Download - Sotonews February 2012

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SOTONEWS A magazine dedicated to the SIS community to inform, amuse and share





D1 exceeded all expectations with an amazing night of food and entertainment. An staggering €2520 was raised for the purchase of much needed sustainable crops for the Berber communi-ty of Asni. These crops will be planted by the D1 students on their Easter visit to Morocco. George Oughton, Adrian Castro and Joe Swindley deserve special mention as these boys or-ganised the whole entertainment side of the event. This included auditioning over 100 stu-dents of whom 66 performed on the night. A restaurant standard meal was cooked and served by the students guided by Pippa Ireton.

The girls waitressed until they could no longer stand and of course, the boys were happy to come to their aid and help pass them drinks! D1 showed superb teamwork and the whole event was an embodiment of SIS values.

¨ Again our students have risen to the challenge. George, Adri and Joe ran auditions, rehearsals and put together a set which provided opportunities for so many students, they deserve credit¨ - Mr Wicks

¨Performing and organising ´Kiss the Casbah´ made me realise what a privilege it really is to be part of the SIS Community. Everyone shone on Friday. Well Done!¨ – Rosi Chapell Elkin D1

¨I was a bit nervous before playing, but once we started, I relaxed and enjoyed the music¨ - Guillermo Valle D2

¨I was really nervous before the act but after I wanted to play again! ¨ - Amy Tindling M1

¨Organising an event like this helped give me an insight into Events Management, something I might consider in the future¨ - George Oughton D1

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School Holiday Calendar 2011/12

February Half Term 27th February - 2nd March April Easter Holidays 2nd April - 13th April Summer Term Starts 16th April May Fiesta Del Trabajo 1st May Summer Long Weekend 21st May - 22nd May June Last School Day 29th June

PTA Calendar 2012

PTA Meetings 1st Thursday of the month


1er viernes del mes Reunion en español 09.00

International Women’s Day Breakfast Although not an official “event”, the PTA is very happy to pro-mote this great initiative from one of our parents Veronique De-salvier – multi-cultural international-mindedness is not just for our children! ONLY FOR WOMEN - The International Woman Day! - THURSDAY MARCH 8th International Women's breakfast at Véronique's house (in La Reserva) , starting at 9 am. You can walk from the school (about 20 minutes of hilly walk) or drive (2 minutes). If you are interested, please contact Véronique for more details, directions and to find out what to bring. Mobile: 674 598 069 or [email protected] ESPECIAL PARA MUJERES - Dia Internacional de la Mu-jer! - JUEVES 8 de MArzo Desayuno internacional de mujeres en la casa de Véronique (en la Reserva) a partir delas 9:00 am. Puedes andar desde el colegio (sobre 20 minutos en cuesta empinada) o ir en coche (2 minutos). Si te interesa, contacta con Véronique para mas detales, direccion y ver qué llevar. Tlfo movil: 974 598 069 o [email protected] SPECIAL FEMMES - Journée Internationale de le Femme! - JEUDI 8 mars (petit) Déjeuner international entre femmes chez Véronique (dans La Reserva) à partir de 9 heures. Vous pouvez venir à pied de l'école (environ 20 minutes de forte montée) ou en voiture (2 minutes). Si vous voulez participer, contactez Véronique pour en savoir plus, connaitre l'adresse exacte et qu'amener. Portable: 674 598 069 ou [email protected]

Estimados padres, A partir del próximo 9 de Marzo, todos los primeros viernes del mes habrá una reunión en la cantina a las 9 de la mañana donde algunos miembros españoles del PTA os harán un resumen de la reunión de la PTA en inglés que se hace el día anterior. La intención es que la comunidad española de SIS esté mejor informada del día al día de lo que ocurre en el colegio, y a la vez pueda dar su opinion, hacer preguntas y pasar comentarios. Los miembros del PTA que dirijan esta reunión (Pepa Lerchundi, Eva de Francisco y Cecilia Melián), recogerán vuestras opi-niones y preguntas y las pasarán al comité ejecutivo del PTA. Esta reunion sera mensual y se hará al día siguiente de la reunión general del PTA. Se anunciará en el ta-blón de anuncios situado en la entrada del colegio. Esperamos vuestra asistencia y participación . Todos los padres sois bienvenidos.

