Download - Sources of Holocene variability of oxygen isotopes in ... · ter isotopes and climate and their connection to the tempo-ral relationships is necessary. For instance, in Greenland,

Page 1: Sources of Holocene variability of oxygen isotopes in ... · ter isotopes and climate and their connection to the tempo-ral relationships is necessary. For instance, in Greenland,

Clim. Past, 5, 441–455,© Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed underthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Climateof the Past

Sources of Holocene variability of oxygen isotopes inpaleoclimate archives

A. N. LeGrande and G. A. Schmidt

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University, 2880 Broadway,New York, NY 10025, USA

Received: 6 March 2009 – Published in Clim. Past Discuss.: 23 March 2009Revised: 30 July 2009 – Accepted: 30 July 2009 – Published: 7 August 2009

Abstract. Variability in water isotopes has been captured innumerous archives and used to infer past climate changes.Here we examine water isotope variability over the courseof the Holocene using the water-isotope enabled, coupledatmosphere-ocean general circulation model, GISS ModelE-R. Eight Holocene time slices,∼1000 years apart are simu-lated and driven by estimated changes in orbital configura-tion, greenhouse gases, and ice sheet extent. We find thatsimulated water isotope archives match well with those seenin ice cores, ocean sediment cores, and speleothems. Theclimate changes associated with the water isotope changes,however, are more complex than simple modern spatial slopeinterpretations might suggest. In particular, water isotopevariability in Asian speleothems is linked to alterations inlandward water vapor transport, not local precipitation, andice sheet changes over North America lead to the masking oftemperature signals in Summit, Greenland. Salinity-seawaterisotope variability is complicated by inter-ocean basin ex-changes of water vapor. Water isotopes do reflect variabilityin the hydrology, but are better interpreted in terms of re-gional hydrological cycle changes rather than as indicatorsof local climate.

1 Introduction

Water isotopes are important tracers of the hydrologiccycle. In the atmosphere, the oxygen isotopic com-position of precipitation, δ18Oprec (δ in per mil units≡−Rsample/Rstd−1×1000 – refers to the ratio of the sam-ple concentration to a known standard) is a product of theinitial composition of δ18O in the water vapor of an airparcel and the amount of rain out, evaporation of rainfall,

Correspondence to:A. N. LeGrande([email protected])

and mixing of that air parcel along its path. It is corre-lated to surface air temperature at mid to high latitudes andthought to correlate to the amount of precipitation at low lat-itudes over short time periods seen in modern observations(Araguas-Araguas et al., 2000; Dansgaard, 1964). Long termrecords ofδ18Oprecavailable in ice cores (Jouzel et al., 2007),speleothems (Wang et al., 2008), lake records (von Grafen-stein et al., 1999), and tree cellulose (Treydte et al., 2007),provide a way to infer information about climate if appropri-ate interpretations can be found (Cuffey et al., 1995; Jouzelet al., 2003; Roden et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2001).

Similarly, the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater,δ18Osw is a tracer of circulation and of surface ocean fluxes.In the ocean,δ18Osw is regionally related to salinity sincefluxes of freshwater (precipitation and evaporation) affect theconcentration of both. Variations inδ18Osw are more com-plicated than salinity since water isotopes undergo additionalfractionation and transport in the atmosphere (Craig and Gor-don, 1965).

Theδ18Osw is preserved in the calcite shells of marine mi-crofossils such as foraminifera as well as the aragonite skele-tons of corals. These ratios are complicated by a tempera-ture dependent fractionation of−1‰ per 5◦C of δ18O (Ep-stein et al., 1953) and species dependent “vital effects”. Pastvariability in δ18Osw can potentially be reconstructed givenpaired measurements ofδ18O in calcite and an independenttemperature proxy (e.g. Mg/Ca in calcite), giving insight intothe past hydrologic cycle (Schmidt et al., 2004).

Alterations in orbital configuration have long been pos-tured as the primary driver of climate change over the last10 000 years. Holocene perihelion changes enhanced North-ern Hemisphere seasonality, with the maximum changes oc-curring in the early Holocene. In the tropics, the monsoonwas likely more intense in the early Holocene, with intensitydiminishing through the modern (Maher, 2008).

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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The key to interpreting the signals in paleoclimate recordsis an estimate of the temporal gradient – the relative co-variability of climate andδ18O in a set location over time.Often people have applied modern spatial gradients – the rel-ative co-variability of climate andδ18O over a region – butthese need not be the same as temporal gradients. Further,temporal gradients over different timescales or kind of cli-mate change may also be variable (Schmidt et al., 2007).

In the ocean, variability inδ18Osw has been used to inferpast salinity variability given the modern (regional) relation-ship betweenδ18Osw and salinity (Schmidt et al., 2004; Stottet al., 2004). These reconstructions assume that the modernregional (spatial) relationship – which is the regression oftheδ18Osw to salinity relationship over a region – was validover a range of timescales at a finite point in space; i.e. thereconstructions of salinity assume that the temporal relation-ship between the two is equivalent to the spatial relationship.Since the hydrologic cycle itself – including atmosphericvariations inδ18O – is impacted by climate, this assump-tion has been called into question (Schmidt, 1999). Duringtimes of climate change, it is possible that the relationship ofδ18Osw to salinity andδ18Oprec to precipitation/temperaturehave also changed.

Given these concerns, a thorough examination of the spa-tial relationships derived from the modern distribution of wa-ter isotopes and climate and their connection to the tempo-ral relationships is necessary. For instance, in Greenland,paired measurements of water isotopes and borehole temper-atures establish that the spatial ratio between temperature andδ18Oprec regionally are roughly twice the temporal ratio be-tween the two (Cuffey et al., 1995; Masson-Delmotte et al.,2006; Werner et al., 2000). Ice records from Antarctica atpresent do not seem to have the same complicating factor(Jouzel et al., 2003; Masson-Delmotte et al., 2008), thoughrecent work suggests that the relationship may not be linear(Sime et al., 2008). However, the potential for such diver-gence in temporal and spatial ratios suggests that further, siteand proxy-specific work is required.

