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On diagrammatic economics and social sciences, science and insanities. THE SOLUTION FOR THE ECONOMIC CRISIS © Wilfred Berendsen/W.T.M. Berendsen, September 2010 During the last couple of years, I have been developing my meta-semeiotical body of

understanding called Practicism. Meta-semeiotics being my notion and invention to solve

some shortfalls of both metaphysics and semiotics. As both metaphysics and semiotics are

based on the wrong fundaments, being a reductionist and limited perspective leading to

damages and even insanities in our society at large. Meta-semeiotics is able to solve all of this

problems, in both our (social) sciences and practises. But also the fundaments of meta-

semeiotics are not only important and worthwhile for social sciences and practises. As

actually the fundament of it, being expressed in my notion of holoplurality, is fundament for

EVERYTHING in our universes. EVERYTHING. Meaning that also physics, formerly

called natural philosophy (like in the work “the theory of natural philosophy” by Roger

Joseph Boscovich”), can and should profit for the insights reflected in my notion of

holoplurality.. The interesting issues about Boscovich’s work are 1) that indeed at that times

they seemed to have understood that also physics should be grounded on the fundaments of

nature and the structure and nature of our universes and 2) that actually it seems to be the case

that also here Boscovich did grasp at least parts of this while mainstream current physics still

does not even to his extends. But, 3) also Boscovich did only understand parts and still not

enough. Just like people like Peirce and Nietzsche.

The shortfalls of semiotics but also the damages and many problems in our current society are

the results of a limited, reductionist way of thinking and sensemaking currently present in

about all of social sciences and realities. Meaning that about all of actions in our social

realities are being based on reductionist sensemaking leading to a lot of harms in our society

at large. A better, more complete kind of sensemaking can and will solve A LOT of problems

and damages in our current society. It can and will drastically improve our society at large and

improve ALL of social sciences and practises. But also physics and all other sciences can and

will improve if only the understandings of the sole true fundament being holoplurality are

fully grasped and become mainstream also in this sciences.

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Sane sensemaking., as opposed to insane sensemaking prevailing in our current society, is the

key to move on to a new ecosocial society. It is the key for most sane and great change

management throughout the whole of our society and practises. I am change manager by

profession, but to become the greatest change master I had to first understand this and develop

my phronitical meta-semeiotic body of understanding called practicism being based on this

understanding and a lot of insights based on phronesis. But, the most important insight I got is

the understanding of the fundament for ALL of our universes and the fact that the language of

semeiotics is best way to express this. The relatively new developments in physics called

nano-management are, in some ways, actually another way of using the language and

understandings of semeiotics. The way signs are connected but also the fact that and how they

can be disassembled and reassembled in other, better ways. But also there a meta-semeiotical

stance and understanding would improve the nanoscience and therefore also there create

better potentials for our realities in our universes at large.

The meta-semeiotical perspective is simply the best and also enough because of the following

reasons. First of all, solely the understanding about our universes as such is not enough. As of

course, we also need to understand ourselves. And the influences and links between ourselves

and our universes at large. And other living creatures within. The link between us and the

other people within is made with sensemaking and language. Sensemaking is here much

broader than the general notion of it. As it is MY notion of sensemaking, which involves

much more than the general notion of it.

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To me, sensemaking is composed of language and mindmaking, and both are influencing each

other. Language, again, is much broader than the general notion of it. To me we also talk with

objects indeed, and there I partly agree with I think Bruno Latour. I did not really read any of

his discourses till now, but think to understand that indeed he agrees that we communicate

with objects and objects are part of communication. But also there, I think to understand that

my perspective is different in the sense that also this part of language (the way we

communicate with and through objects) is much broader and different than the way

understood by Bruno Latour and whoever is off same opinions. Simply and mostly because

they still lack to understand the sole true underlying structure of our universes but also the

interconnectednesses and structure and nature of plurisigns themselves. And, again, the

connections with our languages and sensemakings.

Meta-semeiotics is about plurisigns being connected or not. Assemblages of signs that can

and will be disassembled and re-assembled at about any moment and time . The source and

tool for doing so being our sensemaking and languages. A semiotical perspective is not

enough and even wrong, as semiotics is based on the wrong perspective and wrong contents

still. Meta-semeiotics is not only different because of the meta-, but also because of the

semeiotics. This semeiotics is different from Peircean semiotics, exactly because of the

different nature and contents of the meta-perspective of meta-semeiotics. Meta-semeiotics is

grounded, again, on the sole true structure and nature of all of our universes. But, besides that,

also the intentions and (types of) values and virtues are VERY important there. Every content

needs a framework, and every universes of plurisigns involving living creatures will need

values and virtues to survive. The loss and lack of values and virtues in some parts of our

society can be sensed and experienced while reading the newspapers. People being attacked

on the streets and killed for nothing actually. Increase of violence. Governments giving up a

lot of their virtues and values or not even having them at all. We live in an era of ever

decreasing values and virtues, while exactly these are a VERY important part of our society

and universes at large! WE LOOSE OUR VIRTUES AND VALUES, at least some people

and persons do to ever increasing extends, AND BY THAT WE LOOSE OURSELVES AND


reasons of this are, like always, plural. But, all because of and being based upon our

sensemaking. In this case a kind of sensemaking being diagrammatic and REDUCTIONIST

and (therefore) INSANE, DESTRUCTIVE, WRONG and EVIL by nature.