Youth Club and theatre venue to open in Sotogrande A Youth Club is about to arrive in Sotogrande. Aimed at 12 to 16 year olds, the club – nick-named The Sotogrande Backyard Pro-ject - will be opening in March in a multi-purpose building situated at the La Reserva end of the Hipica in Sotogrande. It will be open most Friday and Saturday evenings during term time, and hopefully during the day in the holidays as well. To start off with it will have a sound and lighting system, table football, pool, table tennis and WiFi. Once it is up and running the members who go there will dictate the pace. While it is getting established there will be a nominal entrance fee (the project is going to be run as a charity, and is therefore non-profit making), and once it is up and running there will be a quarterly membership scheme. There will be a number of youth leaders on duty, and security to ensure a safe environment for the kids. The venue – The Sotogrande Theatre of Life – will also be available for discos, concerts, gigs, cinema nights and small theatre groups (it has its own stage), in fact anything you can think of, if it fits in the building. Currently the finishing touches are being made to the building and its’ systems. Then it will need to be furnished, and decorated. We will be looking for any volunteers who can help decorate, and any unwanted stuff which may be of use to the Youth Club. Anyone interested in getting involved should contact Sarah at [email protected]

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I´ll Huff and I'll Puff and I´ll blow your house down!

´Ello, ´ello, éllo. What´s going on here


Red Riding Hood is not looking herself!

And which dwarf are you?

Water Cycle Trip

Let's pretend we are someone else for a while.

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P2 Weather and Climate affect our daily lives

P1 Intercultural Day

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La Ratita Presumida Miss Irene (profesora de español)

Los alumnos de lengua B de P3 han representado en español el cuento de “La Ratita Presumida” como fin a su unidad de investi-gación “Cuentame un cuento”. Todos han trabajado mucho con su preparación y ha sido toda una satisfacción ver como los alum-nos se expresan en español. La gran motivación y entusiasmo de los alumnos han hecho que todo first y primary disfrutemos de esta obra.

P6 Natural Phenomena

P4 Dem Bones

P5 Poetry

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Chess Club The start of the new Chess Club on Tuesday lunch breaks has proved to be an intellectually-stimulating activity for students who do not wish to partake in outdoor activities. However it is current-ly not popular as it has just commenced, and is in desperate need of new members with an enthusiastic approach to the game. By Jamal Shafiq

Maths Challenge

An intermediate maths challenge that was given to the M3, M4 and M5 pupils on Thursday 2nd Feb. They had two weeks before the results were published.

If you would like a challenge, please feel free to try on the follow-ing link. If you would like to check your answers, the results link is as fol-lows:-

Sotosol Walk/FunRun on Saturday 12th May For the last 8 years many students, parents and staff from SIS have enthusiastically supported the annual Sotosol charity walk. Funds raised from this event have always gone to one of the “cancer” charities, and this year is no different as all the money we raise on 12th May will go to a charity set up by one of our students as a result of her own experience with illness over the last year. You can read all about Danii’s Charity at; however here is some of the basic information. Danii is raising money to help three different groups here in Spain, all of which are supporting children with cancer: the Fundacion Pequeno Deseo, Andex and the children’s oncolo-gy ward at Virgen Del Rocio Hospital, Sevilla. The Funda-cion Pequeno Deseo tries to make a wish come true for chil-dren with life threatening illnesses; Andex gives support in all sorts of ways to children with cancer and their families, in-cluding practical and financial help to allow parents to visit frequently or remain with their children in hospital. Danii’s first goal is 6000€ to buy a special blood analysis machine for the children’s oncology ward which will give results in just 10 minutes; the fund now stands in excess of 4,400€ so she is well on the way to that. This year’s Sotosol walk, which is being organized by Danii’s father Andrew Dick, is a little bit different in that it is slightly shorter (16Km/10 miles) and you can choose to do it as a walk or as a fun run. Andrew would like to set up a running/jogging club in advance of the walk/run to help train partici-pants for the 16km course. Andrew has much experience in this field having run 6 marathons and many triathlons. If you are interested in this opportunity please contact him at [email protected] The course will start at SIS and finish at Puerto Sotogrande. Registration starts at 9.30am on Saturday 12th May at the school and the event will be started by Danii at 10am. All the proceeds … donations, T-shirt sales, wrist band sales, raffle money, sponsorship … will go to Danii’s charities as above. So see you on the 12th en route – I’ll be walking it!

