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Special Types of Speech

A. Speech of courtesy 

Welcome speech The speaker extends the welcome to his audience. It is important to state the reason of the recipients visit. Another important thing to be stated is the benefit or the mutual benefits that will possibly acquired by both parties.

Ex. New Students Welcome Speech"Good morning everyone! It is my great pleasure to be amongst the first to welcome you to this University of the Philippines, and to your new life as a college student at UP. We are dedicated to helping you attain knowledge and skills.  So I look forward to getting to know you all a bit better in coming weeks and months, and to hear your ideas  about how the university and its leadership can be helpful to you in your efforts. Welcome and Good luck!"

Response to a welcome should be made by expressing genuine appreciation for being honored. Speaker should thank the person for their kind remarks and let them know how honored you are to be there. Give compliments to the host group or family or whoever is putting the event on. Finally, tell them you can't wait to reciprocate their kindness.

Ex. Thank you very much, Miss for your excellent presentation. I am certain that I can speak for all of us this topic about Digital Marketing. It would be an honor indeed if you could return to address us again sometime in the future. We, always make it appoint that we are part of every seminar organize by PJMA. Again, I have the honor and privilege of thanking you for the cordial welcome you have given us."

Introduction Speech The speaker should emphasize the guest speaker by letting the attention of the audience focus unto him. The host is about to introduce the guest speaker by providing factual information about the guest speaker in order to catch the attention of the listeners and to make the guest speaker feel that everyone is overwhelmed to have him as a guest.

Ex. Introduction Speech to Nick Vujicic

"Now, guys I would like to introduce to you Serbian Australian evangelist and motivational speaker born with tetra-Amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability and, at the age of seventeen, started his own non-profit organization, Life without Limits. He presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life. He also speaks about his belief that God can use any willing heart to do his work and

that God is big enough to overcome any and all disabilities. Let's give a big round of applause to Mr. Nick Vujicic."

Presentation speech The host is about to announce the deserving winner of the specific event. It should be done in a way that the satisfaction is felt by the recipient by indicating their pleasant characteristics in reaching those achievements. Having the speaker make the actual presentation is also nice for the audience to see to make it more believable and non bias.

Ex. Winner in the World Dance Competition

"It was a tough competition to judge indeed. The level of performances has been absolutely top-notch. But the one group performer that stood out because of their sheer determination, talent and energy in the performance only will take away the prize. So without further ado, the winner of this competition is Phillipine All Stars! Congratulations Philippine All Stars! Could you come on stage and say a few words about your experience?"

Acceptance Speech The recipient of the award delivers this speech when honored. It should be concluded by accepting the gift gracefully to express appreciation to the side of the organization that gave the award. Dedicate also the award to the people who helped make the award possible.

Ex. Accepting an award for best actress"It is very overwhelming to be here on stage carrying this award. I sincerely thank every one of you my manager, my sponsors, my lovely fans, my super supportive family and most importantly God for helping me reach a stage where I can proudly hold up this award as a mark of my achievement. I also promise to only get better at my work so that you can see me here again next year, hopefully for a different award next time. Thank you very much for the support!"

B. Speech for special occasions

Farewell speech This speech expresses a genuine regrets about leaving. Speaker would end the program by giving thanks and appreciation to his audience for having him in that particular event. And speaker must leave an impression in order the audience to remember.

Ex. Speech for Seminar

"It was a great pleasure to speak in front of 1,500 marketing students and I hope you have learned all what I said earlier. Just remember, think what you want to become, and let your passion be it. Finally, let me end here by thanking you all once again and we wish you all the best of luck and brighter future ahead. Let’s all pray and hope to meet again somewhere, somehow, some day.After the dinner speech The purpose of this is to entertain yet informs an audience about one or more particular issues that are relevant to the occasion of the event. should be made by delivering the speech in an attractive and clear manner.

Ex. Dinner before the wedding *best man speech* I would like to thank each and every one of you for gathering here this evening. I would like to give a short speech for my best pal. Uhm - It’s fair to say that being a best man can be a nerve racking experience. As you would expect there is one person here feeling really nervous, apprehensive and queasy about what lies ahead. All I can say is don’t worry; it’s probably because he'll be married! Dude, you will marry a great lady so better keep your eyes on her. So it gives me immense pleasure to invite you all to be upstanding, to raise your glasses, and to join me in a toast to the new Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez to whom we wish the very best."

Tribute Speech The speaker delivers eulogy or speech to pay special recognition to a person. This speech also intended to inspire and to reflect the emotions felt by the audience. This includes commendable achievements of the honoree he had undergone and his contribution has had upon others.

Ex. Eulogy of Ms. Charo to the late Dolphy Quizon

"We have invited everyone from the movie industry, from the television industry, our friends from advertising, our friends from the media, because we're paying tribute to the one great Filipino comedian Dolphy With Tito Dolphy, there are no network lines to be drawn, as Kapamilyas, Kabarkadas, Kapusos unite to celebrate with the one and only King of Comedy. He acknowledges the people who helped him along the way. That's what kept him grounded and, therefore, every role that he portrayed was able to essay what is human, what are the values that really matter in life. He was a picture of every person. "