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May-June-July-August 2007 Soorp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church

315 Church Street, Whitinsville, MA 01588 Tel: 508-234-3677 Fax: 508-234-4333 Rev. Fr. Aram Stepanian, Pastor

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CHALICE A publication of:

Soorp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church Rev. Fr. Aram Stepanian, Pastor Chairman: Peter Bedrosian


V. Chairman: Chuck Gigarjian 508-234-5413

Recording Secretary: Rick Kazarian 508-234-5028

Treasurer: Raffi Samkiranian 508-868-4450

Asst. Treasurer: Joe Montecalvo 508-234-5162

Corresp. Secretary: Roy Callan 508-520-1424

Advisors: Peter Bedigian

508-278-0096 Lucy Almasian 508-653-8515 Will Whittlesey 508-545-2225

NRA Delegates: Peter Bedigian Alan Goshgarian Andre’ Markarian Ladies Guild Carol Bedrosian Chairlady: Sunday School Alan Goshgarian Director: Christian Education Barbara Berberian Committee Chair: Soorp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church 315 Church Street, Whitinsville, MA 01588 508-234-3677 fax: 508-234-4333 Rev. Fr. Aram Stepanian, Pastor Direct office line: 508-865-2454 [email protected]

web site: inquiries: [email protected]

Articles and suggestions for the Chalice please email to [email protected]

Sunday Worship

All Welcome

Morning Service – 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy (Soorp Badarak) – 10:00 a.m.

Sermon (English/Armenian) – 11:00 a.m. Sunday School (Sept-June) 10:00 a.m.

Divine Liturgy followed by fellowship

and refreshments.

Air Conditioned Sanctuary and Hall



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Soorp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Church.

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Archbishop Oshagan Message


“Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” (John 20:25) Thomas was the only apostle who had not seen Jesus after His Resurrection, and this is how he answered the other apostles, who had announced the Lord’s Resurrection to him. Like the other disciples, Thomas had lived with Jesus, enjoyed His divine presence, especially the performance of the many miracles, and listened to His teaching and foretelling of His suffering, crucifixion, and Resurrection (Matthew 16:21, 17:23, 20:19), but still he did not believe in the Resurrection. He wanted to see with his eyes and feel with his hands in order to make tangible the inexplicably recognized feeling of “faith,” instead of coming to the real essence and reality of faith, and to comprehend the incomprehensible and invisible through the logic and illumination of the spirit. And when he saw the Lord, and saw His wounds, he cried out, “My Lord and My God.” Thomas thought that he had faith in Christ. A faith away from doubt, a total faith. And when the time came to bring the faith to the light, to tell the truth and proclaim it, the human mind and experience put him into temptation and wanted, through present explanation, to become “scientific.” But faith, whether in our personal understanding and feeling or as abstract reasoning, is much greater than the scientific approach and evidence. Faith is our perfect assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is not a kind of chemistry investigated through scientific foundations and hypotheses, but a supernatural virtue, higher and deeper than worldly and secular reasoning. This is a grace that nourishes us so that we become enriched and strengthened, a talent that “to all those who have, more will be given; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.” (Luke 19:26). Like Thomas, I am sure, today there are many people who profess Christianity. We think that we have faith, in the true sense of the word, a faith that keeps our soul firm, illuminates our mind, and makes our relationship with God close and intimate. On the other hand, we are surrounded by temptations. Through the intervention and activity of evil, we turn away and depart from the way opened up for us by Christ, and by doubting and questioning we fall into the snares that darken the brilliance and splendor of the soul.