Caminata Sotosol: La caminata anual benéfica Sotosol ha sido programada para el sábado 12 de mayo. Por favor, anoten este día en sus agendas. Enviaremos más información próximamente. Este año, Andrew Dick organizará el evento y le gustaría crear un club de corredores/jogging antes de la caminata/carrera, con el fin de ayudar a entrenar a los participantes para la carrera de los 16 kms. Andrew cuenta con mucha experiencia en este campo, habiendo corrido 6 maratones y muchos triatlones. Si esta interesado en esta magnifica oportunidad, por favor contacte con él en la sigui-ente dirección: [email protected]. La recaudación de este año ira destinada a su hija, Danii´s charity, que ella ha puesto en marcha como resultado de su experiencia en el último año con la enfermedad.

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Members of the Kindred Project Club have managed to make Fridays even more fabulous with the introduc-tion of Phat Friday which has enjoyed lots of success over the last couple of months (even more now that Miss Deborah has mastered the art of batter makingJ). We are offering cheese and Nutella toasties (not to-gether – unless that takes your fancy!) and more recently also pancakes with Nutella. All money raised (1.50 € for each toastie/pancake) from holding Phat Friday and chocolate pancake days is fed straight back into the Kindred Project and towards the running costs. Many thanks to all the usual helpers, who give up their time and energy to help set up and help clean away after the event each Friday break time and to Charlotte for making the super poster! Miss Anne managed to take these photos without us even noticing which is testament to the hands on nature of this conveyor belt of toastie making efforts!

Anti-Bullying Workshop Last term, students in M1-M5 participated in an anti-bullying workshop during tutorial. Students from M1-M3 were asked to enter a competition to create an anti-bullying poster for the SIS community. We received over 20 entries and the winning poster was selected by the diploma NARTS team, led by Mr Harris.

The winning poster was created by Alexandra Adams (M3)

Taller de prevención del acoso escolar

El trimestre pasaod los alumnos de M1.M5 participaron en un taller de prevención de acoso escolar. Pedimos a los alumnos de M1-M3 que participaran en un concurso de posters para el colegio. Hemos recibido más de 20 y el poster ganador ha sido seleccionado por los alumnos de arte del diploma que está dirigido por Mr. Ha-rris.

El poster ganador ha sido el realizado por Alexandra Adams (M3)

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There is a new word flying round, up and down through the town. It’s the sort of the a word no one ever has heard. It has something to do with some kids in the theatre and it might just be something very peculiar. It’s Seussical, the musical to be more precise and it’s coming to you for a low, low, low price! There are characters such as Cat in the Hat and an Elephant named Horton, imagine that? It includes students from M1 to D2 who invite you to come to get the change to view dancing monkeys who are just too cool and a Sour Kangaroo who ain’t no fool! This wonderful show will take place on March 22nd and 23rd but tickets will go fast, or so we have heard! But where will it take place you might want to know, it will be at the San Roque Theatre come rain or come snow! The kids in this show rehearse all week long and would love it if you were to come along and see the hard work to make this show shine with the effort that only SIS kids find. One Mayzie La Bird had this to say, I hope that it convinces you to come out and play, “What we want to do is show off what we like doing most. The Seussical is worth watching because personally, this musical is completely different to what SIS have done before, there is also a variety of ages taking part and acting, singing, dancing. The tickets are also free, so even more reason to come and watch us!” So if you are not convinced now I don’t know what to do, how about a few photos and a reminder, it’s true that the tickets for this amazing show come at the low, low price of Zer-o! That’s right tickets are free they can be reserved starting March 1st so step right you’ll want to be first!

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SotoBay All adverts are free to private advertisers. We do not accept adverts of a commercial nature, e.g. professional services or high value items Adverts should be brief and include a telephone number and/or an email address. The Editor’s decision is final and no further correspondence shall be entered into.

advertise for free >>> email [email protected]

Boys Dark Blue Armani Suit (Age 8) 100€ o.n.o Boys Dark Blue Suit (age 10) 50€ Boys Dark Blue Suit (Age 10) 50€ Boys Dark Blue Suit (Age 12) 50€ Boys Gant Dark Blue Corduroy Jacket (Age9-10) 100€ o.n.o. 7 Boys Ties (various colours) 5€ each AB-Circle Pro 25€ Tour Eagle -Child´s (age 10-12 yrs) Set of 5 Golf Clubs with Bag (Blue) 150 euros o.n.o. Janet 667008282

Charlie, D2 student at SIS I do frequent babysitting and have a number of years experience. Teachers get a special price for babysitting. If you wish to contacts me you can call me at 678341632 or email me at: [email protected] Charlie, D2 estudiante en SIS Hago de canguro frecuentemente y tengo varios años de experiencia. Los profesores tienen un descuento especial. Hablo español e inglés y tengo mi propio modo de transporte. Si desean contactarme llamen/manden un mensaje al 678341632 o un email a [email protected]

