Download - Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus ......Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus Insight When Berkley went looking for solutions, he found Cirrus

Page 1: Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus ......Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus Insight When Berkley went looking for solutions, he found Cirrus

Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus Insight: A Case Study

Page 2: Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus ......Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus Insight When Berkley went looking for solutions, he found Cirrus

Salesforce has become a great tool for handling admissions in higher education, and the University of Michigan jumped on board in early 2015.

The admissions team wanted an easier way to manage their contacts, share information, and make sure prospective students never fell through the cracks.

But at the Michigan Ross School of Business, recruiters

quickly tired of BCCing emails into Salesforce and

didn’t want to constantly jump between Salesforce

and Gmail, according to Assistant Director of Operations,

Scott Berkley.

He started looking for a solution that would “allow recruiters to do all their work in Gmail where they were used to working.”

Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus Insight

When Berkley went looking for solutions, he found Cirrus Insight listed as the top application on the Salesforce AppExchange under Gmail integrations.

“I was impressed with what I saw, installed it in a sandbox, did some testing, probably

in a month we had rolled it out to the whole team at the school. Since then it’s

expanded to four other schools.”

Salesforce for Higher Education

Page 3: Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus ......Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus Insight When Berkley went looking for solutions, he found Cirrus

University of Michigan deployed Cirrus Insight shortly after implementing Salesforce. The combination of the two systems allowed the entire team to easily access information that they had rarely shared before.

Recruiters could see data from Salesforce inside Gmail and could update records in real-time from Gmail and Google Calendar. Before Cirrus Insight, huge amounts of essential information were trapped in people’s inboxes and not shared with the team – all to the detriment of pro-spective students with questions about enrolling.

Today, the admissions team instantly adds and updates records right from Gmail which means a huge increase in productivity. Hundreds of student applications and cases that would normally have gotten lost, or been shared poorly through long email chains, were now being kept in Salesforce thanks to Cirrus Insight.

How the University of Michigan Benefited

Berkley was impressed by the “ease of installation and the price point.” Regularly priced at just $19 per user per month, nonpro�ts such as the University of Michigan receive a 50% discount reducing the price to $9.50 per user per month.

Cirrus Insight was also the only integration available that could create a contact directly from Gmail with support for Salesforce custom �elds and validation rules, which was an important feature for admissions o�cers at University of Michigan.

Nonpro�ts save 50%

Page 4: Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus ......Solving the Problem of Salesforce Adoption with Cirrus Insight When Berkley went looking for solutions, he found Cirrus

Overall, Cirrus Insight has enabled employees at the University of Michigan to get the most out of Salesforce. Team leaders were able to quickly train recruiters to use Cirrus Insight as their new front end for Salesforce which instantly boosted Salesforce adoption. Users no longer had to leave their inbox to go into Salesforce or learn a complicated new system. The ease of installation, training, and increased usage with Cirrus Insight removed the recruiters’ resistance to using Salesforce and allowed the CRM to truly bene�t the school.

“I would get a lot of calls if Cirrus Insight was gone,” Berkley said. His recruiters use it as their “main interface for using Salesforce.” Without Cirrus Insight, recruiters weren’t embracing Salesforce and the university wasn’t realizing a positive return on investment from their CRM. Cirrus Insight helps University of Michigan to maximize user adoption of Salesforce which translates into a big ROI for Salesforce.

Now, whenever Berkley demos Salesforce to a new audience, the pinnacle of the demonstration is when he shows the inbox integration with Cirrus Insight.

How the University of Michigan Benefited

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