Future climate, given a business as usual scenario, willlikely be significantly warmer than today. However, cli-mate models have been thoroughly tested only on the rangeof climate variability over the last 100 years. Therefore,in order to be evaluated for changes on par to those pro-jected, models need to be tested over the much greater rangeof variability inferred from the paleoclimate record. Theearly to mid-Holocene Northern hemisphere Holocene cli-mate has traditionally been seen as a good target for thesepurposes. Specifically, mid-Holocene (6000 BP) climatechanges are regularly simulated as part of model-data inter-comparison projects (e.g. PMIP2: Braconnot et al., 2007;Masson-Delmotte et al., 2006). These comparisons are use-ful in highlighting model skills and deficiencies. The keyquestions in these comparisons are related to the sensitiv-ity of the tropical and sub-tropical rainfall regimes and thesensitivity of the meridional overturning circulation to the

progressive melting of ice sheets, particularly in the EarlyHolocene, during the last phases of the deglaciation.

Here we explore the variability of theδ18O overthe Holocene (last 10 000 years) using a fully coupledatmosphere-ocean general circulation model (GCM) that ex-plicitly tracks water isotopes. We quantify the impact of or-bital variations, (small) greenhouse gas variations, and icesheet variation in order to (1) examine the amount of vari-ability of the proxy records compared to climate, (2) assessthe skill of the model in reproducing the Holocene climatevariability, and (3) suggest improvements to the interpreta-tion of isotopic data from this period.

2 Methods and model description

GISS ModelE-R (Goddard Institute for Space StudiesModelE-R) is a fully coupled atmosphere/ocean GCM. Theexperiments here use the M20 version of ModelE whose hor-izontal resolution is 4◦×5◦, with a 20 vertical layer atmo-sphere up to 0.1 hPa height (Schmidt et al., 2006) coupled tothe 13-layer Russell Ocean model at the same horizontal res-olution (Hansen et al., 2007). Atmospheric advection usesthe quadratic upstream scheme, with 9 moments advectedin addition to mean quantities, significantly enhancing theeffective tracer resolution (to∼1.3◦

× ∼1.6◦). The oceanmodel is non-Boussinesq, mass conserving, and has a fullfree surface. Freshwater is treated in a “natural” way; i.e. theaddition of freshwater increases the free surface and reducessalinity purely through dilution. No equivalent salt fluxes orflux adjustments are used, allowing for the prognostic calcu-lation of water isotope to salinity relationships. All boundaryconditions and atmospheric composition in the control caseare appropriate to the pre-industrial period (circa 1880).

Water tracers (1H162 O, “normal” water; 2H1H16O, δD;

1H182 O, δ18O; whereδ in permil (‰) ≡ [(Rstd/Rsmow)-1]

X 1000) are included in the atmosphere, land surface, seaice, and ocean and are tracked through all stages of the hy-drologic cycle (Schmidt et al., 2007). These isotopes areadvected like water through the model, but at each phasechange, an appropriate fractionation is performed (Schmidtet al., 2005).

Eight “time slice” experiments were performed, givingroughly 1000 year temporal coverage across the Holocene(Table 1). In each, greenhouse gas concentrations were ad-justed based on ice core reconstructions (Brook et al., 2000;Indermuhle et al., 1999; Sowers et al., 2003), and seasonalinsolation was changed as a function of changing orbital pa-rameters (Berger and Loutre, 1991). For the 9 kya (kilo-years ago) experiment, a remnant Laurentide ice sheet wasincluded (Licciardi et al., 1998, Fig. 1), and mean oceanwater salinity andδ18O adjusted to account for ice vol-ume (35 psu, +0.33‰ equivalent to∼35 meters of sea level)changes (Fairbanks, 1989). Each experiment was run 500

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Topography Difference for LIS (meters) at 9 kya

Figure 1. Topography anomaly at 9 kya showing the remnant Laurentide Ice Sheet. Adapted from Licciardi et al., 1998.









figure_01_icesheet.pdf 2/17/2009 4:50:12 PM

Fig. 1. Topography anomaly at 9 kya showing the remnant Laurentide Ice Sheet. Adapted from Licciardi et al. (1998).

Table 1. Changes in boundary conditions for Holocene simulations include changes to greenhouse gases (Indermuhle et al., 1999) andperihelion in Julian days (Berger and Loutre, 1991) for all simulations. The 9 kya simulation includes the Laurentide Ice Sheet (Licciardi etal., 1998), and the correspondent adjustment to mean ocean salinity to 35 psu andδ18Osw to +0.33‰ (Fairbanks, 1989).

Time (kya) CO2 (fraction) CH4 (fraction) N2O (fraction) Perihelion Ice

0 1 1 1 2.7 No1 .98 .87 .94 349.6 No2 .98 .81 1 332.3 No3 .97 .80 .95 314.9 No4 .96 .77 .94 297.4 No5 .95 .71 .94 279.9 No6 .95 .71 .82 262.4 No9 .93 .83 .89 210.4 Yes

years, reaching quasi-equilibrium, and the last 100 years ofthe experiments are presented here.

The ice sheet module used here is very simplified. Eu-static sea level remains fixed, with net accumulation over theice sheets partitioned into northern and southern hemisphereamounts then returned to the oceans through “calving” ofice in the upper 200 m of the water column at observed lo-cations around Greenland and Antarctica and inferred lo-cations around the Laurentide (9 kya case only). The iso-topic composition of the water is determined by the averagedecadal isotopic composition of the convergent water flux on

the surface of the ice sheet. The salinity of the ice bergs iszero and the temperature is set to conserve total enthalpy.

