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Page 1: Specific isoforms of Squid, a Drosophila hnRNP, perform · SqdS or SqdA isoform can rescue the dorsalized pheno-type of sqd1 mutants.

Specific isoforms of Squid, a DrosophilahnRNP, perform distinct roles in Gurkenlocalization during oogenesisAmanda Norvell,1 Richard L. Kelley,2 Kristina Wehr,1 and Trudi Schupbach1,3

1Howard Hughes Medical Insitute, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544USA; 2Department of Cell Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030 USA

Heterogeneous nuclear RNA-binding proteins, hnRNPs, have been implicated in nuclear export of mRNAs inorganisms from yeast to humans. A germ-line mutation in a Drosophila hnRNP, Squid (Sqd)/hrp40, causesfemale sterility as a result of mislocalization of gurken (grk) mRNA during oogenesis. Alternative splicingproduces three isoforms, SqdA, SqdB, and SqdS. Here we show that these isoforms are not equivalent; SqdAand SqdS perform overlapping but nonidentical functions in grk mRNA localization and protein accumulation,whereas SqdB cannot perform these functions. Furthermore, although all three Sqd isoforms are expressed inthe germline cells of the ovary, they display distinct intracellular distributions. Both SqdB and SqdS aredetected in germ-line nuclei, whereas SqdA is predominantly cytoplasmic. We show that this differentialnuclear accumulation is correlated with a differential association with the nuclear import protein Transportin.Finally, we provide evidence that grk mRNA localization and translation are coupled by an interactionbetween Sqd and the translational repressor protein Bruno. These results demonstrate the isoform-specificcontributions of individual hnRNP proteins in the regulation of a specific mRNA. Moreover, these datasuggest a novel role for hnRNPs in localization and translational regulation of mRNAs.

[Key Words: hnRNP; RNA localization; oogenesis; Gurken; squid; Drosophila]

Received December 18, 1998; revised version accepted February 16, 1999.

The Drosophila melanogaster gene squid (sqd) encodes aheterogeneous nuclear RNA binding protein (hnRNP),also known as hrp40 (Matunis et al. 1992; Kelley 1993).hnRNPs are a large family of proteins that have beenimplicated in the processing of nascent mRNA tran-scripts (for review, see Dreyfuss et al. 1993). Recent stud-ies have demonstrated that a subset of hnRNPs, includ-ing human hnRNP A1 and A2, Saccharomyces cerevi-siae Nplp3 and Hrp1, and Chironomus tentans Hrp36,rapidly shuttle between the cytoplasm and the nucleus(Pinol-Roma and Dreyfuss 1992; Lee et al. 1996; Visa etal. 1996; Kessler et al. 1997; Hoek et al. 1998). A specificmotif, termed M9, has been shown to mediate this nu-cleocytoplasmic shuttling (Michael et al. 1995; Siomiand Dreyfuss 1995; Weighardt et al. 1995), and this motifis present in Sqd. Nuclear import of M9-containinghnRNPs is achieved by an association with the nuclearimport protein Transportin (Pollard et al. 1996). Studiesof several of these hnRNPs have indicated that one oftheir major roles is the nuclear export of mRNAs (Pinol-Roma and Dreyfuss 1992; Lee et al. 1996; Visa et al.1996), suggesting that Sqd may perform a similar func-tion during Drosophila oogenesis.

Mutations in sqd have been found to disrupt Gurken(Grk)-dependent dorsal-ventral (D-V) patterning duringoogenesis (Kelley 1993). grk encodes a TGF-a homolog(Neuman-Silberberg and Schupbach 1993), which is ex-pressed specifically in the germ line. Grk is a ligand forthe epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr), which is ex-pressed in the somatic follicle cells surrounding thegerm line. Activation of Egfr by Grk in mid-oogenesisinduces follicle cells to adopt a dorsal cell fate, thus de-fining the polarity of the egg and the future embryo.Therefore, it is imperative that Grk signaling be re-stricted to the future dorsal side of the egg chamber.Spatial restriction of Grk protein is achieved, in partthrough the localization of grk mRNA. Whereas Egfr ex-pression is ubiquitous in all follicle cells, grk mRNAbecomes tightly localized to the dorsoanterior corner ofthe oocyte during mid-oogenesis (for review, see Nilsonand Schupbach 1999). Two female sterile mutations,fs(1)K10 and sqd, consistently cause a mislocalization ofgrk mRNA along the entire anterior cortex of the oocyteand lead to the production of strongly dorsalized eggs,demonstrating the critical role of grk mRNA localization(Wieschaus et al. 1978; Kelley 1993; Neuman-Silberbergand Schupbach 1993). Moreover, multiple copies of a grktransgene also result in aberrant grk mRNA localizationand a dorsalized egg phenotype, which suggests that the

3Corresponding author.E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (609) 258-1547.

864 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 13:864–876 © 1999 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/99 $5.00;

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Page 2: Specific isoforms of Squid, a Drosophila hnRNP, perform · SqdS or SqdA isoform can rescue the dorsalized pheno-type of sqd1 mutants.

oocyte contains a saturable machinery that is respon-sible for grk mRNA localization (Neuman-Silberberg andSchupbach 1994). It is not known whether grk transcrip-tion occurs only within the germ-line-derived nurse cellnuclei, or whether grk represents a rare gene that is alsotranscribed within the oocyte nucleus itself. In eithercase, grk mRNA must be transported from the nucleuswhere it is transcribed and somehow anchored or stabi-lized in the dorso-anterior corner of the oocyte, and Sqdmust function at some step in this process.

In addition to its requirement for D-V patterning dur-ing oogenesis, Sqd is required for viability during larvaldevelopment (Kelley 1993). The sqd gene is alternativelyspliced to produce three protein isoforms: SqdA(hrp40.1), SqdB, and SqdS (hrp40.2). These isoforms areidentical over the majority of the protein, including thetwo RNA-binding domains. Interestingly, although allthree isoforms contain an M9-like nuclear import motifwithin their common coding sequence, only the SqdSisoform contains a strong consensus M9 motif within itsalternatively spliced region (Siomi et al. 1998; Fig. 1).Within wild-type ovaries, Sqd protein is expressed ubiq-uitously and can be detected in the cytoplasm and nucleiof all of the cells in the egg chamber (Matunis et al.1994). Although null alleles of sqd are lethal because ofthe somatic requirement for sqd function, the sqd1 allelereveals the germ line requirement for sqd, as it elimi-nates germ-line Sqd expression during the critical stagesof oogenesis when D-V patterning is established (Kelley1993).

To gain a better understanding of the mechanism ofgrk mRNA localization during oogenesis, we have inves-tigated the role of the Sqd protein in this process. Morespecifically, using isoform-specific transgenes we havebeen able to analyze the contributions of the individualSqd isoforms during oogenesis. Despite the extensive

protein similarity, we have observed several striking dif-ferences among the isoforms. Namely, they do not func-tion equivalently in either the localization of grk mRNAor in the accumulation of Grk protein. Furthermore, be-cause of a differential association with the nuclear im-port protein Transportin, the Sqd isoforms display dis-tinct intracellular distribution patterns within the ovary.On the basis of its homology to proteins used in thenuclear export of mRNA, it seemed possible that Sqdprotein could function in the nuclear export of grkmRNA, although a nuclear export function alone wouldnot fully explain the role of Sqd in grk mRNA localiza-tion in the oocyte cytoplasm. Because Sqd is required forgrk mRNA localization and our findings that Sqd proteincan interact with grk mRNA directly and can associatewith cytoplasmic regulators of Grk translation, we pro-pose that Sqd protein is responsible for the regulatednuclear export of grk mRNA.