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Archbishop Oshagan Message

The Resurrection of Christ is the foundation of Christian faith. “If Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation has been in vain and your faith has been in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:14). In this powerful form, the proclaimed words gave life to all who believed in Christ and in their faith died with Christ in order to rise with Him. As a people, we have not needed in our faith to be like the Apostle Thomas. On the contrary, without seeing Christ, we have had faith in Him and worshipped Him as our Lord and God, as the source of life and the way to eternal life. “Unless I see the wounds of the nails…” Aren’t there people who say this today? Aren’t there people who are instruments of evil and want to trouble our minds, and in the name of “science” proclaim the miraculous to be false by giving materialistic explanations of faith? They produce nonsense concerning the tomb and remains of Jesus. The Apostle Paul rightly predicted the presence of such men and their destructive deeds and words: “For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Be careful, be a thousand times careful that your Christian virtue not be corrupted by human temptations, and that your pure faith not be ruined. The Apostle Thomas wanted to see the Lord with his eyes, and wanted to touch His wounds with his hands. Today, the tempter tries to blind our soul so that we will not see the truth and act by the strength and motivation of our faith. The Feast of Christ’s Resurrection must make us rejoice. Our faith must be founded on it and enriched through it, as it was in the past, so also in the present and future. For we always proclaimed “My Lord and My God,” and never departed from Our God, the Risen Christ. A graceful and happy Holy Easter: Christ is risen from the dead. May your life be filled by the Risen Christ, your days be given meaning through Him, and may you remain steadfast and firm in your faith.


Holy Easter, 2007

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Archbishop Oshagan Message Archbishop Oshagan Message

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Archbishop Oshagan Message

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Archbishop Oshagan Message

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Pastor’s Message


Did you notice that last year just before Christmas, we learned of the Gnostic nonsense of The Da Vince Code? Then we heard and read about the Gospel of Judas Iscariot, supposedly written centuries after the eyewitnesses were dead. This year we are not only being told that there was a Mrs. Jesus (Mary Magdalene), we are also informed that her tomb and that of Jesus have been found in Jerusalem, that the DNA of their remains testing has proved that they are not related and so they must have been married and that a small casket of at least one of their offspring has been found as well. We heard and watched this on the news and on the Discovery

Channel's documentary, The Lost Tomb Of Jesus. It sounded like the Discovery Channel discovered the truth that what Jesus stated was false when He said, “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE” And “THAT HE MUST BE KILLED AND ON THE THIRD DAY BE RAISED TO LIFE”. No one ever had the right and the authority to make such a statement as Jesus did. For a person to make claim like this, either he is telling the truth or he is a lunatic, a liar. How come these so-called scientists discover the Gospel of Judas Iscariot right before Christmas and The Lost Tomb Of Jesus right before Easter? It is amazing isn’t it? “I am not a Christian. I am not a believer. I do not have a dog in this fight”, said William G. Dever, who as been excavating ancient sites in Israel for 50 years and is widely considered the dean of biblical archaeology among U.S. scholars. I just think it is a shame the way this story is being hyped and manipulated. The Resurrection of Jesus did not take place in darkness, or in secret. The Roman soldiers witnessed it. Matthew writes “HIS APPEARANCE WAS LIKE LIGHTENING...THE GUARDS WERE SO AFRAID OF HIM THAT THEY SHOOK AND BECAME LIKE DEAD MEN”. (Matt. 28:3-4) Beside to His disciples, after his death, literarily hundreds of people witnessed his appearance. Jesus did not have to prove His Resurrection to Pilate, the Pharisees, chief priests, or to the people who crucified Him. He went back to His own; He went to Galilee, to those who followed Him. “YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SEE THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS WITH YOUR SPIRITUAL EYES UNLESS YOU ARE A FOLLOWER”. To try to twist the truth is not something new. Even during the apostles time there were heretics who did not believe in the Resurrection. Paul, writing to the believers in Corinthian Church, stated; “How can some of you say that there is no Resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised” (I Cor. 15:12-13) Even in the early Church there were people who questioned the Resurrection of Christ. Let me ask you some questions. If there were no resurrection then why do millions give their lives for Christ? Did they die (and are still dying) for a dead person? Or did they gave (and are still giving) their lives for a living God who said, “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. HE WHO BELIEVES IN ME WILL LIVE, EVEN THOUGH HE DIES”. (John 11:25) The Christian who died for Christ did not only die because of the Resurrection of Jesus, but because Jesus assured them, that death was not the end of life but the beginning of a better life. Someone has said the proof of the Resurrection is not the absence of Jesus body from the tomb; it is the presence of

