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Margaret Janavicius Dominican University LIS 773 Spring 2011

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Will: Autism & Communication

“He was a beautiful butterfly” = “I am hungry!”

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Will & the Library

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How do we best serve kids with special needs in the School Library?

Best Practices

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Special Needs in the School Library

  Due to legislation over the past 30+ years, many more students with special needs are attending “mainstream” schools:

“Students with disabilities made up approximately 13.8% of the student enrollment in elementary and secondary public schools nationwide in the 2005-2006 school year” (National Center for Education Statistics 2006 as cited in Allen & Hughes-Hassell 52).

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  The Rehabilitation Act of 1973

  “Prohibits discrimination against individuals, including K-12 students, on the basis of a disability in programs receiving federal financial assistance” (Adams 54).

  Education for All Handicapped Children Act 1975

  Federal government mandated that students with disabilities receive special education services (Allen & Hughes-Hassell 52).

   The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (IDEA)

  Requires “public schools to make available to all eligible children with disabilities a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment appropriate for their individual needs” (US Dept of Justice as quoted in Adams)

  IDEA “identifies procedures for categorizing students as eligible for special education services and providing those services, including both how and where services are delivered” (Jones et al).

  Creation of Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

   The American with Disabilities Act 1990 (ADA)

  “Public schools must provide those with a disability an equal opportunity to all programs, services, and activities and follow specific architectural standards in new construction or renovation of older buildings” (Adams)

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Special Needs in the School Library

Are librarians equipped to best serve these students?

  Many feel unprepared   2008 North Carolina school librarian study

by Kendra Allen:   Participants graded themselves on their

knowledge of best practices in special education

  82% gave themselves a “C or D,” 8% gave themselves an “F”

  “Historically, this topic has had limited coverage in our literature … “ (Nancy Everhart, 2010-11 AASL President in Knowledge Quest)

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The good news …

“While school librarians may not have a great deal of training and support to accommodate students with disabilities, they have historically welcomed this group of students” (Zambone & Jones 19).

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Best Practices

  “Be a model for using first-person language”, i.e., put the person before the disability (Perrault 6)

 NOT Margaret is cancerous BUT Margaret has cancer  NOT Beth is disabled BUT Beth has a disability  NOT Will is autistic BUT Will has autism

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Best Practices

  “Engage in professional development that increases your knowledge and skills in working with students with varying abilities” (Perrault 6)   Visit sites of professional organizations for disabilities (AASL SLM



  Consider a school that serves special needs students for your observation hours or clinical experience

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Best Practices

  Become informed about and acquire assistive technology & software

  Ex: large print books, audio books, videos, color-coding techniques & use of symbols as visual clues, assistive listening devices, captioning features, alternative communication devices, text readers, voice-recognition programs, etc.

  Try loaning equipment before purchasing to make sure it fits your needs

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Best Practices

 Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

 Educational approach with three primary principles:

 Multiple means of representation – give learners options for acquiring knowledge

 Multiple means of action and expression – for learners to demonstrate what they know

 Multiple means of engagement – to tap into learners’ interest (Wopperer 56)

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Best Practices

  Have a balanced collection  Materials in a variety of formats

and levels   Ex: graphic novels (aid students with

hearing loss and dyslexia ), audio books

 Resource materials about disabilities for teachers, students, and parents

 Materials that positively portray individuals with disabilities

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Benefits of a balanced collection:

“It is imperative for [students with special needs] and important to their teachers that they are able to find literature at their interest level that reflects an acceptance of their particular disability or special need” (Kaiser 5).

“Literature provides the necessary perspectives for children and young adults with disabilities to see themselves differently, more positively” (Wopperer 28).

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Best Practices

  Create a safe, welcoming environment that students can access   Eliminate physical barriers

(narrow rows or high shelving, heavy doors)

 Have clear signage, good lighting

  Study carrels with side aprons to block out distractions

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Best Practices


“[School librarians] must communicate and collaborate with general education teachers and special education professionals to provide targeted curricular, instructional supports as well as appropriate resources and technology” (Allen & Hughes-Hassell 52).

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Best Practices

  COLLABORATE!   Join forces with classroom & special education

teachers  Attend IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meetings

 “supports, adaptations, and modifications mandated in a student’s IEP must be available in the school library as well as the classroom” (Zambone & Jones 22)

 Help create IEP goals related to information literacy   If attendance is not possible, at least read the IEPs of

your students

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Best Practices

  COLLABORATE!    Enlist the administration’s

support   For adequate funding & staffing

in the library to provide materials & support to students

 Work with parents   Can help you get to know more

about your student   Be a resource for each other

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Most Important:

 Just as there are many different types of students, there are many different types of disabilities:   Learning disabilities   Intellectual disabilities   Speech or language impairments   Hearing impairments   Visual impairments   Deaf-blindness   Orthopedic impairments   Neurological impairments   Brian injury   Autism   Chronic illness

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Most Important:


“A first step to helping students with special needs begins with understanding the different disabling conditions” (Zambone & Jones 19).

“Best practice is only effective if tailored to the needs of individual students” (Allen & Hughes-Hassell 54).