3 Results

To facilitate comparisons, changes are reported in pastanomalies compared to present (0kya, pre-Industrial) simu-lations. Thus, statements about cooler temperatures or lessrainfall refer to cooler temperatures or less rainfall in the pastrelative to the 0 kya simulation. Clim. Past, 5, 441–455, 2009

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Figure 2. Anomaly atmosphere climatology at 3 kya (top), 6 kya (middle), and 9 kya (bottom) for SAT (left), δ18Opr (middle), and precipitation (right). Values reported are greater than 99% significance (student’s t-test) given the decadal variability about the 100-year mean.



kya kya






Fig. 2. Anomaly atmosphere climatology at 3 kya (top), 6 kya (middle), and 9 kya (bottom) for SAT (left),δ18Oprec (middle), and precipita-tion (right). Values reported are greater than 99% significance (student’s t-test) given the decadal variability about the 100-year mean.

3.1 Large scale climate changes

Northern Hemisphere extra-tropical insolation was signifi-cantly enhanced in summer, and somewhat reduced in win-ter; in the early Holocene (EH≡9 kya simulation) borealsummers received up to 60 W/m2 greater insolation, whileboreal winter insolation was somewhat reduced (∼15 W/m2).Compared to the pre-industrial, Holocene greenhouse gasforcing was negative,∼−0.7 W/m2 in the EH to mid-Holocene (MH≡6 kya simulation). Cumulatively, these forc-ings caused annual mean warming in the Northern Hemi-sphere, up to 2–3◦C, with cooling the Southern Hemispherearound 1◦C (annual average, Fig. 2) in the mid-Holocene. Ingeneral, anomalies have similar patterns, but greater magni-tudes in the early Holocene compared to the MH comparedto the Late Holocene (LH≡3 kya simulation).

Simulated summer sea ice decreases by∼5% in the Arc-tic in the early Holocene; though changes in sea ice may beunderestimated in ModelE-R since the sea ice in this versionof the model is relatively (and possibly erroneously) insen-sitive to warming Arctic temperatures (Stroeve et al., 2007).Early Holocene boreal summer temperature anomalies reach4◦C in interior regions of Eurasia as well as the CanadianArctic (Fig. 3). Greenland Surface Air Temperatures (SATs)

are simulated to be 1–2◦C warmer in summer. Boreal winterSATs are largely cooler over land, but warmer over the ArcticOcean resulting from a persistent reduction in sea ice, withanomalies approximately twice the magnitude of those insummer. Boreal summer land-sea SAT contrast is enhancedin all Holocene simulations compared to the modern, withthe greatest contrast in the Early to Mid-Holocene simula-tions. These changes are consistent with climate reconstruc-tions of North America and Europe showing maximum sum-mer warmth attained 7000–9000 years ago, and decreasingtemperatures into the pre-Industrial (Wanner et al., 2008).

In the early Holocene, the (remnant) Laurentide ice sheet(LIS – inferred to be 3000 m thick in places, though isostaticcompensation makes the surface height anomaly relative tomodern smaller by∼2/3, Licciardi et al., 1998) yields lo-cal cooling of up to 12◦C. Additionally, the orographic forc-ing of the remnant ice sheet itself causes a southward deflec-tion of the atmospheric jets, yielding further cooling down-stream over Greenland and eastward into the western GIN(Greenland/Iceland/Norwegian) Seas (Carlson et al., 2008),consistent with simulations from Earth Models of Intermedi-ate Complexity (Renssen et al., 2009).

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Figure 3. Seasonal atmospheric changes at 9 kyr boreal winter (top) and boreal summer (bottom) for SAT (left), δ18Opr (middle), and precipitation (right).

Early Holocene (9 kya) Seasonal Anomalies









figure_03_9k_season.pdf 5/27/2009 4:55:29 PM

Fig. 3. Seasonal atmospheric changes at 9 kya boreal winter (bottom) and boreal summer (top) for SAT (left),δ18Oprec (middle), andprecipitation (right).

Surface solar forcing of∼20 W/m2 (greater than today)over the remnant Laurentide ice sheet (LIS) induces a sig-nificant ice budget imbalance in the LIS in our simulation,which leads to a fresher Labrador Sea (Carlson et al., 2008).LIS glacial melt water is specified to be fresh withδ18Oice theaverage ofδ18Oprec over northern hemisphere land ice. LISmelt enters the ocean as “ice bergs” in the upper 200 m of thewater column, causing alterations to the upper ocean densitystructure of the Labrador Sea, suppressing the formation ofdeep water. This leads to a reduction in the early Holocenesimulated North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW: defined asthe magnitude of the ocean overturning stream-function at48◦ N, 900 m) of∼23%.

This suppression of deepwater formation in the North-western Atlantic may have been an important pre-conditioning of ocean circulation changes in the earlyHolocene. Other simulations have shown that the lack ofLabrador Deep Sea Water allows for a larger climate re-sponse to sudden freshwater forcing (LeGrande and Schmidt,2008). The size and magnitude 8.2 kyr event (largest north-ern Hemisphere “cool” anomaly in Greenland ice corerecords, Thomas et al., 2007) could well have been influ-enced by the earlier melting of the LIS and related suppres-sion of Labrador Deep Sea Water.

In all other simulations, simulated NADW is steady(∼22±1 Sv), consistent with proxy indicators (McManus etal., 2004). This transition in NADW production as the LISdisappears is consistent with proxy indications that deep

water production in the Labrador Sea was absent until around7000BP (Hillaire-Marcel et al., 2001). The inferred changeat that time is postulated to have been due to the deglaciationthat was still ongoing through around 6500BP, when eustaticsea level reached near-modern levels (Carlson et al., 2007).In the Early Holocene, the lack of Labrador Deep Sea Wa-ter production yields regionally cooler (1–2◦C) winter SAT.There is also a reduction in precipitation over the LabradorSea convection areas.

