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Curriculum Vitae

Professor John Solomos


Department of Sociology

University of Warwick

Coventry CV4 7AL

[email protected]

Personal Data

Date of Birth: 20th May 1955

Place of Birth: Voroklini, Cyprus

Nationality: British


University Education

1976-79: University of Sussex, DPhil in Politics, Awarded in May 1980

ESRC Research Student Grant, Graduate School in Arts and Social Sciences

1973-76: University of Sussex

BA (Hons) in Politics, School of Social Sciences, 1st Class

Professional Employment

Present Post

2013-: Professor of Sociology and Head of Department, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick

Previous Appointments

2001-13: Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, City University London

1998-01: Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, South Bank University

1994-98: Professor of Sociology and Social Policy, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Southampton


1992-94: Reader in Public Policy, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College, University of London

1990-92: Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College, University of London

1987-90: Lecturer in Public Policy, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College, University of London

1984-87: Research Fellow, ESRC Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick

1980-84: Research Associate, ESRC Research Unit on Ethnic Relations, University of Aston

Other Appointments

2000-05: Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Urban and Community Research, Goldsmiths College, University of London

1994-2005: Visiting Professor, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College, University of London

1995-96: Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Urban and Community Research, Goldsmiths College, University of London

1988-2000: Associate Fellow, Centre for the Study of Public Order, University of Leicester

1988-1991: Associate Fellow, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick

1980-86: Honorary Research Fellow, Social and Technology Policy Division, University of Aston


University and Departmental Leadership Experience

University of Warwick University 2015: Member of Senate 2014-: Member of Administrative and Professional Services Group 2014-15: Member of HR Change Programme Board 2013-: Member of HoDs Faculty of Social Sciences; Member of HoDs Committee, University of Warwick


2013-18: Head of Department, Department of Sociology

2014-15: Director of Research, Department of Sociology

2013-14: Director of Postgraduate Programmes

City University London


2011-13: Member of University REF Steering Group

2011-13: Member of Research Task Force, School of Arts and Social Sciences

2009-10: Deputy Dean for School of Arts and Social Sciences

2007-09: Member of University Research Committee

2004-08: Member of School EXCo


2002-13: Director, Centre on Race, Ethnicity and Migration

2010-13: Member of Department of Sociology Management Group

2002-13: Member of Department Research Committee

2010-11: Director of Human Rights Suite of MA Programmes

2009-10: Director of Undergraduate Programmes

2005-07: Course Director, Graduate Programme in Social Research Methods


2006-08: Library Liaison for Department of Sociology

2004-08: Head of Department

2004-08: Department Publicity

2004-08: Department Web Site

2004-06: Research Student Seminars

2002-06: Senior Tutor for Research Students

2002-04 and 2006-07: Organiser of Department of Sociology Seminar Series

South Bank University


2000-2001: Research Concordat Coordinator, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

1999-2001: Postgraduate Research Coordinator, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

1999-2001: Member of Research Management Group, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

1999-2001: Director of Resources and Planning, Faculty of

Humanities and Social Science

1999-2001: Member of Faculty Executive, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

1998-2001: Member of the Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science


1999-2001: Associate Director, Race and Ethnicity Research Unit

University of Southampton


1995-97: Member of Faculty Graduate Research and Training Committee

1994-98: Member of Inter-Faculty Group on Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism, University of Southampton


1997-98: Head of Department

1996-97: Tutor for Postgraduate Research Students

1996-97: Member of Research Coordinating Group


1994-98: Member of Department’s Postgraduate Committee

1994-96: Postgraduate Tutor

1994-96: Research Coordinator

Birkbeck College, University of London


1989-93: Member of Council

1987-90: External Examiner for Hansard Scholars Programme


1990-93: Chair of Department

1990-94: Chair of Research Committee

1990-94: Director of Graduate Studies

1990-94: Convenor of Graduate Research Seminars

1989-94: Admissions Tutor and Course Director for MSc in Race

and Ethnic Relations

1989-93: Admissions Tutor and Course Director for MPhil/PhD in Public Policy Studies

1990-91: Coordinator of Birkbeck Public Policy Seminars on Equal Opportunity in the 1990s

1990-91: Admissions Tutor for MSc in Politics and Sociology and Politics and Administration

1988-91: Admissions Tutor for BA course in Politics Philosophy and History

1988-89: Joint Organiser of Birkbeck Public Policy Centre Seminars on Tackling the Inner Cities: The Welfare State

ESRC Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, Aston University and University of Warwick

1986-87: Member of AUT Contract Research Staff Committee

1985-87: Editor of Policy Papers in Ethnic Relations, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick

1985-87: Member of CRER’s Advisory Committee

1982-85: Member of MSc Course Committee. Co-ordinator of residential weekends which were held twice a year as part of MSc in Race and Ethnic Relations

1981-86: AUT staff representative at RUER and CRER. In this capacity I served on the ESRC’s Joint Negotiating Panel

1981-84: Member of Graduate Studies Committee, which was


responsible for overseeing the work of full-time PhD and part-time MSc students at RUER


Other Administrative Experience

Work for Research Councils and HEFCE

2011-14: Member of Sub-Panel 23, Sociology, Research Excellence Framework

2011: Chair of Evaluation Team formed by Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research to Carry Out the Mid-Term Review of Evaluate 10 Centres of Excellence

2009: Member of Evaluation Team formed by Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research to Evaluate Proposals on International Migration and Ethnic Relations Research

2007-10: Member of ESRC Strategic Research Board

2004: Member of Evaluation Team formed by the Academy of Finland to Evaluate the Research Programme on Marginalisation, Inequality and Ethnic Relations in Finland

2002-2003: Member of Evaluation Team formed by Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research to Evaluate Swedish International Migration and Ethnic Relations Research

2000-2001: Member of RAE Joint Panel for Social Policy and Administration and Social Work

2000: Member of Commissioning Panel of the Academy of Finland Programme on Marginalisation, Inequality and Ethnic Relations in Finland

1996-97: Member of the Commissioning Panel of the ESRC Programme on Cities: Competitiveness and Cohesion

Work for Professional Associations

2015-: Convenor of the Heads and Professors of Sociology (HAPS)

1998-99: Founding Chair of British Sociological Association’s Race and Ethnicity Standing Committee

1992-96: Member of the Board of the International Association for the Study of Racism


Teaching and Course Development

Department of Sociology, University of Warwick


2013-: The Practice of Social Research

2014-: Sociology of Human



2015-: Social Movements and Political Action

Department of Sociology, City University London


2006-13: Theories of Race and Ethnicity, Option Course for MA Programmes

2002-13: Rights, Multiculturalism and Citizenship, Option Course for MA Programmes

2009-11: Human Rights and Social Theory, Core Course for MA Human Rights Programmes

2009-11: Political Sociology, 2nd Year Option Course for BSc Programmes

2007-08: Approaches to Social Research, Core Course for MA Programmes

2005-11: Contemporary Issues in Social Theory, Core Course for Programme in Social Research Methods and MA Sociology

2001-11: Qualitative Research Methods, Core Course for MSc in Social Research Methods


2012-13: Foundations of Sociology, 1st Year Core Course for BSc Programmes

2012-13: Social Theory 2, 2nd Year Core Course for BSc Programmes

2010-13: Social Movements and Political Action, 3rd Year Option Course for BSc Programmes

2010-13: Sociology of Race and Racism, 3rd Year Option Course for BSc Programmes

2001-12: Sociological Theory and Analysis, 2nd Year Core Course for BSc Programmes

2001-12: Introduction to Sociology, 1st Year Core Course for BSc Programmes

2002-10: Sociology of Race and Racism, 3rd Year Option Course for BSc Programmes


Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, South Bank University


1999-01: Race, Politics and Society, Course for MSc in Race and Ethnicity

1999-01: Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations, Course for MSc in Race and Ethnicity

1998-99: Issues in Research Design, Course for MSc in Social Research Methods


2000-01: Sociology of Race and Racism, 2nd Year Core Course for BSc Sociology

1999-01: Issues in Crime, 1st Year Core Course for BSc Criminology

1999-01: Making Identities: Citizenship, Race and Nation, 3rd Year Core Course for BSc Sociology

1999-01: Postmodernity and Social Change, 3rd Year Core Course for BSc Sociology

Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Southampton


1994-98: Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations, Option course for MSc in Sociology and Social Policy

1994-98: Race, Politics and Society, Option course for MSc in Sociology and Social Policy

1994-98: Modern Social Movements, Option course for MSc in Sociology and Social Policy

1994-98: Social Policy Analysis, Core course for MSc in Sociology and Social Policy


1996-98: Social Problems and Social Policy, Compulsory course for 1st Year Students

