Download - Special Report Neurotransmitter Testing


July 1, 2015 [ ]


Using NeuroChemistry Test Panels to solve the Underlying Problems

Dr. Shelly Byrd

Doctor of Natural Medicine

Certified in Neuroscience

[email protected]


1 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

July 1, 2015 [ ]

Don’t Guess, Assess

Are you in the business of helping others as a counselor, life coach, or psychologist?

It is very likely that you have encountered some clients with various levels of depression. In today’s market, many clients are looking for natural-based solutions to help improve their symptoms.

You may be interested in consulting with me to conduct precise neurotransmitter testing to help your clients improve at a faster rate. A customized supplement program can then be implemented that targets the imbalance noted on the test results.

What Are Neurotransmitters?

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers. The brain uses these messengers to control mood, sleep, concentration, metabolism, and energy levels. Neurotransmitter imbalances are caused by stress, improper diet, toxins, genetics, and inflammation. Once the balance is disrupted between these communicators, depressive symptoms can become apparent.

2 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

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Which Neurotransmitters are Good Markers of Depressive Symptoms?

Many people automatically assume that low Serotonin is the culprit of a

depressed state of mind. Actually, depression can be caused by either a surplus or lack of one or more of the following Neurotransmitters: Serotonin, Glycine, Glutamate, PEA (phenylethylamine), Nor epinephrine (Nor Adrenaline), and Dopamine. If someone has the right amount of Serotonin, you could actually exasperate their symptoms by recommending them to take serotonin supplements.

Neurotransmitter High Levels Low LevelsSerotoninPlays an important role in mood, sleep, and appetite, calming

Intestinal complaints,Low libido

Anxiousness, Low mood, Intestinal complaints,Low libido, Sleep difficulties, Menopause symptoms

GlycineHelps calm and relax the body

Excessive energy, anxiousness, Sleep difficulties


GlutamateNecessary for learning and memory

Urges, Cravings, Focus, Concentration, Low mood, Discomfort

Fatigue, focus, and concentration issues

PEA Focus and concentration

Sleep Difficulties, Mind racing, anxiousness, Low mood

Focus and concentration, Fatigue, Memory issues, Brain fog

NorepinephrineMental focus, Emotional stability, Endocrine function

Anxiousness, Focus and Concentration issues, Low mood, Sleep difficulties, Weight issues

Focus and Concentration issues, Low mood, Fatigue, Memory issues, Weight issues, Menopause symptoms

DopamineResponsible for feelings of pleasure and satisfaction

Focus and concentration issues, Sleep difficulties

Urges, Impulsivity, Low mood, Anxiousness, Focus and concentration, fatigue

We can see from the previous table that when any combination of these 6 neurotransmitters are out of balance, common symptoms can include:

3 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

July 1, 2015 [ ]

Low Mood



Sleep Disturbances

Focus and Concentration Problems

Low Libido


Brain Fog

Weight Issues

Intestinal Complaints

How can these markers be assessed clinically?

A neurotransmitter test specialist is contacted, and a test kit is mailed directly to the client. The test kit includes the necessary vials for 2 urine collections (taken at the same time), and 4 saliva collections (taken once every 5 hours). An in-depth questionnaire is included to identify their main complaints. A pre-paid return shipping label is also included.

Why Is This Particular Test Effective?

4 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

July 1, 2015 [ ]

This expanded profile test uses saliva to measure key stress hormones, cortisol and DHEA.

Cortisol regulates glucose metabolism and the body’s response to stress. Salivary cortisol measurements are used as indicators of the stress response and have been associated with anxiety and mood disorders.

DHEA is produced by the adrenal gland and is a precursor to estrogens and androgens. DHEA is also a valid measure of the body’s stress response.

The following graph shows an example of cortisol levels throughout the day and night. This indicates that cortisol levels are normal in the morning and early afternoon. Cortisol levels rise in the evening and at bedtime, probably related to stress and irritability. Their sleep cycle is likely disrupted.

This expanded profile test uses urine to measure 12 clinically relevant neurotransmitter levels. Scientific literature suggests neurotransmitters play an important role in many psychological disorders.

The following graph shows the 12 critical neurotransmitters. The bar graphs in red indicate that the levels are either high or low for that neurotransmitter. The gray bars indicate that the levels are normal for that particular neurotransmitter. Optimally, we want the neurotransmitters to all be in the middle column, known as the inter-quintile range. We do not want the neurotransmitters to be too high or low, but we want them to be in balance.