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Evilnesses are ALWAYS based on badness, either of the persons committing the evilnesses or

other persons or living creatures in our societies at large. And although the great Friedrich

Nietzsche DID understand that evilness is often actually badness, I doubt whether he

understood this. Being the realizations that evilness actually ALWAYS is based on badness.

And that evilnesses will COMPLETELY disappear once badnesses do. The interesting thing

here is that badness is maybe easier to fight than evilness is, but also it matters a lot whether

persons are evil or bad. As, of course, we can not really blame persons for being bad, while

we can blame them for being evil. Evilness is about intentionalities of living creatures to do

something wrong, while badness is about living creatures doing something wrong while not

really purposefully intending to do so. At the moment they do something wrong, it might be

with an intention yes. But, this intention is maybe based on either the contexts they are in at

that certain moment of time, and/or the badness of their own sensemakings. Incomplete,

reductionist sensemakings can lead to evilness and injustice, but also badness of other people

can. IN the end, this is ALL about wrong, incomplete sensemaking!

Sensemaking, human sensemaking, has actually always been at least partly insane and bad till

this moment of time in our human histories. Because of the nature and structure of it, but also

because of the levels of values and virtues in our sensemakings. This fact of our sensemaking

being partially insane will probably continue for long still, but it will help A LOT if at least

our economics and money system will be based on SANE sensemaking and the resulting

understandings and possibilities for a whole new kind of economics and money system. As at

current even a lot of sane sensemaking IS there but just can not be fully expressed and

explored because of the oppressing nature of the limits of our current INSANE economics and

money system. We all face numerous occasions in our lives where we would want to act in

ways more according to our understandings and also feelings, feelings of our own and

feelings for other people, but fail to be able to do so because of limits of money or limits in

our structures and universes causing us to loose too much money or possibilities to earn

money if we follow the (more) sane roads.

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But, solving the current problems with our economic system and the money system is NOT

enough. Although the meta-semeiotical perspective and understandings can and will solve

them, and a lot more. Like I said before, my meta-semeiotical body of understanding called

practicism can and will not only solve the current crisis but also a lot of other problems in

society at large. It should and will become the fundament for ALL of sciences and practises,

but for problems to be solved and our society and people within to grow and flourish like

never before, this should be better sooner than later. As insane sensemaking is currently

prevailing in about all of our (social) sciences and therefore also practises. My meta-

semeiotical body of understanding called practicism, and also my methodology of phronesis

antenarrating, is not just another alternative. It is the ONLY RIGHT and SANE one. It is the

fundament and key for moving on to a much saner, greater society. For ALL of us.

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To translate this seemingly general discussion towards more practical occurrences in our

society at large, I want to make some little side-step towards social judgements. This kind of

judgements are possibly the hardest issue for human and non-human living creatures. But

mostly for us humans. Also because of the insanities of mainstream sensemaking, social

judgements are not only the hardest to make but also we make a lot of errors there most of the

times. Leading to more or less harms to PEOPLE. Even judges in courts make A LOT of

mistakes there, sometimes but I fear in a lot of cases even leading to innocent people being

prosecuted. Convicted of a crime or any other criminal offense. While actually having done

nothing really wrong really. I am sure this happens much more often than people realize. Also

because police officers, most of them, are actually not capable enough to execute good sound

judgements based on the right and sufficient time and efforts of great sensemakings and


Another example of social judgements based on the wrong fundaments and therefore leading

to false judgements or accusations can be found everywhere in our society at large. In our

relationships with other living creatures like with animals and other people. About

everywhere in our society there is at least some aspect and level of badness based on

incomplete sensemaking. Fights and disagreements are often the result of incomplete

sensemaking. Either in thoughts or in our communications. Problems of humans are always

the result of incomplete sensemaking. Like stated before, also virtues and values are

important. But also, of course, we have our feelings and emotions. Which are often leading us

to the wrong directions if we do not let sane sensemaking prevail. And, there are many

occasions and even reasons for letting our feelings and emotions prevail. But, sane

sensemaking is COMPLETE sensemaking based on the RIGHT SANE FUNDAMENTS.