1994-97: Race and Social Policy, 3rd Year Option

1994-97: Racism, Ethnicity and Nationalism, 3rd Year Option

1994-97: Social Movements and Political Action 3rd Year Option

1994-97: Sociology of Race and Racism 2nd Year Option

Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College,


University of London


1990-94: Modern Social Movements, Option for MSc courses in the Department of Politics and Sociology

1989-94: Public Policy Studies, Core course for MPhil/PhD Programme in Public Policy Studies

1987-94: Race, Politics and Law, Core course for MSc in Race and Ethnic Relations. Also offered as optional course for MSc courses in Politics and Administration and Politics and Sociology


1991-94: Social Relations and Social Policy, Course for interdisciplinary undergraduate programmes in Humanities, Economic and Social Policy, and Politics, Philosophy and History

1988-94: Contemporary British Politics, Course for interdisciplinary undergraduate programmes in Humanities, Economic and Social Policy and Politics, Philosophy and History

Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, Aston University and University of Warwick


1984-87: Race and Politics, Course for MA in Race and Ethnic Studies, University of Warwick

1981-84: Race and Politics and Race and Employment, Courses MSc in Race and Ethnic Relations, at ESRC Research Unit on Ethnic Relations, University of Aston


External Examining

PhD Theses Examined

I have acted as an External Examiner to over 100 PhD theses in the period since 1986. I have taken on this role in a wide range of Universities, mostly in the UK.

Aston University; University of Birmingham; University of Bristol

Curtin University, Australia

De Montfort University; University of Durham

University of Glasgow; Glasgow Caledonian University; Goldsmiths College, University of London

Institute of Education, University of London

University of Kent

Lancaster University; Leeds Metropolitan University; University of Leicester; London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London; London South Bank University

University of Manchester; Middlesex University

Open University

University of Oxford

University of Portsmouth

Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London

University of Reading

University of Sheffield; University of Southampton; University of Surrey; Swansea University

University College London, University of London

University of Warwick; Wolverhampton University

I have also acted as internal examiner for PhDs at Birkbeck College, University of London, University of Southampton, London South Bank University, City University London and the University of Warwick.

External Examining

2012-13: External Examiner, Goldsmiths College, Undergraduate


Sociology Programmes

2011-14: External Examiner, University of Essex, Undergraduate Sociology Programmes

2004-07: External Examiner, University of Sheffield, BA Sociology

2004-07: External Examiner, London School of Economics, MSc Sociology, MSc Political Sociology and MSc Culture and Society

2004-07: External Examiner, University of Sussex, BA Sociology

1999: External Examiner for MA in Critical Urban Studies, Goldsmiths College

1999-2000: External Examiner for Open University Course on Understanding Cities

1997-99: External Examiner, BA Sociology and Social Policy, Royal Holloway College, University of London

1996-99: External Examiner, BA Sociology, University of Greenwich

1995-99: External Examiner, BA Sociology, City University

1991-97: External Examiner, Diploma in Race and Community Relations, University of Liverpool

1990-94: External Examiner, BSc Sociology, Portsmouth Polytechnic

1990-94: External Examiner, BA Social Science, Middlesex Polytechnic

1988-92: External Examiner, MSc in Race Relations and Community Studies, University of Bradford

External Advisor for Curriculum Developments

2015: External Assessor for Social Science Programmes, Nottingham Trent University

2010: External Assessor for Undergraduate Programmes, Department of Sociology, University of Essex

2006: External Assessor for Undergraduate Programmes, Department of Sociology, University of Kent

1997-99: External Advisor for the Open University Course on Understanding Cities


Other Professional Activities

2016-18: Member of the 2018 Program Committee of the American Sociological Association, set up to work with in-coming ASA President Eduardo Bonilla-Silva

2014-: Member of Research Strategy Board of Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE)

2013-: Member of Advisory Board of Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)

2013: Member of Selection Panel to Appoint Head of Department of Sociology, University of Sussex

2013: Member of Evaluation Panel for School of Politics and Sociology, University of Bristol

2012: Member of Selection Committee to Appoint Professor of Sociology, Brunel University

2010: Member of Assessment Panel for the Department of Sociology REF Submission, Brunel University

2009: Member of Selection Committee to Appoint Professor of Sociology and Director of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights, London School of Economics

2007: Member of Selection Committee for the Department of Social and Political Science, University of Cyprus

2006: Member of Selection Committee to Appoint Professor of Sociology, University of Manchester

2006: Member of Selection Committee to Appoint Professor of Religion, Birkbeck College, University of London

2004: Member of the Research Advisory Panel of the Big Lottery Fund

2004: Member of Selection Committee to Appoint Professor and Reader in the Department of Media and Communications, Goldsmiths College, University of London

2003: Member of Selection Committee for the Department of Social and Political Science, University of Cyprus

2002-: Specialist Adviser of the London School of Economics Promotions Committee

2001-2003: Member of the Board of Rich Mix Cultural Foundation


2001-2006: External Auditor of Project on ‘Race, Ethnicity, Identity and Memory in 20th Century Britain’, AHRB Parkes Centre for Jewish/non-Jewish Relations, University of Southampton

1998: Member of Selection Committee to Appoint Professor of Sociology at City University

1998: Member of Selection Committee to Appoint Professor of Sociology at London Guildhall University

1995: Member of Selection Committee for the Department of Social and Political Science, University of Cyprus

1992-94: Member of Haringey Council’s Equalities Development Community Support Group

1988-9: Member of Research Steering Committee of Circle 33, Housing Trust

Regular academic referee for

Academy of Finland

Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society

Arts and Humanities Research Council

British Academy

Economic and Social Research Council

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Nuffield Foundation

Leverhulme Trust

Social Science Research Council

Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research

I have provided references for promotion to Professorships for

Bard College, New York

Baruch College, City University of New York

Birkbeck College, University of London

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Irvine

University of California, San Diego

Clark University

University of Cyprus

University of Glasgow

Goldsmiths College, University of London


Lancaster University

University of Leicester

London School of Economics, University of London

University of Manchester

University of Northumbria

Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London

University of Surrey

University of Texas, Austin

I have been a member of panels to select Professors at

Birkbeck College, University of London

City University London

University of Cyprus

Goldsmiths College, University of London

London Guildhall University

London School of Economics, University of London

University of Manchester

University of Sussex

University of Wolverhampton

Professional Recognition

2007: Award from the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation in Honour of Work on Programme of Research Cooperation with Distinguished Overseas Scientists

2003: Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences

Professional Affiliation

Member of

American Sociological Association

British Sociological Association

European Sociological Association

International Sociological Association

Political Studies Association

Social Policy Association


Conferences Organised

2002: Race, Racism, Ethnicity: Changing Research Agendas, Goldsmiths College, 23rd November

2001: International Conference on the Caribbean Diaspora, South Bank University, 30th August-1st September

1997: Rethinking Ethnic and Racial Studies, London School of Economics, May

1991: Racism and Migration in Europe in the 1990s, University of Warwick, September

1988: Local Authorities and Racial Inequality, University of Warwick, September

1986: The Roots of Urban Unrest, University of Warwick, January

1983: Equal Opportunity Policies in Employment, University of Aston, July

Panels Organised at Conferences

1993: Panel on Race and Politics, Political Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Leicester, April

1991: Panel on Race and Politics, Political Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Lancaster, April

1989: Panel on the Politics of Race in the 1990s, Political Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Warwick, April

1988: Panel on Ethnic Relations in Britain, Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Plymouth Polytechnic, April

Research Seminars Organised

2010: Citizenship and Human Rights Seminar Series, with Open University, Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities and COMPAS. First Seminar on Rights: Citizen or Human held at Birkbeck, 26 February 2010

2000: Co-organiser of one-day seminar on Citizenship and Migration in Contemporary Europe, South Bank University

1997-98: Co-organiser of series of seminars on Asylum and the Politics of Refuge, University of Southampton


1995-97: Co-organiser of Workshop on the Politics of Racism, Culture and Ethnicity

1994-98: Co-organiser of Inter-Faculty Group on Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism, University of Southampton

1990-95: Convenor of Racism Study Group, British Sociological Association

1989-93: Co-organiser of Workshop on the Politics of Racism

1988-95: Convenor of Specialist Group on Race and Politics, Political Studies Association

Editorial Work

Journals Edited

1995-: Associate Editor and Editor of Ethnic and Racial Studies [This involves working closely with my co-editor, Martin Bulmer, to produce 15 issues per year, published by Routledge]

Member of Editorial Boards

2015-: Member of Editorial Board of Sociology of Race & Ethnicity

2012-: Member of the Editorial Board of Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power

1994-: Member of the Editorial Board of Patterns of Prejudice

1994-: Member of the Editorial Board of British Journal of Sociology of Education