Sea surface temperatures (SST) in the Northern Hemi-sphere are warmer in the earlier periods. Generally, this pat-tern is most prominent in the Early Holocene, with decreasesin insolation and Northern Hemisphere temperature into themodern. Lower greenhouse gases yield slight SST coolingin the tropics and Southern Hemisphere. As a result, SSTgradients are altered, and the simulated ITCZ (Inter-tropicalConvergence Zone) shifts northward (Figs. 2 and 3) in theHolocene, consistent with proxy estimates (Haug et al., 2001;Pearman et al., 2008).

This alteration has important consequences for inter-oceanbasin salinity gradients. In particular, water vapor transportacross the Isthmus of Panama, a phenomenon important inmaintaining the modern Atlantic to Pacific 1 psu salinity gra-dient, reduces by∼5% in the Mid-Holocene (Fig. 4).

Latent heat and cloudiness changes associated with thesimulated ITCZ movement yield cooling over West Africaand eastward into the Middle East. Precipitation changesover Asia are generally small with both positive and negative Clim. Past, 5, 441–455, 2009

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- ice volume - ice volume - ice volume

Figure 4. Anomaly ocean climatology at 3 kya (top), 6 kya (upper middle), 9 kya (lower middle), and 9 kya less ice volume effects (bottom) for SSS (left), surface δ18Osw (middle), and surface δ18Ocalcite (right). Values reported are greater than 99% significance (student’s t-test) given the decadal variability about the 100-year mean.




kya kya








Fig. 4. Anomaly ocean climatology at 3 kya (top), 6 kya (upper middle), 9 kya (lower middle), and 9 kya less ice volume effects (bottom) forSSS (left), surfaceδ18Osw (middle), and surfaceδ18Ocalcite(right). Values reported are greater than 99% significance (student’s t-test) giventhe decadal variability about the 100-year mean.

anomalies, with the zero anomaly line centered over the Hi-malayas. Precipitation over the Western Tropical Pacificwarm pool, the Western Atlantic into the Caribbean, andsouth-east Asia is reduced, particularly in boreal winter. Bo-real summer precipitation increases broadly over West Africaeastward into India (Fig. 3).

3.2 Isotopic changes

Warmer temperatures and reductions in Arctic sea ice acrossthe Arctic and the Northern Hemisphere are generally associ-ated with heavierδ18Oprec in 6 kya through 1 kya simulationsrelative to modern (Fig. 2). Isotopic anomalies in the earlyHolocene, however, are more complex and complicated by

the impacts of the remnant ice. The negative mass balanceof the LIS reduces NADW which yields cooler temperaturesassociated with lighterδ18Oprec. In addition, the melt wa-ter is highly depleted inδ18O reinforcing lighter regionalδ18Oprec values near the LIS. These competing effects in theearly Holocene yield a front between negative and positiveδ18Oprecanomalies (Fig. 3). The simulation of this front willlikely not precisely replicate the actual situation in the earlyHolocene; however, it does suggest that such a pattern mayhave existed in the past.

Topographic changes further complicate Greenlandδ18Oprec changes in the early Holocene. The existence ofthe LIS forces atmospheric jets to divert southward (Carlsonet al., 2008). In the absence of North American ice sheets,

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Figure 5. Simulated annually averaged δ¹⁸Opr from Summit, Greenland for all eight time slices (1σ variation in the decadal mean, black bars, about the century average, blue asterisk) are plotted against surface air temperature (˚C). The standard relationship between the two, 0.3‰/°C (Cuffey et al, 1995) is plotted in purple, the simulated Early Holocene to modern trend is plotted in light blue.









-30.5 -30 -29.5 -29 -28.5 -28 -27.5 -27

δ18 O




Surface Air Temperature (˚C)

Summit Average Temporal Slope0 kya3 kya6 kya9 kyaAverage

0.3 ‰/˚C

Fig. 5. Simulated annually averagedδ18Oprec from Summit, Greenland for all eight time slices (1σ variation in the decadal mean, blackbars, about the century average, blue asterisk) are plotted against surface air temperature (◦C). A previously suggested relationship betweenthe two, 0.3‰/◦C (Cuffey et al., 1995) is plotted in purple, the simulated Early Holocene to modern trend is plotted in light blue.

water vapor from Pacific supplies a significant proportion ofboreal summer moisture to Summit (∼30% in this versionof ModelE-R). In the early Holocene, there is a relativelygreater amount of rainfall with more local sources, such asthe Labrador and Greenland Seas. These shorter pathwaysresult in an air mass that retains a greater amount of heavierisotope in the water vapor once it reaches Greenland.Heavierδ18Oprec values can thus occur even if temperatureswere held constant. In the simulated early Holocene,Summit temperatures are cooler, but no significantδ18Oprecchanges are observed, largely as a result of the shorterpathway for water vapor from the ocean to Summit. Justnorth of Summit,δ18Oprec values are higher. Fundamentally,however, the simulated front between positive and negativeanomalies in temperature differs to that inδ18Oprec becauseof the orographic changes in the early Holocene. Wherethis mismatch occurs, standard high latitude temperatureto δ18Oprec relationships break down. Consistent withthese simulations are observational evidence at Summit,Greenland that shows little to no changes inδ18Oprec overthe course of the Holocene at GISP (Alley et al., 1997),and slightly higherδ18Oprec values in the early Holocenefor GRIP and North-GRIP (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2005).At Summit, the model simulates no change inδ18Oprec, but1.5◦C cooler temperatures in the early Holocene (Fig. 5).This simulated cooling is consistent with other proxyevidence from the coast of Greenland that suggests coolertemperatures in the early Holocene (Kelly et al., 2008). This

complexity in the Greenlandδ18Oprec signal may inducelarge magnitude biases in Greenland ice coreδ18Oprec– SATrecords (Charles et al., 1995).

