
SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

South Calgary Ringette (SCRA) is run by volunteers who dedicate their time to ensuring the Association is

operating efficiently and within our Bylaws, as well as the policies of Ringette Calgary and Ringette


Families are required to fulfill 100 volunteer credits per player (max. 200 credits per season). The 100

credits can be earned by working approximately 8 volunteer hours during the season

The section below lists our position descriptions, as well as position availability at the time of

publication. Some things to note:

Positions marked as Vacant are currently not filled, and can immediately be filled

Positions marked as Outgoing Transition Year have members stepping out of the positions but

will work with the replacement in an effective transition plan.

Throughout the season many volunteer opportunities will be filled via email and an online sign

up system, these are listed as To Be Filled.

Team Roles which also serve an association role DO receive volunteer credits (ie. coach,

assistant coach, manager). Roles which are required at the team level and do not serve an

association role, DO NOT receive volunteer credits (ie. scorekeeper, penalty box, etc). These

roles are listed at the end of this document.

Incumbent volunteers will be given priority when filling each position

If you are interested in one of the currently vacant positions, please email

[email protected]

Contents 1. Past President – Daxton Lesko .......................................................................................................... 4

2. President – Lynette Zyznomirski ........................................................................................................ 4

3. Vice President Operations – Kris Marshall / Todd Dean ................................................................... 4

4. Vice President Administration – Becky Scheer .................................................................................. 4

5. Vice President Development – Sandy Hayer ..................................................................................... 5

6. Director(s) at Large – Bryan Gosse .................................................................................................... 5

7. Secretary – Brian Groundwater ........................................................................................................ 5

8. Treasurer – Kim Flegg ....................................................................................................................... 5

i. Special Events Treasurer – Serge Despres .................................................................................... 5

ii. Bookkeeper – ON HOLD ................................................................................................................ 5

iii. Financial Auditors – VACANT ........................................................................................................ 6


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

9. Registrar – Joan Hamilton ................................................................................................................. 6

i. Registration Assistant – Michelle Bailey / James Bailey ............................................................... 6

10. SCRA Safety Officer – VACANT .......................................................................................................... 6

11. Corporate Secretary / Appeals Officer – Lara Pendrel ...................................................................... 6

12. Privacy Officer – Lara Pendrel ........................................................................................................... 7

13. Volunteer Coordinators – Michelle Dirk ............................................................................................ 7

i. Volunteer Assistant – Rosanna Tawiah ......................................................................................... 7

14. Ice Scheduler – Nicole Liesemer ........................................................................................................ 7

i. Ice Auditor Ringette Calgary – Robert Bailargeon ........................................................................ 7

15. Ice Acquisition Lead – Chantelle Niro ................................................................................................ 7

i. Arena Liaison – Mark Horne ......................................................................................................... 8

ii. Marda Loop Community Association Sports Committee Member – Robert Bailargeon.............. 8

iii. Marda Loop Community Association Outdoor Rink Volunteers - Tamara Kardos ....................... 8

16. UAA Lead – Todd Sauve / Jamie Proudfoot ....................................................................................... 8

17. Evaluations Coordinator – Christine Profili ....................................................................................... 8

i. Evaluations Age Group Coordinators – ON HOLD ......................................................................... 8

18. Manager Liaison – Nikky Reynar – Outgoing Transition Year / VACANT .......................................... 9

19. Respect In Sport Administration – Michelle Waldorf / Michelle Gulka ............................................. 9

20. Coach Administration – Krista Kaiser / Jamie Vadori ........................................................................ 9

21. Female Coach Support Team – Volunteer Pending ........................................................................... 9

22. Children’s Ringette Rep – Cathy Six ................................................................................................. 10

23. Goalie Development – Jay Grenning ............................................................................................... 10

24. Dryland Training Program Coordinator – Janet Wallace / ON HOLD ............................................. 10

25. Conditioning Camp Coordinator – Nicole Genereux (OUTGOING / VACANT) ................................. 11

26. Spring Ice Coordinator – VACANT ................................................................................................... 11

27. Come Try Ringette Coordinator – Kyla Campbell ............................................................................ 11

i. Come Try Ringette - Admin Support – VACANT .......................................................................... 11

ii. Come Try Ringette – Event Support – Stefanie Bischel, Amanda Kennedy, Jenna Comandante,

Denise Volk, Shannon Popowich, Alisha Elchuk, Jason Smith ............................................................ 11