Being the fundaments of holoplurality. This sensemaking also takes into regards virtues and

values, but also emotions and feelings. If we let one of them prevail without taking enough

regards and notion of other important plurisigns, we might end up with insane reductionist

sensemaking leading to damages in our society at large. This will always be the case in our

universes to certain extends, but the issue here is that sensemaking itself should always be

based on SANE COMPLETE sensemaking. Then, we can make our choices, which will be

different for different people. And, this differences will lead to clashes still. But this is in the

end always because of insane sensemaking, as for whatever reason there is lack of insight

about motivations and reasons for the differences. Wisdom is about either understanding this

differences, or just respecting them. Or not respecting them because of the insight that these

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differences are indeed insane and leading to damages of people. In that situations and

occasions, of course resistance is very well justified. Even fierce resistance. But always with

the attitude of being prepared to listen and not only to talk.

So, based on SANE sensemaking, we can and might decide in certain circumstances to not

follow the results of our sensemaking but choosing another road. But, this always results in

some reductionist factor in our sensemaking (as EVERYTHING in our human universes is

part of our sensemaking, whether it is our thoughts or our storytelling or other realities in our

universes as such). Our storytelling, but also our antenarrating is part of our sensemaking. But

, as our social sciences and practises are currently mostly based on INSANE incomplete

sensemaking, also our storytelling and (ante) narrating is. Phronesis Antenarrating is a tool

and methodology for transforming insane sensemaking into sane sensemaking. By also

transforming reductionist representia (the plural of representamens) in what I call Phronesis


David Boje, one of the greatest experts on storytelling, distinguishes between Vampire and

Lazurus antenarrative : “ I have been developing the idea that antenarrative is a bridge of transformation between living story (&

pre-story) and narrative. It occurs to me now since the 2001 book, that antenarratology is the study of two processes. One you might call

Vampire, sucking the blood out of living story, all that co-creation, and reducing it to a beginning, middle, end (linear) narrative. The other is

like Lazarus, being raised from dead narrative abstraction to live again, in living story.

Type 1 Antenarrative: It’s the Vampire handing spaces of living story over to formalized place. Type 2 Antenarrative. It’s the Lazarus resurrection of living story space from places of dead narrative cadavers.

Storytelling, for me, is defined as the heterogeneous practices in the interplay of narrative, story, and the two antenarratives forces. “ ( David Boje, 5th of April 2008,

I myself just like Lazarus a lot. And, although a vampire antenarrative might not be bad at all,

it has to be grounded at least on lazarus mindmaking. As lazarus is not solely about

antenarratives, but about a lot more. This is just one of the understanding I wrote down in

some other piece I wrote about phronesis antenarrating, to be found in the references of this

writing. Phronesis antenarrating is a guidance for narrating and storytelling based on SANE

sensemaking, supplementing what is told with what is thought and BEYOND. Phronesis

antenarrating being guided by pluriflection, which is way different from other kinds of

reflection. And not only different, but way superior and more excellent than any type of

reflection and mindmaking. And antenarrating is just one of the parts of sensemaking, and the

other parts of sensemaking complement narratives.

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Like David Boje stated in the quote of him I mention before, there are several types of

antenarrative, being the Vampire and the Lazarus ones. But, like he says, this are processes.

The one being the process of Vampire leading to BME (beginning, middle, and end

narratives) narratives (lineair narratives), the other one being Lazarus leading to what Boje

calls the living story.

I like this statements of him a lot, for several reasons. Some of them I mention in my main

writing on Phronesis Antenarrative (see the references), but some of them I just now realize

and understand more. So I will try to mention them here.

Fact is, that my Phronesis Antenarrative is actually an enchanting methodology that is

forming the bridge and key for turning Vampire narratives into Lazarus ones. It is a Lazarus

methodology. Simply because it is based on sane sensemaking, and sane sensemaking is about

completeness and living stories. This also requires taking into regards feelings, emotions,

virtues and values and also morality. At current times, a lot of virtues and values and

moralities are LOST. Not only in our society where quite some young persons are shot by or

harmed by other young persons , but also in business life where people are more and more

being treated as resources and treated as trash that organizations have to get rid off once they

can not be valuable for the organizations anymore. Let alone the people who can not be

“used” at all by organizations for reasons they have no real impact on themselves, or people

who can not be “used” anymore because of damages done to them by other so-called

professional people. We more and more live in a consumer society, where even people are

just part of production and consumption. Nothing more, nothing less. At least that is the main

underlying message and accepted way of doing for a lot of our education and our

organizational life. Our organizational life is disenchanted in almost extreme ways, based on

Devil antenarratives and also Devil (reductionist, INSANE) sensemaking. This might sound

just negative way of thinking and seeing, but it is just the way it is. It is our factual reality.

And it is now spreading also towards private lives. Morality lost, virtues lost, like a vampire

sucking the life out of our society at large.