Deuterium excess changes are more complicated. The1 kya through 6 kya time slices have only small or negligi-ble changes over Greenland, and at 9 kya there are smallchanges of both sign. In Antarctica, deuterium excess isabout 1‰ less over much of the continent by 9 K, consis-tent with ice core evidence (Vimeux et al., 2001). As inFigs. 2 and 3, EH sea surface temperatures are largely (an-nual mean) cooler around Greenland, particularly in winter,due to lower NADW production. This region, particularlyat 9 K represents the bulk of the original source of precipita-tion for Greenland (due to “blocking” from the remnant Lau-rentide of the Pacific source). Neither cooling, nor generalchanges in source region, appears to translate into a consis-tent change in deuterium excess over Greenland. Previousstudies have also noted a lack of correlation between sourceregion changes and deuterium excess changes (Kavanaughand Cuffey, 2002). However, it should be noted that very lit-tle is known about mean changes to ocean water deuterium(even less thanδ18Osw) at various time slices through thedeglacial. Further, deuterium excess is the most sensitive ofall the modeled water isotopes to parameterization and ki-netic effects, and thus the 9kya results should be viewed cau-tiously. Clim. Past, 5, 441–455, 2009

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20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Kyr BP

Holocene Asian δ¹⁸O Comparisons

Qunf, Oman Fleitmann et al 2007

Dongge, China Wang et al 2005

Heshang, China Hu et al 2008

Model China

Figure 6. (Upper) Annually averaged simulated δ¹⁸Opr changes over China (44 grid points) with 1 σ variability for decadal average about the model 100-year mean compared to speleothem δ¹⁸O from Oman (Fleitmann et al, 2007), Dongge, China (Wang et al, 2005), and Heshang, China (Hu et al, 2008). (Lower) Annually averaged simulated surface δ¹⁸Osw changes with 1 σ variability for decadal average about the model 100-year mean for the Western Tropical Pacific compared to measured (Stott et al., 2004). Values reported are normalized to modern. Ice volume changes have not been taken into account.














.60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Holocene Ocean δ¹⁸O Comparisons

Western Tropical Pacific

Model W.Tr.Pac

Kyr BP













figure_06_data_comp.pdf 3/12/2009 11:13:55 AM

Fig. 6. (Upper) Annually averaged simulatedδ18Opr changes over China (44 grid points) with 1σ variability for decadal average about themodel 100-year mean compared to speleothemδ18O from Oman (Fleitmann et al., 2007), Dongge, China (Wang et al., 2005), and Heshang,China (Hu et al., 2008). (Lower) Annually averaged simulated surfaceδ18Osw changes with 1σ variability for decadal average about themodel 100-year mean for the Western Tropical Pacific compared to measured (Stott et al., 2004). Values reported are normalized to modern.Ice volume changes have not been taken into account.

Shifts in precipitation related to movement of the ITCZover the tropical oceans yields negative northern and pos-itive southernδ18Oprec anomalies. Modeled changes inδ18Oprec of southern Eurasia closely resemble changes in-ferred from Asian speleothemδ18O records at millennialtimescales (Fig. 6). The modeled tropicalδ18Oprec changesdo not, however, follow precipitation changes directly; no-tably, from West Africa through Northeast Asia,δ18Oprec isdepleted, despite small and oppositely signed precipitationchanges (Fig. 2). Nor are theδ18Oprecanomalies simply scal-able to the magnitude of the local precipitation changes.

Closer examination of the simulated changes over Chinashow no correlation between local precipitation andδ18Oprecover these timescales; however, there is a strong correlation

betweenδ18Oprecand water vapor transport onto China fromthe Pacific (Fig. 7). In India,δ18Oprec changes are asso-ciated with not only water vapor transport changes ontoland, but also precipitation changes (Fig. 7). This relation-ship suggests that millennialδ18Oprec changes inferred fromtropical interior Asianδ18O records from speleothems arerecording alterations in water vapor export out of the trop-ics, and not local changes in precipitation as might be in-ferred from present day analogs. In coastal regions, ob-served (GNIP/IAEA) tropical Asianδ18O records do corre-late with local rainfall changes, but these changes are alsohighly correlated with the landward transport of water va-por from the oceans (Rozanski et al., 1993). Intensificationof landward water vapor transport in the past simulations

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a δ1

8 Opr


Figure 7. Simulated annually averaged δ18Opr from China (~30 grid boxes, above) and India (~12 grid boxes, below) for all eight time slices (1σ variation in the decadal mean, black bars, about the century average, blue asterisk) are plotted (left) against a monsoon index - onto land water vapor transport from the Indian or Pacific oceans - and (right) against precipitation (mm/day) averaged for the same region in China (above) and India (below). The monsoon index here is defined as the integrated JJA water vapor transport across the Chinese (above) and Indian (below) land-sea margin. Individual decadal averages appear for the 0 kya (blue diamonds), 3 kya (red squares), 6 kya (green triangles), and 9 kya (purple circles) cases. ‘Monsoon’ and δ18Opr are inversely related, with greater water vapor transport onto land associated with more depleted rainfall on land in both, while local Chinese precipitation and δ18Opr are uncorrelated, and Indian precipitation and δ18Opr are correlated.