28. Equipment / Jersey Manager – Jory Gammie, Michelle MacDonald, Jessica van Mill.................... 11

29. Shot Clock Coordinator – Karen Gutfriend ...................................................................................... 12

30. Apparel Coordinator – Kyla Cuthbertson ........................................................................................ 12


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

31. Scholarship Committee Lead – Paula Munoz .................................................................................. 12

i. Scholarship Committee Members – Andrea Nicholas, + vacancies ............................................ 12

32. Picture Day Coordinator – Diane D’Entremont ............................................................................... 12

i. Picture Day Assistants – Kimberly Leroux, Stephanie Lawrence, Lisa Taylor ............................. 12

33. Shaker Lead – Hailey Seidel ............................................................................................................. 13

i. Shaker Committee Member – Julie Raczynski, Corrie Gosse, Tara Pattison, Jessica Barnes ...... 13

34. Casino Coordinator – VACANT ........................................................................................................ 13

35. Grocery Card Fundraising – Volunteer Pending .............................................................................. 13

36. Tournament Lead – Sandy Blair / Chantelle Niro ............................................................................ 13

37. EGRT SCRA Representative – Christine Somer, Martha Goosens .................................................... 13

38. Webmaster – Quita Miller............................................................................................................... 13

39. Equipment Swap Meet Coordinator – VACANT .............................................................................. 14

40. Communications Coordinator – ON HOLD ...................................................................................... 14

41. Casual Positions During Season - To Be Filled (watch your email) .................................................. 14

i. Evaluations Support (non-evaluating roles) – 100 credits / 8 hrs .............................................. 14

ii. Ava Esposito / Ring in the Holidays Tournament Support – 100 credits / 8 hrs ......................... 14

iii. Casino Workers – 100 credits / 8 hr shift .................................................................................... 14

iv. Shaker Volunteers – 100 credits/8hrs......................................................................................... 14

v. Friendship Tournament SCRA Committee Representatives – 100 credits ................................. 14

42. Team Roles - for which Volunteer Credits are Received .................................................................. 14

i. Coach ........................................................................................................................................... 14

ii. Assistant Coach ........................................................................................................................... 14

iii. Team Manager ............................................................................................................................ 14

iv. Team Safety Officer..................................................................................................................... 14

v. Social Coordinator (TRIAL BASIS - 2020/2021 Season Only) ....................................................... 14

vi. Team Treasurer (TRIAL BASIS - 2020/2021 Season Only) ........................................................... 14

vii. Team Shot Clock Coordinator – U12 to U19 ........................................................................... 14

viii. EGRT volunteer – must fulfill two shifts or 8 hours for credit ................................................ 14


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

1. Past President – Daxton Lesko Time Commitment: 5-10 hours per month - 12 months per year

Backfills as required for the Current President

Assists/Mentors current positions as required

Provides expertise and guidance to all members of association

2. President – Lynette Zyznomirski Time Commitment: 10-20 hours per week - 12 months per year

Oversee Association tasks, roles, operations through the season

Set out vision and mission of Association

Represent SCRA within Ringette Calgary and Zone 1-2-3 meetings.

Represent SCRA at Ringette Calgary meetings (monthly)

Represent SCRA at Ringette Alberta meetings (twice yearly + AGM)

Proposes / leads initiatives within Ringette Calgary among associations

Provides guidance to SCRA representatives as required

Attend disciplinary hearings within Ringette Calgary

Escalates SCRA / RC issues to Ringette Alberta for handling

Chairs monthly SCRA board meetings

As required, chairs/moderates internal situations as required

3. Vice President Operations – Kris Marshall / Todd Dean Time Commitment: 5-20 hours per week - 12 months per year

Oversees and supports operational aspects of SCRA (Ice Scheduling and Acquisition, League

Operations for Children’s Ringette and Classic Ringette, Equipment, Evaluations Planning)

Work with other RC associations to ensure competitive equity approaches within age divisions;

communicate with other associations during season / team planning as required

Work with other RC associations to ensure Universal Athletic Assessment is done in a consistent

manner across the associations in accordance with RAB policies.

As required, organize and acquire Insurance and sanctioning for Association events.

Backfills for President as required.

