Download - (Sonia, Maria Ignez, Cláudia e Silvia) We have met in my laboratory the transcommunicators and direction members from IPATI: Maria Ignez (responsible.


(Sonia, Maria Ignez, Cláudia e Silvia)

We have met in my laboratory the transcommunicators and direction members from IPATI: Maria Ignez (responsible for our Orkut community and workshops scheduling), Claudinha (responsible for the bulletins conception and coordinate the volunteers who listen to all the audios for the final selection) and Silvinha (responsible for the images research).We perform some recordings and the results were as follows:

Recently, we have met in my residence, where I have my audio and video laboratory for the contacts, some friends who have been recording for some time and have obtained good results, but needed to improve their use of Adobe Audition audio software resources.

We carried out several recordings and used many audio filters in order to make the sounds clearer.

The girls are members from IPATI (Instrumental Transcommunication Advanced Research Institute) and that’s why they deserve a special care from the spirituality.

It was in a joy and friendly atmosphere the meeting succeeds, counting on with our friends from the other side in the most important role, of course.

As usual, the recording positive results were constant and everybody registered the guidelines that will be helpful in their own experiments.

         Sonia Rinaldi

Boletimno. 15

Recording improvements…Recording improvements…


1. Sonia: - “Look, it is too loud… (the audio)” Mr. German voice: “This is study”

Sonia was indicating the computer screen seeing the recording was very loud.

2. Mr. German voice: “Listening everything...” Sonia: “Hello Mr. German, good afternoon.”

3. Mr. German voice: “I will explain by parts” ("Vou explicar por parte!")

4. Mr. German voice: “Have to show” ("Tem que mostrar!") Silvia: - Silvia: “Is Guilherme around?”

5. Silvia: - Silvia: “Is Guilherme around?” Male voice: “Here, darling” ("Querida aqui!")

6. Maria Ignez: “Mr. German! Good afternoon! Is Paulo around?” Paulo’s voice: “There I am” ("Aí estou!")

Maria Ignez commented this is a typical Paulo’s contacts characteristic because always she asks if he is there, he answers “there I am”, pointing that he was among us at Sonia’s house. It is a confirmation, once again, that during the contacts it seems taking place a kind of space fusion between them and us.

Meeting Audios:Meeting Audios:

7 . Paulo’s voice: “Dad, I’m with you!”

And then his mother explained she and her husband were living in a great hesitation about a professional concern that was relieved with Paulo’s voice: “Dad I’m with you”. We felt that they are helping us to take the proper choices. We are not alone and even far from us we are being assisted.

8. Maria Ignez: - “Paulo!” Paulo’s voice: “A kiss!” Maria Ignez: - “Are you with Guilherme?”

9.Silvia: - “Would you leave a word for us?” Paulo’s voice: “Even there have mercy” ("Tem dó mesmo lá!")

10. Guilherme’s voice: “You look tearful!” Silvia: “Guilherme, you and grandpa are already working with Station team?”At this moment, Silvia clarified she was touched and so did he.

11. Guilherme’s voice: “His hello confirmation!” Silvia: “Guilherme, you are always in our hearts!”Silvia clarified: In this recording I was asking if he wanted to leave a message for his dad and sisters and so this answer

12. Male voice: - “And it’s over!” Sonia: “A kiss for everybody!”

13. Mr. German’s voice: “Today I’ll understand – here telephone – come to see – I’m here!” (“Hoje vou entender - aqui telefone - vem pra ver - eu tô aqui!”) Claudia: “Mr. German, Sonia is encouraging me to make the surgical procedure”

14. Mr. German’s voice: “Start on the telephone” Sonia: “Everything is going to be right, isn’t it?”As it seemed to be, they were asking Claudia to start recording via telephone”

15. Claudia: - “(…) it is full anesthesia and I am very scared about it” Mr. German’s voice: “You are not supposed to choose” (“Não tem que querer!”)Claudia clarified: Maybe I am going to experience a surgical procedure and as I have never been in this situation before I am very scared. In order to make a good use of this opportunity to ask our friend for an encouragement, he kindly reprehended me with this “You are not supposed to choose” meaning we have to do certain things even refusing them.


I have met Maria Ignez more than 10 years ago, right after his son Paulo has gone. She is a very special person – maybe one of the most careful I ever known because she is always ready to land a hand to everybody without distinction, an extraordinary heart.

