Download - South Gwent Ramblers · Para 3.3 a 49-seat bus has been booked. 2.2. Para 5.3 delete “Powell”. 2.3. Para 5.4.4 no decision has yet been made. 2.4.


South Gwent Ramblers Minutes of the committee meeting held on

19 June 2003

Members present - Ken Phillips, Ray Cantwell, Brian Williams, Fred Fee, Keith Cooper, Howard Harvey.

1. Apologies for absence from Adrian Sheehan, Val Clarke and Ian Reese.

2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising from the minutes

2.1. Para 3.3 a 49-seat bus has been booked.

2.2. Para 5.3 delete “Powell”.

2.3. Para 5.4.4 no decision has yet been made.

2.4. Para 6.1 much to Ken’s consternation, Howard is called Harvey (apologies from FF).

3. SGR Expenditure

3.1. At the last meeting, Fred thought that there had been some misunderstanding about the views of those present at the meeting. He thought that we agreed that there was a spectrum of ways in which the money that we hold could be spent. At one end of the spectrum lay social spending and at the other spending on technical rambling issues, and there were many ways in between. Fred thought that there was general agreement that we should consider spending throughout the spectrum. As regards social spending, by subtle presentation, we can make sure that we stay within RA guidelines, while at the same time, still pursuing our social objectives. The current meeting generally agreed that this was the case.

3.2. Ray indicated that Pontypool were in the same position as us – money in hand. When they wished to support organizations such as mountain rescue, they found ways, such as raffles on coaches, to generate the money without dipping into a reserves. Ray suggested that treasurers could consult each other on how they spend and what they spend on. Brian agreed that he could.

3.3. Ken started the ball rolling for suggestions for spending money: We could advertise events such as the barbecue, the trip to Westonbirt, possible trips to Cheddar and Slimbridge, and by providing donations to the Ruperra trust. Ken noted that he had been in touch with Ruperra trust members who continue to do a lot of footpaths work. They reported damage to the bench and they had fully repaired the damage. Ken reported that Adrian had suggested to him that members should be encouraged to take up the expenses that are due for such things as pre-walking.

3.4. Ken mentioned the proposal to present Dinah with a token of our appreciation for her work with the group on her forthcoming 60th birthday. She kept the group going in its earliest days, having been a founder member, and she is still very active in the group. Ken suggested a donation of £20 for flowers at a proposed presentation. Ray


was not happy with this, but the meeting agreed. Ray suggested that we should invite as many founder members to the anniversary as we could find and that we should produce a flier advertising the barbecue and the Christmas dates (see below).

3.5. Howard suggested that, in any adverts, we should make the point that anybody is welcome. We remembered that Adrian had suggested that we write walk reports for the local paper.

3.6. Ray suggested that we should buy two sets of walky – talkies so that front and back markers could communicate, especially in bad weather. He also suggested that we take up expenses; use mini buses for walks; that we should have walking coach trips; and that such coach trips could be for themed walks.

3.7. Brian suggested guaranteeing coach trips.

3.8. Keith suggested that we use expenses to form the kitty as a reserve for subsidies. However, after discussion, the meeting decided that the money-handling aspect of the suggestion would be impractical.

3.9. Howard was left with a problem by this: a driver will often refuse petrol money when he has a lift and he would like the money to go to the group. We agreed to think about this one.

3.10. Fred suggested looking at the RA Web site to find out the amounts that they allow for expenses and agreed to do so. He also suggested that we provide refreshments at meetings so as to make the meeting less formal. Keith noted that the area provided refreshments at the AGM in the form of a good quality buffet.

3.11. Keith suggested that the Secretary be provided with email facilities by the group, since it was becoming a popular tool for communication between committee members and others in the group. The meeting agreed.

4. Walks, Events and the Walks Calendar

4.1. Fred showed the meeting the walks calendar as provided by Adrian.

4.2. Ken reports that 26 are now signed up for the Paignton trip.

4.3. The Christmas dinner will be held on Friday12 December.

4.4. The Christmas walk lunch is usually held on 28 December: this year that day is a Sunday. Ken asked whether we should have a normal Sunday walk or a walk with a meal at the Huntsman. The meeting decided that the Huntsman was the best idea, but we may hold a normal walk shortly after the Huntsman walk. Ken suggested a 4 or 5 mile circular walk taking in Tintern and Brockweir as the Christmas walk.