4. Vice President Administration – Becky Scheer Time Commitment: 5-20 hours per week - 12 months per year

Backfills for President and other VPs as required

Oversees Marketing and Communications program and initiatives within Association

Oversees and supports Volunteer program within Association

Provides support with administration of SportzSoft system and backfills as required

Oversee other administration programs and aspects of SCRA

Liaison for SCRA with Ringette Calgary and Ringette Alberta for administrative items


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

5. Vice President Development – Sandy Hayer Time Commitment: 10-20 hours per month - 12 months per year

Oversee Player/Coach development programs within SCRA

Leads the coach selection program and process

Establishes contracts with service providers such as NRS/Power Skating etc

Establish a Long Term Athletic Development program

Backfills for President as required.

6. Director(s) at Large – Bryan Gosse

Backfills for President and VPs as required.

Special projects such as grant applications and funding requests

Promote volunteerism and assist with recruitment for Board, committees and other roles

7. Secretary – Brian Groundwater Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per month - 12 months per year

Attends monthly board meetings within SCRA

Prepares agenda and records minutes from monthly Association meetings

When required, acts as a scribe to document other meetings as required.

Liaison to book facilities with Flames Community Arenas.

8. Treasurer – Kim Flegg Time Commitment: approx. 5-10 hours per month - 12 months per year

Prepares budget, and closes books at year end for SCRA

Prepares monthly statements and balance sheets as required

Retrieve mail from PO Box

Prepares and submits annual returns and AGLC documentation

i. Special Events Treasurer – Serge Despres

Time Commitment: 5 to 8 hours per event.

Support Ava Esposito, Ring in the Holidays and Shaker Committees.

Work with event organizers to track and report event spending and income.

Report to treasurer and arrange for reimbursements of individual spending.

ii. Bookkeeper – ON HOLD

Time Commitment: approx. 2-3 hrs/week - 12 months per year

Quickbooks experience preferred

Reports to Treasurer

Collects invoices, validates and issues payment as required


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

iii. Financial Auditors – VACANT

Time Commitment: approx. 3 hrs once per year

One volunteer to lead the financial review/audit of SCRA books. Must be a qualified accountant

Two or three volunteers to support the review/audit of SCRA books. No experience necessary.

9. Registrar – Joan Hamilton Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per week in peak, 6-8 hours per month

10 months per year (Peak in June through November)

Responsible for registration of players within SCRA

Administers registration within the SportzSoft application

Registers players/coaches/affiliates with Ringette Alberta

Responds to questions regarding registration and member profiles

Monitors registration fees to ensure collection in a timely manner

Assists treasurer where applicable

i. Registration Assistant – Michelle Bailey / James Bailey

Time Commitment: 7-10 hours per week in peak, 6-8 hours per month non peak

10 months per year (Peak in June through November)

Assists Registrar with registration of SCRA players and affiliates within the SportzSoft application

Assists with uploading SCRA player/coach/affiliate registrations from SportzSoft to Ringette

Alberta database in October/November/December

Pull RAB approved rosters as required for tournaments

10. SCRA Safety Officer – VACANT

be familiar with provincial, local, SCRA and RAB health guidelines and adhere to them

Liaise with facilities to ensure association has all information specific to the arena, such as areas

not accessible, restrictions on numbers of people, cleaning processes

Relay information to coaches, managers, players and parents

Work with coaching staff and managers on any health-related issues

Ensure team staff have updated Emergency Action Plans

Ensure SCRA teams are compliant with safety requirements and protocols (ie. set up with RAMP

Team App, etc.)

See info on Ringette Alberta website

11. Corporate Secretary / Appeals Officer – Lara Pendrel Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per month – 12 months per year

Attends monthly board meetings within SCRA

Provides advice and feedback to members of the Board and Executive on internal and external

matters facing SCRA


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

Coordinates the appeals process pursuant to the SCRA Appeal Policy including, as necessary,

establishing and scheduling appeal hearings

12. Privacy Officer – Lara Pendrel Time Commitment: 6 to 8 hours per month – 8 months per year

The Privacy Officer is responsible for the implementation of SCRA’s privacy policy

Monitoring information collection and data security, and ensuring that all staff receives

appropriate training on privacy issues and their responsibilities.

The Privacy Officer also handles personal information access requests and complaints.