Camilla Moody, D1 student, mature and responsible, loves children and homework. Tel.No. 663 555 006

For Sale

HFG Labeling Services supply personalized name tapes for school uniform. "The perfect solution to lost possessions- label them" Woven, Iron and Property labels are available at very competitive prices. Please contact Heidi Fernandes-Greschner 0034 658 389 175 [email protected]


Whistlers - Bored of walking your dogs?? Young, responsible, experienced teenagers from Sotogrande International School, offering weekend dog walking service in Sotogrande any time of the day. 5€ (even if more than 1 dog). Tel: 692555504/671117414Javi Gonzalez

¿Aburrido de pasear a tus perros? Jóvenes, responsables, experimentados adolescentes del colegio Internacional de, ofrecen servicios los fines de semana para pasear perros a cualquier hora del día 5€ (Incluso si tienes más de un perro!!) Tel: 692555504/671117414 Javi González

Health Centre -Meningitis Article - by Lynnette Hillman This is a short article about meningitis, which is more prevalent during the winter months. If you have any questions, or would like more information about immunisation against meningitis, then please come and see the school nurses. Background Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining that covers the brain and spinal cord. It is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Viral meningitis is more common, but it is usually less serious. It is a complication of a viral illness. Bacterial meningitis is less common and caused by a variety of bacterium. It is a more serious illness. Age groups that are at higher risk are children under five and teenagers between fifteen and nineteen. Symptoms Early warning signs are usually malaise, fever and vomiting. Headache, neck stiffness, dislike of bright lights, drowsiness, confusion and joint pains may or may not be present. A rash may sometimes occur with meningitis. The rash does not fade when pressed (unlike other rashes). To check for this do the glass test. Place a clear glass firmly on the rash. If the spots do not fade and you can still see them clearly through the glass then get medical help immediately. Note that not all the symptoms may occur. If you suspect meningitis then get medical help immediately. Immunisation Immunisation is available against certain strains of meningitis. Immunisation against meningitis C is now included in childhood im-munisation schedules. There is no vaccination against meningitis B .It still important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of meningitis, even if your child has been immunised.


San Roque Theatre

March 22nd March 23rd


Fun for All!!!!

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SIS Sports by Mireille Isaac

Football and Basketball SIS Eagles boys and girls from all age groups have competed against other international schools on the coast during the past 2 months. The Under 13s, Under 15s and Under 19s have achieved great results in both sports especially our U19 boys and girls sports teams, who both competed in tournaments on Wednesday 15 February where the Basketball Girls Team remains unbeaten in 3 consecutive years and strength in depth was again highlighted in the boy’s football with the excellent results of our first and se-cond teams.

Cross country competition Congratulations to our 40 cross country runners, who competed against 9 other schools, from as far afield as Almuñecar. Over 350 students participated in the championships, which was hosted by St. Anthony’s College (Mijas) on Wednesday 25 January. As well as impressive individual results, our team competed ex-tremely well to finish in overall second place out of 9 schools. Here is a summary of individual Championship Top 10 Finishers (each race consisted of 50+ runners): Championship Gold Medal Winners: Alex Calfee (P6), Jimena Garrido (P6), Robbie Dick (M1) Championship Silver Medal Winners: Victor Bjorlow (M3), Pablo Dubru (M2) Championship Bronze Medal Winners: Oliver Davis (P6), Euan Charleson (M2) 7th Place: William Moody (M5), Chloe Lawrence (M3), Isabella Tom (D1), Mathias Kjeldsen (P6) 8th Place: Nicholas Francois (M4), Bryony Charleson (M5) 10th Place: Nicolas Martinez (M5) The highlight of the event was the U13 boy's clean sweep, finishing in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, claiming all 3 medals.

Primary Swimming P5 and P6 boys and girls have competed in a friendly swimming gala in February in Swans. Nearly all swimmers have achieved new personal best records and a special mention goes to our Gold medal win-ners: Tara Smith in Front Crawl Jimena Garrido in Front Crawl and Free style Relay Carmela Motran Retes: Butterfly and Free Style Relay Joaquim Zachariassen: Butterfly Jules Ian Avrilleaud: Front Crawl Clara Bjorlow: Free style Relay Pippa Smith: Free Style Relay

Sotonews Team - [email protected] Carole Oughton, Pepa Lerchundi, Anne Adamson