




The Article 25.2 of the Spanish Constitution, the Organic Law 1/1979, of September 26th, General Penitentiary and its regulations (Royal Decree 190/1996, of February 9th) constitutes the basic normative framework of the Spanish prisons’ system. It

collects all the Spanish penitentiary legislation and it endorses the recommendations laid down in the European Prison Rules.

The Spanish Constitution, in the article 25.2, establishes that

Moreover, the adoption of Organic Law General Prison meant an important change to confer autonomy in this sector of the criminal legal system and equate criminal legislation, the procedure and the prison.

Their legislation is based on some minimum provisions inspired by the recommendations of the United Nations and the Council of Europe, in international agreements on human rights and the Spanish Constitution on the treatment of prisoners.


"the custodial sentences

and security measures must be directed towards the re-education and social reintegration and may not consist of forced labor. The convicted to imprisonment who would be suffering it shall enjoy fundamental rights except for those which are expressly limited by the contents of the conviction, sense of worth and the Penitentiary Act. In any case, they will be entitled to a paid job and Social Security benefits, as well as to the access to the culture and the full development of their personality".

The Article 1 of the preamble stipulates that "penitentiary institutions regulated under this law have as main goal the re-education and social rehabilitation of the convicted to any loss of liberty measures, as well as the retention and custody of detainees, prisoners and convicts. They are also in charge of an assistance task for the inmates and released people”.



The Article 3 of the preamble says:


1. Inmates may exercise their civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights, without exclusion of the right to vote, except the case they were incompatible

with the object of their arrest or the enforcement of the sentence.2. Measures shall be taken so that inmates and their family members retain their

rights to Social Security benefits acquired before the entry into prison.3. Any circumstance will prevent the inmates to continue their pending

proceedings at imprisonment time or to initiate new actions.

4. The prison administration shall ensure the life, integrity and health of inmates.5. The inmate has the right to be designated by his its name.6. No inmate should be subjected to physical or verbal abuse.

The Article 26 includes the right to work and its conditions. "

"the prison activity shall be exercised while respecting, in any case, the human personality of the detained rights and the same legal interests not affected by the sentence, without establishing any difference on the

basis of race, political opinions, religious beliefs, social status or any other circumstances of similar nature".

The work will be considered as a right and a duty of the inmate, being a fundamental element of the treatment.

Its conditions will be:

1. It won’t have an affliction nature, it won’t be applied as a correction’s measure.2. It won’t threaten the inmate’s dignity. 3. It will have a formative and creative character or productive therapeutic or

conservative habits, in order to prepare the inmates for normal free work conditions.

4. It will be organized and scheduled, according to the skills and professional qualification, in a way that it satisfies the Occupational aspirations of the



The Article 55, lays down the principles relating to the education and training of the prisoner:

The Royal Decree 19/96, February 9th, approves the prison rules, develops the General Penitentiary Act and incorporates several modifications in the prison law, as a consequence of the entry into force of the new criminal code and subsequent modifications.

The Royal Decree 515/2005, of 6 May 6th, develops the circumstances of execution of

penalties of work in benefit of the community and of permanent location, certain security measures, as well as the suspension of the custodial sentences.

Since the reform of the 1995 Penal Code, Spanish Parliament has used this route to make amendments to the prison system, both in relation to the incorporation of new penalties or forms of compliance, especially in an open and community environment , and as with the regulation of prison benefits or the minimum or maximum length of prison sentences.

detainee as far as they are compatible with the establishment’s organizationand safety.

5. It will be facilitated by the Public Administration.

6. It will have the protection of the Public Social Security legislation. 7. It won’t be conditioned by the Public Administration economic interests.

1. "In each establishment, there is a school in which the instruction of inmates, especially the illiterate and youth ones will be developed."

2. The lessons that are taught in the establishments shall be adjusted, where possible, to the existing legislation in the field of education and vocational training."



All these provisions contain the legal framework that regulates the performance of the penitentiary system that is developed and adapted, essentially, through the prison law and circulars and instructions of the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions.

This legal framework provides a broad picture of penalties and a few modalities and forms of compliance flexible and open to carry out social reintegration model

contained in the Constitution, which is the benchmark of the performance of the Spanish prison system.