It is high time that more and more people become to realize this and that we NEED to fight

the devil of reductionisms and incomplete, insane ways of doing. If we do not want to indeed

become a lost generation ourselves and have our future generations being lost (even more).

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And, actually, also there I can use another quote of David Boje. I use quite a lot of him as I

value his work a lot and also he initiated/invented the notion of Antenarrating. While my

invention and notion of Phronesis Antenarrating is an extension of and specific type of

Antenarrating. Anyway, some other text written by Boje is the following:

Stories can be prisons. Once we are inscribed in stories, characterizations and live out its plot lines, we get enmeshed with other folks who expect us to act, talk, and walk a certain way. In the family we have certain roles to play, certain scripts that get acted out over and over again.” “Michel Foucault defined the panoptic gaze as a bultiple, automatic, continuous, hierarchical, and anonymous power functioning in a

network of relations from top to bottom, from bottom to top, as well as laterally, to hold an enterprise together (Boje, 1995: 1027)”. (David

Boje, Now, here Boje is (of course) right arguing that stories can be prisons. But, also structures and

processes in our society at large can and WILL be. Simply because Vampire antenarratives

but also Vampire structures and processes are the result of Lineair thinking and diagrammatic

thinking. This linair, BME, diagrammatic thinking is both insane and limiting and damaging

us. CS peirce, the past US philosopher who initiated semiotics and also pragmatism (he called

his version pragmaticism), said that our thinking was diagrammatic. And, actually, he was

right. But what he did not mention and probably did not understand to the fullest, is that by

that our sensemaking is too limited and also oppressing and damaging.

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Apart from that, the issue that most of sensemaking in our current society and universes IS

insane and reductionist does require us sometimes to take SEEMINGLY bad or evil actions to

actually erase other badnesses and evilnesses out of our society at large. For instance, living

up to values and virtues can lead to conflicts because of badness of other actors grounded in

and based upon incomplete and/or even insane sensemaking of this other actors.. This

conflicts can escalate, but even if they do not and other actors involved issue a false

accusation against some actors living up to values based on SANE sensemaking, this can lead

to a lot of unjustified injustice being initiated by lawyers. Based on misunderstandings

because of lower level police officers not being really capable to judge and find out the real


Here, I want to use some Nietzsche quote

‘HOW COULD anything originate out of its opposite? For example, truth out of error? or the Will to Truth out of the will to deception? or the generous deed out of selfishness? or the pure sun-bright vision of the wise man out of covetousness? Such genesis is impossible; whoever dreams of it is a fool, nay, worse than a fool; things of the highest value must have a different origin, an origin of THEIR own—in this transitory, seductive, illusory, paltry world, in this turmoil of delusion and cupidity, they cannot have their source. But rather in the lap of Being, in the intransitory, in the concealed God, in the ‘Thing-in-itself— THERE must be their source, and nowhere else!’—This mode of reasoning discloses the typical prejudice by which metaphysicians of all times can be recognized, this mode of valuation is at the back of all their logical procedure; through this ‘belief’ of theirs, they exert themselves for their ‘knowledge,’ for something that is in the end solemnly christened ‘the Truth.’ (Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Page 7)

Although Nietzsche DID grasp that indeed not only good can evolve out of evil but even

some evilness or seemingly non-logic actions might be needed to erase other evilnesses or

illogics in our society at large, he probably lacked the fundamental and great understanding

that ALL evilnesses are based on badnesses caused by INSANE, incomplete sensemaking.

And that once you know and understand WHAT is wrong in this sensemaking (like I already

do for longer times) you can create or explain the sole great way of sensemaking (like I did in

my meta-semeiotical body of understanding called practicism and also explained a bit more in

my discourses on phronesis antenarrating) and by that fighting the devil (being grounded in

insane incomplete sensemakings).

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Then based on this sane sensemaking and resulting understandings, of course you need to act.

But, as insane sensemaking is mainstream in our social sciences and practises, leading to

Vampire (ante) narrating and storytelling, more and more people even feel bothered or not

even dare to play Lazarus. Resistance to change is in general not much appreciated, even if it

could enchant the organization and the people living within a lot. But, like I mentioned,

sometimes we simply have to resist and maybe even forcefully and persistent to transform

BME and dualist reductionist understandings into LIVING stories again.

Just practically. We are constantly working a lot. But then, during our lives, somehow A LOT

of the values that we add to our society and lives get lost. WHY is that the case??? The

answer to that is actually quite simple. We loose the money and things we get from other

people like presents, help and even money we win or inherit during our lives. We loose the

great improvements of humankind. We loose the great actions of some people to play lazarus

and IMPROVE and rebuild well build in our society. Because of the other processes being

lazarus. Lazarus being the result of INCOMPLETE and INSANE sensemaking. At current,

the VAMPIRE is soaked up in our society at large. Even while some of our mindmaking is

quite full of lazarus, this will not help if our narratives and storytelling are Vampire. If our

structures, processes and value systems are mostly of a destructive, reductionist nature

instead of actually adding some great extra’s by means of LAZARUS processes.