1994-97: Member of the Editorial Board of Sociology

1993-95: Member of Editorial Committee of Ethnic and Racial Studies

1989-93: Member of Editorial Board of the European Journal of Intercultural Studies

1985-1987: Member of Editorial Board of Capital & Class

Book Series Edited

2016-: Co-editor with Satnam Virdee and Aaron Winter of Series on Racism, Resistance and Social Change, Manchester University Press


2011-: Co-Editor with Martin Bulmer of series on Ethnic and Racial Studies, Routledge

1995-2000: Member of Editorial Board of Baltimore Studies in Nationalism and Internationalism

1993-02: Joint Editor with Michael Keith and David Goldberg of series on Race and Representation, UCL Press

Working Papers Series Edited

1991-94: Editor of Research Papers, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College

1984-87: Editor of Policy Papers in Ethnic Relations, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick

Academic Refereeing

Regular academic reader of manuscripts for


Berg Publishers


Cambridge University Press

University of Chicago Press

New York University Press

Open University Press

Oxford University Press

Palgrave Macmillan

Pluto Press

Policy Press

Polity Press



Temple University Press


Regular academic referee for

American Journal of Sociology

British Journal of Political Science

British Journal of Sociology

British Journal of Sociology of Education

Current Sociology


Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Journal of Social Policy

Patterns of Prejudice


Political Studies


Sociological Quarterly

Sociological Review

Theory, Culture &Society

Urban Studies



Completed Research Projects

2010-15: Race, Politics and Immigration (funded by City University London and University of Warwick)

2010-15: Citizenship, Migration and Diversity (funded by City University London and University of Warwick)

2010-15: Changing Theories of Race and Racism (funded by City University London and University of Warwick)

2011-15: Contemporary Forms of Racist Mobilisation (funded by City University London and University of Warwick)

2009-2015: Race, Ethnicity and Social Theory, Department of Sociology, City University London (funded by City University London)

2009-2011: Race, Multiculture and Social Policy, Department of Sociology, City University London (funded by City University London)

2006-08: Ethnicity and Race in Contemporary Cyprus, Department of Sociology, City University London (funded by Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation)

2002-2010: Transnational Families, Ethnicity and Social Capital, London South Bank University and City University London (funded by ESRC)

2000-2010: Democratic Governance and Ethnic Minority Political Participation, London South Bank University and City University London (funded by ESRC)

1999-2001: Citizenship and Migration in Contemporary Europe, London South Bank University (funded by London South Bank University)

1995-97: Cultural Forms of Racist Expression, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Southampton (funded by Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation)

1995-2000: Cultures of Racism in Football, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Southampton (funded by ESRC)

1990-94: Racism and Migration in Contemporary Europe, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College (funded by Leverhulme Trust)


1989-92: Politics of Race and Social Change in Birmingham, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College (funded by ESRC)

1989-90: Politics of Cypriot Migration, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College (funded by Leverhulme Trust)

1987-90: Race and Local Politics, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College (funded by Nuffield Foundation)

1987-88: Race Equality Policies and Housing in London, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College (funded by London Race and Housing Research Unit)

1985-87: Politics of Urban Unrest, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick (funded by ESRC)

1980-87: Racism and Equal Opportunity Policies, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, Aston and University of Warwick (funded by ESRC)

1980-87: Black Youth and Social Policy, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, Aston and University of Warwick (funded by ESRC)

Completed Large Research Grants

2006-07: Policy and Practice: Ethnicity and Race in Contemporary Cyprus, Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus, Program of Cooperation with Distinguished Scientists Abroad, £126,000 (co-applicant with Mike Hajimichael, Constantinos Phellas and Liza Schuster)

2002-2007: Families and Social Capital ESRC Research Group, £2,850,000 over 5 years (co-applicant with Ros Edwards, Janet Holland, Jeffrey Weeks, Harry Goulbourne, Irene Bruegel and Claire Callender) [Award No. M570255001]

2000-2003: Democratic Governance and Ethnic Minority Political Participation in Contemporary Britain, ESRC Democracy and Participation Research Programme, £180,000 (with Les Back, Michael Keith and Kalbir Shukra) [Award No. L215252046]

1999-2000: Citizenship and Migration in Contemporary Europe, Research Development Fund, South Bank University, £25,000 for a study of (with Liza Schuster)

1996-97: Cultural Forms of Racist Expression, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, £17,000 (with Les Back and Michael Keith)


1995-96: Cultural Forms of Racist Expression, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, £17,000 (with Les Back and Michael Keith)

1995-96: Cultures of Racism in Football, ESRC Research Grants Board, £104,000 (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) [Award No. R000235639]

1989-92: Politics of Race and Social Change in Birmingham, ESRC Research Grants Board, £55,000 [Award No. R000231545]

1987-88: Race Equality Policies and Housing in London, London Race and Housing Research Unit, £30,000

Completed Small Research Grants

2001: International Conference on the Caribbean Diaspora, ESRC Transnational Communities Programme, £10,000 for an (with Harry Goulbourne)

1998: Kurdish Refugees in Britain and Germany: Trans-state Nation or Transnational Community?, Research Initiatives Group, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southampton, £1000

1997: Rethinking Ethnic and Racial Studies, British Academy, £700

1995-96: Let’s Kick Racism Out of Football Campaign, Advisory Group against Racism and Intimidation, £5000 (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe)

1993-94: Racism and Political Action in Contemporary Europe, Leverhulme Trust, £12,000

1993-94: Racial Inequality and Public Policy, Birkbeck College, Research Committee, £2300

1991: Racism and Migration in Europe in the 1990s, Anglo-German Foundation, £5000

1991: Racism and Migration in Europe in the 1990s, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, £3000

1991: Racism and Migration and Europe in the 1990s, Commission for Racial Equality, £4000

1990-91: Equal Opportunity in the 1990s, Nuffield Foundation, £1000

1989-91: Workshops on the Politics of Racism, Nuffield Foundation, £1000

1989-90: Politics of Cypriot Migration to Britain, Leverhulme Trust, £7,000

1988-89: Politics of Urban Unrest in Contemporary Britain, Nuffield


Foundation, £2,750

1988: Local Authorities and Racial Equality, Nuffield Foundation, £1000

1988: Local Authorities and Racial Equality, Barrow and Geraldine S. Cadbury Trust, £500

1986: The Roots of Urban Unrest, Economic and Social Research Council, £4,500

External Post-Doctoral Research Grants Supervised

2011-13: How Migrants Identify with their Societies of Settlement: A Comparison of Migrant Communities in Malmo and Ealing, Swedish Research Council, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Sarah Scuzzarello, £50,000

1995-98: Secularism, Communal Organisation & Political Participation in British Asian Communities, ESRC Research Fellowship Scheme, Chetan Bhatt £46,290


Research Students Supervised

University of Warwick

[29] Naoki Yonekawa, 2014-18

[28] Iro Konstantinidou, 2014-18

Completed PhDs Supervised

University of Warwick

[27] Zin Derfoufi, 2012-16, ESRC Linked Studentship

‘Stop and Search and the Police’

City University London

[26] Laura Hall, 2009-14, ESRC Studentship

‘Life Histories and Forced Migration’

[25] Bernadetta Siara, 2008-12, ESRC Studentship (now Lecturer in Sociology, University College Suffolk)

‘Gender and Sexualities in the Transnational Migration Space: The Case of Poles in the UK’

[24] Demetris Hadjigeorgiou, 2004-11, Leventis Foundation Scholarship and Department Bursary

‘Family Capital, Ethnicity and Education: Greek-Cypriots in North London’

[23] Dogus Simsek, 2005-11, Self-Funded and Department Bursary

‘Identity Formation of Cypriot Turkish, Kurdish and Turkish Young People in London in a Transnational Context’

[22] Yanet Toirac Garcia, 2004-11, School of Social Sciences Studentship (now Lecturer at the University of Havana)

‘Cultural Policy in Cuba: Pictures of the Present, Metaphors of the Future’

[21] Nora Gamez Torres, 2006-11, University Research Studentship


‘Living in Transition: Popular Music and Social Change in Cuba’

[20] Lena Karamanidou, 2004-10, School of Social Sciences Bursary

‘The Discursive Legitimation of Asylum Policies in Greece and Ireland’

[19] Mireille Hebing, 2001-09, School of Social Sciences and Department Bursary (now a Lecturer at Regent’s College London)

‘Giving Voice to Refugees: An Exploration of the Relationships between Stories, Knowledge and Power’

[18] Eylem Yanardagoglu, 2003-08, School of Social Sciences and Department Bursary (now Assistant Professor at Bahcesehir University, Istanbul)