The fundamental task, assigned by the Spanish Constitution and the prisons General Organic Act to the prison system, consists in ensuring that sentences imposed by judges, secure custody of prisoners and protect their integrity. But this mission would not be complete or effective if it were not aimed at the rehabilitation of inmates. The aim is that stepping in jail does not serve, as in the past, as a school of criminals but, rather, to prepare them for a life in freedom in which the main goal will be the respect for social standards and for laws. Therefore the effort targets, above all, put in your hands the labour and educational media that help them to face successfully the new life that awaits them when they go out of prison.

The entire organization of the prison system and the material available means is aimed at these objectives with maximum efficiency. To achieve it, the proceedings fit to these four principles:

The entry into prison is always a traumatic fact that aims to alleviate, as far as possible, welcoming the inmate in a module of income. During this period, the newcomer is recognized by the medical service and interviewed by a technical team that evaluates him and assigns the regime of life according to criteria of separation and classification taking into account their personality and criminal record.





The Spanish penitentiary system is progressive. This means that all inmates can progress to third grade or open regime depending on the time of fulfillment of the penalty and its evolution, once analyzed his conduct, participation in

activities, behavior in outputs of permissions, etc. But his regime in the event of negative behavior can also be hardened.

Until two months have passed since the judgment is received, the Treatment Board, chaired by the director of the Centre and integrated by a multidisciplinary technical team, proposes the penitentiary degree that, initially, the prisoner must comply with the sentencing. In the majority of cases, they are classified in second grade or ordinary regime that allows them to lead a similar life, that would be released, as far as possible, in order to avoid damages caused in their rehabilitation detention and removal of life in society.

Only exceptionally, when the prisoner shows openly misfit or violent conduct it is necessary his classification in first grade or closed regime.

No classification is final and all grades are obligatorily checked past a few months.

The third degree or opened regime has the function of learning to make gradual incorporation of the prisoner to live in freedom. It is also a factor of stimulation to the rehabilitation of the inmate who thus sees rewarded his efforts with better treatmentof his sentence. This system makes it possible to assess his evolution and verify the degree of recovery at the end of the process.

. The activities organized in the prison are geared not only to therapeutic recovery or the assistance of the prisoner, but first and foremost, to develop their social and labour capacities and facilitate their reintegration as well.

Educational, socio-cultural, recreational and sports programs help to their personal and social development, stimulate their self-esteem and motivate a respectful attitude towards the law. This concept of intervention is the basis of the system and found the best way to prevent recidivism.

The Spanish prisons are scattered throughout the national territory which allows inmates to comply their

Degree progression.

Prison Treatment

Enforcement of the sentence where the prisoner has social roots.



condemnation in the institution closer to their place of origin to avoid family and social rootlessness.

The relationship of the prisoner with the outside world is seen as a positive instrument for reintegration. The prison regulations control the communication by phone, letter or through personal contacts in installations enabled for that purpose in the centers.

The Spanish prison system allows that the internal communication through booths

with close and immediate family can take place either once a week or once a month, at a minimum, in a vis a vis mode.

The inmate can also enjoy, as a preparation for his life in freedom, ordinary exit permits on a proposal from the Treatment Board and approved by the supervisory judge. To achieve them it is necessary to be rated in second or third grade, having fulfilled, at least a quarter of the condemnation and have shown a trend positive. For all inmates there are extraordinary exit permits when special circumstances such as the death of a close relative or the birth of a child take place.

Professionals working in the prison system play a decisive role in the development of prison policy and the implementation of programs of rehabilitation of inmates.In a prison system that is aimed at social reintegration it is essential to have teams of qualified professionals with a high level of involvement. It is, mainly, in their hands, in large measure, where you can find the success or failure of the task. It is therefore

necessary to make the prison an attractive place to work.

The training of public employees is an essential element in the strategy for the prison administration change. New challenges and technological advances applied to the prison system require continuous updating of knowledge and personnel instruction. The Centre of penitentiary studies, in process of redefinition, is responsible for this work. Among its duties it is the development of training programs for persons who are incorporated into the system at the time which is responsible for specialization and

Communication with the exterior and exit permits.




implementation to date with different professionals and teams categories involved in the correctional process. The Studies Centre also has as mission training for the professional promotion of public employees, key factor to increase the motivation and

involvement in the work.