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I hope that most readers reading this discourse will by now understand that the meta-

semeiotical perspective is the most excellent, great one and the sole RIGHT one. Like stated

before in this short argument, sane sensemaking is ONE of the major fundaments for a sane

great and complete meta-semeiotic and phronetic body of understanding. My body of

understanding called practisism or practicism being the greatest body of understanding ever

developed in history. It is also the most excellent one that can EVER be developed in history,

as it is simply the most excellent fundament and perspective possible.

Practicism is ready for practice, and completely developed by me by now. But still I will need

to explain aspects of this body of understanding in more detail. And work towards getting it

into the mainstream. Into mainstream social sciences and into mainstream social practices.

This is costing me a lot of time and effort, a lot of trouble but also a lot of frustration.

Frustrations as I UNDERSTAND and know this is the sole right way to go for ALL of social

sciences, but also mainly because I UNDERSTAND that it can and will solve A LOT of

current damages to PEOPLE in our current society. While the same people are actually

making it hard and difficult for me to get them out of the matrixes and towards more sane and

great sensemaking. Simply because they are constantly judging my understandings based on

more reductionist, WRONG sensemaking leading to completely different but inferior


It is like me having grown and climbed out of Plato’s cave and the ones being inside

constantly struggling against me wanting to help them to also get out and see the light. But

solely because they did not really see the light yet and therefore do not realize that it is

actually a much better situation for them.

Mainstream sensemaking is, like I constantly argue, based on INSANE and reductionist ways

of sensemaking. The reason being , that simply some important steps and pieces of sane

sensemaking are MISSING. But, to completely understand this, one HAS to move towards

sane sensemaking, Being based on another perspective. As most people either do not have the

time to read my pieces or simply do not understand because of not moving towards this saner

kinds of sensemaking, I keep struggling against much larger groups and forces into our

society at large. While understanding MY understandings are not only far more superior, but

also MUCH needed in society at large.

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One of the biggest frustrations is the fact that I UNDERSTAND that not only the current

economic crisis in the US of America and beyond (current being now, the year of 2010) can

and will be solved if only governments can and will understand what I do and ACT on it, but

even that the acts and changes in economics resulting from my understandings would mean A

LOT of improvements in our society at large and A LOT less damage and problems for


I already understand for long, that the CAUSES of the financial crisis are LACKS of money.

There is simply TOO LESS MONEY given the GROWTH of people and our societies. We

are constantly growing, but also entities in our society like organizations are constantly

growing. Nicer buildings, better machines, better transportation means. All needing, of

course, MORE MONEY. I am actually quite lucky that just today, the 4th of September 2010

(the day I write this piece of this discourse), I actually saw a rather excellent piece about the

economic crisis. Excellent at least in the analysis of the causes of the crisis at least in the US.

What is still missing in that particular analysis, is the SOLUTION of the crisis and then not

being based on the closed money system but according to the solution I already offer and did

communicate for a while on my facebook account. Being the solution of creating more money

but without putting any debts against it. Something I will elaborate about a bit more in the

following parts of this discourse.

For now, I want to mention the article I talk about. Which is an article that appeared in the

“The New York times” on 2 september 2010. It is written by Robert Reich, who has been a

secretary of labor in the Clinton administration. Currently, he is a professor of public policy

at the University of California, Berkeley. This is an excellent great university in the US.

The article of 2 September 2010 in the New York Times by Robert Reich has the name “How

to end the great recession”, but actually the solutions proposed by him are not the right ones.

Something I will explain later on in this discourse of myself. Anyways, apart from that, the

analysis of the causes is quite good. I will mention some of the insights reflected in this article

by mentioning some quotes”

- “That’s because the real problem has to do with the structure of the economy, not the

business cycle. No booster rocket can work unless consumers are able, at some point,

to keep the economy moving on their own. But consumers no longer have the

purchasing power to buy the goods and services they produce as workers; for some

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time now, their means haven’t kept up with what the growing economy could and

should have been able to provide them.”

- “Eventually, of course, the debt bubble burst — and with it, the last coping

mechanism. Now we’re left to deal with the underlying problem that we’ve avoided

for decades. Even if nearly everyone was employed, the vast middle class still

wouldn’t have enough money to buy what the economy is capable of producing.”

- “This time around, policymakers had knowledge their counterparts didn’t have in

1929; they knew they could avoid immediate financial calamity by flooding the

economy with money.”