‘The Mediation of Cultural Identities: Changing Practices and Policies in Contemporary Turkey’

London South Bank University

[17] Boguslaw Potocny, 2001-2008, University Scholarship

‘The Solidarity Movement: A New Analysis of its Socio-Economic Origins and its Role in Political Changes in Poland in the 1980s’

[16] Gavin Rae, 2000-04, University Scholarship

‘Social Democracy and Socialist Movements in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia’

[15] Michael Seeraj, 1999-03, ESRC Studentship

‘Urban Regeneration: Social Inclusion and Black and Ethnic Minority Communities’

University of Southampton

[14] Yiouli Taki, 1994-01, Department Scholarship (now Independent Researcher in Cyprus)

‘Recycling History: Ethno-Communal Struggles for Recognition and Legitimation in Cyprus’

[13] Sandra Schmidt, 1994-2000 Faculty Scholarship

‘Towards a Common European Immigration Policy? A Comparative Analysis of Germany, France and the United Kingdom’

[12] Brett St Louis, 1995-99, ESRC Studentship (now Senior Lecturer in


Sociology, Goldsmiths College)

‘CLR James’s Social Theory: A Critique of Race and Modernity’

Published in book form as Rethinking Race, Politics and Poetics: C.L.R. James’ Critique of Modernity Routledge 2007

[11] Liza Schuster, 1994-99, ESRC Studentship (now Reader in Sociology, City University)

‘The Politics of Asylum and Refuge: A Comparison of Britain and Germany’

Published in book form as The Use and Abuse of Political Asylum in Britain and Germany Frank Cass 2003

[10] Julia Bahaj, 1995-98, University Scholarship

‘Culture and Identity among Young Muslim Women’

[9] Georg Lentze, 1994-98, ESRC Studentship

‘Racial Thinking in the British Labour Party’

Birkbeck College, University of London

[8] Larry O’Hara, 1991-2000, Part-time, Self-Funded

‘Creating Political Soldiers? The National Front 1986-90’

[7] Keith Jacobs, 1992-97, Part-time, Self-Funded (now Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Tasmania)

‘Contextualising Local Housing Policy: A Case Study of the Comprehensive Estates Initiative in the London Borough of Hackney’

Published in book form as The Dynamics of Local Housing Policy Ashgate 1999

[6] Bryan Fanning, 1991-97, Part-time, Self-Funded (now Professor in Applied Social Science, University College Dublin)

‘Community Activism, Land Use Planning and the Local State: A Case Study of the London Borough of Haringey’

[5] Ute Navidi, 1991-96, Part-time Self-Funded

‘Identity and Racism in Post-Reunification Germany’

[4] Andy Brown, 1987-96, ESRC Studentship (now Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies, Bath Spa University)

‘Racism and Political Language: The Impact of Smethwick and


Powellism on the Construction of a Political Racism in Britain, 1957-1988’

Published in book form as Political Languages of Race and the Politics of Exclusion Avebury 1999

[3] Sarah Neal, 1991-95, ESRC Studentship (now Reader in Sociology, University of Surrey)

‘White Collar Trade Unions, Equal Opportunities and Anti-Racism in Higher Education’

Published in book form as The Making of Equal Opportunities Policies in Universities Open University Press 1998

[2] Chetan Bhatt, 1989-94, Part-time, Self-Funded (now Professor of Sociology and Director of Centre for the Study of Human Rights, London School of Economics)

‘Race, Ethnicity and Religion: Agency, Translocality and New Political Movements’

Published in book form as Liberation and Purity: Race, New Religious Movements and the Ethics of Postmodernity UCL Press 1997

[1] Sue Collinson, 1989-93, ESRC Studentship

‘Medicine, Race and Gender: An Examination of Medical Theory and Practice in the Late Nineteenth Century’

Students Supervised at Other Institutions

Manuela Honneger, 2007-13, ‘Racism and Social Policy in Switzerland’; University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Manuela Bojadzijev, 1998-2000, ‘Racism and Migration in Germany’; University of Frankfurt, Germany (now Professor at Humboldt University, Berlin)





[10] Race, Multiculture and Social Policy (co-author with Alice Bloch and Sarah Neal) Palgrave Macmillan, xii + 228 pp


[9] Transnational Families: Ethnicities, Identities and Social Capital (co-author with Harry Goulbourne, Tracey Reynolds and Elisabetta Zontini) Routledge, viii + 200 pp Paperback Edition 2011


[8] Race and Racism in Britain 3rd Edition Palgrave Macmillan, xiv + 299 pp


[7] The Changing Face of Football: Racism, Identity and Multiculture in the English Game (co-author with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) Berg, xiv + 309 pp


[6] Racism and Society (co-author with Les Back) Macmillan, xvii + 252 pp

Also published by St Martin’s Press in the USA


[5] Race, Politics and Social Change (co-author with Les Back) Routledge, xiii + 232 pp


[4] Race and Racism in Britain 2nd Edition Macmillan, xiv + 279 pp

Also published by St. Martin’s Press in the USA


[3] Race and Racism in Contemporary Britain Macmillan, xiv + 209 pp

Also published by St. Martin’s Press in the USA



[2] Black Youth, Racism and the State: The Politics of Ideology and Policy Cambridge University Press, ix + 284 pp

Paperback Edition 1991


[1] The Empire Strikes Back: Race and Racism in 70s Britain (co-author with Hazel V. Carby, Bob Findlay, Paul Gilroy, Simon Jones, Errol Lawrence and Pratibha Parmar) Hutchinson, 324 pp

Edited Books

Edited Books Published

2016 [25] Muslims, Migration and Citizenship: Processes of Inclusion and Exclusion (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Routledge, xii + pp. 180 pp.

2015 [24] Cities, Diversity and Ethnicity: Politics, Governance and Participation (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Routledge, xii + 198 pp.

[23] Multiculturalism, Social Cohesion and Immigration: Changing Conceptions in the UK (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Routledge, xii + 207 pp.

[22] Race, Migration and Identity: Shifting Boundaries in the U.S.A. (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Routledge, xii + 197 pp.

[21] Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives (co-editor with Karim Murji) Cambridge University Press, xiv + 292 pp.


[20] Diasporas, Cultures and Identities (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Routledge, ix + 196 pp. Paperback Edition 2014

[19] Latino Identity in Contemporary America (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Routledge, viii + 166 pp.

[18] Nationalism and National Identities (co-editor with Martin Bulmer)


Routledge, viii + 159 pp. Paperback Edition 2014

[17] Gender, Race and Religion: Intersections and Challenges (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Routledge, x + 180 pp. Paperback Edition 2014

[16] Migration: Policies, Practices, Activism (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Routledge, ix+ 194 pp. Paperback Edition 2014


[15] Migrant Politics and Mobilisation: Exclusion, Engagements, Incorporation (co-editor with Davide Però) Routledge, x + 149 pp. Paperback Edition 2013

[14] The Sage Handbook of Race and Ethnic Studies (co-editor with Patricia Hill Collins) Sage, xvi + 542 pp.

[13] Race and Ethnicity in the 21st Century (co-editor with Alice Bloch) Palgrave Macmillan, xiv + 242 pp.


[12] Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader (co-editor with Les Back) 2nd Edition, Routledge, xxv + 714 pp.


[11] Racialisation: Studies in Theory and Practice (co-editor with Karim Murji) Oxford University Press, xii + 307 pp.


[10] Researching Race and Racism (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Routledge, xi + 240 pp.


[9] A Companion to Racial and Ethnic Studies (co-editor with David Theo Goldberg) Blackwell, xii + 610 pp.


[8] Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader (co-editor with Les Back) Routledge, xxiv + 646 pp.


[7] Racism (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Oxford University Press, xii + 470 pp.

[6] Ethnic and Racial Studies Today (co-editor with Martin Bulmer) Routledge, x + 202 pp.



[5] Racism and Migration in Western Europe (co-editor with John Wrench) Berg Publishers, x + 293 pp.

Paperback Edition 1995


[4] Race and Local Politics (co-editor with Wendy Ball) Macmillan, xiv + 238 pp.


[3] The Roots of Urban Unrest (co-editor with John Benyon) Pergamon Press, xviii + 207 pp.

[2] Racism and Equal Opportunity Policies in the 1980s (co-editor with Richard Jenkins) Cambridge University Press, xxi + 243 pp.

Second Paperback Edition 1990


[1] Migrant Workers in Metropolitan Cities (editor) European Science Foundation, 247 pp.

Edited Issues of Journals


Why Do We Still Talk About Race? The Future of Ethnic and Racial Studies (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 41, 7, 2018


40 Years of Ethnic and Racial Studies: Classic Articles in Context (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 40, 7, 2017, pp.