4.5. Keith suggested nominating a Tuesday or a Wednesday walk as one of the Festival of Winter Walks events. The meeting agreed.

4.6. Ken suggested that the Oak Stave could be used as a possible venue for group meetings and he will talk to the landlord.

4.7. Ken also indicated that copy for the newsletter should reach him by the end of September.


4.8. Walks for the next program will be finalised on 27th and Fred will arrange duplication.

4.9. Brian said that the display in the library would now start on the 4th of August. Fred agreed to produce a new display poster advertising the barbecue.

4.10. The barbecue

4.10.1. Ken will speak to Adrian about the barbecue. Adrian thought that Ian was doing the walk with Dinah. Ken thought that Dinah was doing the walk with Arthur Butt! Ken and Adrian will sort this out.

4.10.2. Brian will take the money and Ken and Brian will find out how much we need to charge - £3 was mooted as a starting figure.

4.10.3. A single walk will suffice and will be fairly short (4 or 5 miles) so that Joe Public can attend. Ken, Brian and Dinah will talk about this. Brian will organize a meeting at the farm venue so the details can be arranged.

4.10.4. It was suggested that we could advertise the event and provide liquid refreshments. Keith suggested that we could make long service awards to all founder members attending, to general agreement.

5. Officers’ reports

5.1. Secretary Ken provided a list of correspondence (attached). Arising from one item, Ken will send a letter to area about walks issues. Another item reminded us that our civil liability insurance does not cover non-members. Ken wrote to the YHA, but as yet received no response.

5.2. Treasurer Brian reported that we had £2178 in hand. £400 has been paid in for the London trip, but nothing has been paid out yet. The group allocation from the area is £327 for this year and reflects an increase in single membership by ten (joint membership is the same): last year the allocation was £ 307.

5.3. Footpaths Officer Ray had much to report, but would leave most to the next meetings since time was pressing. He had joined the Access Forum as a result of receiving a phone call inviting him to do so – he will give details at the next meeting. He found that Councillors from Newport Council have to respond to his questions and he asked what had happened to the CROW money that had been assigned to the council. Accountants from the council gave excuses, for example that expenditure has to last for two years to be accounted for. Ray was not happy with this and wanted an answer which may be forthcoming. Keith asked Ray what the group response was to the Newport Unitary Development plan. Ray has written about a likely reduction in the green wedges to build houses and response to this letter is due. Also, the Access Forum is to be given a presentation on the subject.

5.4. Rambles Officer Adrian presented a putative walks calendar via Fred – see abovee.

5.5. Membership Secretary Val was not present and had told Ken that membership stood at 190.

5.6. Publicity Secretary Kath was not present.


5.7. IT Officer’s report Keith – see attached page. Keith has found that the Newport City web site has the page upon which events can be entered. He suggested that we should enter our events onto this site and we agreed.

6. Next Committee Meeting Thursday 7 August

7. AGM date Thursday 6 November


Correspondence 1. R.A. Request for E Mail Address for Secretary File 2. R.A W.C.E.C. Minutes 20/2/03 File 3. R.A. W.C. 2003 - Bulletin 16 File

4. R.A. W.C.E E.C. Minutes 05/04/03 File 5. R.A. W.C.E.C. Minutes 06/04/03 File 6. R.A. W.C.E.C. E.C. Committee List File 7. R.A. Model Constitution for Areas File 8. R.A. Model Constitution for Groups File 9. R.A. W.C.E.C. Constitution @ 6/4/03 File 10. R.A. Recruitment drive on Footpath Week Discuss 11. R.A. Poster Blanks Kath 12. R.A. Welcome to Walking Week Adrian 13 R.A. RA Maps for sale Discuss 14. R.A. Civil Liability Insurance Discuss 15. R.A. E.C. Summary of Meeting 17/18 May File 16. R.A. Countryside Update May 03 Ray 17. R.A. Footpath Campaigner June 03 Ray 18. R.A. Access Bulletin (No 29) Ray 19. SGR letter to Margaret Lloyd (YFIA) File 20. M.C.C. letter to Dinah Wallis Discuss 21. Ramblers Hols Brochure Discuss 22. W.C.E.C. Annual Report Brian