitting him with wads of paper. Hitting

him and hitting

him. I laughed and I laughed.

By Aaron Cantu


Often times we see someone being pushed around or messed

with and we just sit back and join in a quick laugh at

a tortured kid’s expense.

Am I a bully if I laugh at someone being picked on?


Am I a bully if I am entertained by this?


Is there really anything I can do about it?


What if I become the target?

When you stand up together you’ll be safe.

By JL ACE students B

y A







What? By Juan Herrera

Re-imagined from Peyo’s The Smurfs

Take Just One Step

An experience I have had with bullying was

when I saw two boys that were stomping my

friends little brother’s backpack on his way

home from school. That day Juan’s little brother

was going home from school. He always passes

by my house every day after getting off the bus.

I didn’t go to school that day because I felt sick.

I felt sick looking at this kid just stand there

while they kicked his bag around.

I stepped up.

They stepped down.

Sometimes that’s all it takes.

By Eduardo Velazquez

By Liliana Martinez

My 5th Grade Just Deserts

An experience I have had with bullying was

when I was little, around 10-years-old. I was

in fifth grade and I liked to bully a lot this

chubby guy that sat right next to me. I used to

throw gum at him. I would hit him a lot and

make him cry. I could still remember when we

were doing a project he was almost finished

and I ripped it all up just for fun. So, I could

bully him anyway I wanted to, until one day in

P.E. class, I threw a rock at his eye and he

started crying and then he yelled at me, “I’m

going to kick your butt if you don’t stop

bothering me!” Later that same day, I had

found a frog and I took it to the reading class

where I bullied the chubby dude. Class started

and I threw the frog at him and I expected him

to yell or cry, but he didn’t. He got really

angry. I will never forget those moments of

danger. He got the frog, killed it with his

pencil, then he stood up, and picked up his

desk and threw it at me. He almost knocked

me down. It didn’t stop there. He came

running toward me and started stabbing me in

the face with the pencil he had killed the frog

with. He was all crazy because when the

pencil broke he carried the teacher’s desk and

threw it at me when I was on the floor. Then,

he gave me a few kicks and finally some

teachers stopped him from killing me. After

the three days of suspension passed, early in

the morning, I saw the chubby guy and I got

close to him to tell him I was not going to

bother him any more, but when he turned

around he got a knife out and pocked me in the

neck and started running. Then, all I

remember is being at the hospital. I learned a

lot from that experience. I will never bully an-

yone anymore.

By Osvaldo Davila

Many children and teens stay in “friendships” in which they are

subjected to continuous teasing and humiliation because they think

that this behavior is alright as long as they are part of the group. This

behavior is not ok. It’s difficult to walk away from a friendship and

risk being ostracized from a group, but spare yourself the humiliation

and surround yourself with people that respect you. Stand up for

yourself. Seek help, before you get pushed into oncoming traffic.


Contempt By Marco Tapuro

Not Worth the Pay Back by Marco Guajardo

Hope By Luis Jesus Rodriguez

Ran Over

An experience I’ve had with bullying

was when we would get out of school

we had a friend we always bullied. We

could tell that he would get embar-

rassed because of the face he would

make, red and pouty. When he would

just stay quiet we would tell him that

we were just messing around with him.

One day we were standing around in

my neighborhood and we pushed him

into an oncoming car that was passing

by. He started crying. He thought he

was going to get run over. Then, he

left home. But, he is still our friend

even if we did bully him around. He

knows. He knows.

By Juan Mora


DEPS by Aaron Cantu

Puppy Love by Dalia Davila


When I was in elementary school in

Mexico I experienced bullying for the

first time. My country is very different.

No one helped me there if someone was

bothering me. Every day, some guy

picked on me for my lunch. He was big-

ger than me and the biggest in the sixth

grade. Then, one day that he was going

for my lunch, I snapped. I don’t know

what happened. I started kicking him.

All types of kicks. After that, he never

touched me again. I don’t know what

ended up happening to that guy.

By Juan Herrera

New Playmate

You’re not the first

And surely not the last

To play me like a game

It’s a shame

I didn’t see it coming

I was blind

From all that lying

It was kinda nice

The game we played

You should have stayed

Instead you left

Don’t worry

I have a new playmate

By Fernando Ramirez III

“My friends are bullies. What am I gonna do? They are my

friends. That guy is just some guy.” ~ Hector Gutierrez


I have Arrived by Marco Tapuro

Mexico by Marco Guajardo

by Juan Herrera, Smurf


An experience I have had with bullying is with

my friends during lunch. Every time that they see

a guy that shall remain nameless, but starts with

an m, they start to bully him.

When these guys look at him they start laughing

and say bad things to him. Just because he’s from

another country and doesn't understand English

he is made fun of.

Honestly, I laugh also, not because it’s funny but

they look funny doing it.

By Eduardo Velazquez


Hey, Miss, may I borrow a pencil? “Sure.” Thank you. 20 min later. Knock Knock. Miss, may I borrow a pencil? “Another one?” El Pato took mine. “And you let her?” What can I do? She’s a girl. By Eduardo Ortega.


Stop Bullying by Teresa Rosalez

Mine by Juan Herrera, Smurf


The things you did to me in

the past

It came to me in

a flash'

and I felt like if I got shot in

the …

But now the game’s turned

Look who’s tortured now.

By Alexis Ramos


I think we’ve all experienced bullying.

When I was a freshman in high school I

was bullied.