13. Volunteer Coordinators – Michelle Dirk Time Commitment: 10-20 hours per month – 12 months per year

Responsible for supporting SCRA with identifying and organizing volunteers

Enters volunteer credits into Sportzsoft

Audits outstanding members at end of season to ensure volunteer commitments met

i. Volunteer Assistant – Rosanna Tawiah

o Enter volunteer credits into Sportzsoft

o Assist Volunteer Coordinator throughout season

14. Ice Scheduler – Nicole Liesemer Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per week - 10 months per year

Responsible for scheduling all practice and game ice for SCRA

Works with other associations and Ringette Calgary to coordinate ice for league and Zone 1-2-3

Administers schedule changes within the SCRA schedule

Supports and coordinates with ice acquisition team as required

Validates ice invoices as required

Attends Ringette Calgary Ice Committee meetings representing SCRA

Attends liaison meetings at Flames Community Arenas twice per year

i. Ice Auditor Ringette Calgary – Robert Bailargeon

15. Ice Acquisition Lead – Chantelle Niro Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per month - 12 months per year

Leads ice acquisition team to purchase additional ice for SCRA through the year

Participates in daily/monthly process of sourcing additional ice for SCRA

Validates ice invoices from City of Calgary, FCA and other contracts against the actual ice

received; Passes ice invoices once validated to Treasurer for processing

Attends Ringette Calgary Ice Committee meetings representing SCRA


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

Attends liaison meetings at Flames Community Arenas twice per year

Communicates with local arenas and builds relationships with arenas/community associations

Renews contracts with arenas for the two SCRA tournaments

i. Arena Liaison – Mark Horne

Time Commitment: 5 hours per month. Contract negotiation with new arenas

ii. Marda Loop Community Association Sports Committee Member – Robert Bailargeon

Time Commitment: 5 hours per month. Attend MLCA Sport and Rec meetings on behalf of SCRA.

iii. Marda Loop Community Association Outdoor Rink Volunteers - Tamara Kardos

Time Commitment: TBD

16. UAA Lead – Todd Sauve / Jamie Proudfoot Time Commitment: 20 hours per month during evaluations

Coordinate, lead, and oversee UAA sessions for U10-U14

Ensures UAA processes are compliant with RAB process

Review UAA data and submits data to RAB by deadline

Resolves any issues as required regarding UAA

17. Evaluations Coordinator – Christine Profili Time Commitment: 80-100 hours at beginning of season (Aug-Sep) – as required remainder of year

Liaison between Evaluation Committee and Age Group Coordinators

Primary point of contact for parents/members with questions about evaluations; responds

directly or filters to other contacts as required

Ensures the Ringette Alberta policies are followed as required

Oversees and provides guidance to Age Group Coordinators

Monitors evaluation data for accuracy of entry

Assists with preparing / setting up SportzSoft application for evaluation sessions

Provides support and troubleshooting to Age Group Coordinators in SportzSoft application

Backfills for Age Group Coordinators as required

i. Evaluations Age Group Coordinators – ON HOLD

Time Commitment: 40-80 hours at beginning of season

Schedules skaters to ice sessions, sends notifications and other information updates to their

assigned age group

Organizes and oversees the operation of the ice sessions within their assigned age group

Monitors and supports volunteers at their sessions

Monitors and supports evaluators at their sessions and collects evaluation forms

Responsible for accurate data entry of evaluation scores


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

18. Manager Liaison – Nikky Reynar – Outgoing Transition Year / VACANT

Provides support and guidance to team managers

Coordinates and runs manager meetings at start of the season

Sends communications to team managers during the season as required

19. Respect In Sport Administration – Michelle Waldorf / Michelle Gulka Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per month - 4 months per year

Liaison between SCRA and Ringette Calgary / Ringette Alberta for the Respect in Sport Program.

Monitor all families for compliance to the Respect In Sport for Parents program

Escalate non compliance to the association board for further handling.

20. Coach Administration – Krista Kaiser / Jamie Vadori Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per month - 12 months per year


Receives coach applications and coach feedback surveys to assist with coach selection

Prepares and administers the annual Coaches Survey (mid-season, season-end)

Responsible for ensuring all coaches are properly certified to Ringette Alberta / Canada policy

Monitors police checks to ensure completed by deadline (coaches, other volunteers as required)

Coordinates certification cost reimbursements with Treasurer

Assist Treasurer in retrieving mail from PO Box

Junior Coach Admin: ON HOLD Receives Jr coach applications and assigns to teams (U12 and below, unless otherwise directed) Monitors / supports Jr Coaches to ensure certifications and Police Checks are completed

21. Female Coach Support Team – Volunteer Pending

This group may consist of up to three people who will provide support to the VP Development in

the following areas:

Female Coaches

Work with VP Development to identify opportunities for female coach tools and resources. Contribute ideas toward a female coach development plan.

Facilitate annual female coach networking event to share experiences and ideas. Provide support to the female coach body through on-going communication and making

available resources for improving coaching effectiveness and coach/life balance through the form of articles and/or speakers, and industry updates.