To develop its functions, the General Secretariat of penitentiary institutions had, in September 2009, 24.004 workers between the civil service and labor personnel. To these professionals it is necessary to add 448 who work in the Autonomous Organism for Penal Work and Training for Employment.

Prisons have specialized personnel subject to labor and civil regime. Through a structure of bodies and professional categories, the system guarantees the coverage of personnel specialized in criminal law, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, medicine, nursing, social work, surveillance and custody, economic and administrative

management, productive direction of workshops, vocational training and labor orientation, among others.

The prison system has a multidisciplinary team of professionals such as:

. They are responsible for studying all criminal, procedural and prison information of each inmate and perform the legal assessment for classification to be determined by the programming of the treatment to be followed. They draft and underlie the agreements adopted by the Treatment Board and perform legal reports to the judicial authorities and prison administration.

Each prison legal services provide legal guidance and updated information about the litigation, criminal and prison inmates’ situation so that they can draw some realistic expectations for the future in the medium and long term.

. They study the variables that determine the behavior of the inmate to issue reports and identify the gaps and needs that must be taken into account when allocating treatment programs and individualized models of intervention for each inmate. They are responsible for carrying out the therapeutic programs. .

Their job is to learn, to advise and to inform both correctional topics such as extra-penitentiary to each of the inmates who have assigned. They observe their behavior






and emit the corresponding reports that are reflected in the follow-up folder. They develop therapeutic intervention programs and cultural and sporting activities that affect inmates who they are responsible of.

Before starting any other intervention in the rehabilitation of the inmate, the focus of social workers is focused to resolve the problematic socio-familial triggered his entry into prison. In particular, they provide information and advice on

existing social services so that they can access to subsidies, aid for housing, schooling, scholarships, grants, etc. Social workers mediate in the restoration of family ties deteriorated or broken to recompose the social fabric of the inmate. When these do not exist, they seek alternative social assistance resources with a view to their gradual social reintegration. They are also responsible for promoting the employability of those inmates whose prison situation allows them to access to the social and working environment. All this happens without neglecting the work of supporting and monitoring the conditional released and persons subjected to alternative penalties.

They are responsible for developing protocols for the development of the healthcare activity within the prison. They must ensure that health care is quality through the rational and efficient use of diagnostic and therapeutic resources own and others. They determine the criteria for referral to specialized level of the sick

that require it and make a critical follow-up. They are also responsible for ensuring correct compliance of the health programs established by the direction of the Center or the competent health authority. They have to ensure that all health documentation is properly completed and will be available to the address of the Centre and public health agencies.

. They carry out investigations and studies that determined the prison administration, while advising on matters of their specialty. They also participate in programming, development and evaluation of intervention programs for prisoners.

This group represents the vast majority of the collective of workers of the system and develops diverse and varied functions within

Social workers.

Health personnel.


Security and Interior Personal.



the centers. In addition to ensure the maintenance of order, this group is directly involved in the educating task and rehabilitation of prisoners. To be in direct contact with inmates, you have first-hand information about their behavior and it is a

privileged observer of the evolution experience during the development of the different programs. His work is developed in close collaboration with educational and therapeutic Centre teams and their contribution is an essential factor in the process of reintegration of the offender.

The enforcement of the sentence imposed by the judge requires permanent confinement of the Middle closed internal on many occasions. The same happens with remand prisoners sent back into custody. For a longer or shorter period, the lives of these people take place within the walls of the prison compound. In these cases it is of paramount importance to have a functional design of infrastructures and enough equipment.

The society of infrastructures and correctional facilities, responsible for the design, planning and execution of new plants, a model has been developed type of jail that has

served as a base for the construction of modern facilities.

This new design gives to centers buildings that house the common general services, as well as wide multipurpose spaces of common use for both workshops and training classrooms. They are also equipped with spaces for health care and places of communication with family.

Detention centers work as small self-sufficient cities with all the necessary services for their proper functioning. Inmates themselves are made responsible for the management of the bakery, the laundry, the commissary or the maid service, under the formula of productive workshops.