[16] Muslims, Migration and Citizenship: Processes of Inclusion and

Exclusion (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 38, 11, 2015, + pp.

[15] Cities, Diversity and Ethnicity: Politics, Governance and Participation (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies


38, 1, 2015, pp. 1-191


[14] Multiculturalism, Social Cohesion and Immigration: Changing Conceptions in the UK (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 37, 10, 2014, pp. 1265-1466

[13] Race, Migration and Identity: Shifting Boundaries in the U.S.A. (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 37, 3, 2014, pp. 381-575


[12] Muslim Minorities in Western Europe Themed Section (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 33, 3, 2010, pp. 373-472

[11] Migrant Politics and Mobilisation: Exclusion, Engagements, Incorporation (co-edited with Davide Però) Ethnic and Racial Studies 33, 1, 2010, pp. 1-143


[10] Diasporas, Cultures and Identities Themed Section (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 32, 8, 2009, pp. 1301-1405

[9] Making Latino/a Identities in Contemporary America (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 32, 6, 2009, pp. 923-1088

[8] Nationalism and National Identities (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 32, 4, 2009, pp. 587-738

[7] Gender, Race and Religion: Intersections and Challenges (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 32, 2, 2009, pp. 215-387

[6] Migration: Policies, Practices, Activism (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 32, 1, 2009, pp. 1-190


[5] The Caribbean Diaspora (co-edited with Harry Goulbourne) Ethnic and Racial Studies 27, 4, 2004, pp. 533-659


[4] Symposium on Teaching Ethnic and Racial Studies (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 26, 3, 2003, pp. 485-550



[3] New Perspectives on Multiculturalism and Citizenship (co-edited with Liza Schuster) Patterns of Prejudice 35, 1, 2001, pp. 1-109


[2] Rethinking Ethnic and Racial Studies (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 21, 5, 1998, pp. 819-994


[1] Teaching Race and Ethnicity: Disciplinary Perspectives (co-edited with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 19, 4, 1996, pp. 777-911


Refereed Journal Articles

Refereed Articles Published


[] ‘Conceptualizing 21st Century Racisms: Shifting Paradigms and Perspectives’ (with Les Back) Sociology

[50] ‘Are International Human Rights Really Promoting Rights? Irregular Migrants’ Access to Healthcare in France and the UK’ (with Milena Chimienti) Journal of Human Rights 15, 2: 208-228

[49] ‘Rejoinder: Race Scholarship and the Future’ (with Karim Murji) Ethnic and Racial Studies 39, 3: 405-13


[48] ‘Race, Post-Genomic Science and Good Intentions: From Racial Science to Anti-Racism?’ British Journal of Sociology 61, 1: 76-82


[47] ‘Stuart Hall: Articulations of Race, Class and Identity’ Ethnic and Racial Studies 37, 10: 1667-1675

[46] ‘Rethinking The Empire Strikes Back: A Response’ Ethnic and Racial Studies 37, 10: 1830-1837


[45] ‘Strangers, Identities and Belonging’ Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 20, 1: 18-23


[44] ‘Race, Rumours and Riots: Past, Present and Future’ Sociological


Research Online 16, 4, 20

[43] ‘Social Movements of Irregular Migrants, Recognition and Citizenship’ (with Milena Chimienti) Globalizations 8, 3: 343-60


[42] ‘Introduction: Migrant Politics and Mobilisation: Exclusion, Engagements, Incorporation’ (with Davide Però) Ethnic and Racial Studies 33, 1: 1-18


[41] ‘Islam and the New Political Landscape: Faith Communities, Political Participation and Social Change’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra) Theory, Culture & Society 26, 4: 1-23


[40] ‘Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Capital: A Critical Review’ (with Pauline Hope Cheong, Rosalind Edwards and Harry Goulbourne) Critical Social Policy 27, 1: 24-49


[39] ‘Race, Immigration and Politics in Britain: Changing Policy Agendas and Conceptual Paradigms 1940s-2000s’ (with Stephen Small) International Journal of Comparative Sociology 47, 3-4: 235-57


[38] ‘Race, Social Cohesion and the Changing Politics of Citizenship’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra) London Review of Education 2, 3: 187-95

[37] ‘Introduction: Caribbean Diasporas’ (with Harry Goulbourne) Ethnic and Racial Studies 27, 4: 533-43

[36] ‘Race, Immigration and Asylum: New Labour’s Agenda and its Consequences’ (with Liza Schuster) Ethnicities 4, 2: 267-87; ‘Making Sense of New Labour on Race and Immigration: A Reply’ 4, 2: 298-300

[35] ‘Black Politics and the Web of Joined-Up Governance: Compromise, Ethnic Minority Mobilisation and the Transitional Public Sphere’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra) Social Movement Studies 2, 1: 31-50


[34] ‘Families, Ethnicity and Social Capital’ (with Harry Goulbourne)


Social Policy & Society 2, 4: 329-38

[33] ‘Rethinking Racial Inequality’ Ethnicities 3, 2: 269-73


[32] ‘New Labour’s White Heart: Politics, Multiculturalism and the Return of Assimilation’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra) Political Quarterly 73, 4: 445-54

[31] ‘The Return of Assimilationism: Race, Multiculturalism and New Labour’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra)

Sociological Research Online 7, 2

[30] ‘Rights and Wrongs across European Borders: Migrants, Minorities and Citizenship’ (with Liza Schuster) Citizenship Studies 6, 1: 37-54


[29] ‘Asylum, Refuge and Public Policy: Current Trends and Future Dilemmas’ (with Liza Schuster)

Sociological Research Online 6, 1

[28] ‘Introduction: Citizenship, Multiculturalism, Identity’ (with Liza Schuster) Patterns of Prejudice 35, 1: 3-12


[27] ‘Gringos, Reggae Gyals and “La Francais de la Souche Recente”: Nation, Diaspora and Identity in Football’ (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) Soundings, 11, Spring 1999, 78-96

[26] ‘Beyond the Racist/Hooligan Couplet: Race, Social Theory and Football Culture’ (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) British Journal of Sociology 50, 3: 419-42

[25] ‘Social Research and the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry’

Sociological Research Online 4, 1

[Reprinted in P Hamilton and Kenneth Thompson (eds) The Uses of Sociology Wiley Blackwell 2002]


[24] ‘Beyond Racism and Multiculturalism’ Patterns of Prejudice 32, 3:



[23] ‘Introduction: Re-thinking Ethnic and Racial Studies’ (with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 21, 5: 819-37


[22] ‘Introduction: Race, Ethnicity and the Curriculum’ (with Martin Bulmer) Ethnic and Racial Studies 19, 4: 777-88

[21] ‘Technology, Race and Neo-Fascism in a Digital Age: The New Modalities of Racist Culture’ (with Les Back and Michael Keith) Patterns of Prejudice 30, 2: 3-27


[20] ‘The Politics of Cypriot Migration to Britain’ (with Stephen Woodhams) Immigrants and Minorities 14, 3: 231-56

[19] ‘Marxism, Racism and Ethnicity’ (with Les Back) American Behavioral Scientist 38, 3: 407-420

[Reprinted in R D Torres, L F Mirón and J X Inda (eds) Race, Identity and Citizenship: A Reader Blackwell 1999, pp. 65-78]


[18] ‘Labour and Racism: Trade Unions and the Selection of Parliamentary Candidates’ (with Les Back) Sociological Review 42, 2: 165-200

[17] ‘Conceptualising Racisms: Social Theory, Politics and Research’ (with Les Back) Sociology 28, 1: 143-161

[Reprinted in E Cashmore and J Jennings (eds) Racism: Essential Readings Sage 2001, pp. 346-56]


[16] ‘Doing Research, Writing Politics: The Dilemmas of Political Intervention in Research on Racism’ (with Les Back) Economy and Society 22, 2: 178-99

[Reprinted in H Goulbourne (ed.) Race and Ethnicity Volume 3 Routledge 2001, pp. 378-399; Reprinted in C Seale (ed.) Qualitative Research Methods: A Reader Routledge 2004, pp. 473-77]


[15] ‘Black Politics and Social Change in Birmingham UK: An Analysis of Recent Trends’ (with Les Back) Ethnic and Racial Studies 15, 3: 327-50



[14] ‘Political Language and Racial Discourse’ European Journal of Intercultural Studies 2, 1: 21-34

[13] ‘The Politics of Race and Housing’ Policy and Politics 19, 3: 147-57

[12] ‘Black Political Mobilisation and the Struggle for Equality’ (with Les Back) Sociological Review 39, 2: 215-37

[11] ‘The Politics of Racial Equality and the Local State’ Local Government Studies 17, 2: 33-46

