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science based : human focusedSpace Syntax

The science of human behaviour for cities, urban places & buildings

Page 2: Space syntax introduction & overview

science based : human focusedSpace Syntax

Space Syntax provides expertise in urban planning, transport, building design, social interaction and spatial economics.

Our creative approach combines global experience with an original technology that forecasts the impacts of planning, transport, economic and design decisions on people and property for all scales of development.

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Space SyntaxIntroduction & overview

The Space Syntax team brings creative, innovative rigour to the process of making cities, urban places and buildings.

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science based : human focusedSpace Syntax

Operating for more than 25 years, we are:

committed…to improving the economic, social and environmental performance of the built environment

trusted…by a distinguished client base of forward-thinking public, private and community organisations

expert…in modelling the impacts of planning, transport, economic and design decisions on human behaviour patterns.

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Space SyntaxIntroduction & overview




science-basedhuman focused

Space Syntax puts science and human behaviour at the heart of a 5-part service offer: a design Studio, a strategic Consultancy, a training Academy, a research Laboratory and a computer SoftwareWorks. 

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Space SyntaxIntroduction & overview




The company has gained an international reputation for high-quality urban planning and design. This comes from extensive practice on some of the world's most important and challenging projects. 

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Space SyntaxIntroduction & overview




Space Syntax’s relationship with the Space Syntax Laboratory at University College London is fundamental. UCL is a world top 10 university and provides Space Syntax with key intellectual and technological input.

UCL professors sit on the board of directors of Space Syntax. In return, Space Syntax staff members engage in fundamental research, teaching and technology development.

science-basedhuman focused

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Space SyntaxIntroduction & overview

0. Spatial Layout

1. Human Behaviour

2. Land Use

3. Crime & Safety

4. Land Value

5. Carbon Emissions




Space Syntax writes its own software and has pioneered new, integrated urban modelling approaches to bring together data on the different dimensions of urban planning and design.

The Space Syntax SoftwareWorks creates decision support tools that bring a new, evidence-based approach to the creation of urban policies and urban masterplans.

science-basedhuman focused

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Space SyntaxIntroduction & overview




The Academy works with public and private sector organisations to build capacity in them around the Space Syntax approach.

The Space Syntax Academy has been created to disseminate Space Syntax’s knowledge, technologies and working processes.

science-basedhuman focused

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Space SyntaxIntroduction & overview

London 2012

Trafalgar Square



The Space Syntax Consultancy provides strategic input to urban planning projects worldwide.


These projects have included the redesign of Trafalgar Square in London and the masterplan for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

science-basedhuman focused

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Space SyntaxIntroduction & overview

VisioningMasterplanningDesigningThought leadership



The Space Syntax Studio provides services in visioning, masterplanning, designing and thought leadership. The Studio is typically engaged at the earliest stages of development projects.



The Studio combines rigorous analysis with strategic design input, establishing the potential of a development generate social, economic and environmental value - with a compelling future vision.

science-basedhuman focused

Page 12: Space syntax introduction & overview

Space SyntaxIntroduction & overview

science based : human focusedSpace Syntax