For now, I want to comment on this quotes a bit but also I want to state that this is by far not

everything of the whole article of course. The whole article MIGHT still to be found here:



For me personally only the first page is most interesting, as this handles about the causes of

the crisis and actually this is a very good great analysis as 1) it supports what I already

understand for long and 2) even gives great figures and some additional insights there.

The second page on the other hand, is not even less interesting but should in my view be

completely forget. Simply because it arguments to create more money, but in the WRONG

ways. Creating more money IS the solution for the economic crisis, but creating it WITHOUT

putting any debts against it. Meaning not based on a closed money system and the current

rules of the money game, but based on new rules for the money game. In fact, I will want to

change the money game but also a lot of other “games” in our society.

But on his remarks in the article mentioned above I just want to add the following. The first

quote perfectly reflects the core problem, being that middle and lower incomes did not

sufficiently team up with the growth of our economies. Or, in other words, the growing

amount of people and also the growth of products that are offered to them does of course

require MORE MONEY. A LOT more than has been offered to them the last couple of years.

The reason for it, is quite simply, our closed money system. Meaning that actually

government can not really create more money. Only the perception of it. More money for the

people will mean less money for the government for other needed services, or more money

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for the middle incomes will mean taxing the higher incomes more, or the other solution being

creating more debts like the lower incomes have also done to partly increase the needed

amounts of money. But of course, creating debts is NOT the solution. And of course, creating

debts will in future cause the governments to collapse just like the inhabitants of their



exactly THIS understanding is why the solutions offered in the article by mr. Reich are not

only not sufficient, but also the WRONG ones. Instead, what we need as solution, is what I

already preach for long (as it simply IS the sole right and great solution!) and what I will talk

about below (again) in more details. IF this solution is actually grasped at least in time,

nothing will be wrong at that time. But till that time, A LOT of harm is done for people still

not grasping and understanding. MY GREAT UNDERSTANDINGS FOR MOVING TO A





My main understanding is, that to solve the crisis in the US, simply A LOT more money just

HAS to be created. But not by means of the old, ineffective ways of creating money. The way

of creating being different because it has to be based on creating money based on the

perspectives and understandings of practicism. This resulting in the understanding of another

money system then the one currently practiced by mainstream economics and prevailing in

our society at large. From about every actor in our society I constantly get to hear that

creating money is NOT the solution, BUT this argument of them is based on reductionist

sensemaking and the wrong perspective and understanding of money. Based on a reductionist

money system (the one being mainstream now) and reductionst understandings of economics

and concepts like inflation and other DAMAGING and REDUCTIONIST economic

metaphorical religions

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In our current, insane economic system, PEOPLE will have about same amounts of money

but mostly even LESS to spend if prices of goods and services rise. While the same people

will get LESS to spend if prices of goods and services decrease. As, in the end, less people

will be hired if turnover of companies decrease. While the average wages of people will not

increase when prices rise. This developments are all bad and damaging for society at large, for

PEOPLE into our societies. And actually this circumstances are the reasons for both inflation

and deflation to be bad developments. They really do not have to be, but in current closed

money system AND the way entities in our society respond to increasing and decreasing price

levels DOES lead to bad situations. The way to remove the bad results is quite easy and

straightforward and should be executed by the only parties being capable of doing so, being

governments. But, to reach this, they have to first understand that the mainstream economic

religions they are still believing in and where they are still basing their actions upon, are

actually insane and have led them and US into very bad situations in the first place. Then,

they should get to understand what practicism and my invention of Phronesis Antenarrating is

all about. By that, getting the sole true right and sane understandings. Not only about

economics, but basically about a lot more. Practicism and Phronesis antenarrating is key and

fundamental for ALL of social sciences and practises. It can and will solve the economic

crisis and A LOT more problems in society at large. And it can and will improve all of social

sciences , whether this are the sciences of psychology, law, economics, management and/or

any other social sciences. The only simple but difficult development needed for that, is that

my understandings and body of knowledge of practicism is getting to be studied and then

implemented in mainstream social sciences and practices.

At current, deflation is already happening. Maybe not that much yet into the official business

sphere and prices, but it IS happening and HAS been happening for quite a while in the

private sphere. Being the sphere of private selling and buying. And the offering of services of

people to other people. The so-called inoffical, black circuits become less and less. While it is

not being realized that also this circuits or even mainly this circuits and activities are very

important for some parts of our economies and especially the people within. While in the past

a lot of people could work in “free” time and earn some additional, NEEDED money with

that, the number of people who can not is growing and growing. For several reasons.