Encourage female coaches to take on more leadership roles. Identify individuals that could offer part-time mentorship for female coaches Understand Ringette Alberta/Canada's goals for female coaches.

Junior Coach Program: ON HOLD Facilitate annual junior coach meeting


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

Provide junior coach “drill toolkit” with suggestions per age group. Stay connected with juniors through regular email check-ins to provide necessary support. Communicate to Head Coaches the development goals for the junior coaches with suggested

ways to keeps juniors motivated and engaged. Identify individuals that could offer part-time mentorship for junior coaches

If you are interested, please contact [email protected]

22. Children’s Ringette Rep – Cathy Six

As the SCRA rep:

o Support SCRA with the implementation of the Children’s Ringette changes, in particular

the half/cross ice changes for AS and U10-1.

o Work with other associations in Ringette Calgary and RAB to implement and provide

feedback on the Children’s Ringette changes

As the Ringette Calgary rep:

o Reporting to Ringette Calgary League Director, the Children's Ringette coordinator will

assist in implementing program changes, including recommendations for policy updates

o Advising and directing Division Coordinators and Schedulers regarding game format and

developmental requirements. This position is not required to attend RC board meetings

(though welcome) and is not a director role.

23. Goalie Development – Jay Grenning Time Commitment: 6 to 8 hours per month - 8 months per year

Responsible for organizing and leading monthly Goalie Clinics and offering goalie development

support to coaches / teams

Assists equipment manager in managing and purchasing goalie gear

Coordinates evaluation skills sessions with qualified evaluators for full time goalies (and part

time goalies, as required)

24. Dryland Training Program Coordinator – Janet Wallace / ON HOLD Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month - 4 months per year

Primary point of communication between teams and scheduler for Dryland issues

Works with teams to gather requirements to be passed to Power Skating and NRS

Communicates any information regarding dry land training to the teams as required

Get rings and sticks to gyms (or coordinate for first group to pick up)

Liaison with gym contacts and coaches when issues arise.

Coordinate with VP Development and VP Admin regarding practice plans and dryland training

information on website


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

25. Conditioning Camp Coordinator – Nicole Genereux (OUTGOING / VACANT) Time Commitment: 8-10 hours per month - 2 months per year

Secures ice required to run the August pre season conditioning camps

Schedules age groups to ice sessions

Secures coaching resources to help out on the ice for Conditioning Camps

26. Spring Ice Coordinator – VACANT Time Commitment: 8-10 hours per month - 2 months per year

Responsible for organizing and running the spring ice program

Ensures goalies are available (U12 and up) and “back up” skaters for absences

Arranges volunteers to help run the benches

Responsible for organizing jerseys or jersey volunteer weekly

27. Come Try Ringette Coordinator – Kyla Campbell Time Commitment: 8-10 hours per month - 2 months per year

Organizes and operates annual Come Try Ringette program and any marketing of the event (ie.

Jersey Day, posters, online marketing, etc)

Liaison between SCRA and RAB recruitment team

i. Come Try Ringette - Admin Support – VACANT

Time Commitment: 8-10 hours per month, 1 month per year

Admin person to manage the registrations, questions, etc. This involves lots of emailing back

and forth. Attend event to check everyone in.

ii. Come Try Ringette – Event Support – Stefanie Bischel, Amanda Kennedy, Jenna Comandante,

Denise Volk, Shannon Popowich, Alisha Elchuk, Jason Smith

1-2 volunteers to take flyers and posters around to elementary schools and community

boards and assist with picking up stuff for the event (jerseys, giveaways, etc. ).

3-4 people to attend event and help with handing out sticks, handing out jerseys, answering

questions, preparing gift bags, etc.

28. Equipment / Jersey Manager – Jory Gammie, Michelle MacDonald, Jessica van Mill Time Commitment: 15-20 hours per month - 10 months per year

Responsible for assigning / distributing equipment to teams (ie. jerseys, goalie gear, coach bags)

and collect / inventory equipment after season

Ensures SCRA programs are equipped with the correct gear through the year

Responsible for inventory and ordering of new equipment

Responsible for signing in/out of jersey sets for the season


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

Responsible for organizing of damaged jerseys

Responsible for ordering new jerseys as required to outfit the association

Oversees and assists Shot Clock coordinators as required

29. Shot Clock Coordinator – Karen Gutfriend Time Commitment: 5-10 hours per month - 12 months per year

Responsible for signing in/out of shot clock sets

Responsible for arranging any repair/replacement of parts

Liaison with Esso Golden Ring to arrange for shot clocks.