I was bullied as a freshman because

I was very small and skinny. What no

one knew about me was that I had been

training in MMA since I was nine-

years-old I got into a lot of fights that

year. Usually bigger people tend to

want to fight someone smaller than

they are to make themselves feel better.

In my case they felt worse.

They were in for a big surprise.

When I would actually fight my bullies

they were stunned. I had trained for so

long to compete in fighting. I know

that those people will now think twice

before picking on someone just because

of their size.

By Javier Garza


Gossip by Ruby Red, JL ACE

All Alone

I used to love you, but now I don’t.

And here I sit all alone.

At least it’s better than having a low life gurl.

By Alexis Ramos

World Domination By Comps By Marco Tapuro

By Elizelda Reyes


Monsters by Luis Leon, Yels

Green Monster

On a Friday afternoon I saw

someone get bullied. I was playing

ball with my sister-in-law.

Everything was going right, but then

a guy named Raul was walking by

and he started to bully us. He started

to tell us things. “Why are you girls

playing here? This is my place .

“Who cares what he said?” We said

to ourselves. We started to play

again, then he started to throw rocks.

It was a bad day for us because Raul

is a bad guy to us and to the people

in my neighborhood. That’s why I

said Raul is a bully. I’m never going

to forget that day because it was so

bad and ugly.

Yesenia Aldana-Cruz


Everyday, my friends bully someone during

school. Everyday, everyday my friends see

this guy and they say negative things to him.

During lunch, my friends say all these neg-

ative things to this defenseless kid.

“Changoleon. Hey, monkey. Homeless,

hygiene deficient monkey man.”

I tell them to stop, and if they don’t feel bad

they just tell me to mind my own business.

The experience I had with bullying this kid

is confusing, but I still tell them to stop.

By Julian Cisneros


Patsy, El Pato, sometimes you’re plain wacky

But at least you’re happy

I know sometimes I get you mad

But at least you turn out to be glad.

By Alexis Ramos

While this type of behavior is not condoned, it does

happen. Bullying is not allowed. If we prevent bullying

and stop it when we see it, we can prevent the situations

from escalating. Violence begets violence. Find help

from the appropriate authorities.

Pay back is never an option.


Fab by Azeret Saenz

Writing on the Walls by Ruby Red,


I remember that I had an experience with a bully in

elementary. This guy in my class was fat and so

annoying. He would always tell me that I was ugly,

and he would tell everyone not to by my friend. He

used to live close to my house. He got on my nerves

that day and I started crying. Then, I came home

crying and no one was there but my brother. I told

my brother what had happened and he went and

kicked his butt. After that, he would not even look at

me anymore.

By Elizelda Reyes

Artwork by Joe Miranda

Page 18 SPEECHLESS Artwork by Dalia Davila

I’m Gonna Be Me

Regardless if you’re always looking at me,

Judging my clothes,

Making fun of my hair,

I'm gonna be me.

I like me this way.

I’m unique.

That may be weird,

But that’s me.

I hear you whisper.

You can close the door,

But your bitter voice is carried through the cracks.

You have something to say to me?

Say what you will,

I’m gonna be me.

Spread the rumors and the lies,

Like you butter your toast.

I’m not worried that you talk about me.

I’ll worry when you stop.

I know I’m noteworthy,

And I’m still gonna be me.

Ruby Red


With fire and ability, Johnny only grew smarter

Having aspirations of graduating from Harvard

At night hearing gunshots, killings over material objects

Johnny was above it, though living in the projects

His father was in jail and his mother was a fiend

But despite all his hardships this young man still had dreams

11 years old living almost on his own

the ghetto and he, gangs is what he called home

his glasses broken daily, his homework torn to shreds

He came home crying every night; his tears had drowned his bed

He was alone in this world, support had felt so distant

He was confused as to why he was bullied just for being different

His soul was a wall that was slowly being broken

He was spit on, beat up, his money had been stolen

Years came and went, his will was growing shorter

His mother had overdosed and died, this boy had reached his border

Harvard acceptance could not even mend his spirit

There could be no more bad news; his heart just could not hear it

A month from graduation, Johnny felt the end near

Hard work paying off from a path he did not veer

Walking home from school, Johnny opened up his door

His cap and gown was stolen, his belongings on the floor

Johnny had just snapped, suicidal thoughts grew bigger

He found his fathers gun, put his finger on the trigger

Evil overcame him, ice through his big black veins

Placed the gun to his temple……CLICK-CLACK-BANG!

Throughout all the projects, the gunshot made a boom

They ran into his home, Johnny’s blood had soaked the room

Weeks from graduation, Johnny committed suicide

He was tired of disappointment, tired of the lies

A young man with infinite potential, killed from his negative residence

Laying 6 feet under could have been the future president

I tell this story truthfully, so Johnny can be heard

You don’t need a gun to kill, just actions and words

-Aron David Garza

Page 19 SPEECHLESS Artwork by Dalia Davila


Burnt by Joshua Mena



Juan Salinas was competing this April 9, 2011 in the Graffiti Wars in McAllen. Juan is from La Joya and

is currently attending STC in McAllen, TX and majoring in Drafting in pursuit of a carrier in Architecture.

Through his passion of urban art he inspires young artists of the Rio Grande Valley like Luis Leon and Marco

Tapuro, not only to pursue their love of art, but to acquire freedom and strength through education & culture.

The Rio Grande Valley students are hopeful for their future.