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Pastor’s Message

Jesus in His followers. It would have been mere news that Jesus had died, but the good news is that He died for us but also rose from the dead in order that you and I may have eternal life. DO YOU BELIEVE THIS? During funeral services when the loved ones who are left behind are mourning, The Armenian Church comforts them with these words. “IF WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS DIED AND ROSE AGAIN AND SO WE BELIEVE THAT GOD WILL BRING WITH JESUS THOSE WHO HAVE FALLEN SLEEP IN HIM” (I Thes. 4:14) If there were no Resurrection there would have been no churches where the believers gather to worship the living God, Jesus Christ. Our forefathers , one of the Sharagans (Church Hymns) wrote; “CHRIST IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD. HE HAS CONQUERED DEATH BY DEATH, AND HE HAST GRANTED US LIFE THROUGH HIS RESURRECTION. GLORY BE TO HIM EVER MORE, AMEN!” We are living in the end times, beloved. The Apostle cautions us. “THE SPIRIT CLEARLY SAYS THAT IN LATER TIMES SOME WILL ABANDON THE FAITH AND FOLLOW DECEIVING SPIRITS AND THINGS TAUGHT BY DEMONS...[BUT YOU TRAIN YOURSELF TO BE GODLY.” ( I Tim. 4:1,7) I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy and Meaningful Easter. Kreesdos Haryav Ee Merelotz, Orhnyal E Harootyoonun Kureestosee. Christ is Risen from the dead, Blessed is the Resurrection of Christ. Rev. Aram Stepanian Pastor

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Report From the Chairman of the Board

A Message From The Board Of Trustees

As the snow melts, once again and spring arrives the Board continues to be very busy. The

annual meeting proved once again very fruitful with many comments from parishioners. I’d like

to once again thank Dave Papazian for all his hard work while on the Board, and to welcome

Roy Callan to the Board.

We are currently reviewing the Building Committees recommendations for the possible

expansion project. Many hours have been poured into this project by all committees.

The Board is waiting for our new neighbors’ next to the church to begin construction, so the

church can coordinate our work that needs doing while the appropriate contractors are next door.

This year marks a very exciting time in our church history. The 50th anniversary committee is

hard at work putting together a fun and exciting year of activities. The festivities start on May

12, with a concert at Northbridge High School, featuring John Berberian, Onnik Dinkjian, and

ensemble. Details of all the events can be found in the Chalice.

As you read this, Holy week and the Easter season will be over. On behalf of Der Aram and the

Board of Trustees, I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter.

Peter Bedrosian Chairman – Board of Trustees

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Ladies Guild Guest Speaker

Deacon Baljian Speaks To The Ladies Guild About Lent

It was an evening of fellowship and learning as the Ladies Guild had the pleasure of

listening to Deacon Nishan Baljian speaks about Lent and the Feast Days of the Armenian

Church. Accompanying him that evening was his lovely fiancée Alice whom we also enjoyed

being with.

Deacon Baljian spoke in depth about Holy Week and the specific religious meaning of

each day. He spoke about the strict traditional practices that take place during Lent (fasting, etc.)

in the Armenian Church and how they differ from some of the other Orthodox and Catholic

practices. Deacon Nishan also noted Matthew chapters 25 and 26 as being particularly

“beautiful to read during Holy Week.”

His lecture was well received by all who attended the meeting. Der Aram, being one of

the attendees expressed how pleased he was with what was taking place at our Ladies Guild

Meeting and how he wished, more church members could have been present to hear Deacon

Nishan speak.

On behalf of the Ladies Guild, we want to thank Deacon Baljian for his informative and

enjoyable visit and we look forward to another great evening in the future!

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The objectives of the Christian Education Committee come under the general Mission Statement of Soorp Asdvadzadzin. “To know Christ and make Christ known…through worship, fellowship, and service.” We aspire to assist our community to develop this mission in the following ways:

Assess the spiritual needs of our congregation in order to provide appropriate programs and activities unique to the needs and desires of our community.

Offer a variety of Christian education programs, resource materials, and Bible Study to help individuals grow in their knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Provide instruction and resource materials in the teachings and doctrine of the Armenian Apostolic faith.

Provide teachings on the symbols, vessels, and spiritual significance of the Badarak in order to enable our parishioners to achieve a deeper understanding and thus participate in our worship service more fully.

Act as a resource to our Sunday School program, especially in the area of providing Christian education curriculum and materials.