[10] ‘Contemporary Forms of Racial Ideology in British Society’ Sage Race Relations Abstracts 16, 1: 1-15


[9] ‘Changing Forms of Racial Discourse’ Social Studies Review 6, 2: 74-78


[8] ‘Policy Analysis and Research on Race’ Foundation No 5, June: 5-10

[7] ‘Equal Opportunities Policies and Racial Inequality: The Role of Public Policy’ Public Administration 67, 1: 79-93


[6] ‘The Simmering Cities: Urban Unrest During the Thatcher Years’ (with John Benyon) Parliamentary Affairs 41, 3: 402-22


[5] ‘Political Language and Violent Protest: Ideological and Policy Responses to the 1981 and 1985 Riots’ Youth and Policy 18, Autumn: 12-24

[4] ‘Trends in the Political Analysis of Racism’ Political Studies XXXIV, 2: 313-324

[Reprinted in M Cross (ed.) The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, Volume I, Edward Elgar 2000]


[3] ‘Problems, But Whose Problems?: The Social Construction of Black Youth Unemployment and State Policies’ Journal of Social Policy 14, 4: 527-554

[2] ‘Extended Review: Youth Training, Unemployment and State Policies’ Sociological Review 33, 2: 343-353



[1] ‘Black Youth and the 1980-81 Riots: Official Interpretations and Political Responses’ Politics 4, 2: 21-27


Chapters in Books

Chapters in Books Published


[81] ‘Introduction’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Muslims, Migration and Citizenship: Processes of Inclusion and Exclusion Routledge, pp.


[80] ‘Introduction’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Cities, Diversity and Ethnicity: Politics, Governance and Participation Routledge, pp. 1-4

[79] ‘Introduction’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Multiculturalism, Social Cohesion and Immigration: Changing Conceptions in the UK Routledge, pp. 1-3

[78] ‘Introduction’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) ‘Introduction’ Race, Migration and Identity: Shifting Boundaries in the USA Routledge, pp. 1-2

[77] ‘Conclusion: Back to the Future’ (with Karim Murji) in K Murji and J Solomos (eds) Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives Cambridge University Press, pp. 263-281

[76] ‘Introduction: Situating the Present’ (with Karim Murji) in K Murji and J Solomos (eds) Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-22


[75] ‘Race, Racism and Class: Evolving Paradigms and Perspectives’ in M Martiniello and J Rath (eds) An Introduction to Immigrant Incorporation Studies Amsterdam University Press, pp. 91-115

[74] ‘Sociology of Race and Ethnicity: Trends, Debates and Research Agendas’ in J Holmwood and J Scott (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Sociology in Britain Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 396-412

[73] ‘Racism and Migration’ Migration: A COMPAS Anthology, Oxford: COMPAS, pp. 110-11



[72] ‘Contemporary Forms of Racist Movements and Mobilisation in Britain’ in R Wodak, M Khosravinik and B Mral (eds) Right Wing Populism in Europe: Politics and Discourse Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 121-133

[71] ‘Race and Racism’ in J Krieger (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics Oxford University Press, 2 Volumes, Volume 2, pp. 299-304


[70] ‘Introduction’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Diasporas, Cultures and Identities Routledge, pp. 1-3

[69] ‘Introduction’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Latino Identity in Contemporary America Routledge, pp. 1-3

[68] ‘Introduction: Nationalism and National Identities’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Nationalism and National Identities Routledge, pp. 1-4

[67] ‘Introduction: Gender, Race and Religion: Intersections and Challenges’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Gender, Race and Religion: Intersections and Challenges Routledge, pp. 1-4

[66] ‘Introduction’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Migration: Policies, Practices, Activism Routledge, pp. 1-4


[65] ‘Introduction: Migrant Politics and Mobilisation: Exclusion, Engagements, Incorporation’ (with Davide Però) in D Però and J Solomos (eds) Migrant Politics and Mobilisation: Exclusion, Engagements, Incorporation (co-editor with Davide Però) Routledge, pp. 1-18

[64] ‘Issues for the 21st Century’ (with Patricia Hill Collins) in P H Collins and J Solomos (eds) The Sage Handbook of Race and Ethnic Studies Sage, pp. 508-30

[63] ‘Introduction: Situating Race and Ethnic Studies’ (with Patricia Hill Collins) in P H Collins and J Solomos (eds) The Sage Handbook of Race and Ethnic Studies Sage, pp. 1-16 [plus Introductions to all four parts on pages: 19-21, 131-33, 251-52, 353-55]

[62] ‘Race and Ethnicity in Britain: Into the 21st Century’ (with Alice Bloch) in A Bloch and J Solomos (eds) Race and Ethnicity in the 21st


Century Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 209-30

[61] ‘Key Questions in the Sociology of Race and Ethnicity’ (with Alice Bloch) in A Bloch and J Solomos (eds) Race and Ethnicity in the 21st Century Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-17

[60] ‘Theories of Race and Racism: Genesis, Development and Contemporary Trends’ (with Les Back) in L Back and J Solomos (eds) Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader 2nd Edition Routledge, pp. 1-31 [plus Introductions to all six parts on pages: 33-36, 163-65, 257-59, 323-25, 441-43, 561-63]


[59] ‘Racism and Popular Culture’ (with Les Back) in T Das Gupta (ed.) Race and Racialization: Essential Readings Canadian Scholars Press [Reprint of Chapter 7 of Racism and Society, 1996]


[58] ‘Introduction: Racialisation in Theory and Practice’ (with Karim Murji) in K Murji and J Solomos (eds) Racialisation: Studies in Theory and Practice Oxford University Press, pp. 1-27


[57] ‘New Directions, or ‘The Same Old Story’? New Labour’s Policies on Race Relations, Immigration and Asylum’ (with Liza Schuster) in Deborah Lynn Steinberg and Richard Johnson (eds) Blairism and the War of Persuasion: Labour’s Passive Revolution Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 81-95

[56] ‘Introduction: Researching Race and Racism’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Researching Race and Racism Routledge, pp. 1-15

[55] ‘Marxism and Racism’ in E. Cashmore (ed.) Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies Routledge, pp. 259-62


[54] ‘Hate Speech, Violence and Contemporary Racisms’ (with Liza Schuster) in The Evens Foundation (ed.) Europe’s New Racism: Causes, Manifestations and Solutions Berghahn Books, pp. 43-55

[53] ‘General Introduction’ (with David T Goldberg) in D T Goldberg and J Solomos (eds) A Companion to Racial and Ethnic Studies Blackwell, pp. 1-12 [plus Introduction to all six parts on pages: 15-16, 87-89, 232-32, 321-22, 381-82, 457-59]


[52] ‘Racism, Politics and Mobilisation’ (with Liza Schuster) in D T Goldberg and J Solomos (eds) A Companion to Racial and Ethnic Studies Blackwell, pp. 304-18


[51] ‘ “Lions and Black Skins”: Race, Nation and Local Patriotism in Football’ (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) in I McDonald and B Carrington (eds) Racism and British Sport Routledge, pp. 83-102

[50] ‘Race and Racism’ (with Les Back) in J Krieger (Editor in Chief) The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, pp. 710-13

[49] ‘Race, Multi-culturalism and Difference’ in N Stevenson (ed.) Culture and Citizenship Sage, pp. 198-211


[48] ‘Citizenship, Multiculturalism and the Politics of Identity: Contemporary Dilemmas and Policy Agendas’ (with Liza Schuster) in R Koopmans and P Statham (eds) Challenging Immigration and Ethnic Relations Politics: Comparative and European Perspectives Oxford University Press, pp. 74-94

[47] ‘Rethinking the Politics of Race: Participation, Representation and Identity in Birmingham’ (with Les Back) in S Body-Gendrot and M Martiniello (eds) Minorities in European Cities: The Dynamics of Social Integration and Social Exclusion at the Neighbourhood Level Macmillan, pp. 145-61

[46] ‘Introduction: Theorising Race and Racism’ (with Les Back) in L Back and J Solomos (eds) Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader Routledge, pp. 1- 28 [plus Introductions to all six parts on pages: 29-32, 101-104, 191-94, 253-56, 369-72, 473-77]


[45] ‘General Introduction’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Racism Oxford University Press, pp. 3-17 [plus Introductions to all eight parts on pages 18-20, 57-60, 121-124, 177-179, 224-226, 274-276, 329-331, 388-390]

[44] ‘The Politics of Refugee and Asylum Policies in Britain: Historical Patterns and Contemporary Realities’ (with Liza Schuster) in A Bloch and C Levy (eds) Refugees, Social Policy and Citizenship in Europe Macmillan, pp. 51-75

[43] ‘Reading the Writing on the Wall: Graffiti in the Racialised City’