She and her husband Rai overcame with merit their son’s departure, who died in a car crash, thus very unexpected. Nowadays, she transformed her house, that looks like a ranch, into an esoteric centre with Reiki and massages classes and lecture as well transcommunication.

Beside that she made the recordings with good results as we can see as follows:



Minez: - “Good afternoon friends!”Paulo’s voice: “It’s good to talk” ("É bom falar!")

Minez: - “Paulo, are you there my son?”Paulo’s voice: “It’s only the beginning” ("É só o começo!")

Minez: - “Paulo, are you there my son?”Paulo’s voice: “And chocolate” ("E chocolate!")

Minez: - “Are you going to come back to mummy?”Paulo’s voice: “I will” ("Eu vou!")Some time ago Sonia has recorded several audios from my son where unexpectedly he suggested he would perhaps reincarnate as the son of one of my daughters. In this occasion I have asked for a confirmation, which occurs.

Minez: “Ten years, my son…”Paulo’s voice: “Of credit!”

Minez: - “I miss you so much”Paulo’s voice: “How are you?” ("Como está?")

Minez: - “Whom are you living with there?”Paulo’s voice: : - “Evaldo!” ("Evaldo!")

Minez: - “Hi Dani!”Dani’s voice: “Lack of sister!” ("Irmã faz falta!")Maria Ignez made some contacts to her friend who lost her daughter Danielle.

Dani’s voice: - “She’s sleeping right now” Minez: - “Did she wake up?”

Dani’s voice: “It’s from here – it’s wonderful” ("É daqui – é maravilhoso!")

Minez: - “Are you there, Paulo?”Paulo’s voice: ”I heard you” ("Te ouví!")Minez: - “Miss you, son”

Paulo’s voice: “- Have to listen!” ("Tem que ouvír!")Minez: - “What is the meaning of the dream with Renata?Paulo’s voice: - “Is always waiting for” ("Tá sempre esperando!")

Paulo’s voice: - “And give a kiss” (”E dá beijo!”)Minez: - “I love you”

Minêz e Paulo

Maria Ignez Recordings

We have met Silvia when she introduced and offered herself for the research helping. Soon we figured out her occupation as an architect which make capable to develop an important part in imagery research. It was her that brought a new step, a significant innovation that will be the main subject of my next book which will be ready within the next weeks.Her ITC attention has born caused by her little son’s death and herself reveals:

“We have lost Guilherme in his childbirth because he has born already dead. At the burial, a medium saw Guilherme (name that had been chosen for the baby) being held by my already deceased grandpa. We know at the spiritual side the children carry on growing up and, if it is true, Guilherme is now 18 years old. I was ever very curious about Guilherme’s would-be life and appearance. In my dreams I have already seen him going along with my deceased father. In one of my recording I asked if my father was taking care of Guilherme and the answer came soon: “Young boy is in my arms…”. So we figured out Guilherme is really a young man.

Audio cases from Silvia

Our artist Silvia

Silvia: “…you and Guilherme nearby”Paranormal voice: - “Young man is!” (“Jovem que tá!”)

Silvia: “Tomorrow will be a very special day for us.”Paranormal voice: “Faith, health and vibration!”

Claudinha has been interested in ITC by the subject strength itself, and as soon as she started the recordings she set up a friendship with the Station Coordinator, which we called Mr. German, and then they became good friends.Here come some of these results taking into consideration for this bulletin she chose the funniest and paternal look like recordings from Mr. German.

Audio Examples:

Mr. German’s voice: - “You are crazy!”

Mr. German’s voice: “God, she is crazy!”These two recordings pointed out our dear friend good sense of humor.

Claudia: “Mr. German, here is Claudia. Could you talk to me?”Mr. German’s voice: - “I noticed she was the blond daughter!” ("Percebí que era a filha loira!")Mr. German did not lost the jokes that my IPATI friends and I made from myself inspired in my hair color and just kidding call me blond.

Claudia: “Is everything all right, Mr. German?”Mr. german’s voice: - “Have to wake up, fatty girl!” ("Gorda tem que acordar!")I was talking to Sonia before him and as our other side friends are paying close attention to us, surely Mr. German heard our conversation about my surgical procedure fear and wanted to support me like a good friend saying “fatty girl” to encourage me and wake up to life.

Mr. German’s voice: - “Telephone, is the blond girl!” ("Telefone, é loira!")In one of the contacts when I was starting the record and just before my welcome he anticipated saying he already knew I was at the telephone.