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Coordinación bilingüe Isabel Pérez Torres

Template to design a CLIL didactic unit Subject: Science, Literacy and Arts Teacher: José Martínez Alcolea. Title of the Unit Space and Beyond.

Course / Level year 4.

1. Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria

They realize that the Sun, Earth and Moon are spherical.

They show a consciousness that shadows changing is something related to the Sun.

They use a simple model to explain the effects caused by the Earth’s movements ( days, nights, seasons).

They explain using a model how the moon orbits the Earth.

They can talk about the main elements of the solar system.

2. Subject Content To know that The Sun, Earth and Moon are spherical. To be conscious that the position of the sun changes

during the day. To realize that shadows change as Sun changes during

the day. To realize that day and night are related to the spin of the

Earth on its on axis. Understand that the Earth orbits the Sun once a year,

causing different seasons. Understand that the Moon orbits the Earth. Identify the main elements of the solar system.

3. Language Content / Communication


Nouns: Earth, Moon, Saturn,….Adjectives: Enormous, isolated, cold, hot, reddish, alone…Verbs:To travel, to orbit, to cause, to spin around, to influence….Prepositions: near, beyond, over,…


Comparatives.Superlatives. It is so… that

Discourse type Oral and written

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Coordinación bilingüe Isabel Pérez Torres

Language skills Reading, listening, speaking and conversing.

4. Contextual (cultural) element

To develop curiosity about the space and the Earth in the space.

5. Cognitive (thinking) processes

6. (a) Task(s) In this unit pupils have to prepare this final task:FINAL TASK.A strong wind has come. You have seen a very bright light and then you have seen yourself in a very strange planet surrounded by aliens!!!!!! Aliens explain to you that if you want to go back to the earth you should make them a very clear report about your planet. Have into account that if they don´t understand things properly you will never come back! These are the points you should include:

Where is your planet? Is it the only planet in the galaxy? Are there other planets

there? Why is the Sun so important to your planet? Give

information about the sun. Is there any satellite? What`s its name? Can you include a

diagram about its phases? Is there always sunlight in your planet? Why? Why are there seasons?

Finally aliens seem to be happy with your report and you are safe home but now everybody wants to know about your extraterrestrial experience. So you go to a t.v show to answer some questions. You are going to prepare a sketch and you are going to aswer a journalist´s questions about your experiences!Prepare some questions and answers about your experience. You should talk about aliens ( apearance and behaviour) and also about your planet in order to do so, you should select a planet from the solar system and you should have as much information about it as you can!

6. (b) Activities These are some of the activities they have made to make the final task:

1. Powerpoint presentation about the earth, moon and sun.2. Activity: Compare Earth, Moon and Sun to a pea, a tennis

ball and a beach ball.

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Coordinación bilingüe Isabel Pérez Torres

3. Experiment about sun rising ans setting and shadows.4. Demonstration abou rotation movement.5. Videos about seasons, day and night and planets.6. Sheet about tilted Earth.7. Powerpoint presentation about the Moon.8. Sheet with information about different planets.9. Interactive games.10. Who wants to be a millionaire game.11. Links posted in the blog: Different books for investigations.13. Tale: “Baby brains” and “Comander Orion” to invent a new

end. (LITERACY)14. Models of the solar system (Arts)15. Self evaluation sheets.

7. Methodology

Organization and class distribution / timing

They are arranged in groups and depending of the activities we have individual, pair and group work.This unit is prepared for three weeks integrationg Science, literacy and Arts.

Resources / Materials They have been named in the activities section. Anyway, most of them are posted in the blog page:

Key Competences Linguistic competence.Learning to learn competence.Matematical competence.Digital competence.

8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)

Criteria: To realize that the Sun, Earth and Moon are

spherical. To show a consciousness that shadows changing

is something related to the Sun. To use a simple model to explain the effects

caused by the Earth’s movements ( days, nights, seasons).

To explain using a model how the moon orbits the Earth.

To talk about the main elements of the solar system.Instruments:-All the sheets and tasks.

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Coordinación bilingüe Isabel Pérez Torres

-Observation.-Recorded oral performances.-Final task—report.-Self and co-evaluation sheets.

Feel free to use this template. Thanks for attributing the source. A first sample of this template has been published at: Pérez Torres, I. 2009. "Apuntes sobre los principios y características de la metodología AICLE" en V. Pavón, J. Ávila (eds.), Aplicaciones didácticas para la enseñanza integrada de lengua y contenidos. Sevilla: Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía-Universidad de Córdoba.171-180.

It is mainly based on the hands-on experience at designing units and on conversations with experts and peers. The theory of the 4Cs by Do Coyle has also been taken into account. This theory has been shown in various publications, such as: Coyle, D., Hood, P. and Marsh, D., 2010. Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press.