In order to develop programs to meet these objectives, our committee has met numerous times throughout the year and keeps in touch between meetings via group email chats. Updates on our current activities are as follows: The CEC lending library was activated in March 2006 with an assortment of books and media on various Christian topics and the teachings of the Armenian Church. We are happy to announce two new additions to our library:

Der Hayr’s Sunday sermons are now available on video for parishioners to borrow. Now, if you missed church, you have a second chance to hear the message of the day or perhaps you would like to share a particular message with a friend.

Yeretskeen Joanna Baghsarian’s book “Agapi”. A book of Inspirational Short Stories… is now available in our library. Two of the stories in this book “I Have Engraved you in the Palms of My Hands” and “The Wake-up Call” are about parishioners of our Whitinsville Church. You will love reading this book. It also makes for a good “inspirational pick-up” gift to a friend.

CEC’s emphasis this past year has been on providing educational information about our Soorp Badarak. Mini lessons given periodically at the end of Badarak have continued with an emphasis on instruction on the various parts of the Divine Liturgy. In addition, work is in progress to provide our parishioners with an expository Badarak in English (both DVD and VHS format) so that all our parishioners, including our youth, can more fully understand our worship service and participate more fully. We are very excited about this project and hope to complete it soon. Barbara Berberian CEC Chairperson

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Ladies Guild

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Ladies Guild Report By Carol Bedrosian

The Ladies Guild meets the first Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. Each meeting begins with a

business meeting, followed by a speaker or program. After a busy and successful bazaar and holiday

season at the end of 2006, the Guild members took some time off and enjoyed a holiday dinner at the

Cocke n Kettle in January. Over 30 members attended and received “goody bags” provided by Joanne

Khoury and Carol Bedrosian. A good time was had by all! The month of February began our planning

and baking for our annual Lenten dinner and bake sale in March, both chaired by Diggins Almas

Boghosian and Margo Montecalvo. Seventy Lenten dinners were served on March 11 after church

services, enjoyed by all who attended. The very successful bake sale was open to the public on

Saturday and was also available to a full-house crowd on Palm Sunday after church services. At the

request of the Board of Trustrees, the Guild also prepared a light luncheon before the first half of the

annual church meeting on Sunday, Feb 25. Joy Callan chaired the luncheon, which was appreciated by

over 65 parishioners attending the meeting. In addition to meetings and cooking, Guild members also

keep up active visitations of our sick and confined members. As Spring approaches, look for colorful

blooms in front of the church in our Ladies Guild Garden, as Ani Gigargian and her work crew clear

away the winter debris to plant new flowers and make room for the bulbs planted in Fall to sprout.

On Sunday, June 24 after church, the Ladies Guild is sponsoring a Wedding Gown Show organized

and prepared by Margo Montecalvo. All members of the church are welcome to attend this fun

afternoon, complete with wedding cake and gowns modeled by our Church's young ladies. We look

forward to a fun afternoon. After a 5-year break, we are making plans this year to send Joy Callan as a

representative to the National Ladies Guild Conference held this year in Detroit. We look forward to

the news and ideas that Joy will bring back to us from the National Ladies Guild Association. All

ladies who are members of the Church are welcome to join the Guild. Please contact Carol Bedrosian

at 508-278-9178.

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Clergy Conference


The annual Sts. Ghevontiantz commemoration, which precedes the Feast of Vartanantz, has become a time of renewal, edification, and reflection for the Armenian Clergy. Each year they gather together to learn and to pray in an atmosphere marked with brotherhood and fellowship.

Continuing a tradition that was inaugurated several years ago, the 2007 clergy conference was a joint gathering of the Eastern and Western Prelacies of the United States, and the Prelacy of Canada. The three-day conference was hosted by the Western Prelacy from February 12 to 14, under the auspices of Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy; Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy; and Archbishop Khajag Hagopian, Prelate of Canada.

The main topic of discussion was the many challenges facing the Armenian Church and Clergy in the Western world in the 21st century and the general theme of ?The Zeal of Clergy.? The conference convened in Ghazarian Hall, adjacent to Forty Martyrs Church in Orange County, with the reading of the letter of blessing from His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia. Following the welcoming remarks by the host parish priest and board of trustees representative, the three Prelates offered their remarks and encouragement to the participants. The meeting began with V. Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian being elected as Chair and Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian as Secretary. Over the three-day period, pastoral and spiritual concerns were discussed, as well as issues relating to Christian education. Among the items on the agenda were discussions of topics raised at the Youth Gathering with Catholicos Aram which took place in December. Morning and evening church services were an important part of the gathering.