Rescue of D-V patterning defects by specificSqd isoforms

In wild-type ovaries grk mRNA is tightly localized to thedorsoanterior corner of the oocyte during mid-oogenesisin close proximity to the oocyte nucleus. In contrast, inegg chambers from sqd1 mutant females, grk mRNA islocalized along the entire anterior cortex of the oocyte.This mislocalized RNA is translated efficiently and leadsto a dorsalization of the follicle cells overlying this re-gion of the oocyte (Fig. 2D). The dorsalized eggs producedby sqd1 females have two characteristics. First, the eggshave dorsal appendage material expanding to the ventralside of the eggshell, and second, the dorsal-most cell fate,which is represented by the dorsal midline cells between

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of Sqd protein iso-forms. The three Sqd isoforms, SqdA, SqdB, andSqdS, are identical to amino acid position 285(A). Within this conserved region are the twoRNA-binding domains RBD-1 and RBD-2 (de-picted by the hatched boxes) and an M9-likenuclear-import domain (represented by theblack box). At the carboxyl termini of the pro-teins, all three contain a glycine-rich domain,which in the SqdS and SqdB isoforms continuesto the end of the protein. The SqdB and SqdSisoforms use the same 38 exon; however, thesplice site in the SqdB isoform results in a pro-tein with 27 fewer amino acids than SqdS. Inaddition, SqdS contains another M9 nuclear im-port motif (amino acids 300–338) that is not pres-ent in either SqdA or SqdB. The SqdA isoformuses an alternative 38 exon and encodes a proteinwith a unique carboxyl terminus. A comparison

of the human hnRNPA1 M9 domain with the M9 domains found in Sqd is shown in B. The M9 motif found only in SqdS shares 16of 38 amino acid identity with human hnRNPA1 M9 (top), whereas the M9-like motif found in all three Sqd isoforms shares 13 of 38amino acid identity with hnRNPA1 (bottom). Alignment of the M9 motifs was accomplished using the ClustalW Multiple SequenceAlignment Program.

Role of hnRNP Squid in oogenesis


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Page 3: Specific isoforms of Squid, a Drosophila hnRNP, perform · SqdS or SqdA isoform can rescue the dorsalized pheno-type of sqd1 mutants.

the dorsal appendages, is missing in sqd1 eggs. This ab-sence of dorsal midline fates is the result of an inabilityto produce a highpoint of Grk protein expression on thedorsal side of the oocyte (Kelley 1993; Neuman-Silber-berg and Schupbach 1993).

The sqd transcript is alternatively spliced to producethree protein isoforms designated SqdA (hrp40.1), SqdS(hrp40.2), and SqdB (see Fig. 1) (Matunis et al. 1992; Kel-ley 1993). Previous studies of Sqd within wild-type ova-ries have shown that Sqd protein is detected within thesomatic follicle cells and the germ-line-derived nursecells and oocyte (Matunis et al. 1994). The sqd1 muta-tion affects a germ-line promoter of sqd and eliminatesexpression of all of the Sqd isoforms at the critical stagesof oogenesis when D-V patterning is established. Thisallowed us to investigate the germ-line requirements forthe individual Sqd isoforms using transgenes encodingspecific Sqd proteins in a sqd1 homozygous background.Expression of these transgenes is driven by the endog-enous Sqd promoter/enhancer region; therefore, their ex-pression should reflect that of the wild-type gene. Forbrevity, females carrying two copies of a specific trans-gene in a sqd1 homozygous background will be referredto as SqdA, SqdS, or SqdB females, respectively.

The individual isoforms showed striking differences intheir ability to rescue the D-V patterning defects of sqd1

mutant females (Fig. 2). Despite the fact that the trans-gene is expressed in the germ line (see below), the SqdB

isoform cannot restore proper D-V patterning of the egg-shell; SqdB females lay 100% strongly dorsalized eggs,which are indistinguishable from those laid by sqd1 ho-mozygotes (Fig. 2D). In contrast, expression of either theSqdS or SqdA isoform can rescue the dorsalized pheno-type of sqd1 mutants. Females carrying two copies ofeither the SqdA or SqdS transgene lay a large percentageof wild-type eggs. Neither transgene alone, however, iscapable of entirely restoring the function of the wild-type gene, as SqdA or SqdS females lay a number of dor-salized and partially rescued eggs as well. Furthermore,the classification or phenotype of the partially rescuedeggs laid by these females is strikingly different. SqdAfemales lay a number of very dorsalized eggs (Fig. 2D),whereas in contrast, SqdS females lay eggs with broad,fused dorsal appendages (Fig. 2B). It should be noted, thatalthough SqdA females lay a number of severely dorsal-ized eggs (Fig. 2D), these eggs are not identical to sqd1 orto SqdB eggs in that the SqdA eggs do not have a uniformcrown of dorsal appendage material around the entireanterior circumference of the eggshell. Frequently, theSqdA eggs show a restoration of the dorsal midline fates(indicative of high levels of Grk protein). The differencesin the phenotypes of partially rescued eggs are not attrib-utable to differences in transgene expression levels, asdecreasing the copy number from two to one does notaffect the type of eggs observed (data not shown). Inter-estingly, females carrying one copy of each of these

Figure 2. Rescue of sqd1 D-V patterning de-fects by individual Sqd isoforms. Females ofthe indicated genotypes were placed in layingblocks and eggs were collected on days 2 and3 after blocking. (Top) The series of dorsal-ized eggshell phenotypes: wild-type egg withtwo dorsal appendages (A), slightly dorsalizedegg with a broad fused dorsal appendage (B), amore dorsalized egg with widely spaced dor-sal appendages attributable to the expansionof the dorsal midline fates (C), and a severelydorsalized egg with expanded dorsal append-age material around the anterior circumfer-ence of the eggshell (D). For each maternalgenotype the percentage of eggs with the in-dicated phenotypes were calculated (n = totalnumber of eggs examined). In the case of Sqdtransgene expressing females, a single femalelaid the range of eggshell phenotypes shown.

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Page 4: Specific isoforms of Squid, a Drosophila hnRNP, perform · SqdS or SqdA isoform can rescue the dorsalized pheno-type of sqd1 mutants.

transgenes (SqdS and SqdA) lay nearly all wild-type eggs(98% as compared with ∼60% in females with two copiesof either transgene). Therefore, the two Sqd isoforms,SqdA and SqdS, appear to have nonidentical functions inestablishing proper dorsoventral patterning during oo-genesis and act together in this process.

