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Learning Portfolio ProjectMrs. Del BiancoBTT101-02June 10th, 2013

Khashayar Nouroozi

What's Going To Happen

• What Was Supposedly Learned

• What keyboarding (a deprecated term) means

• What the self-explanatory term"word processing" means

• What are spreadsheets

• What is desktop publishing

• How to properly use visual aids

• What the buzzword "ergonomics" means

• Video Editing For Dummies




Pretty much nothing you can do.


1. don't look at the keyboard2. don't learn qwerty

"Word Processing"

• A fancy word for typing stuff

• Implies that words are processed (i.e. in a mechanical way)

• Word is a horrible piece of software —jack of all trades, only a master at being the most proliferate

Good content makes up for bad presentation, but not vice versa.


Spread — The fact or process of spreading over an area.

Sheet — A large rectangular piece of cotton

or other fabric, used on a bed to cover the

mattress and as a layer beneath blankets.

Spreadsheets cont'd

1. A good spreadsheet has everything related

2. A good spreadsheet doesn't screw with world economies

3. A good spreadsheet makes practical conclusions from data

4. A good spreadsheet puts data into perspective

In essence, a GUI for a simple scripting language


ful Data

Desktop Publishing

... is the flawed idea that with the use of unprofessional programs like MS Office you can create professional-looking documents.

Desktop Publishing

In reality, it's the self-publishing of any works. Be it writing, designing, drawing, or anything else originally requiring a third entity that can now be done in the comfort of your own home.

And the absolute worst piece of software you can use for this is anything made by Microsoft.

PowerPoint / Prezi

The tale of picking from the two worst mediums possible.


• Universally-acclaimed "there's something better" piece of software

• As is the case with all Microsoft products promising "professional" results, often misused and abused by people who have absolutely no clue what they're doing.

• Just like what I'm doing here (on purpose), where I'm just reading off the page, even though it would be faster if you just read it yourself. Also, a smaller font size than usual shows the often-made mistake.


• The seemingly-safe haven for those tired of PowerPoint or looking for something better to do.

• The default animation and new, 'fresh' idea are selling points.

• The second-most-used medium for bad presentations.

ERGONOMICSa buzzword for efficiency.

COMFORTABLEand not in an awkward position.

Things to improve

• Standing desks

• Stretching

• Open areas

• Actual mice, not sub-$40 bargain-bin pieces of hardware that disgrace the mouse.

• Actual keyboards, not sub-$40 bargain-bin pieces of hardware that disgrace keyboards.

• Good monitors

• Yoga balls


What I learned in the video editing unit.

ErgonomicsThe study of efficiency in working environments.

— Google Knowledge Graph

The study of increasing time and resource effectiveness.

A set of type of one particular face and size

— Google Knowledge Graph


A set of standardized type.

Encryption is the conversion of data into a form, called a ciphertext, that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized people.

— Google Knowledge Graph


The conversion into something incomprehensible.

Hacker (computer security), someone who accesses a

computer system by circumventing its security system

Hacker (hobbyist), who makes innovative customizations or

combinations of retail electronic and computer equipment

Hacker (programmer), who combines excellence, playfulness,

cleverness and exploration in performed activities.

— Wiktionary

HackingThe art of using something in a way in which was not originally intended.

A software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer

— Princeton University


A piece of code, that when introduced to a host, can replicate itself and infect other computers.

Term used in IP telephony for a set of facilities for managing the delivery of voice information using the Internet Protocol (IP).

— WhichVoIP


a set of libraries that allows the transmission of voice using the Internet Protocol.

Search EngineA program for the retrieval of data, files, or documents

from a database or network, especially the internet.

— Google Knowledge Graph

A utility that facilitates the finding of data on the internet.

Operating SystemThe software that supports a computer's basic functions, such as

scheduling tasks, executing applications, and controlling peripherals.

— Google Knowledge Graph

A software that allows for the use of a computer's most simple inputs, as well as handles the use of peripherals. Also provides a set of libraries to facilitate the making of more complex programs.

QuerySomething asked. — Myself

Special files left over on your computer that store information, that when confirmed by the website that set it, allows the preservation of preferences.

— Wikipedia


Uniform Resource Locator

A unique string that points to a resource stored on the internet.

— Wikipedia

A specific character string that constitutes a reference to a resource

A reference to data that the reader can directly follow, or that is followed automatically


An element that directly links to something else.

— Wikipedia

Clip Art

Refers to pre-made images used to illustrate any medium. — Wikipedia

A horrible, horrible addition to Microsoft Office that resulted in eyesore graphics becoming prevalent.

A movable indicator on a computer screen identifying the point that will be affected by input from the user.


— Google Knowledge Graph

The pointer on your computer screen.

A series of alphanumeric strings separated by periods, such as, serving as an address for a computer network

Domain Name

— Google Knowledge Graph

A generic definition here because there really isn't much better than the definition above, and transcribing into our own worlds just lessens the quality of the definition that was agreed upon by a large amount of people.

A device that can be used to insert data into a computer or other computational device

Input Devices

— Princeton University

A device that allows for the input of data to be later processed by a computer.

A device that outputs data processed by a computer.

electronic or electromechanical equipment connected to a computer and used to transfer data out of the computer

Output Devices

— Princeton University

An extra part that can be attached to something for a function not originally present.

An extra part that can be attached to something for a particular function


— Google Knowledge Graph

A file appended to an email, something that is quickly becoming deprecated as multiple services arrive that support the transfer of files greater than 25MB.

A computer file appended to an e-mail.

(Email) Attachment

— Google Knowledge Graph

A near-useless piece of software that, instead of addressing the root of a problem, attempts to slow down the effects while not fixing anything.

Any barrier that is intended to thwart the spread of a destructive agent.


— Google Knowledge Graph