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Space Technologies

Space Technologies

By Sean Craig

Moon , Mars, and beyondThe space craft that are going to take us therePropulsion systems in the worksThe coporate space industrySpace bases in the WorksSpace Tourism in our life time

The Space Craft that will take us beyond earthSpace ship one and twodeveloped by Scaled Composites

Nasa Concept vehicles

Space vehicles continued

Space vehicles continued

Space craft that already exist that will be used in near future

7These picturs are space craft that already exist or we will see in near future

More pictures of futurespace craft can be viewed on Nasas Website

Click the hyperlink to view Nasa website

8Propulsion systemsNuclear fusion concept

The idea of using nuclear fusion has been around since the 1950s9Solar power will use the sun to power spacecraft

Harnessing the suns power


Corporations involved in Space exploration

Companies in the space business

11Corporations involved in Space exploration

Scaled Composites has been testing current space craft for ten years

12Mobile Base Concept

Video of a mobile base


Moon Base

What a moon base may look like

14Working on a Moon Base

Living and working on the moon

15Moon Base concept

This could be your home16

Moon Base conceptMoon habitat

17Book your fight today with Virgin Galatic

You can book our flight to space Today!!

18I used pictures of todays space craft to highlight up in coming space tourism industry

Thanks to our Sources


Virgin GalacticWhat a moon base may look like