-20.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Precipitation (mm/day)








70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140


a δ1

8 Opr


Indian Monsoon Index (10⁶kg/s)

Indian Precipitation δ¹⁸Owv≈ -17 ‰

0 kya3 kya6 kya9 kyaHolocene Avg ±1σ

-12300 325 350 375 400 425

Chinese Monsoon Index (10⁶ kg/s)

Chinese Precipitation δ18Owv≈ -22 ‰

Average ± 1σ

0 kya

3 kya

6 kya

9 kya

δ¹⁸Opr=-0.019*WV-3.9211 R²=0.8427






Precipitation (mm/day)

3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9

Fig. 7. Simulated annually averagedδ18Oprec from China (∼30 grid boxes, above) and India (∼12 grid boxes, below) for all eight timeslices (1σ variation in the decadal mean, black bars, about the century average, blue asterisk) are plotted (left) against a monsoon index –onto land water vapor transport from the Indian or Pacific oceans – and (right) against precipitation (mm/day) averaged for the same regionin China (above) and India (below). The monsoon index here is defined as the integrated JJA water vapor transport across the Chinese(above) and Indian (below) land-sea margin. Individual decadal averages appear for the 0 kya (blue diamonds), 3 kya (red squares), 6 kya(green triangles), and 9 kya (purple circles) cases. “Monsoon” andδ18Oprec are inversely related, with greater water vapor transport ontoland associated with more depleted rainfall on land in both, while local Chinese precipitation andδ18Oprec are uncorrelated, and Indianprecipitation andδ18Oprecare correlated.

compared to modern is likely related to the enhanced borealseasonality induced by orbital changes. Calcification tem-perature may be a confounding factor in some of the caverecords (−1‰ δ18O per +5◦C) where cave temperature isnot constant, though this temperature variability will gener-ally be significantly smaller than that of surface air tempera-ture (Wang et al., 2008).

Associated with this shift in water export to the land arechanges in the hydrological balance in related ocean regions.In the mid to early Holocene, simulated salinity andδ18Osware lower in the Atlantic, particularly tropical to southernsub-tropical by∼0.5 psu and∼0.2‰. Indian Ocean salinities

andδ18Osw decrease as well, by a slightly larger magnitude.Western tropical Pacific salinities andδ18Osw increase by upto ∼0.6 psu and 0.3‰, respectively. The modern depletion(.25‰ at the Mid-Holocene) of water isotopes in the West-ern Tropical Pacific matches well with paleosalinity recon-structions (Fig. 6 and Oppo et al., 2007). Rainfall over thisarea is generally enriched;δ18Osw andδ18Oprecchanges overoceans tend to be correlated.

The salinity (andδ18Osw contrast) between the WesternTropical Atlantic and the eastern Tropical Pacific was lessin the early Holocene owing mainly to decreased water va-por transport across the Isthmus of Panama. This modeled Clim. Past, 5, 441–455, 2009

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Figure 8. Zonally averaged δ¹⁸Opr (‰) in the preindustrial and the anomaly in the mid-Holocene. Zonally averaged northward ¹⁸O (10⁷ kg/s) transport in the preindustrial and the anomaly in the mid-Holocene.
















974-88 0 88

Fig. 8. Zonally averagedδ18Oprec (‰) versus height (mbar) in thepreindustrial and the anomaly in the mid-Holocene. Zonally aver-aged northward18O (107 kg/s) transport in the preindustrial and theanomaly in the mid-Holocene.

trend is at odds with a recent paleoclimate reconstruction(i.e. Schmidt et al., 2004). Perhaps this is due to a lack of suf-ficiently high resolution data for comparisons, or the modelsimulations could be incorrect owing to overly coarse topog-raphy over Panama, which might compromise the sensitiv-ity of the inter-basin transport. Further work on this issue isclearly warranted.

3.3 Water vapor transport changes

The tropical hydrologic cycle is closed to first order; i.e. thevast majority of water evaporated in the tropics, precipitatesover the tropics (Hoffmann, 2003). In all of our simula-tions, the tropical water vapor recycling is indicated by thetwo near surface equator ward cells (Fig. 8b). Water vaporthat does escape from the tropics does so in the mid tropo-sphere (∼800 mb). The isotopic composition of water vaporexiting the tropics is−15‰ to −20‰ both in these simu-lations and inferred from observations (Craig and Gordon,1965; Lee, J., personal communication). The simulated av-erage isotopic composition of this export flux changes verylittle over the course of the Holocene. There is a minor com-plication for stratospheric water vapor, owing to alterationsin atmospheric methane concentration (a source of depletedδ18O).

The simulated fluxes of water vapor, however, change dra-matically over the course of the Holocene (Fig. 8c), withthe export out of the tropics over the oceans decreasing overthe Western Pacific by∼12% in the mid-Holocene. Overland, enhanced boreal seasonality causes an increase in land-sea temperature contrasts, and tropical water vapor transportonto land was thus greater during the mid-Holocene than to-day. Within the tropics, there is a northward migration of theITCZ of ∼10–15◦. This enhances water vapor transport ontoWest Africa and in Asia; e.g. flux onto China increases by20%, onto West India increases by 29%; East Indian trans-port increases by 20% (Fig. 7).

Changes in northward water vapor transport (Fig. 8) implychanges in northward latent heat flux. Total atmospheric heatflux is a combination of this field and transport of dry staticenergy, and in these simulations, the magnitudes of changesin the two are similar (though regionally varying). Becauseof this fundamental link between atmospheric heat transportand water vapor flux, changes in tropicalδ18Oprecip for theHolocene might also be thought of as an indicator of changesin tropical atmospheric heat transports, with a greater exportof tropical latent heat associated with a greater export of de-pleted (−15 to−20‰) tropical water vapor.

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3.4 Ocean circulation changes

Exchange (surface through mixed layer depth) between theLabrador Sea and the North Atlantic was diminished by 1/3in the mid-Holocene simulations. In the early Holocene,the remaining fluxes out of the Labrador Sea into the NorthAtlantic were fresher and depleted by 2‰ on average, andthe mixed layer in the Northwestern Atlantic was much shal-lower.

Transport of saltier surface waters from the Indian Ocean(0.33 δ18Osw) into the Atlantic was diminished by 25%,while transport of tropical Pacific waters into the IndianOcean was decreased by 13% in the early Holocene com-pared to the pre-Industrial. Advection from the Eastern to theWestern Tropical Pacific increased by 5%, with theδ18Oswenriched by 0.1‰.