5 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

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In addition to depression markers, the evaluation of these key neurotransmitters is also used for:

Anxiety Focus/ Memory Concentration Sleep Disturbances Fatigue Immune Challenges

Network Interpretation

6 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

July 1, 2015 [ ]

The following chart is a useful guide to interpret the results of the test. The sympathetic tone, adrenal function, immune activation, oxidative stress, and central nervous system are all used as markers.

This information gives key insights to the symptoms the patient may be experiencing. Targeted supplements are recommended in this program that rebalance these markers.

After the Report Findings Are Analyzed, What Happens Next?

7 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

July 1, 2015 [ ]

Of course, feeling better faster is the main objective of this program. Depending on which imbalances are noted on the reports, a customized supplement protocol is then implemented.

This program is unique in that it has been clinically tested on over 800,000 patients. These are targeted supplements that are specifically designed to move biomarkers. The supplements differ from prescriptions because they contain the building blocks of nutrients that repair and rebalance brain chemistry. A doctor will evaluate the results, and the best supplement protocol will be recommended and clinically dosed for each case.

The average duration of the program is approximately 4 to 6 months, but maintenance doses may be given, depending on the case. Monthly office visits are necessary to evaluate progress and adjust doses. Patients may be retested to verify homeostasis and effectiveness of the program.

Based on my clinical experience, I have seen most patients start to notice an improvement in their symptoms in a little as 7 days. The program is tailored to the patient and takes into account all of the biological pathways and co-factors for success.

Why Different Stages of Adrenal Fatigue Are Evaluated

8 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers




July 1, 2015 [ ]

This program takes into account early, mid, and late stages of adrenal fatigue by measuring cortisol levels, indicative of stress responses. Stress responses are under the control of the sympathetic nervous system.

This graph identifies the different stages of Adrenal Fatigue and how adrenal hormones and neurotransmitter levels can become altered.

How Stress Stages Alter Cortisol and Neurotransmitters



Mid-Stage Biomarkers




End-Stage Biomarkers


In the early stages of Adrenal Fatigue, there is high sympathetic activity. The nervous system is in overdrive, trying to put out the fire of the stressor.

In mid-stages of Adrenal Fatigue, elevated levels of cortisol result in cortisol receptor desensitization making it difficult to regulate HPA axis activity. Cortisol and epinephrine levels drop, due to depletion.

In the end-stage of Adrenal Fatigue, there is low sympathetic activity. Most cortisol receptors or desensitized, resulting in unregulated HPA axis activity. Output is low, and symptoms are more exaggerated.

The Link between Stress and Depression

Recent scientific studies show Stress and depression are characterized by an elevation of circulating cortisol, as well as by changes in physiological functions. Elevated cortisol is also associated with the origin and development of depression. Accordingly, the elevated cortisol induced by stress increases serotonin uptake, under both rest and nerve stimulation, which is overtly expressed in symptoms of depression.

Ability of Supplements to Rebalance the Nervous System

9 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

July 1, 2015 [ ]

The supplements recommended in this program take into account the clinical nervous system markers and brain function. Different supplements and dosages are recommended based on where each patient in the adrenal stress cycle. Some patients may need calming support, while others may need excitatory support.

Superior Nutraceuticals Are Used

Although the formulations recommended are specific to the test results, listed below are some supporting nutrients that may be incorporated to help rebalance the biomarkers.

All products used are professional grade, offering the highest potency, purity, and quality without fillers and unnecessary ingredients.

There are many proprietary supplements to choose from, depending on each case. Primary ingredients that help with depression may include:

5-HTP – The Amino Acid that is converted into Serotonin

L-Tryptophan – An essential amino acid that is the precursor to Serotonin

Theanine – An amino acid found in green tea that offers calming effects

Taurine – May increase GABA levels and offer calming effects

Melatonin – A hormone that promotes sleep

4-Amino-3-phenylbutyric acid – A GABA derivative that crosses the blood/brain barrier and calms PEA

B6 – A co-factor needed to produce Serotonin and Dopamine

B12 – Helps in the formation of SAMe and reduces homocystine

Folate—Needed as a co-factor for tyrosine and for norepinephrine to convert to epinephrine

SAMe – methyl donor that helps convert norepinephrine to epinephrine, reduces oxidative stress, and supports mood

Vitamin D – Reduces oxidative stress

Clinical Application

10 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

July 1, 2015 [ ]

Depression is a medical condition that has both physical (biochemical) and emotional causes and consequences. Depression can occur in many different severities ranging from mild sadness/loss of interest, to suicidal thoughts/actions, but depression always has an underlying biochemical aspect.