30. Apparel Coordinator – Kyla Cuthbertson Time Commitment: 10-20 hours per month – Sept & Oct

Responsible for SCRA team wear in terms of design and orders

Responsible of sourcing vendors for team wear and additional Association items

Works with SCRA board in years of jersey redesign years to source vendors / designs

31. Scholarship Committee Lead – Paula Munoz Time Commitment: 10-20 hours per month - 2 month per year

Lead the Scholarship selection committee

Arrange communication of scholarship to previous years U19 players

Receive, organize, and distribute applications to the committee members for review and


i. Scholarship Committee Members – Andrea Nicholas, + vacancies

Time Commitment: 10-20 hours

o Participate in the scholarship selection committee

o Review applicants and determine recipient against the criteria as described in the policy

32. Picture Day Coordinator – Diane D’Entremont Time Commitment: 10-20 hours per month - 1 month per year

Responsible for booking photographers and venue for pictures

Responsible for setting up booking system for teams for pictures

Works with assistants to organize and run picture day event

Organizes and arranges pictures for distribution to the teams

i. Picture Day Assistants – Kimberly Leroux, Stephanie Lawrence, Lisa Taylor

Time Commitment: 10-20 hours per month - 1 month per year

o Works with assistants to organize and run picture day event

o Assists Coordinator in organizing pictures for distribution to the teams


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

33. Shaker Lead – Hailey Seidel Time Commitment: 10-20 hours per month - 6 month per year

Chair the committee for the annual Shaker event

Lead decisions on the event with regards to date, venue etc.

Main point of contact for Shaker related inquiries

Assigns tasks to committee members as required

Organizes AGLC permits as required; coordinate with Treasurer as required

i. Shaker Committee Member – Julie Raczynski, Corrie Gosse, Tara Pattison, Jessica Barnes

Time Commitment: 10-20 hours per month - 6 month per year

o Performs tasks as directed by Shaker Lead

o Tasks may include:

Silent Auction Basket planning, building, and organizing

Vendor sourcing

Sponsor sourcing

Event operations

34. Casino Coordinator – VACANT Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per month – 1 or 2 months per year

AGLC contact for Casino which occurs approx every other season (about every 18 months)

Responsible for submitting Casino License, securing Casino location and Advisor

Work with Treasurer as required

Work with Volunteer Coordinator to secure volunteers

35. Grocery Card Fundraising – Volunteer Pending Time Commitment: TBD

Set up and coordinate the Calgary Co-Op Fundraising Project to support teasm with raising team


36. Tournament Lead – Sandy Blair / Chantelle Niro

37. EGRT SCRA Representative – Christine Somer, Martha Goosens

38. Webmaster – Quita Miller Time Commitment: 10-12 hours per month - 12 months per year

Responsible for maintenance and updates of the SCRA website, with support from VP Admin

Responsible for adding updates, announcements, news to social media platforms

Liaison with VP Admin for any technical issues


SOUTH CALGARY RINGETTE Volunteer Position Guide – September 2020

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 20

39. Equipment Swap Meet Coordinator – VACANT Time Commitment: TBD

Plan and implement a possible equipment buy / sell / trade event in the winter or spring

May require use of technology to facilitate a socially distant or online event

40. Communications Coordinator – ON HOLD Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per month - 12 months per year

Primary contact for general SCRA questions on registration, events, operations, etc

Responds to inquiries or forwards as required

Filters the questions to the appropriate contacts and help ensure prompt follow up as needed

41. Casual Positions During Season - To Be Filled (watch your email)

i. Evaluations Support (non-evaluating roles) – 100 credits / 8 hrs

ii. Ava Esposito / Ring in the Holidays Tournament Support – 100 credits / 8 hrs

iii. Casino Workers – 100 credits / 8 hr shift

iv. Shaker Volunteers – 100 credits/8hrs

v. Friendship Tournament SCRA Committee Representatives – 100 credits

42. Team Roles - for which Volunteer Credits are Received

i. Coach

ii. Assistant Coach

iii. Team Manager

iv. Team Safety Officer

v. Social Coordinator (TRIAL BASIS - 2020/2021 Season Only)

vi. Team Treasurer (TRIAL BASIS - 2020/2021 Season Only)

vii. Team Shot Clock Coordinator – U12 to U19

viii. EGRT volunteer – must fulfill two shifts or 8 hours for credit