(with Les Back and Michael Keith) in D Slayden and R Whillock (eds) Soundbite Culture: The Death of Discourse in a Wired World Sage, pp. 69-101

[42] ‘Introduction’ (with Martin Bulmer) in M Bulmer and J Solomos (eds) Ethnic and Racial Studies Today Routledge, pp. 1-12


[41] ‘Social Policy and Social Movements: “Race”, Racism and Social Policies’ in N Ellison and C Pierson (eds) Developments in British Social Policy Macmillan, pp. 205-17

[40] ‘Racism in Football: Patterns of Continuity and Change’ (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) in A Brown (ed.) Fanatics! Football and Popular Culture in Europe Routledge, pp. 71-87

[39] ‘Racism on the Internet: Mapping Neo-Fascist Subcultures in Cyberspace’ (with Les Back and Michael Keith) in J Kaplan and T Bjørgo (eds) Nation and Race: The Developing Euro-American Racist Subculture Northeastern University Press, pp. 73-101


[38] ‘Race and Racism in Social Theory’ (with Les Back) in R Barot (ed.) The Racism Problematic: Contemporary Sociological Theories on Race and Ethnicity Edwin Mellen Press, pp. 212-230


[37] ‘Race and Housing: Politics and Policy in London’ in S MacGregor and A Lipow (eds) The Other City: People and Politics Humanities Press, pp. 165-82

[36] ‘The Politics of Citizenship and Nationality in a European Perspective’ in M Martiniello (ed.) Migration, Citizenship and Ethno-National Identities in the European Union Avebury, pp. 40-52

[35] ‘Racism and Anti-Racism in Great Britain: Historical Trends and Contemporary Issues’ in B P Bowser (ed.) Racism and Anti-Racism in World Perspective Sage, pp. 157-80


[34] ‘European Racism’ in E Ellis Cashmore (ed.) Dictionary of Race and Ethnic Relations 3rd Edition, Routledge, pp. 108-11

[33] ‘Race and Racism in Contemporary Europe’ (with John Wrench) in J Wrench and J Solomos (eds) Racism and Migration in Western Europe Berg, pp. 3-16


[32] ‘The Politics and Processes of Racial Discrimination in the UK’ (with John Wrench) in J Wrench and J Solomos (eds) Racism and Migration in Western Europe Berg, pp. 157-76

[31] ‘Rethinking Equal Opportunities’ (with Les Back) in N Thomas et al, Learning from Innovation: Housing and Social Care in the 1990s Birmingham Academic Press, pp. 145-157

[30] ‘Constructions of Black Criminality: Racialisation and Criminalisation in Perspective’ in D Cook and B Hudson (eds) Racism and Criminology Sage, pp. 118-35

[29] ‘Migration and the Politics of Race’ (with Les Back) in P Dunleavy et al (eds) Developments in British Politics 4 Macmillan, pp. 321-31

[28] ‘Race and Racism’ (with Les Back), in J Krieger (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World Oxford University Press, pp. 765-69

[27] ‘The Local Politics of Racial Equality: Policy Innovation and the Limits of Reform’ in M Cross and M Keith (eds) Racism, the City and the State Routledge, pp. 144-56


[26] ‘Nicos Poulantzas’ in R Benewick and P Green (eds) The Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Political Thinkers Routledge, pp. 188-89

[25] ‘The Politics of Immigration Since 1945’ in P Braham, A Rattansi and R Skellington (eds) Racism and Anti-Racism Sage, pp. 7-29

[Reprint of Chapter 3 of Race and Racism in Contemporary Britain, 1989]


[24] ‘Race, Ethnicity and Public Policy in Britain’ in R Nile (ed.) Immigration and the Politics of Ethnicity and Race in Australia and Britain Bureau of Immigration Research (Australia) and University of London, pp. 70-81

[23] ‘Policing and Urban Unrest: Problem Constitution and Policy Response’ (with Tim Rackett), in E Cashmore and E McLaughlin (eds) Out of Order Routledge, pp. 42-64


[22] ‘Race, Injustice and Disorder’ (with John Benyon), in S MacGregor and B Pimlott (eds) Tackling the Inner Cities Oxford University Press, pp. 22-43


[21] ‘Racial Equality and Local Politics’ (with Wendy Ball), in W Ball and J Solomos (eds) Race and Local Politics Macmillan, pp. 3-21

[20] ‘Racial Equality, Housing and the Local State’ (with Gurharpal Singh), in W Ball and J Solomos (eds) Race and Local Politics Macmillan, pp. 95-114

[19] ‘New Initiatives and the Possibilities of Reform’ (with Wendy Ball), in W Ball and J Solomos (eds) Race and Local Politics Macmillan, pp. 210-224

[18] ‘The Changing Politics of Race’ in Developments in Politics: Volume 1 Causeway Press, pp. 113-138


[17] ‘Introduction to the Second Edition’ (with Richard Jenkins) in R Jenkins and J Solomos (eds) Racism and Equal Opportunity Policies in the 1980s, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, pp. vii-xviii


[16] ‘Marxism and Racism’ in E Ellis Cashmore (ed.) Dictionary of Race and Ethnic Relations 2nd edition, Routledge, pp. 178-183. Revised for 3rd Edition, 1993, pp. 201-06

[15] ‘Institutional Racism: The Policies of Marginalisation in Education and Training’ in P Cohen and H Bains (eds) Multi-Racist Britain Macmillan, pp. 156-194


[14] ‘Migration and the State in Britain: A Historical Overview’ (with Robert Miles), in C Husband (ed.) ‘Race’ in Britain 2nd Edition, Hutchinson, pp. 75-110

[13] ‘British Urban Unrest in the 1980s’ (with John Benyon), in J Benyon and J Solomos (eds) The Roots of Urban Unrest Pergamon Press, pp. 3-21

[12] ‘The Roots of Urban Unrest’ (with John Benyon), in J Benyon and J Solomos (eds) The Roots of Urban Unrest Pergamon Press, pp. 181-195

[11] ‘Racism, Equal Opportunity and Public Policy’ (with Richard Jenkins) in R Jenkins and J Solomos (eds) Racism and Equal Opportunity Policies in the 1980s Cambridge University Press, pp. 3-13

[10] ‘The Politics of Anti-Discrimination Legislation: Planned Social Reform or Symbolic Politics?’ in R Jenkins and J Solomos (eds) Racism and Equal Opportunity Policies in the 1980s Cambridge University Press,


pp. 30-53

[9] ‘Equal Opportunity and the Limits of the Law: Some Themes’ (with Richard Jenkins), in R Jenkins and J Solomos (eds) Racism and Equal Opportunity Policies in the 1980s Cambridge University Press, pp. 211-221

[8] ‘Employment Policy, YTS and Equal Opportunities’ in M Cross and D Smith (eds) Black Youth Futures National Youth Bureau, pp. 12-19


[7] ‘Varieties of Marxist Conceptions of Race, Class and the State’ in J Rex and D Mason (eds) Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations Cambridge University Press, pp. 84-109

[Reprinted in M Martiniello and J. Rath (eds) Selected Studies in International Migration and Immigrant Incorporation Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2010, pp. 489-515]

[6] ‘Training for What?: Government Policies and the Politicisation of Black Youth Unemployment’ in Z Layton Henry and P Rich (eds) Race, Government and Politics in Britain Macmillan, pp. 204-226

[5] ‘The Social and Political Context of Black Youth Unemployment: A Decade of Policy Developments and the Limits of Reform’ in L Barton and S Walker (eds) Youth, Unemployment and Schooling Open University Press, pp. 118-150


[4] ‘Black Youth Unemployment and Equal Opportunities Policies’ in B Troyna and D Smith (eds) Racism, School and the Labour Market National Youth Bureau, pp. 46-60


[3] ‘Black Youth, Economic Marginalisation and the State in Britain’ in H Korte (ed.) Cultural Identity and Structural Marginalisation of Migrant Workers European Science Foundation, pp. 29-45

[2] ‘Urban Social Policies, Migrant Workers and Political Authority’ in J Solomos (ed.) Migrant Workers in Metropolitan Cities European Science Foundation pp. 1-16

[1] ‘The Organic Crisis of British Capitalism and Race: The Experience of the Seventies’ (co-author), in CCCS Race and Politics Group, The Empire Strikes Back: Race and Racism in 70s Britain Hutchinson, pp. 9-46

[Reprinted in A Gray, J Campbell, M Erickson, S Hanson, H Wood (eds)


CCCS Selected Working Papers Volume 2, Routledge 2007]


Papers and Chapters Translated


[14] ‘Introduction: Racialisation in Theory and Practice’ (with Karim Murji) in K Murji and J Solomos (eds) Racialisation: Studies in Theory and Practice Oxford University Press, pp. 1-27 [Translated into Russian and published in the edited collection Racism: Contemporary Western Approaches Moscow: SOVA Center for Information and Analysis, 2010]