Overall, the alterations in ocean circulation work to salin-ify the Pacific Ocean, and freshen the Atlantic (Fig. 4). Thetropical western Pacific is 0.27 psu saltier and 0.1‰ enrichedin δ18Osw. The tropical eastern Pacific has smaller changesof a similar sign, while the Atlantic is 0.16 psu fresher and0.1‰ depleted inδ18Osw.

These changes lead to enhanced intermediate water for-mation in the North Pacific, which yields a positive feedbackto Northern Hemisphere warming (created by the enhancedboreal insolation), and a means for regionally warmer tem-peratures in the North Pacific region to persist through borealwinter.

In the pre-Industrial (control) simulation, there is a north-ward flux through the Bering Strait, though the simulated fluxis significantly less (only 10%) than that observed. In allof the other Holocene simulations, this flux reverses direc-tion; by the early Holocene, this reversed flux has grown to 3times the magnitude of that in the PI, and serves as a meansto export freshwater out of the North Atlantic Ocean (via theArctic). This reversal is likely driven by sea ice changes thatare related to decreases in sea level pressure of∼2 mb andto a lesser extent by the surface freshwater balance (P−E+R)increasing by 8%. Surface and intermediate depth densitieswere greater in the Arctic, with the contrast of surface to deepwater densities slightly reduced. A 9 kya sensitivity studywhere the Bering Strait was closed resulted in a shutdown ofNADW since the additional freshwater fluxes from the melt-ing of the LIS “pooled” in the North Atlantic. Note that theBering Strait likely opened several thousand years prior to9 kya and so that experiment is not intended to be directlycomparable to observations. This result is however sugges-tive of a means for the termination of the Younger Dryas, butfollow-up work is required to quantify its likelihood.

4 Isotope record comparisons

Seawater oxygen isotopes in the modern simulation com-pares favorably with observations (LeGrande and Schmidt,2006), though the model tends to excessively smooth zonalasymmetries. Further, the modelδ18Oprec does not at-tain the maximum depletion in Vostok Summit as observed(Schmidt et al., 2005); this may be related to model difficul-ties in simulating steep topography and extreme cold tem-peratures there. Atmospheric water vapor at the emissionlevel in the atmosphere is similar to that observed from theTES (tropospheric emission spectrometer) instrument on theAura spacecraft, though the seasonal cycle differs in sign(Jeonghoon Lee, personal communication).

The ModelE Holocene simulations can be quantitativelycompared to relevantδ18O records. Broad trends of in-creasedδ18Oprec from the early to late Holocene fromAsian speleothem records is well reproduced (Fleitmann etal., 2003; Hu et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2005). Further,0.2‰ to 0.3‰ mid-Holocene increases in Western Tropi-cal Pacific δ18Osw are also simulated well in the model(Fig. 6; Stott et al., 2004). All Holocene simulationshaveδ18Oprec at Summit, Greenland of−34.7‰ to−35‰,within the observed range over the Holocene,−34.1‰ to−36‰ (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2005). Simulated earlyHolocene oxygen isotopes are similar (with a correlation,r2, of 0.83) to observed in ice cores and marine sedimentcores (Carlson et al., 2008). Simulated tropical Pacific sea-water oxygen isotopes are, similar to observed, enriched by∼0.3‰, as well (Oppo et al., 2007).

Changes in simulated salinity are significantly less thanimplied by modern co-variabilityδ18Osw and salinity(e.g. LeGrande and Schmidt, 2006) in the tropical westernAtlantic, Caribbean, and Western Tropical Pacific. Data in-ferences of∼1.5 psu salinity changes through the Holocene(Stott et al., 2004), derived fromδ18Osw applying the mod-ern 0.15–0.25‰ per psu, spatial relationship, could be offby 200–300%; i.e. the salinity changes were likely smaller,(∼0.5 psu). Simulated western Tropical Pacific changes inEH salinity, including ice volume effects, are∼0.3 psu. Sim-ilarly, the western tropical Atlantic and Caribbean also showmore modest salinity changes than that implied by applyingthe modern spatial slope to the pastδ18Osw variability. Thisfeature highlights the importance of distinguishingspatialfrom temporalslopes. The primary mechanism controllingshallow tropical spatial slopes – the first order complete re-cycling of water vapor within only the tropics – is not neces-sarily the same as that acting to control millennial scale vari-ability. At this temporal scale, inter-ocean basin exchange ofwater is important. This feature will be explored in future re-search. For the time being, however, more work is requiredto understand a means to quantitatively interpretδ18Osw sig-nals as paleosalinity. Clim. Past, 5, 441–455, 2009

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It should be noted here, however, that while some isotopicproxies can be directly compared to model output (i.e. icecore δ18O) some proxy measurements require a more so-phisticated forward modeling approach. For instance, calciteδ18O also has a temperature dependent fractionation (Epsteinet al., 1953). This dependence is usually accounted for inmarine records, but not in speleothem records (temperaturevariability in caves is thought to be minor compared to theimpact of cave waterδ18O). Terrestrial records ofδ18O areoften complicated since re-evaporation or variable residencetimes in the ground can alter theδ18O from that originallyin the precipitation. More sophisticated treatments of theseprocesses are under development.