On Monday evening, the eve of the Feast of St. Ghevont, Holy Mass was conducted at Forty Martyrs Church by Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar General of the Eastern Prelacy. Requiem service was offered for the souls of the departed clergy who served the three Prelacies. Among those in attendance were guest clergy members, including Father Johanna Ibrahim of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and Father John Monestera of the Catholic Church, and Mrs. Irma Contrera, secretary of the Catholic Church.

On Tuesday morning, students from the Ari Guiragos Minassian School attended morning church services and later had the opportunity to be photographed with the clergy members. In the evening, the eve of the Presentation of the Lord to the Temple, services took place at St. Mary Church in Glendale, with the three prelates presiding. Archbishop Khajag Hagopian delivered the sermon. Homenetmen scouts also participated. Following the service, the Board of Trustees and Ladies Guild hosted a reception.

On Wednesday morning, the clergymen visited the new Prelacy building where morning services took place at the Sts. Dertad and Ashkhen Chapel, followed by a visit to the Vahan and Anoush Chamlian School where the students presented a special assembly devoted to Vartanantz.

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Clergy Conference

The conference, which offered the participants the chance to renew their spiritual responsibilities and their will to serve our faithful, concluded on Wednesday afternoon and the clergy prepared to return to their respective communities.

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Sunday School Christmas Play

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Sunday School Presents

The Night Visitor

On January 7, immediately following Soorp Badarak, the Sunday School children and teachers proudly presented this year’s performance entitled The Night Visitor. This musical drama is a tender story about Jesus visiting orphans on Christmas Day in Armenia. The bible lesson is inspired by the Book of Matthew, Chapter 25. In the scripture, Jesus tells believers that when He was a stranger, they took Him in; when hungry, they fed Him; when He needed clothes, they clothed Him. The puzzled believers asked when they did these things. Jesus said…

“What I am about to tell you is true. Whatever you did for the least important of these brothers of mine, you did for Me” Matthew 25:40

Congratulations to all of the children for doing a wonderful job! Thank you to all of the teachers for their guidance. Thank you to all of the adults that consistently provide a loving environment in our church for the children to grow. Immediately following the performance, everyone was cordially welcomed into the church hall for fellowship, refreshments, and a visit by Santa, and a joyous time!

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Sunday School Christmas Play

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Sunday School Christmas Play

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Sunday School Christmas Play

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40th Anniversary Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan

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Obituaries & Memorial Donations

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Obituaries “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28 Aza E. Misakian, entered into eternal rest on December 8, 2006. Our sympathies to her son Steven Misakian and daughter Diane C. Osiecki, her sister Julia Hamasian and her grandchildren.

Our condolences to the families of the deceased. “THE RIGHTEOUS MAN WILL BE REMEMBERED FOREVER.”

Psalms 112:6b Memorial Donations

In Lieu of Flowers in Memory of Aza Misakian

Julia Hamasian Archie Misakian Lisa Misakian

Sharkey Tahakjian Eliot Misakian & Family Cira & Ronald Ciras Sylvia B. Markcrow Mr & Mrs Richard Hanoian Mr & Mrs James Altoonian Alice Sagherian Carol Tosoonian Lillian Malkasian Karen Misakian Kaechele &


Total = $780.00

Card of Thanks To Der Hayr and Yeretsgeen, thank you for your prayers and visitations during my recent surgery, also I want to thanks all my church friends for their flowers, cards and prayers. Margaret Hougasian Donations To Our Church Mr & Mrs Garbis Nalbandian $l00.00 in honor of their grandson Vasken Nalbandian serving as Godfather, during the Trenpatzek service. Harry & Norma Megerdichian $50.00 In memory of their parents, Ohanes and Takouje Megerdichian Katherine Iobst $15.00 In memory of Nevart Santucci Sarah (Johnson) and Paul Piligian $100.00 In memory of brother, Papken Johnson Bob Kevorkian and family $100.00 In memory of Anne Gamoian Kevorkian In Memory of Satenig Kupjian Joe & Lucy Almasian 25.00 Bob & Vivian Kamishlian 25 00 Mary & George Smydo 50.00 Dorothy Piligian 25.00