Differentiation areas, residential, central equipment, labor and perimeter, guarantee high levels of security and efficiency, but also the best possible habitability for the


Ordinary prisons



integral development of people, through cultural, educational, sporting or business activities.

The centers are equipped with high-level security technology, as well as provision of services and renewable energy systems.

These centers are intended for inmates serving their sentences in open regime or are in an advanced process of reintegration. Penalties alternatives that do not require the entry into prison, as the works in benefit of the community, the suspension of the

execution of the penalty and the permanent location, are also managed through the of Social Inclusion Centers. Conditional freedoms follow-up is also carried out.

Social insertion Centers are located in the urban or semi-urban centers, as far as possible, next to social environments that are familiar to the convicts to make their integration easier in the social life of free people. They are in doors of regain the freedom to redo their life in their usual environment and close to their families.

The open environment requires the voluntary acceptance of the person concerned and it is based on the principle of trust that prisoners enjoy freedom to fulfill their work commitments and therapeutic treatments outside the center.

The Social integration Centers not only have a basic residential role but they also develop activities of intervention and treatment, social work and productive workshops. All are equipped with adapted and flexible security systems.

Technology offers alternatives for control at distance of the mobility of the prisoners and, therefore, the possibility of combining major dimensions of social integration of the prisoners with the social demand for security and freedom.

Bracelet or anklet linked to a telephone detector, the personal signaler via GPS,

Analyzer of alcohol consumption with personal picture viewer or personal

Social Insertion Centers



identification by voice detectors are some of the available means to have a remote control of inmates. These surveillance telematics systems also set restrictions of movement that may be suitable in each case for making compatible social integration

and citizen security.

At the end of 2009, 8% of the Spanish prison population was women, some of them mothers with minor children. Spanish legislation provides the right of imprisoning mothers to keep their children with them until they reach the age of three years old. For this reason, more than 200 children are living in prisons with their mothers while they met condemnation. However, the prison is not, clearly, the most appropriate place for small children to spend their first years of life.

To respond to this problem, the Government approved, in December 2005, the construction of five new prison infrastructures, within the Plan of creation and amortization of prisons 2006-2012 to accommodate mothers with minor children. These are spaces located outside the prison precincts that, due to its location, design

and equipment, are adapted to the needs of children in their early years at the time that make effective the fulfillment of the mothers’ penalty.

Life in these modules is adapted to the schedules and needs of children and takes place similarly to any child in the free medium; they sleep and they have breakfast with their mothers, they attend nursery school, etc.

Children's schools have a classroom of psychomotor skills, classroom, dining room and landscaped gardens for outdoor games. They are served by fixed workforce scheduling classes as any other child Center. It's a pioneering experience in Europe, whose aim is to create a suitable environment for children to develop emotional and educationally during the time that have to remain in the Centre, at the time that social reintegration favors mothers.

Units of mothers



The creation of these new structures is intended to segregate definitely mothers units, prisons, wean them and providing them with complete autonomy prison to establish specific arrangements for coexistence. Each structural element has designed from its

eye-catching exterior appearance to the endowment of educational spaces, from private family life, that provide a few small apartments, to the discrete measures of security. All this happens in order to facilitate harmonious development of children and an adequate materno-filial relationship. There is also a family unit in the Madrid VI prison for those cases in which both members of the couple are jailed. In this Center parents can live with children under 3 years of age, if they meet a minimum security profile and offer warranty of good care of minors.

Penitentiary psychiatric hospitals are special centers intended for the enforcement of security measures involving deprivation of freedom to inmates diagnosed with mental disorders. People who judges entering these hospitals have been considered unattributable to present any abnormality or mental alteration, especially severe mental illness of psychotic type, which prevents them from understanding the illegality of the criminal offence.

These centers are dominated welfare function, coordinated by a multidisciplinary team

composed of psychiatrists, psychologists, general practitioners, nurses, occupational therapists, educators and social workers, who are responsible for ensuring the process of rehabilitation of the inmate in accordance with the biopsychosocial intervention model.