In addition to its requirement in oogenesis, Sqd is alsorequired somatically. A number of lethal alleles of sqdhave been generated, and we have investigated the abil-ity of the individual isoforms to restore viability of sqdnull alleles. Again, as with the ability of the specificisoforms to function during oogenesis, the three Sqd iso-forms differ in their ability to rescue the viability of thelethal sqd allelic combination sqdIX50/Df(3R)urd. Weobserved that both SqdS and SqdB were capable of res-cuing the essential somatic Sqd function, in that expres-sion of either of these transgenes allowed recovery of11% and 19% of the expected number of sqdIX50/Df(3R)urd adults, respectively. In contrast, however,SqdA was incapable of restoring the essential somaticfunction of Sqd, as <0.2% of the expected number ofsqdIX50/Df(3R)urd adults were recovered. These datafurther demonstrate that the individual Sqd isoforms arenot functionally equivalent.

grk mRNA and protein localizationin transgenic females

Given the observation that the different Sqd isoformsdiffer so markedly in their ability to function during oo-genesis, we examined their effects on grk mRNA local-ization and protein accumulation. Ovaries from femalescarrying two copies of the SqdS or SqdB transgenesshowed a grk mRNA and protein localization patternthat was consistent with their effect on patterning of theeggshell. Females carrying the SqdB transgene lay se-verely dorsalized eggs, and within late stage SqdB eggchambers, grk mRNA and Grk protein are observed in asymmetric ring around the anterior circumference of theoocyte (Fig. 3D,H), much like the grk mRNA and proteindistribution in sqd1 egg chambers. In contrast, SqdS ex-pression allows the production of a large number of wild-type eggs, and egg chambers from SqdS females consis-tently showed grk mRNA and Grk protein tightly local-ized to the dorsoanterior corner of the oocyte (Fig. 3C,G),similar to wild type (Fig. 3A,E).

Unexpectedly, the analysis of grk mRNA localizationin late stage SqdA egg chambers did not reflect directlythe ability of this isoform to rescue the D-V patterningdefects of sqd1 mutants. SqdA females lay a large per-centage of wild-type eggs, yet <10% of the SqdA stage 10egg chambers showed tight localization of grk mRNA. Inthe overwhelming majority of SqdA egg chambers, grkmRNA appeared to be enriched on the dorsal side of theegg chamber but was readily detectable on the ventralside as well. Given the large percentage of wild-type eggslaid by SqdA females, the mislocalization of grk mRNAin these egg chambers is surprising. However, we foundthat the Grk protein distribution in SqdA egg chamberswas much closer to wild type, in that we detected Grk

protein localized to the dorsoanterior corner in a largeproportion of late stage egg chambers (Fig. 3F). A smallerfraction showed an obvious asymmetric concentration ofGrk protein in the dorsoanterior corner and some detect-able Grk protein on the ventral side, and a furthersmaller fraction of egg chambers had symmetrically dis-tributed Grk protein very similar to that observed insqd1 or SqdB females. Thus, this protein distributionclosely mirrors the distribution of eggshell phenotypesproduced by SqdA-expressing females. Because the Grkprotein distribution was less consistently abnormal thanthe grk mRNA distribution, these data show that theSqdA isoform is less capable in functioning in grkmRNA localization than SqdS. They also indicate thatSqdA affects the production of Grk protein.

In summary, therefore, the Sqd isoforms differ in theirability to localize grk mRNA and in addition, they ap-

Figure 3. grk mRNA localization and protein distributionwithin Sqd transgenic egg chambers. In wild-type egg chambers,grk mRNA is tightly localized to the dorso-anterior corner ofthe oocyte in close proximity to the oocyte nucleus (A). Withinegg chambers from SqdA females, grk mRNA is distributedaround the anterior circumference of the oocyte, although it ismore concentrated on the dorsal side (B). Egg chambers fromSqdS females show a grk mRNA localization pattern indistin-guishable from wild-type (C), and in contrast, in egg chambersfrom SqdB females, grk mRNA is mislocalized in an anteriorring in a pattern that is indistinguishable from sqd1 egg cham-bers (D). Grk protein localization within egg chambers from Sqdtransgenic females (E–H). In stage 10 wild-type egg chambers,Grk protein accumulates in the dorso-anterior corner of theoocyte in a location coincident with the grk mRNA (E). WithinSqdA and SqdS egg chambers, Grk protein is localized to thedorsoanterior corner of the oocyte (F,G), much like that in wildtype, and in SqdB egg chambers Grk protein is mislocalizedalong the anterior circumference of the oocyte (H). The granularstaining observed in the nurse cells in F and H is nonspecificbackground staining that is seen in grk mutant ovaries as well.

Role of hnRNP Squid in oogenesis


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Page 5: Specific isoforms of Squid, a Drosophila hnRNP, perform · SqdS or SqdA isoform can rescue the dorsalized pheno-type of sqd1 mutants.

pear to affect differentially the accumulation of Grk pro-tein. The SqdB isoform seems incapable of restoring nor-mal grk RNA or protein distribution. The SqdS isoformrestores the normal pattern of grk RNA and protein dis-tribution, but in some cases does not allow the produc-tion of peak levels of Grk protein, as evidenced by thefraction of eggs with a broad fused appendage. Finally,SqdA is much less effective in restoring grk mRNA lo-calization than SqdS, but produces less mislocalized Grkprotein than SqdB.

Intracellular distribution of individual Sqd isoforms

Given the striking functional differences (rescue ofgerm-line and somatic function, as well as grk mRNAand protein distribution) of the individual Sqd isoforms,we were interested in determining whether there wereany differences in their subcellular distributions. Previ-ous analysis of Sqd protein expression in wild-type ova-ries examined bulk Sqd expression and did not distin-guish the distinct isoforms from one another. Recent re-ports have defined a 38-amino-acid motif, termed M9,which mediates the nuclear import of hnRNPs throughan interaction with the nuclear import protein Transpor-tin (Siomi and Dreyfuss 1995; Pollard et al. 1996). Se-quence analysis of the Sqd protein isoforms reveals thatsuch an M9 motif is present in Sqd. A comparison of thehuman hnRNPA1 M9 sequence with the Sqd isoformsshows that M9 is differentially present in the isoforms(see Fig. 1). Specifically, within the alternatively splicedregion of SqdS, there is a region (amino acids 300–338)that aligns with the human hnRNPA1 M9 sequence (16of 38 amino acid identity) (Siomi et al. 1998). Interest-ingly, this sequence is not present in either the SqdA orthe SqdB isoforms. However, we found that there is an-other M9-like sequence present in all three Sqd isoforms(amino acids 215–254) that aligns with the humanhnRNPA1 M9 motif (13 of 38 amino acid identity).

We examined Sqd protein expression in the ovaries ofsqd1 females carrying two copies of the individual trans-genes (Fig. 4). Both SqdB and SqdS are detected in thenuclei of the germ-line-derived nurse cells (Fig. 4B,C). Inaddition, SqdS also accumulates in the oocyte nucleus,whereas SqdB does not. Interestingly, examination ofSqdA females revealed that this isoform was undetect-able in the germ line (Fig. 4A). Given that SqdA rescuesefficiently the D-V patterning defect of sqd1 mutants, itseemed unlikely that it is not expressed in the germ line.Therefore, we analyzed Sqd RNA expression in SqdA fe-males using isoform-specific probes and found that theSqdA transcript is readily detectable in the germ line ofovaries from SqdA females (data not shown). It seems,therefore, likely that the intracellular distribution ofSqdA is predominantly cytoplasmic and thus, too diffuseto be visualized. Consistent with this possibility, the Sqdprotein expression in the somatic follicle cells in SqdAegg chambers appears much more diffuse and cytoplas-mic than in SqdS egg chambers (Fig. 4D,E).

