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Page 1: Sources

SourcesRelated activities to draw from / support:

– CDER – CDRH pathways– QIBA testbeds– Open Image Archives ad hoc committee – Biochange– TCGA Radiology and other correlative in-silico studies – JANUS – SDTM – QIN– RVL– Legacy understanding of requirements from current version of tools

Workflows (priority order):1. Suite:

1. Create and manage reference data sets using clinical and synthetic data2. Comparative evaluation vs. gold standards or otherwise accepted markers3. Measure correlation of imaging biomarkers with clinical endpoints 4. Compliance tests / proficiency testing of supplier implementations 5. Formal registration of data with FDA for qualification (CDER) and approval or clearance (CDRH)

2. Support experimental groundwork for marker development3. Support algorithm discovery and early development

November, 2010 Informatics Services for Quantitative Imaging 1