This program can be used either as:

A natural alternative to Anti-Depression prescriptions As a clinical identifier to help anti-depressants work more effectively


A New Scientific Approach to Depression

The traditional route -- Some physicians and psychiatrists may choose to put their patients on anti-depressant prescriptions. Commonly prescribed medications for depression work by altering brain signaling via neurotransmitter modulation. Assessment of neurotransmitters involved in depression can be helpful in selecting the best class of medication, tracking the medication's effects, and determining the success of the medication. Once the biochemical abnormalities contributing to the depression are identified, a personalized treatment approach can be undertaken. This program can help anti-depressants be used more effectively through testing and co-factor supplementation by studying the biochemical pathways.

The holistic route – This program can be used on its own as a comprehensive clinical testing program to evaluate biochemical markers. Improvement is noted as patients follow the target supplement protocol plan. Each supplement protocol and dosages are uniquely developed for each patient. Results are verified by clinical re-testing and symptom evaluation forms. I recommend starting with the holistic route first, as the success rate is very high and risks are low. The brain patterns are optimized and rebalanced.

It is also possible to make the transition from using anti-depressants to natural protocols at the discretion of your medical doctor. A neurotransmitter specialist can assist in easing this transition as the brain recalibrates during the changes.

Common Side Effects of Anti-Depressants

11 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

July 1, 2015 [ ]

It has been well documented that side effects may occur with the use of anti-depressants. Some common side effects may include:

movement disorders agitation sexual dysfunction improper bone development improper brain development gastrointestinal bleeding

The risk/benefit ratio of giving a prescription must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. I advocate trying a natural solution first to rebalance brain chemistry and avoid other side effects and additional subsequent prescriptions.

With the use of anti-depressants, other prescriptions may be used to offset the side effects. For example, a tranquilizer may be given if the patient feels too agitated or an antacid may be given for gastro-intestinal discomfort. Sometimes, the effectiveness of a particular anti-depressant may not be long-lasting, and subsequent booster prescriptions may be given.

Making Dietary Recommendations

Because diet is a key component and indicator of good health, I offer dietary expertise for each patient, focusing on specific foods and dietary changes that help repair the entire body, detoxify, reduce inflammation, elevate mood, and support the adrenal glands and nervous system.

Note: The source of graphs, and technical information presented here was taken from Dr. Byrd’s clinical data, as well as from the NeuroScience Corporation’s literature.

Note: Dr. Byrd holds a doctorate level degree, and is not a M.D. physician.

Success Stories

12 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

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Let me implement this program for your patients to help them improve their mood, sleep cycle, focus ability, and anxiousness. Everyone is happier in a refreshed, calm, collected state, where they can shine again and be their true selves.


“This was the best choice I could have made for my depression. I went from

feeling unmotivated and down all the time, to now being happy and driven


“Going thru the worst time in my life (divorce) and having my life change completely, I knew my body was going to break down. When I came to Shelly she had me supplement to keep my body healthy. With the shock that I was going through I have remained happy and healthy.”

“Thank you for helping me stay positive and make healthy decisions.”

About the Author:

13 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers

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Dr. Shelly Byrd is a Doctor of Natural Medicine, as well as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. She has a clinical office offering holistic advice. She is certified in Neuroscience (NEI), and is an expert in implementing neurotransmitter profile tests as well as supplement protocols.

Because chronic inflammation affects mood by altering brain chemicals and hormones, she also offers the world’s most comprehensive hair analysis sensitivity panel, covering over 600 items related to foods, environmental, and chemical products. Chronic Inflammation is commonly

found in depressed individuals.

She is a co-host and research analyst on KCAA Radio, 1050 AM, an NBC affiliate station, where she is frequently in the spotlight talking about a variety of health-related topics. Her writings have been published in the Natural News Publications.

Dr. Byrd implements the philosophy that the body has the innate ability to heal itself, given the proper nutrients in the correct amounts.

Contact Information:

Dr. Shelly Byrd, DNM, NTP, NEI

22521 Avenida Empresa #129

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688



[email protected]

14 Natural Solutions for Depressive Markers