Nuclear import of M9-containing hnRNPs is mediatedthrough an interaction with the import protein Trans-

portin (Pollard et al. 1996). As the M9 motif is expresseddifferentially in the Sqd isoforms, it seemed possible thatthe differences in nuclear accumulation that we ob-served could be attributable to a differential associationwith Transportin. To address this issue, we tested theability of in vitro transcribed and translated DrosophilaTransportin protein to bind to GST fusion proteins cor-responding to the Sqd isoforms GST alone or a GST–Encore fusion (Fig. 4F). We quantitated the amount of35S-labeled protein (cpm) associated with each GST fu-sion using a PhosphorImager. In direct correlation to theintracellular distributions observed, we found thatTransportin protein associates strongly with both SqdS(800,901 cpm) and SqdB (269,932 cpm), the two isoformsdetected within germ-line nuclei but much less stronglywith GST only (213 cpm), GST–Encore (9255 cpm) or

Figure 4. Expression of Sqd isoforms within the ovary. Stage 10egg chambers from sqd1 females carrying the individual Sqdtransgenes were examined for Sqd protein expression. Sqd pro-tein is in red, and cortical actin detected with phalloidin is ingreen. Within egg chambers from Sqd transgenic females Sqdprotein is undetectable in the germ line of SqdA females (A), butis detected within the nurse cell nuclei of both SqdS and SqdBfemales (B,C). Furthermore, in egg chambers from SqdS females,Sqd protein is detected within the oocyte nucleus (B). Highermagnification view of the somatic follicle cells is shown, inwhich endogenous protein and the transgene-derived protein, isdetected. In SqdS egg chambers the follicle cell Sqd protein ispredominantly nuclear (E). However, in SqdA egg chambers dif-fuse, cytoplasmic Sqd protein is detected (D). The differentialnuclear accumulation of SqdB, SqdS, and SqdA is associatedwith a differential interaction with the nuclear import proteinTransportin (F). [35S]methionine-labeled Drosophila Transpor-tin protein was incubated with a series of GST fusion proteins(GST only, GST–SqdA, GST–SqdS, GST–SqdB, and GST–En-core) and precipitated with glutathione-coated-agarose beads.Transportin binding to the GST-fusions was assessed with SDS-PAGE and autoradiography. Transportin protein is broughtdown by both SqdS and SqdB, but not with GST only, SqdA, orEncore protein.

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SqdA (16,325 cpm), which assumes a cytoplasmic distri-bution.

At this time it is not clear why SqdA and SqdB, whichshare the same M9-like motif, behave so differently withrespect to nuclear accumulation and association withTransportin. The carboxyl termini of these two isoformsare different from one another, with SqdB having an ex-tensively glycine-rich domain that SqdA does not con-tain. In addition, the reason for the exclusive accumula-tion of SqdS, and not SqdB, within the oocyte nucleus isnot known. One potential explanation could be thatSqdS may be transported preferentially into the oocyte,thus allowing its import into the oocyte nucleus,whereas SqdB may be retained in the nurse cells. In anyevent, these data demonstrate that the differentialnuclear accumulation of the Sqd proteins is associatedwith a differential ability to interact with DrosophilaTransportin.

Sqd protein distribution is altered in egg chambersfrom fs(1)K10 females

The phenotypes of eggs laid by sqd1 and fs(1)K10 femalesare similar (Wieschaus et al. 1978; Kelley 1993). In bothcases, grk mRNA is mislocalized and Grk protein is pro-duced around the entire anterior circumference of theoocyte. These two female sterile mutations, althoughsimilar, are also unique with respect to other knownfemale sterile mutants. In most other cases in which grkmRNA is mislocalized, for example, in orb and spnBmutant egg chambers, the unlocalized RNA is not trans-lated efficiently (for review, see Nilson and Schupbach1999). Mutations in cappuccino and spire also result in amislocalization of grk RNA and translation of the mis-localized message, but these two mutations have more

generalized effects on oocyte patterning and do not seemas specific for grk function as K10 or the germ-line formsof Sqd (for review, see Nilson and Schupbach 1999). Inaddition, early in oogenesis Grk is necessary for the es-tablishment of anteroposterior patterning. However,eggs laid by both sqd1 and K10 mutant mothers displayno anteroposterior defects, but are abnormal along onlythe D-V axis.

When we examined the expression of K10 protein insqd1 mutant ovaries we found that the distribution ofK10 in sqd1 mutants is unaffected and K10 protein isdetected in the oocyte nucleus of late stage egg chambers(data not shown). Conversely, however, the expression ofSqd protein is affected by the K10 mutation (Fig. 5). InK10 mutant ovaries, Sqd is present in the nurse cell nu-clei but absent from the oocyte nucleus (Fig. 5C). In ad-dition, in wild-type egg chambers Sqd protein is detectedat the posterior pole at late stages and this cytoplasmicSqd localization is unaffected in K10 egg chambers (datanot shown). These data indicate that Sqd protein is, infact, expressed in K10 mutant egg chambers, but that itsaccumulation in the oocyte nucleus is specifically lost inthe absence of K10 function.

To assess whether the role of K10 in Sqd protein lo-calization to the oocyte nucleus is direct, we wanted todetermine whether K10 protein and Sqd protein interactwith one another physically. The full-length K10 protein(463 amino acids) is comprised of a hydrophilic amino-terminal domain (residues 1–225), a central apolar do-main (amino acids 225–337), and a carboxy-terminal do-main containing a helix-turn-helix motif (Prost et al.1988). In vitro-translated labeled K10 protein corre-sponding to the first two domains of the protein wasincubated with purified GST–Sqd fusion proteins, andafter incubation with glutathione-coated–agarose beads,

Figure 5. Sqd protein distribution isaltered in fs(1)K10 egg chambers andphysically interacts with K10 pro-tein. Expression of Sqd protein inwild type, sqd1 and fs(1)K10 stage 10egg chambers, with Sqd in red andcortical actin detected with phalloi-din in green. In wild-type egg cham-bers, Sqd protein is detected in thefollicle cell nuclei, the nurse cell nu-clei, and the oocyte nucleus (A). Incontrast, in sqd1 egg chambers, Sqdprotein is undetectable in the germline (B). Within fs(1)K10 egg cham-bers, Sqd protein is detected in thenurse cell nuclei, but is undetectablewithin the oocyte nucleus (C). To de-termine whether Sqd protein and K10protein can physically associate withone another, in vitro binding studieswere conducted. 35S-labeled K10 pro-tein was incubated with a series of

GST fusion proteins, and after incubation with glutathione-coated–agarose beads, K10 binding was assessed by SDS-PAGE andautoradiography (D). The input 35S-K10 protein is shown in lane 1. Association with the following GST-fusion proteins was tested:(lane 2) GST only; (lane 3) GST–SqdA; (lane 4) GST–SqdS; (lane 5) GST–SqdB; (lane 6) GST–Grk.

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Page 7: Specific isoforms of Squid, a Drosophila hnRNP, perform · SqdS or SqdA isoform can rescue the dorsalized pheno-type of sqd1 mutants.

K10 association was determined by SDS-PAGE analysisand autoradiography. In a representative experiment (Fig.5D), K10 protein associates with all three of the Sqd iso-forms [SqdA (80,038 cpm), SqdS (80,061 cpm), and SqdB(30,239 cpm)], but interacts much more weakly with ei-ther GST alone (11,577 cpm) or with GST–Grk (9552cpm). These data indicate that Sqd protein and K10 pro-tein can interact directly with one another, even in theabsence of other ovarian proteins or RNAs.