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Memorial Donations

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In Memory of Varteras Varteresian Richard & Margaret Garibian 50.00 Carol Tosoonian 25.00 Alice Sagherian 20.00

Donations for Armenian Christmas - Total $2940.00 Dave & Linda St. Francis Lillian Malkasian

Bob A. Kevorkian & Family Memory of Anne Gamoian Kevorkian

George & Carol Mooradian Dona Nashawaty Joe & Margo Montecalvo Mr. & Mrs. Ohhanes Kourkounian Jim & Priscilla Altoonian The Markarians Ardashes Nahabedian Mr. & Mrs. Edward Naroian Sue & Peter Baghdasarian Peter & Celeste Bedigian & Family Raffi Samkiranian Dan & Mary Amorello Diran & Susana Der Kosrofian Mr. & Mrs. DePasquale

Marion Malkasian In Memory of Manashigian Family:Mooshek, Malkas, Lousaper

Mr. & Mrs. Karnig Ovian Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Almasian Mr. & Mrs. Magdy Faltaous Tom & Margo Yaylaian Bill & Nancy DiLuca Jack & Nazely Avakian Dan & Mary Amorello Moses G. Arakelian Robert Gigarjian Bruce & Ani Gigarjian Barbara Shamshoian Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Alan Thibault Archie Misakian Gerry & Kathy Gonynor Elsie Menzigian Carol Tosoonian Ms. Grace Kazarian David & Jeanne Papazian Nancy Moscofian Peter & Debby Bedrosian Verkin Arakelian Mr. & Mrs. David Garabedian Mr. & Mrs. John Berberian Alice Sagherian Martha B. Garabedian Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis Stepanian Ted & Vivian Nigro Katherine Iobst Irene Tiberian Roxie Tiberian Sylvia Roche Jerry & Armen Bagdasarian Peter Bedigian Sylvia Bedrosian Shirley Demagian Mr. & Mrs. Paul Arakelian Alice Ovian John Arakelian Mr. & Mrs. Enoch Malkasian Suzanne Bedrosian Elizabeth Telian Almas Boghosian Sadie Manoogian Joe & Margaret Derderian Oscar Asadoorian Mr & Mrs. Ted Torosian Mrs. Grace Kazarian AnnieMalkasian Liberty Malcus Pauline E. Hagopian A. Garabedian Nishan & Victoria Ovian Harry Kazarian Hagop & Claudia Antranigian & Family

The above donations are greatly acknowledged and appreciated. -Der Hayr and the Board of Trustees

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Memorial Donations

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The church would like to reinstate our practice of dedicating a commemorative plaque in the foyer in memory of our departed loves ones. The cost of each plaque is $200. Please contact the church office at 508 234-3677 if you are interested.

Chalice Donations Anonymous $50 Humpo and Annie Almasian Allen Park, MI $25 Tom and Regina Muradian $25 Margaret Hougasian $25

The Chalice is being sent to you free of charge; any contribution to cover the cost of printing and postage will be greatly appreciated. You will be acknowledged, unless requested otherwise, in the next issue of The Chalice. Please call Alice Sagherian at 508-234-3677 with any questions. Thank you.

If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, perhaps in memory of a loved one, please contact Alice Sagherian for information. Additionally, if you would like to host a fellowship hour, please contact Yeretsgin Margaret for available dates. Thank you.

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Calendar Of Events

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Calendar Of Events

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To everyone celebrating a birthday or an anniversary in May, June, July and August, we wish you a very happy and joyous day. May you receive all you wish for on your special day.

The Northbridge Association of Churches food pantry donations are always needed. Non-

perishable food items, condiments, and paper goods can be left in the basket located in the downstairs hall or you can contact either Celeste Bedigian or Linda Faltaous to find out how you can help.



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PERMIT # 78 Whitinsville,

MA 01588

Soorp Asdvadzadzin

Armenian Apostolic Church 315 Church Street

Whitinsville, Massachusetts 01588