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Most Important:

“… it is important for school librarians to remember that students with disabilities are people first” (Zambone & Jones 19).

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Works Cited

  Adams, Helen R. "Access for Students with Disabilities. (Cover Story)." School Library Media Activities Monthly 25.10 (2009): 54. Print.

  "ALA | Knowledge Quest " Web. 3/10/2011 <>.

  "ALA | SLM Resources " Web. 3/10/2011 <>.

  Allen, Kendra L., and Sandra Hughes-Hassell. "Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities." School Library Monthly 27.1 (2010): 52-4. Print.

  "Audio Books | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" Web. 3/10/2011 <>.

  "Autism Speaks - Chicagoland Chapter | Facebook" Web. 3/10/2011 <>.

  Blue, Elfreda V., and Darra Pace. "UD and UDL: PAVING THE WAY TOWARD INCLUSION AND INDEPENDENCE IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 48-55. Print.

  Carle, Eric. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Pop-Up Book. Philomel. Print. "CEC | Home "Web. 3/13/2011 <>.

  Copeland, Clayton A. "School Librarians of the 21st Century." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 64-9. Print.

  Cummings, Edward O. "Assistive and Adaptive Technology Resources." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 70-3. Print.

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Works Cited

  Everhart, Nancy. "Everyone's Special: Equal Opportunities for all Students to Learn." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 4-5. Print.

  "Flickr: CCAC North Library's Photostream" Web. 3/10/2011 <>.

  Franklin, Renee E. "Before the Bell Rings." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 58-63. Print.

  "Graphic Novels | Flickr - Photo Sharing!” Web. 3/10/11 <>.

  Guild, Sandy. "LD Accommodations in the School Library." Knowledge Quest 37.1 (2008): 24-9. Print.

  Hanson-Baldauf, Dana. ""Not a Life, but a Good Life is to be Chiefly Valued." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 8-17. Print.

  Harris, Christopher. "Lend Me a Handheld: Assistive tech is as close as your mobile device" Web. 3/12/2011 <>.

  "Home | National Center On Universal Design for Learning" Web. 3/13/2011 <>.

  Hopkins, Janet. "School Library Accessibility: The Role of Assistivetechnology." Teacher Librarian 31.3 (2004): 15-8. Print.

  "In the Picture | disabled children | picture books | Disability Charity | Scope UK" Web. 3/13/2011 <>.

  "Indicator 6 (2010) Children and Youth with Disabilities "Web. 3/14/2011 <>.

  Irwin, Marilyn, and Robin Moeller. "Seeing Different: Portrayals of Disability

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Works Cited

  Janavicius, Margaret. Personal Photographs. 2010.

  Jones, Jami L., et al. "The Forgotten Partners in Special Education: Teacher-Librarians." Teacher Librarian 37.4 (2010): 65-9. Print.

  Jurkowski, Odin. "The Library as a Support System for Students." Intervention in School & Clinic 42.2 (2006): 78-83. Print.

  Kaiser, Crystal E. "Is Your Early Childhood Literature Collection Disability-Inclusive and Current?" Children & Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children 5.3 (2007): 5-12. Print.

  Katz, Jeff. "Addressing Special Needs AND AT-RISK POPULATIONS IN LIBRARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS. (Cover Story)." Public Libraries 48.6 (2009): 34-7. Print.

  Keswick, Kitty. ""D" is for Dragon…." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 74-5. Print.

  Krueger, Karla S., and Greg F. Stefanich. "The School Librarian as an AGENT of Scientific Inquiry for Students with Disabilities." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 40-7. Print.

  "Library books | Flickr - Photo Sharing! "Web. 3/10/2011 <>.

  Morgan, Cathy& Charkow, Kristen. Personal Interview. February 25, 2011.

  Murray, Janet. "How School Librarians Can Contribute to the Personal Growth of Students with Disabilities." Orana 36.2 (2000): 5. Print.

  National Association for Down Syndrome. "National Association for Down Syndrome's Facebook Wall" National Association for Down Syndrome's Facebook Wall (2010). Web. <>.

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Works Cited

  Perrault, Anne Marie. "Rethinking School Libraries: Beyond Access to Empowerment." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 6-7. Print.

  "Professional Resources." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 30-1. Print.

  "Project ENABLE "Web. 3/13/2011 <>.

  Schumacher, Florence. Personal Interview. January 3, 2011. Print.

  Snow, Kathie. "People First Language " RSS (2009) Web. <>.

  "State of Rhode Island : Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing : Feedback Survey "Web. 3/10/2011 <>.

  White, Britt. "The World in Words & Pictures." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 18-25. Print.

  Wopperer, Emily. "Inclusive Literature in the Library and the Classroom." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 26-34. Print.

  Wopperer, Emily.. "Multimodal Resources for the Education of all." Knowledge Quest 39.3 (2011): 36-9. Print.

  Zambone, Alana M., and Jami L. Jones. "Special Ed101 for School Librarians. (Cover Story)." School Library Monthly 26.6 (2010): 19-22. Print.