Sqd protein can interact with grk mRNA

The sqd gene is clearly required for proper grk mRNAlocalization. As it encodes a known RNA-binding pro-tein, one potential target for Sqd is grk mRNA itself.Therefore, we undertook a UV cross-linking analysislooking for interactions between ovarian proteins andparts of the grk RNA. In these experiments, wild-typeovarian extracts were used as a source of Sqd protein. Weused different regions of the grk 38 untranslated region(UTR) as probes (Fig. 6A), and as a negative control, weused the +3 fragment of the nanos (nos) 38 UTR (Gavis etal. 1996), because nanos mRNA localization is unaf-fected by the sqd1 mutation (data not shown).

To investigate whether Sqd protein can interact withthe 38 UTR of the grk transcript, ovarian extracts wereincubated with labeled grk 38 UTR fragment 1 or the nos+3 fragment. The appropriately treated protein–RNAcomplexes were subjected to immunoprecipitation witha monoclonal anti-Sqd antibody and visualized afterSDS-PAGE (Fig. 6B). The Sqd proteins, which are re-solved as a distinct doublet at ∼42 kD, interact well withthe 38 UTR of grk, but interact much less strongly withthe nos +3 38 UTR RNA fragment.

We then further investigated the interaction between

Sqd protein and the grk 38 UTR through competitionwith excess cold competitor RNAs (Fig. 6C,D). In theseexperiments, the grk 38 UTR fragment 1, which com-prises nearly all of the grk 38 UTR, was broken into twosmaller fragments: grk 38 UTR fragment 2 and grk 38UTR fragment 3. Incubating either 38 UTR probe (frag-ment 2 or 3) with whole ovarian extracts allows detec-tion of several protein RNA complexes, a 42-kD doublet,and two others of higher molecular mass. These com-plexes are completed away more efficiently by the addi-tion of excess cold self RNA probe (∼20×, 100×, or 200×excess), than by excess nos +3 38 UTR probe. On thebasis of molecular mass, and the immunoprecipitationexperiments, it appears that the 42-kD bands are Sqdprotein. The largest protein that interacts with the grk 38UTR, which runs with an apparent molecular mass of∼66 kD, appears to correspond to the ovarian proteinBruno. Bruno was identified as a trans-acting factor thatrepresses the translation of unlocalized oskar mRNA(Kim-Ha et al. 1995). A specific binding sequence forBruno has been identified and the grk 38 UTR containsone such Bruno response element (BRE). Interestingly,however, both grk 38 UTR fragments 2 and 3 appear tointeract with the 66-kD protein. Although computersearching has revealed a single canonical BRE at the ex-treme 38 end of the grk 38 UTR, it is possible that Brunocan interact with other regions of the grk 38 UTR, eitherdirectly or indirectly through an association with otherproteins (in particular, Sqd). Nevertheless, previous stud-ies have reported that Bruno does bind the grk 38 UTR(Kim-Ha et al. 1995), and our data are consistent withthose findings. As of this time, the identity of the 55-kDprotein is unknown.

These studies demonstrate that Sqd protein can inter-act with grk mRNA, although Sqd will most likely in-teract with a variety of RNAs as well (see Discussion

Figure 6. Sqd protein binds grk mRNA di-rectly. (A) The regions of the grk 38 UTR andthe nos 38 UTR that were used as probes aredepicted. (B) Wild-type ovarian lysates weresubjected to UV cross-linking to the indicatedRNA probes, after cross-linking the RNA–pro-tein complexes were precipitated with anti-Sqd and resolved by SDS-PAGE. Sqd proteinassociates with the grk 38 UTR (lane 1),whereas it does not interact with the +3 regionof the nos 38 UTR (lane 2). (C,D) To test thespecificity of the Sqd–grk interactions, UVcross-linking analyses were repeated in thepresence of excess, cold competitor RNAs. Theinteraction between whole ovarian protein ex-tracts and grk 38 UTR fragments 2 and 3 weretested. Binding in the presence of no competi-tor (lane 1), or with increasing amounts (∼20×,100×, or 200× excess) of specific competitor(lanes 2–4), or with increasing amounts of non-specific competitor (lanes 5–7) are shown.

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Page 8: Specific isoforms of Squid, a Drosophila hnRNP, perform · SqdS or SqdA isoform can rescue the dorsalized pheno-type of sqd1 mutants.

section). In fact, we have observed that excess nos RNAcan act as a competitor for Sqd binding to a certain ex-tent. However, these data do indicate that an interactionbetween Sqd and grk is mediated by sequences locatedwithin the 38 UTR of the grk transcript. Data from ourlaboratory supports this finding, as studies of the cis-acting sequences required for grk mRNA localizationhave shown that the 38 UTR is required for localizationto the dorsoanterior corner of the oocyte (G. Thio and T.Schupbach, in prep.).

Sqd protein can associate with Bruno protein

Because Sqd protein binds grk RNA directly and belongsto the class of hnRNPs implicated in nuclear mRNAexport, it seems likely that Sqd functions in the nuclearexport of grk mRNA. One complication to this model isthat in the sqd1 mutant grk mRNA is still able to leavethe nucleus and accumulate in the oocyte cytoplasm butnot in the dorso-anterior corner. Therefore, the functionof the Sqd protein appears to be in the regulated nuclearexport of grk mRNA, such that Sqd is responsible fordelivering the grk message to a cytoplasmic protein in-volved in its anchoring, possibly coupled to translation.Thus, one might expect that Sqd protein should interactwith some cytoplasmic ovarian proteins.

A number of proteins have been implicated in thetranslational regulation of grk mRNA, both positively(e.g., Encore and Vasa) and negatively (e.g., Bruno) (forreview, see Nilson and Schupbach 1999). Therefore, wedecided to investigate whether Sqd protein could directlyassociate with any of these candidates. Using the in vitroassociation assay described above, we looked for inter-actions between the Sqd isoforms and Encore, Vasa, orBruno. Although we were unable to detect a direct inter-action between Sqd and Encore or Vasa (data not shown),Sqd protein did associate with Bruno protein in vitro (Fig.7A). Although the Sqd–Bruno interaction we have ob-served in vitro is not extremely strong, it is very consis-tently observed over multiple experiments. In this rep-resentative experiment, the amount of Bruno broughtdown by the GST fusions was quantitated using a Phos-

phorImager. The cpm of Bruno associated with each ofthe fusions was as follows: GST only (10,632 cpm), GST–SqdA (121,092 cpm), GST–SqdS (53,872 cpm), GST–SqdB(32,805 cpm), and GST–Encore (9291 cpm). To furtherexamine the association we performed coimmunopre-cipitation experiments looking for an interaction be-tween these two proteins in vivo. As shown in Figure 7B,immunoprecipitation of Sqd protein, but not Windbeutelprotein, also brings down a protein of ∼66 kD that reactswith anti-Bruno antisera. Because of the high level of Sqdprotein expression in the follicle cells of sqd1 mutantovaries, it is not possible to use sqd1 lysates as a negativecontrol for the coimmunoprecipitation. However, collec-tively, our data show that Sqd protein and Bruno proteincan associate with one another. Moreover, these dataprovide evidence for a link between grk mRNA localiza-tion and translational regulation.


Previous studies have demonstrated that in sqd1 mutantfemales grk mRNA is mislocalized to the entire anteriorcircumference of the oocyte in late stage egg chambers.This mislocalized mRNA is translated efficiently andresults in a corresponding expansion of Grk protein ex-pression. As a consequence, too many follicle cells re-ceive the Grk signal and adopt a dorsal cell fate that leadsto dorsalization of the resulting egg and embryo (Neu-man-Silberberg and Schupbach 1993).