In these psychiatric hospitals, there is no classification system in degrees of treatment provided for ordinary sentences compliance centers. The main objective of these hospitals passes get psychopathological patient stabilization and reduction of its danger, all of this, as a prelude to a possible replacement of the measure of deprivation of liberty by a measure of outpatient treatment in the community. To achieve this goal, in addition to have an extensive program of rehabilitation activities -assistance psychiatric and psychological, ocupational therapy, educational and

Penitentiary Psychiatric Hospitals



formative activity, sport, therapeutic outlets abroad, assistance to families, etc., - it requires the collaboration of health and social institutions of the public network that are responsible for continuing the treatment and follow-up of the mentally ill in the midst of the community.

The permanence of a patient in a prison psychiatric hospital may not exceed, in any

case, the maximum penalty time fixed in the judgment.

The General Secretariat has two penitentiary psychiatric hospitals located in Alicante and Seville.

According to the peculiarity of some inmates and their personal circumstances, the prison administration authorizes the operation of certain formulas of enforcement of the penalty. They are the so-called dependent units.

Together with Social integration centers, dependent units are one of the resources used by the prison administration for the execution of sentences in the opened environment.

There are residential facilities located outside prisons which, to be located in urban centers, with no signs of distinction relative to their dedication, become impregnated of normality of entire civilian collectivity, which gives a feeling of freedom and integration to their occupants. This situation facilitates also the use of community resources.

They have a double function. On the one hand, to complement the rehabilitation work

started in prisons with activities that encourage personal development, responsibility and values of coexistence, and on the other, upon encountering inmates daily on the outside acquire, or where applicable reinforce family ties and work habits, in some

Dependent Units



cases lost. Easier access to education and training, and when needed them, to medical and psychological treatments.

These centers are mainly aimed at mothers with children and women and men without family ties.

The management of these centers is preferred and direct way by associations, collaborating organizations and NGOs with the supervision of the prison administration.

The deprivation of liberty, in addition to mean the fulfillment of a penalty imposed by

the courts, can become an opportunity for those who come from a personal history of marginalisation and exclusion. During the time remaining in prison they are given the possibility to become occupationally integrated into the society and to move away from the world of crime. For the attainment of this objective, the penitentiary institution has two basic elements: the Organization of prison productive labor and the training for employment.

Pursuant to the Penitentiary Act, the work is considered a right and a duty for the inmate. It is also a basic instrument for their reintegration because conviction prepares you for a better integration in the world of work accomplished once.

The Autonomous Body of work and training for employment, dependent of the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions, is responsible for putting the necessary resources for the improvement of their job training available to inmates.

This organism is configured with its own legal personality, as befits a body of this nature. Among the functions set forth in its statute are the Organization of prison




productive work and their timely compensation, maintenance workshops and other facilities and training for the employment of inmates.

All prisons have workshops where inmates may perform paid productive work. This activity is considered a special employment relationship for the Statute of Workers (Law 81/980, of March, 10th.). All these inmates are affiliated to the general Social Security regime as outlined in the European prison rules (26.17).

In 2009, about 12,000 inmates worked in the productive factories of prisons. This assumes the 40.54% population that can play a work inside of the centers.

The productive activity of prison workshops is self-financing to the extent that it is not

subsidized through the General State budgets. This obliges to ensure the economic viability of the activities carried out in competition regime and therefore with minimum business criteria.

In the prison workshops working in scenarios similar to the external working environment, in such a way that inmates can be familiar with the technological requirements of both productive work, as organizational.

The mode of management of the workshops is twofold: directly from the own Autonomous Body or through collaboration with private entrepreneurs. This modality is carried out through agreements framework for collaboration with business organizations.

The fact that important companies of the Spanish industrial sector productive

processes are carried out in the workshops of prisons shows that this work is "useful and sufficient" as required by rule 26.2 of the New European Prison Rules.

In addition to the traditional productive processes, new industrial lines in sectors of great future are conducted in the foreign labor market such as those related to the

Productive work



environment: recycling of waste, energy use, renewable energy, recycling of electronic products, etc.

Autonomous Body also manages workshops productive as kitchen, bakery, commissaries, laundry, etc. These works carried out internal who makes a contract of employment after a period of prior training.

The training for employment is considered a fundamental element for the development of the inmates. Its aim is to meet their educational shortcomings and to improve their professional qualifications to facilitate their full insertion in the working world after serving the penalty.