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But also, is it actually true that in the official business sphere’s we did not have inflation that

much??? According to the figures of governments, yes. But according to reality based on

valid figures and facts…by far no! The biggest inflation that happened at least in the

Netherlands I think is the inflation of really effectively to be earned wages (the real wages

earned) compared to house prices for the lower incomes (the parties that are actually most

important to take into regards regarding inflation). At least in the Netherlands, factory

workers now mostly being able to work less than in former times but also of course the

influences of flex working and the fact less will be earned in the private selling and buying,

has lead to the fact that most factory workers especially in younger years will not be able to

get a mortgage to buy a house. It is not only the lower incomes, but also the fact that more and

more young people have debts from studying. As of course our current society requires them

to study a lot, without the required returns for all of them. I guess on average quite a lot do

not earn it back especially in the first couple of years. It would be very valuable and even

needed although to have figures there to proof my estimations there.

But it is certain that overall, especially the lower incomes can and are earning less and less

additional income. Meaning that they have less and less additional., NEEDED money to

spend. So of course, the spending of money is lacking. And this will only grow given both the

developments in our society but also mainly the misunderstandings and resulting lack of great

actions of governments. Governments have to compensate for the decrease of money

available for entities in our society to spend. These entities being not only the citizens, but

also organizations in our society and also governments themselves. In the past years, we all

have tried and actually did compensate for the LACK OF MONEY by increasing our debts.

But of course, that is not a long term solution and it even got us into the problems and the

economic crisis. The economic crisis of current times is NOT a result of wrong actions of

bankers and banking. It is the result of lack of understandings of governments of what is

going on in our society at large. Being the downfall of our society because of a LACK OF

MONEY. IF only more money is created but also given to the right entities in the right ways,

economies and our society and PEOPLE will grow and flourish LIKE NEVER BEFORE.

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The general message of the great Jacques Derrida has been, in my opinion, the most important

message of getting a sense for and putting stress on differences. By getting a perspective

concentrating on and getting aware of this differences, instead of being concentrated on

similarities. Also with deflation and inflation, it has to be understood WHY they happen. But

also it has to be understood that there are MANY different types of deflation and inflation,

depending on a lot of differences that can prevail or being absent in the so-called contexts of

inflation and deflation. Although I am of the opinion that contexts actually do not exist, the

notion is useful. But actually this contexts are about plurisigns not being taken into

consideration or taken into considerations. If they are, it leads mostly to a much more

complete and great situation. (LAZARUS). If they are not, problems will arise (DEVIL)…like

the problems resulting from the insane reductionist ways of understanding and thinking of

mainstream economists and governments.

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As far as inflation and deflation are concerned, there are not only differences in the way

plurisigns are assembled or understood/taken into regards (which is another, better way to talk

about the rather pre-historic and inferior notion of context), but also there are differences in

the contents of inflation and the causes of inflation and the differences in the WHY and HOW

of changes in prices. But also it matters a lot whether this inflation or deflation takes place in

the public or private sphere and for what actors in our society at large.

As far as the contents of inflation are concerned, there are of course numerous circumstances

and situations that can lead to inflation or deflation to happen. And, of course, each situation

will be DIFFERENT. If prices rise while people already have less to spend and also this price

rise will not be balanced with an at least same level of rise of wages, of course the economy in

general will go down. But, if on the other hand prices rise but wages increase even more

because of that (something which should be perfectly possible while at same time increasing

the profit for the organizations concerned), the general economies and societies at large will

just improve because of this measures being taken. So, in general, that is just the great way to

go for all of us. If only economists get to understand that and governments get to listen, we

will ALL profit from that. In numerous ways.

But what most governments do not understand, is that in general prices have increased a lot

while wages stayed lower. I am talking here mainly about prices of houses and the mortgages

we can get to buy a house. We all know that most people now do not like to marry or be with

a partner, but instead want to be single. And although even the wages might have been rising

more than prices of houses have, it matters a lot whether we have to pay for them solely or

with a partner. Also of course, it matters a lot whether we would also have the need or will to

buy a lot of other products, or not. If we do not, while organizations and people are capable of

producing a lot more products and at much faster rates, this organizations will just have less

money to spend on wages and other products even if the prices per product is a lot. In the end,

just some products being sold at a low price will of course matter more than less products or

even no products being sold at a much higher price. Or even both situations will not really

matter that much in case wages of people are lowered. But, if same wages of people decrease

while they are able to get a surplus on that wage by means of taxes or additional income, of

course the situation changes again. Just like our situations change considerably if we are

either not capable ourselves or the context being market does lead to us not being able to earn

as much money beside our normal jobs as we did in the past.

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The problem is, that a lot of economists and governments but also most people still not grasp

what is going on, simply because of reductionist sensemaking. This could be also expressed

by means of the metaphor of a road. The things outside of the road that can have a huge

influence on what you are doing when for instance travelling to some holiday destination, can

be of HUGE importance for the travel. For instance, it would be good to know that actually

the place you go to will be hit by a huge hurricane about the time you will be there. Or that

you better return, either because your house will burn down if you do not or some hours later

an accident will happen because of whatever that is actually being also announced on the

radio which you did not turn on. But, if you do not know or just do not take regards of this

important anothernesses, you will just stay inside of diagrammatic or well just limited

thinking. This is not even only about limited thinking, but also thinking based on the wrong

underlying framework or fundaments.