Sqd is a member of the shuttling class of hnRNPs andits homologs include human hnRNPA1, S. cerevisiaeNpl3 and Hrp1, as well as C. tentans hrp36 (Pinol-Romaand Dreyfuss 1992; Lee et al. 1996; Visa et al. 1996;Kessler et al. 1997; Hoek et al. 1998). This family ofRNA-binding proteins has been implicated in thenuclear export of mRNAs. On the basis of its homologyto the shuttling hnRNPs, the nuclear accumulation ofsome of the Sqd isoforms, and their ability to interactwith Transportin, in conjunction with our observationthat Sqd protein can interact with sequences within the38 UTR of the grk transcript, we suggest that Sqd proteinis a key mediator of regulated grk mRNA nuclear export.

Figure 7. Sqd protein associates with thetranslational repressor protein Bruno. (A) 35S-labeled Bruno protein (lane 1) was incubatedwith a series of GST fusion proteins, and afterincubation with glutathione-coated–agarosebeads, Bruno’s association was assessed bySDS-PAGE and autoradiography. The follow-ing GST fusions were tested for their abilityto bind Bruno: (lane 2) GST only; (lane 3)GST–SqdA; (lane 4) GST–SqdS; (lane 5) GST–SqdB; and (lane 6) GST–Encore. (B) To furtherinvestigate the interaction between Sqd pro-tein and Bruno protein, coimmunoprecipita-tion experiments were done. Whole cell ly-sates from wild-type ovaries were subjected to

immunoprecipitation with a mouse anti-Sqd monoclonal or with a mouse anti-Wind antisera. The blots were probed with a rabbitanti-Bruno antisera: (lane 1) whole cell ovarian extract; (lane 2) anti-Wind immunoprecipitate; (lane 3) anti-Sqd immunoprecipitate.

Role of hnRNP Squid in oogenesis


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Because the absence of Sqd protein in the germ line leadsto mislocalized grk mRNA rather than the nuclear re-tention of grk message, we suggest that the associationof Sqd with grk message leads to the delivery of themRNA from the nucleus to appropriately localized an-chors in the dorsoanterior corner of the oocyte.

Sqd protein accumulation within the oocyte nucleusis required for grk mRNA localization

At least two lines of evidence indicate that Sqd proteinmust be present within the oocyte nucleus for grkmRNA to be localized properly during oogenesis. First,of the three Sqd isoforms only SqdS is detected withinthe oocyte nucleus and among the Sqd transgenic fe-males only those expressing the SqdS isoform show prop-erly localized grk mRNA. Second, the relationship be-tween K10 and the distribution of Sqd protein also dem-onstrates the importance of Sqd accumulation withinthe oocyte nucleus. Although the nuclear import of SqdSprotein is most likely driven by its association withTransportin, K10 function is required for the stable ac-cumulation of Sqd in the oocyte nucleus. This placesK10 function upstream of Sqd in the germ line. Accumu-lation of Sqd protein in the nurse cells is not affected,and in addition Sqd is detectable within the oocyte cy-toplasm of K10 mutants. As the SqdS protein is the onlySqd isoform that is normally detected within the oocytenucleus, the major effect of K10 must be on the nuclearretention of SqdS.

At this time it is unclear how K10 performs this func-tion mechanistically. We have observed that K10 proteinwill physically interact with the Sqd isoforms. The onlyknown motif within the K10 protein is a potential helix-turn-helix domain in the carboxyl terminus (Prost et al.1988), but site-directed mutagenesis of this domain hasrevealed that this motif is unnecessary for K10 function(Cohen and Serano 1995). K10 could be responsible forthe modification of Sqd protein in such a manner as topromote nuclear retention, or alternatively K10 couldform a complex with Sqd protein that stabilizes its ac-cumulation within the oocyte nucleus. In either case,the finding that Sqd protein requires the presence of K10to accumulate in the oocyte nucleus further suggeststhat the phenotype of K10 mutant eggs is attributable toan effect on Sqd.

These data on Sqd and K10 also have interesting im-plications for grk transcription. It has been an open ques-tion as to whether grk mRNA is transcribed in the nursecell nuclei, the oocyte nucleus, or both. The observa-tions that Sqd protein can interact with grk transcriptsand that Sqd must be present within the oocyte nucleusto localize properly grk mRNA demonstrate the criticalimportance of the oocyte nucleus in this process. Thesefindings suggest that, at least in mid-to late oogenesis,the oocyte nucleus may be the critical site of grk mRNAtranscription and that this is coupled directly to its lo-calization. This interpretation is supported by the recentreport of Saunders and Cohen (1999), which also suggests

that the oocyte nucleus is the site of grk mRNA tran-scription.

Regulation of Grk activity is mediated throughcoupled RNA localization and translational regulation

Despite their extensive protein identity, the three Sqdisoforms behave strikingly differently from one another.As discussed, the three Sqd isoforms assume distinct in-tracellular distributions within the ovary. Furthermore,the three Sqd isoforms are also unique with respect tofunction. Sqd is required both somatically and in thegerm line, and we have investigated the ability of each ofthe isoforms to function in these two capacities. BothSqdS and SqdB can provide at least some of the essentialsomatic functions of Sqd, whereas SqdA cannot. In con-trast, the SqdS and SqdA isoforms can function duringoogenesis to restore the patterning defects of sqd1 mu-tant females, whereas SqdB cannot do so. Significantly,although both SqdA and SqdS can rescue the patterningdefects of sqd1 mutants, rescue is not complete, and thephenotype of partially rescued eggs laid by these femalesis qualitatively different. These differences demonstratethat the SqdS and SqdA isoforms perform unique roles inthe regulation of Grk activity and that together theseproteins cooperate to establish proper D-V patterningduring oogenesis.

A comparison of the partially rescued Sqd eggs to thoselaid by sqd1 and K10 mutant females shows that thereare at least two critical aspects of Grk localization thatare required for correct D-V patterning: (1) an absoluteexclusion of Grk signaling from the ventral side of theegg chamber, and (2) high levels of Grk signaling on thedorsal-most side of the egg chamber to establish the dor-sal-most cell fates. The first aspect of Grk localization isnormally achieved through the localization of grkmRNA itself. sqd1 and K10 mutant females are bothdefective in this process, and therefore, these females layseverely dorsalized eggs that have dorsal appendage ma-terial on the ventral and lateral sides of the eggshell. Thisaspect of Grk localization is accomplished efficiently inSqdS females and requires the accumulation of Sqd pro-tein within the oocyte nucleus. In contrast, SqdA is onlypartially capable of restricting grk mRNA to the dorsalside of the egg chamber. In the overwhelming majority ofSqdA egg chambers examined grk mRNA was not ex-cluded from the ventral side of the oocyte. However,60% of the eggs laid by SqdA females were wild type andGrk protein was often only detected on the dorsal side.Therefore, although SqdA is capable of restricting Grkprotein from the ventral side of the egg chamber, thislocalization is not achieved primarily through the strictlocalization of grk mRNA itself, but appears to reveal arole for SqdA in translation.