Autonomous Body Prison Labor and Employment Training develop exclusively the task of promoting the employment training and they are responsible for advising inmates in searching a job. To carry out this activity they have the Plan of training and professional insertion of the Public Employment Service budgets and with funding from the European Social Fund.

In addition to the training courses for employment also conducts formative cycles of degree means that develops through agreements with various Regional Administration. Upon completion of these courses, inmates obtained the corresponding professional title when dealing with formal training.

Vocational training courses can be carried out inside and outside the centers. In 2009, there were conducted in prisons inside 938 employment training courses designed to cover training deficiencies of more 16,000 inmates that could improve their professional qualifications and 109 more abroad courses, attended by 1,000 inmates.




The Spanish Penitentiary System has developed an integrated route of insertion that contemplates a series of gradual actions to get the labor incorporation into the labor market of persons sentenced to custodial sentences.

These insertion itineraries include vocational training for employment, acquisition of work experience in correctional productive workshops, careers guidance, accompaniment to the labor insertion and programs for entrepreneurs.

According to progresses the internal in this itinerary and he/she is approaching a regime of semi-liberty or probation, they have access to guidance for the labour

insertion programmes. The purpose of these programs is the advise for the search of a job depending on their occupational specialty. In doing so, it provides basic information about labor relations and organization of companies at the time who was educated in the prevention of occupational risks.

Deals with the last phase of the route the inmate with accompaniment for labor market insertion programs. These programs are designed to provide individualized support at the moment that initiates his stage of semi-liberty or probation and he has to face the challenge of inserting into the working world. The program aims to that the inmate is not only throughout the job search process and, once achieved, count on support and motivation to keep working activity.

Finally, to be extensive training with a program aimed at those aspiring to the labor insertion through self-employment. The entrepreneurs program is aimed at a specific

group of interns who aspire to start a personal project by their characteristics. In a first phase it is taught to them a basic company training, then it prepares for a business plan and finally the tracking once started business activity. 72 training and guidance modules for employment involving 1,080 internally were developed throughout 2009.

The financing of this program is borne by a financial institution that works through an agreement signed with correctional institutions.

Itineraries of insertion



Education is another of the priority objectives of the management of the Spanish

Prison System. The Organic Law of Education 2/2006, of may 3rd, attaches great importance to adult education, lifelong learning and the possibility of forming lifelong, (Art 5). In relation to persons who are deprived of their liberty, it establishes that it should guarantee access to education for adults (Art. 66.6).

In recent years a remarkable effort has been made to enhance the teaching activity, expanding templates of educators and making plans of uptake among the less motivated inmates. At the end of 2009, about 700 professionals of teaching - teacher, high school teachers, high school tutors, vocational teachers and tutors from the National University of Distance education taught class in prisons.

In the centers there are classrooms with basic education teachers where the teachingscorresponding to the formation of adults on a face-to-face basis can be filed. Also on-site secondary education centers have been promoted in recent years. Similarly, the remaining lessons extra-mural well can be studied whether high school or vocational training.

The coordination and monitoring of the education of people who study in prisons is done through collaboration agreements with the ministries of education of the different Autonomous Communities.

Thanks to the existing agreement with the Universidad Nacional de Educación a

Distancia, inmates can study different University courses listed in his curriculum. The development of university education in prisons inside is similar to any other student of this University. The student has a corresponding tutorials, support for distance and didactic material.





In recent years it has launched a refreshing experience in the Spanish Prison System that aims to create appropriate spaces for inmates to develop their capacities as responsible and respectful citizens with law: they are the so-called Modules of Respect.

It's an education program in positive values - around the idea of respect-which forces inmates to put them into practice. The income in these modules implies accepting a new style of life based on trust and solidarity and the peaceful settlement of disputes.

Regulations governing these areas plays a crucial role because it favors the creation and consolidation of socially accepted attitudes and habits and prevents that predominant values in the prison subculture foster recidivism from the inmate in the crime. Take care as basic aspects such as hygiene, health, habits and others of greater importance as interpersonal relationships, promote responsibility and participation.The inmate undergoes voluntarily, through the signing of a contract, the scrupulous compliance with the rules that govern in the module.