5 Discussion

Many of the existing studies using ModelE-R have focusedon sensitivity of the model to future projected greenhousegas changes (e.g. Hansen et al., 2005; Hansen et al., 2007).These results show that in a warmer (greenhouse driven)world, atmospheric circulation changes such that northwardlatent heat transport increases and sensible heat decreases –trends that follow from the changes in temperature and wa-ter mass in the atmosphere. In our Mid- and Early Holocenesimulations, the global temperature is slightly lower – MHgreenhouse gas decreases, correspond to a−0.34◦C SAT,consistent with the GISS ModelE climate sensitivity of∼2.7◦C/2×CO2, which would correspond to a temperaturechange of−0.38◦C SAT, but northern hemisphere temper-atures are increased (as a result of orbital changes). Theearly Holocene simulation has an additional complication ofcooler eastern North-eastern American and Northwestern At-lantic temperatures (as a result of the remnant LaurentideIce Sheet). Water vapor content increases in the northernhemisphere but decreases in the southern hemisphere (ow-ing to slightly lower insolation at mid-latitudes and reducedgreenhouse gases). The zonal mean changes in heat transportshow a decrease in latent heat transport in the northern mid-latitudes. These changes demonstrate a very complicatedpicture where enhanced seasonality drives large changes inland-sea temperature contrast, and this change dominateschanges to water vapor and latent heat transport.

Water isotope fields show distinctive “fingerprints” of cli-mate changes through the Holocene. In the atmosphere, thesechanges are very similar to latent heat changes. Latent heattransport changes dominate the total atmospheric heat trans-port changes, and illuminate the fundamental link betweenwater vapor, temperature, andδ18O, even in continental trop-ical settings. The correlation betweenδ18Oprec and precipi-tation in these locations breaks down since changes in watervapor transport dominate the finalδ18Oprec signal. Terres-trial δ18O changes in water isotopes represent alterations tothe water vapor flux onto land. Changes in temperature andδ18Oprecat high latitudes are both related to changes in water

vapor flux (thus often correlated), but the patterns of changein the two are not always identical. Thus situations arise suchas in the early Holocene where changes in temperature atSummit, Greenland are not captured in theδ18Oprec signal– water vapor flux changes from the Pacific complicate thesignal.

Large changes in atmospheric water vapor transport haveimportant consequences for seawater isotopes as well. Alter-ations in inter-basin exchange, land-sea amounts of precip-itation, and tropical export of water vapor all have impactson the hydrologic cycle and affect the marineδ18O recordsin addition to their terrestrial counterparts. Past reconstruc-tions of δ18Osw thus can provide insight into atmosphericprocesses. The consequence, however, of this atmosphericconnection is that simple links to other freshwater tracers iscomplicated. For instance, modernδ18Osw to salinity cali-brations to determine past salinity given aδ18Osw record donot currently include corrections due to atmospheric circu-lation changes. This study suggests that modernδ18Osw tosalinity relationships yield a qualitative calibration, whichmay be improved by expanding the terms (thatδ18Osw de-pends on) to include more of the hydrologic cycle. Theselarge changes in water vapor transport imply large changes inthe salinity andδ18Osw end members, suggesting a means forimproved interpretations ofδ18Osw. The pairing of oxygenisotope records with other proxy records for salinity may re-duce uncertainty in salinity reconstructions as well as providemore insight into changes of the hydrologic cycle in general(Rohling, 2007).

We used eight time slices across the Holocene in orderto provide greater confidence inδ18O to climate inversions(8 data points). However, the majority of the features presentin the mid-Holocene case are similar to those seen in the1 kya through 5 kya cases, with primarily the magnitude ofanomalies changing. The Early Holocene case has the addedcomplication of changes in ice sheets, and its patterns of cli-mate change differ from those in the 6 kya case. From thisresult, it seems that transient, or high temporal resolutiontime slice through periods of ice sheet change are necessary,while transient/high temporal resolution time slice simula-tions of interstadials will be less useful, unless additionalshort term forcing elements (such as solar irradiance) becomesufficiently quantified to affect the simulations in ways notconsidered here.

6 Conclusions

Forward modeling of proxy climate tracers is essential inunderstanding the variability in the proxy climate archives.Oxygen isotopes record changes in the hydrologic cycle,meaning that complexities including temperature, precipita-tion, initial source composition, pathways to deposition, andmixing along the route always play a role in determining thefinal composition. Our Holocene simulations suggest that

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during periods of change in the orography of North Amer-ica (growth and retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, in par-ticular), forward modeling may be very helpful in determin-ing the temperature signal in the Greenland ice coreδ18Oprecrecords, since changes in precipitation source (in addition totemperature) play an important role to the variability there(Charles et al., 1994). In monsoonal regions, such as southAsia, variability in water vapor transport on land again is im-portant to controllingδ18Oprec variability, contrary to someinterpretations of this variability in terms of local precipita-tion amount (which is a poor approximation in these simu-lations at least). Models have an important role in elucidat-ing which components of change in the hydrologic cycle aremost responsible for variability at different timescales, andthus they provide a means for improved interpretations ofproxy climate archives.

Regional to hemispheric wide scale changes in water va-por transport are the component that seem to be the ma-jor complicating factor that is rarely addressed in interpre-tations of individual time series ofδ18O from proxy records.This component is the aspect for which interpretations canbe most greatly improved through the forward modeling ofδ18O tracers.

The GISS model does capture the major features of North-ern Hemisphere warming during the mid-Holocene. In theEarly Holocene, Northern Hemisphere climate is consistentwith the known rates of retreat of the North American icesheets, and climate of the time (Carlson et al., 2008). Sim-ilarly, the GISS model matches tropical ocean (Oppo et al.,2007) and land variability, particularly Asian speleothems,in the mid-Holocene well. This suggests that the model hasappropriately sized responses to orbital changes and to smallgreenhouse gas changes. However, increases in Sahel rain-fall and sea ice reductions from the mid to early Holocene aretoo small (Wohlfahrt et al., 2008). Overall, the GISS modelreasonably simulates climate over the Holocene (comparedto the proxy records), and the variability in these tracers pro-vides a way to assess the skill of the model over the Holoceneand perhaps improve confidence in elements of the projec-tions into the future.

Acknowledgements.We would like to thank NASA GISS forinstitutional support. ANL was supported by NSF ATM 07-53868.

Edited by: H. Renssen


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