The second aspect of Grk localization is the require-ment for high levels of Grk protein on the dorsal-mostside of the egg chamber, which produces the dorsal–mid-line cell fates (Deng and Bownes 1997; Queenan et al.1997). Eggs from sqd1 and K10 females are not identicalin this aspect of Grk function. In the case of K10 eggs,

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the dorsal–midline cell fates are expanded. Close exami-nation of grk mRNA localization within K10 oocytes hasshown that although grk mRNA expression has ex-panded to the ventral side, a higher concentration of grkmRNA, and consequently Grk protein, remains on thedorsal side of the egg chamber (Roth and Schupbach1994). In contrast, sqd1 females produce eggs that lackthe dorsal–midline cell fates, and grk mRNA withinthese egg chambers is deposited symmetrically aroundthe entire anterior circumference of the oocyte. Interest-ingly, partially rescued SqdS egg chambers do not pro-duce the dorsal-most cell fate, but rather have an expan-sion of the more lateral dorsal appendage-secreting cellfates. Therefore, SqdS is not as efficient at achieving thepeak levels of grk signaling needed for the specificationof the dorsal–midline cell fates. Expression of SqdA,however, does allow the correct establishment of thedorsal–midline. Although the partially rescued eggs laidby SqdA females are classified as severely dorsalized,they appear more similar to K10 eggs than sqd1 eggs inthat for the most part, the severely dorsalized SqdA eggsdo not have the uniform crown of dorsal appendage ma-terial that sqd1 eggs have. This suggests that SqdA al-lows the highest levels of grk signaling to occur properlyon the dorsal-most side of the egg chamber. The generalsimilarities in phenotype of K10 mutant egg chambersand egg chambers that express SqdA further supports theconclusion that the major function of K10 is directed atSqdS. Taken together, the ability of SqdA to preventtranslation of ventrally localized grk mRNA and its abil-ity to provide peak levels of Grk protein required on thedorsal side of the egg chamber, strongly suggests thatSqdA has a role in the accumulation of Grk protein.Moreover, the role of SqdA is both positive and negative,suggesting that SqdA may influence the association ofgrk mRNA with appropriate translational regulators.

A model for the role of Sqd in the regulation of Grk

The ability to investigate the roles of the individual Sqdisoforms in the regulation of Grk during Drosophila oo-genesis has revealed that there are two key aspects ofGrk regulation: grk mRNA localization and Grk proteinaccumulation. Our data demonstrate that both of thesecritical aspects of Grk regulation are accomplished bySqd protein; however, these functions are performed dif-ferentially by the SqdS and SqdA isoforms. The severityof the sqd1 mutation, therefore, reflects the loss of func-tion of both of these proteins within the germ line, thuscausing the mislocalization of grk mRNA and the inap-propriate accumulation of ectopic Grk protein. Restora-tion of either of these levels of regulation allows partialrescue of the D-V patterning defects of sqd1 mutants, butfull rescue requires the function of both SqdS and SqdA.

Our data suggest that Sqd protein is a key regulator ofboth aspects of Grk regulation. The interaction of Sqdwith the translational repressor protein Bruno provides alink between grk mRNA localization and its transla-tional regulation. Bruno has been shown directly to havea role in the translational repression of unlocalized oskar

(osk) mRNA. The interaction between Bruno and oskmRNA is mediated by a specific sequence within the oskmessage, which is termed BRE (Kim-Ha et al. 1995). Asof yet, the molecular mechanism of Bruno action is notfully understood. However, correctly localized oskmRNA must somehow be relieved from the Bruno-me-diated repression by specific trans-acting factors local-ized to the posterior of the embryo (Gunkel et al. 1998).

The interaction between Sqd and Bruno suggests thatBruno may play a role in the translational regulation ofgrk mRNA. In support of this, grk mRNA is known tocontain a BRE within its 38 UTR, and Bruno has beenshown to bind the grk message (Kim-Ha et al. 1995; Fig.7). In addition, it has been demonstrated that during latestages of oogenesis, Bruno protein is concentrated at theanterior end of the oocyte, in a position that is coinci-dent with localized grk mRNA (Webster et al. 1998). Onthe basis of our protein interaction data, we suggest thatit may serve as a translational repressor of unlocalizedgrk mRNA. As is the case for localized osk mRNA, theappropriately localized grk message would be relieved ofits Bruno-mediated repression by other localized trans-acting factors. Moreover, the physical association be-tween Sqd protein and Bruno protein suggests an appeal-ing model to explain the similarity of the sqd and K10mutant phenotypes. As discussed, these two female ster-ile mutations represent the only cases in which mislo-calized grk mRNA is translated consistently and effi-ciently in all egg chambers. We propose that the role ofSqd protein is to take grk mRNA from the oocytenucleus, recruit Bruno in the cytoplasm, and deliver grkmRNA to an anchor (Fig. 8). In the absence of nuclearSqd, in either sqd or K10 egg chambers, grk RNA exitsthe nucleus by a generalized export mechanism, but doesnot associate efficiently with the repressor Bruno norwith the anchor. Because the interaction between grkmRNA and Bruno does not occur, even the unlocalizedgrk mRNA is translated efficiently. Using this model,Sqd protein provides the physical link between grkmRNA transport, localization, and its appropriatelyregulated translation.

In summary, the analysis of the role of Sqd in Dro-sophila oogenesis has revealed several novel aspects ofhnRNP function. Although the sqd1 mutation has pro-vided the opportunity to study specifically the role ofSqd in oogenesis, the lethality of sqd null alleles dem-onstrates that it is required for other processes duringdevelopment. Moreover, as grk itself is not required inother tissues and because Sqd is clearly required at othertimes during development, grk cannot be the only targetof Sqd protein. Although we have observed that Sqd willinteract with the grk transcript, it will most certainlybind to other mRNAs as well. Nevertheless, the require-ment for Sqd during oogenesis and its specific effect ongrk mRNA localization have revealed additional roles forhnRNPs. Specifically, these data have shown thatthrough its direct association with grk mRNA, Sqd pro-tein causes the mRNA to be localized properly to a veryspecific site within the oocyte cytoplasm. Moreover,through an association with Bruno, a defined transla-

Role of hnRNP Squid in oogenesis


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tional regulator, Sqd protein provides a link between grkmRNA export and its regulated translation. Finally, oneof the most unexpected findings of these studies is thedifferential functionality of the unique Sqd isoforms,both in terms of Sqd’s somatic function and its germ linerequirement. Different isoforms, presumably throughdifferential association with RNA-anchoring proteins,components of the translational machinery, or cellulartrafficking molecules, can affect differentially localiza-tion and efficient translation of mRNAs.

Materials and methods

Fly stocks, transgenes

The previously described sqd1, sqdIX50, and fs(1)K10 mutantstocks were used (Wieschaus et al. 1978; Kelley 1993). To gen-erate transgenic flies expressing the individual Sqd protein iso-forms, a 15-kb genomic fragment containing the complete sqdlocus was used. By digestion with EcoR1 and BglII restrictionenzymes, the genomic region containing the alternativelyspliced exons was removed. This genomic region was replacedwith corresponding regions of the appropriate cDNAs, resultingin pseudo-minigene constructs. These constructs were intro-duced into flies using standard P-element-mediated transforma-tion (Spradling and Rubin 1982). The Sqd transgenes werecrossed into sqd1 and sqdIX50 backgrounds to generate stocksthat were used to test the ability of each of the Sqd isoforms torescue the germ-line and somatic requirements for sqd. Somaticfunction of the isoforms was measured by their ability to rescuethe viability of the lethal allelic combination sqdIX50/Df(3R)urd. Similarly, the germ-line function of the isoformswas determined by their ability to rescue the patterning defectsof eggs laid by sqd1 homozygous females.