All inmates are assigned an individualized program of treatment whose fulfillment is essential to continue in the module. The regulations strictly prohibit any acts of violence, both physical and verbal or gesture and possession and consumption of drugs. To ensure compliance with these standards analytical checks are carried out

periodically to inmates. Residents are also committed to caring for your wardrobe, adapting it to the activity must be carried out. Likewise, cells, that remain open, during the day have to be always neat and clean.

It is a dynamic system of intervention, in which one of the primary agents of change own inmates constitute it through partnerships and auto liability in all the tasks that are carried out. Inmates are organized into groups. The technical team chooses between them a manager that organizes the work and helps the rest of the group.

When the rules are breached or have inappropriate behaviors are assigned a negative. Conversely, positive attitudes reinforce them when the behavior conforms to the rules

of procedure. The behavior of the inmate has a direct impact on the group to which he belongs because jobs are assigned weekly based on the evaluation of each of the



components. Firstly, choose task group whose members have obtained less negative and others do so below depending on the amount of negatives that have joined during the week.

The need to cater to a wide variety of inmates with their profiles, histories and different therapeutic needs has advised the creation of a series of differentiated

Respect Modules to better adapt them to the various programs. Modules have been created for internal drug addicts, young people, foreigners, of coexistence and work habits. Each of these modules apply specific programs to achieve greater efficiency and better use of the efforts applied by the Prison Administration.

In some cases the leap of a traditional one of Respect Module can assume an abrupt change for the inner. The so-called Modules of Respect from home, involving an intermediate zone, with a level of demand more than the ordinary but less than the respect modules were created to facilitate this transition.

In 2009, penitentiary institutions had 50 modules of these characteristics, established in 34 of the 67 prisons. This regime of life affected 5.267 inmates.

The identification of the staff of interior with the objectives of this program is an essential condition to achieve good results. The role assigned to these workers is at the Antipodes of the old concept of prison officer to become a companion of the inmate in

the task retrieve it as a citizen, noting the path of change and consolidating with her encouragement every advance in their reintegration.

Similar to the Respect Modules, the Therapeutic Modules represent an alternative to the traditional prison model. Transform prison reality to remove the prison subculture that makes prison a crime school and turn it into an educational space. This achievement is made possible through co-management and co-responsibility of the two groups two that make up the prison scenario: prison and internal professionals. To

Therapeutic Modules



achieve this, it is necessary to overcome the distrust and the distancing and put an end to the confrontation that has historically marked relationships. In this program, surveillance officer is an active agent of change and has direct responsibilities as guardian of the internal groups.

These Modules aims to achieve a free space of interference that generate drug and its surroundings to cause changes in the habits and skills of inmates so that they can continue their treatment in various therapeutic community resources. The team responsible for these modules is constituted by professionals of different areas that belong to the own penitentiary institution in some cases and in others, agencies and partner NGOs.

These modules are open to internal drug addicts with good prospects of reintegration, regardless of that receive treatment with methadone, naltrexone or placed under psychiatric medication. Also included there are those inmates not drug addicts with high risk of developing a drug addiction by the characteristics of their personality.

There are three types of Therapeutic Modules according to the composition of the multidisciplinary team and the methodology of the intervention:

. This model consists of therapeutic groups of interns and a multidisciplinary team of professionals in all areas: psychologists, educators, security guards, social workers, teachers, monitors, health, etc. The program welcomesboth internally with problems of drug dependence as a not drug addicts.

. The therapeutic team consists of professionals in correctional institutions and in some cases by specialized volunteers from NGOs. The program hosts exclusively domestic addicts. In 2009 there were 6 centers in operation hosting 237 inmates.

This module is governed by article 66 of the General Penitentiary Act and article 115 of

the prison rules. The therapeutic community has own treatment Board that directs theunit and apply the disciplinary regime.

Therapeutic and educational unit

Therapeutic community



In this type of modules different profiles of interns coexist: drug addicts, internal, disabled and mentally ill without pathology. Volunteers from NGOs

professional team who run this model is are formed jointly with correctional professionals.

In 2009, 33 prisons had Therapeutic Modules hosting more than 1,800 inmates. Most of these modules are destined to men except Villabona (Guipúzcoa) and Valencia that are mixed.