As an expert in Phronesis Antenarrating and my high interests in storytelling and (ante)

narrating, I am of the opinion that storytelling and (ante) narrating is part of sensemaking. Just

like physical objects in our realities are. The universes of our thoughts and the universes of

our realities are not distinct universes, but interconnected and actually just part of the same

unified whole. But, the only way to understand that is by forgetting about the boundaries and

understanding that there is only one underlying structure and nature of all of our universes.

We as living creatures are often fooled by words and objects and also stories in our society at

large. As I remark in one of my other discourses, people are often concentrating on

firstnesses. Part of this concentration of firstnesses (plurisigns) is that we often only see the

objects, representamens or stories without realizing there is A LOT more connected with it.

But , more dangerously, people are often imprisoned by words and structures. And, even

wrong structures and words are often taken for granted (accritically indubitable beliefs and

insanities) leading to damage and insanities in our society at large. Also, of course, this issue

is largely limiting the possibilities of mankind.

But, as storytelling is also part of sensemaking, I will here give some story to hopefully

enable another perspective on money and economics and supporting my argument that a lot of

current mainstream economics and also the acts of governments is limited and also severely

limiting the possibilities for humans and the quality of our universes at large.

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Just imagine the following. 1 falconer hunts 1 sick rabbit each 2 days in a large field. Like all

falconers do. There is just a bit too less for all the falconers and their birds to catch the mostly

sick rabbits. Then, at certain times, there is a major huge development. Falconers follow

another kind of sense making and grow in other ways. Instead of one they have more birds.

And hunt MUCH more rabbits. But, the rabbits do not grow as quick with them. While the

falconers hunt on there is some problem at certain times. OF COURSE. As the rabbits GREW

to LESS. Then, some farmer just gets some rabbits from another farmer on loan and just fills

the big field again a bit. So the falconers continue and just say everything is OK again. OF

COURSE, this is pure fiction. As the falconers still grow even more. Did the rabbits grow?

Do they?

Finance has to realize that money is a catalyst for growth. Money also actually not really truly

exist. It does, and it does not. But based on rules of the game we set up. This rules can

actually be changed quite simply, but only if we want to do so. This willingness to do so also

largely depends on the underlying sensemaking. Meaning that wrong, incomplete

sensemakings like the ones in current mainstream thinking, can and in this society DO lead to

resistence to changes in the money system while actually this changes will lead to the

GREATEST effects for ALL of parties involved. But, because of INSANE, incomplete

sensemaking, the parties that CAN effectuate the changes do PERCEIVE these changes to be

bad for them, and therefore they do not effectuate them. Like the elephants all way down, in

this case we have insanities all around, like plural butterfly effects leading to HUGE damages

to PEOPLE based on insane arguments and reasons

To conclude this long argument, once again. WE NEED MORE MONEY. And perceptually

“creating the money while actually just creating debts against them meanwhile keeping the

same amounts of money or about the same or at least (far) less than is needed given the

GROWTH of our society and people within is NOT the solution. In fact, it will eventually

lead to much bigger problems at same time, just moving the problems ahead to the future then

having all of them around about same times. Like we had and actually still have although it is

partly covered now by the PERCEPTIONS of short time measures. So what is needed is to

create money without putting any debts against that, then giving this money to the people.

Either just once or several times. But of course, one BIG large amount at once will solve the

problems much quicker then just trying this out and having it followed just a bit later on. A

BIG but foremost REAL adjustment is needed in our economies!

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REFERENCES Boje, D.M. (2008), Storytelling organizations.

Boje, D. M. (2001a). Narrative methods for organizational and communication research. London: Sage.

Boje, D.M. (2010, forthcoming). Storytelling and antenarrative in organizations. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

Berendsen, W.T.M (forthcoming). A phronesis antenarrative. Towards new ecosocial systems through the logic of vagueness”. A draft of this forthcoming publication is to be downloaded here

Berendsen, W.T.M. (2010) Phronesis antenarrating- reshaping our societies and universes through a holoplural mind perspective, to be downloaded here Berendsen, W.T.M. (2010) Antenarrating our economy, to be downloaded here Berendsen, W.T.M (2010) Holoplurality, to be downloaded here Berendsen, W.T.M (2010) A phronesis antenarrative about the understanding of money and usage of money in more phronetic ways, to be downloaded here Berendsen, W.T.M (2010)Towards a reenchanted society through storytelling and phronesis antenarrating, to be downloaded here

Boscovich, R.J (1758) The theory of natural philosophy

Nietzsche (1886), Beyond good and evil

Nietzsche (1887), On the genealogy of morals