Immunohistochemistry was performed as previously described

(Matunis et al. 1994). Ovaries were fixed in 6% formaldehyde,16.7 mM KP04, 75 mM KCl, 25 mM NaCl, 3.3 mM MgCl2, andheptane. After fixation, ovaries were washed in PBS + 0.3% Tri-ton X-100, and incubated with appropriate primary and second-ary antibodies. The following primary antibodies were used:monoclonal anti-Sqd (8G6) (kindly provided by G. Dreyfuss,University of Pennsylvania) (Matunis et al. 1992), polyclonal ratanti-K10 (a generous gift of R. Cohen, University of Kansas)(Prost et al. 1988), and mouse monoclonal anti-Grk (1D12),which was used at a dilution of 1:40 (Van Buskirk and Schup-bach 1999). After staining, ovaries were mounted in 70% PBS/30% glycerol and analyzed by confocal microscopy (BioRadMRC 600 confocal microscope).

Construction of Sqd–GST fusion proteins

To generate full-length GST fusion proteins of each of the Sqdisoforms, full-length cDNA clones were used as templates forPCR amplification. Primers were designed to produce in-framefusions, and to produce convenient restriction enzyme se-quences for directional cloning. The cDNAs were cloned intothe pGex3 bacterial expression vector (Promega, Madison, WI)and transformed into JM109 bacteria. To induce fusion proteinexpression, cells were grown 1 hr at 37°C under no selectionconditions (no antibiotic). After this time, induction was per-formed by the addition of IPTG to a final concentration of 0.5mM, grown for an additional 3 hr, and cells were harvested bycentrifugation. The cells were lysed in 1× PBS, containing 1%Triton X-100, 0.2 mg/ml lysozyme, 50 mM EDTA, and proteaseinhibitors. After incubation on ice, the cell lysates were sub-jected to three rounds of freeze–thawing, and cellular debris waspelleted. Glycerol was to a final concentration of 20%, and thesupernatants were stored at −80°C. The GST fusions were pu-rified from the supernatants by incubation with glutathione-coated agarose beads (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). To check the in-tegrity and size of the GST fusions, purified proteins were re-solved by SDS-PAGE and Western blotted with an anti-GSTmonoclonal antibody (SantaCruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz,CA). Finally, the GST fusions were quantitated using a Bio-RadProtein Kit.

Figure 8. Model for the role of Sqd in grkmRNA localization and translation. In theoocyte nucleus SqdS protein binds to grkmRNA and to K10 protein, possibly as acomplex. Then SqdS protein in a complexwith grk mRNA and potentially other fac-tors, exits the nucleus. Once in the cyto-plasm, SqdS delivers grk mRNA to theSqdA isoform and the translational regula-tory protein Bruno. The RNA–protein com-plex is localized and anchored, whereuponpositive factors, such as Encore, Vasa,(Orb)oo18 RNA-binding, or (SpnE), SpindleE, relieve the translational repression byBruno (and possibly interact with Sqd),leading to efficient translation of grkmRNA.

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In vitro association of recombinant proteins35S-Labeled proteins were made using TNT reticulocyte tran-scription translation system (Promega, Madison, WI). The fol-lowing plasmids were used: the K10 cDNA (pKXR; R. Cohen),Bruno cDNA (p4004; P. Macdonald, Stanford University) VasacDNA (P. Lasko, McGill University), and Drosophila Transpor-tin (Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project). All binding studieswere conducted in 1× PBS + 0.5% BSA. For each sample, the35S-labeled proteins were precleared by incubation with 50 µl ofa 50% slurry glutathione-coated agarose beads (Sigma, St. Louis,MO). Supernatants were transferred to new tubes, 50 µl of freshglutathione beads and 1 µg GST fusion protein were added. Af-ter incubation at room temperature for 30 min, the beads werewashed three times with PBS + 0.1% Tween 20, resuspended in2× reducing SDS-PAGE sample buffer and resolved by SDS-PAGE. After drying, associated proteins were visualized by au-toradiography and the amount of radioactivity associated witheach GST fusion protein was quantitated using a PhosphorIm-ager and ImageQuant Software (Molecular Dynamics).


Anti-Sqd immunoprecipitations were performed using the 8G6mouse monoclonal anti-Sqd antibody (provided by G. Dreyfuss).Briefly, whole cell ovarian lysates were prepared by lysing Or-egon R ovaries in lysis buffer [10 mM Tris (pH 7.4), 100 mM

NaCl, 2.5 mM MgCl2, and 0.5% Triton X-100]. Lysates werecleared of cellular debris by centrifugation and supernatantswere precleared by incubation with protein A-G conjugated–agarose beads (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA). Su-pernatants were subjected to immunoprecipitation with theanti-Sqd monoclonal and fresh protein A-G–agarose beads. Im-munoprecipitates were washed with lysis buffer, resuspended in2× SDS-PAGE reducing sample buffer and resolved by SDS-PAGE.

UV cross linking analysis

RNA probes were made by in vitro transcription. Radiolabeledprobes were generated by including [32P]UTP in the transcrip-tion reaction mix in which 500 ng of linearized DNA templatewas used (Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN). After syn-thesis, unincorporated nucleotides were removed by purifica-tion over Sephadex G-50 microcolumns (Pharmacia Biotech,Piscataway, NJ). Cold, competitor RNA probes were generatedin a similar manner, except the amount of template DNA wasincreased to 2.5 or 30 µg and these probes were purified byethanol precipitation. UV cross-linking analysis was performedas described (Hedley and Maniatis 1991). Whole cell ovarianlysates were prepared as described above, approximately two tothree ovary equivalents were used per reaction. Ovarian pro-teins were incubated under the following reaction conditions:1× binding buffer [5 mM HEPES (pH 7.4), 2 mM MgCl2, 150 mM

KCl], 3 mg of tRNA, 75 mg of heparin, 1.5 ml of 10 mM DTT,and RNase inhibitor. Water or cold competitor RNAs wereadded to a final volume of 15 ml and the binding reactionsincubated on ice for 10 min. 32 P-Labeled RNAs (5 × 105 to 1 ×106 cpm) were added to the binding reactions and they werefurther incubated on ice for 10 min. RNAs and proteins werecross-linked on ice in a Stratalinker UV cross-linker (Stratagene,La Jolla, CA). RNase was added, the samples incubated at roomtemperature for 20 min, and 2× reducing SDS-PAGE samplebuffer added. Proteins and associated RNAs were resolved bySDS-PAGE and visualized by autoradiography.


We thank Robert Cohen, Gideon Dreyfuss, Elizabeth Gavis,Paul Lasko, and Paul Macdonald for their generous contribu-tions of reagents. We also thank Eric Wieschaus, ElizabethGavis, and the members of the Schupbach laboratory for theircritical reading of this manuscript. A.N. was supported by theHoward Hughes Medical Institute and the American CancerSociety postdoctoral fellowship PF-98-011-01 DDC. This workwas supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute andPublic Health Service grant PO1 CA41086 to T.S.

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part bypayment of page charges. This article must therefore be herebymarked ‘advertisement’ in accordance with 18 USC section1734 solely to indicate this fact.


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Norvell et al.


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13:1999, Genes Dev.   Amanda Norvell, Richard L. Kelley, Kristina Wehr, et al.   roles in Gurken localization during oogenesis

hnRNP, perform distinctDrosophilaSpecific isoforms of Squid, a


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