[13] ‘ “Llevo a San Jorge en mi Corazón”: hinchas ingleses, raza, nación e identitad’ in R Aguero, C Arrueta and R Burgos (eds) Sobresentidos: Estudios Sobre Communicación, Cultura y Sociedad Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina, pp. 241-89; Chapter 8 of The Changing Face of Football: Racism, Identity and Multiculture in the English Game (co-author with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) Berg


[12] ‘Making Sense of Race and Racism: Aktuelle Debatten und Politische Realitäten’ in A Demirevic and M Bojadzijev (eds) Konjunkturen des Rassismus, Westfalisches Dampfboot 2002, pp. 157-72


[11] ‘Løver Sorthuder & Reggae-sild: Race, Nationalitet og Identitet I Fodbold’ (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) Social Kritik 57: 4-27

[10] ‘Lions, Black Skins and Reggae Gyals: Rasse, Nation und Indetitet im Fussball’ (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) 17 Degrees 16: 4-16

[9] ‘Die Schrift an der Wand lesen’ (with Les Back and Michael Keith) in R Mayer and M Terkessidis (eds) Globalkolorit: Multikulturismus und Populärkultur Hannibal Verlag, Austria, pp. 255-70

[8] ‘Rassismus und Multi-kulturalismus im Fussball’ (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) in R Mayer and M Terkessidis (eds) Globalkolorit: Multikulturismus und Populärkultur Hannibal Verlag, Austria, pp. 137-46


[7] ‘Du clientélisme aux sections noires du Parti travailliste: la politique inter-raciale à Birmingham’ (with Les Back) Revue Française de Science Politique 46, 1: 3-29


[6] ‘L’Imaginaire Public et la Peur Identitaire en Grande-Bretagne’, in N


Burgi (ed.) Fractures de L’État-Nation Éditions Kimé, pp. 103-14


[5] ‘ “Race”, Politique et Société Dans La Grande-Bretagne Contemporaine’ in M Martiniello and M Poncelet (eds) Migrations et minorités ethniques dans l’espace européen De Boeck Université, pp. 69-88


[4] ‘Politische Sprache und Rassendiskurs’ in Rassismus und Migration in Europa Argument-Sonderband 201, Argument Verlag, pp. 346-58


[3] ‘Les Formes Contemporaines De L’ldéologie Raciale Dans La Société Britannique’ Les Temps Modernes 540-541, July-August: 65-82


[2] ‘Rasse, Klasse und Staat: Eine Kritische Betrachtung der Marxistischen Konzepte van Rasse and Rassismus in der englischer Debatte’ Widerspruch 13: 59-74


[1] ‘Spielarten der Marxistischen Konzepte von ‘Rasse’, Klasse und Staat: eine kritische Betrachtung’ Peripherie 24: 7-28




[9] FAS Centres of Excellence, Mid-Term Evaluation (with Elina Hemminki, Steffen Hillmert, Ronald A. Knibbe, Johannes Siegrist, Ursula Staudinger) Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS), Stockholm, November 2011, 38 pp.


[8] Research Programme on Marginalisation, Inequality and Ethnic Relations in Finland, Evaluation Report (with Liisa Rantalaiho, Ulf Hedetoft and Leena Erasaari) Academy of Finland, October 2004, 25 pp.


[7] Democratic Governance and Ethnic Minority Political Participation in Contemporary Britain (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra), End of Award Report to the Economic and Social Research Council, June 2003, 40 pp.

[6] An Evaluation of Swedish International Migration and Ethnic Relations [IMER] Research 1995-2002 (with Ellie Vasta, David Ley and Peder J. Pedersen), Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research, 48 pp.


[5] Ooh Ah Showab Khan: Evaluation (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe), Centre for Urban and Community Research, Goldsmiths College, February 1999, 36 pp.


[4] Ooh Ah Showab Khan: Interim Evaluation (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) Report for ARC Theatre Ensemble, November 1997, 14 pp.

[3] The Cultures of Racism in Football Project (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) End of Award Report to the Economic and Social Research Council, March 1997, 32 pp.


[2] Alive and Still Kicking: Let’s Kick Racism-Respect All Fans Campaign (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) Report to Advisory Group Against Racism and Intimidation, October 1996, 64 pp.



[1] The Politics of Race and Social Change in Birmingham: 1960-1990 (with Les Back) End of Award Report to the Economic and Social Research Council, July 1992, 38 pp.


Research Papers


[12] Migration, Citizenship and Globalisation: A Comparison of Trends in European Societies (with Liza Schuster) Social Science Research Papers No 12, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, South Bank University, pp. 26


[11] Lions, Black Skins and Reggae Gyals: Race, Nation and Identity in Football (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) Critical Urban Studies: Occasional Papers, Goldsmiths College, Centre for Urban and Community Research, pp. 34


[10] Making the Race, Stating the Case: Thinking About Racism, Identity and Social Change, Inaugural Lecture, University of Southampton, January 1996, pp. 27


[9] The Politics of Cypriot Migration to Britain (with Stephen Woodhams) Research Papers No. 4, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College, August 1993, pp. 46


[8] Who Represents Us? Racialised Politics and Candidate Selection (with Les Back), Research Papers No 3, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College, May 1992, pp. 54


[7] The Politics of Race and Social Change in Birmingham: Historical Patterns and Contemporary Trends (with Les Back) Research Papers No 1, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College, pp. 40


[6] Housing, Racial Equality and Local Politics: Policy Making in a Changing Context (with Gurharpal Singh) Policy Papers in Ethnic Relations No. 19, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, pp. 21


[5] Race Relations Research and Social Policy: A Critical Analysis of Academic Discourse and Political Language Policy Papers in Ethnic Relations No. 18, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, pp. 16


[4] From Equal Opportunity to Anti-Racism: Racial Inequality and the Limits of Reform Policy Papers in Ethnic Relations No. 17, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, pp. 21


[3] Riots, Urban Protest and Social Policy: The Interplay of Reform and Social Control Policy Papers in Ethnic Relations No.7, CRER, University of Warwick, pp. 44


[2] The Employment of Migrant Labour in Britain: A Select Bibliography Bibliography No. 2, CRER, University of Warwick pp. 39 (with Annie Phizacklea)


[1] The Politics of Black Youth Unemployment: A Critical Analysis of Official Ideologies and Policies Working Papers on Ethnic Relations No 20, CRER, University of Warwick, pp. 23


Other Articles


[7] ‘Rethinking Multiculturalism, Citizenship and Nationalism’ Contemporary Politics 9, 3, 2003: 331-37


[6] ‘Challenge of Unrest Brings Out Labour’s True Colours’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith and Kalbir Shukra) The Higher, 14 June 2002, 22-23


[5] ‘Racism: The Enemy Within’ (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) Goal, 20, 1997, 8-9


[4] ‘Campaign Trail: Racism and Football’ (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe) When Saturday Comes, No 118, December 1996, 16-17


[3] ‘Young Blacks, the Labour Market and Social Policy’ (with John Wrench, Mark Johnson and Malcolm Cross) ESRC Newsletter, 61, November 1987, 21-22

[2] ‘What Causes Rioting?’ (with John Benyon) Police Review, 9 October 1987, 2016-17

[1] ‘Inequality Streets’ (with John Benyon) Times Higher Educational Supplement, 28 August 1987


Book Reviews

I have published more than 170 academic book reviews in journals and magazines. These reviews have covered some of the key books in my own fields of scholarship and research. They include reviews in the following journals:


American Journal of Sociology

British Journal of Sociology

Capital & Class

Contemporary Sociology

Critical Social Policy

Ethnic and Racial Studies

European Journal of Intercultural Studies

The Higher

Immigrants and Minorities

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

International Affairs

International Migration

Local Government Studies


Nations and Nationalism

New Community

Patterns of Prejudice

Political Quarterly

Political Studies

Sociological Research Online

Sociological Review


Work, Employment and Society


Major Conference Papers


[90] ‘Conceptualizing 21st Century Racisms’ University of Portsmouth, 8 January


[89] ‘Race, Racism, and Social Research: Between Social Science and Policy’ Plenary Session at Conference on Evolving Understandings of Racism and Resistance: Local and Global Conceptions and Struggles, University of East London, 1 May


[88] ‘Teaching Race, Ethnicity and Racism: Education, Politics and Practice’ Seminar on Communicating Migration, Bergen, 23rd October

[87] Participant in The British Academy Debates, ‘Immigration’, Birmingham, REP Theatre, 24 September

[86] ‘Migration Research and Race and Racism’ Paper presented at Decade of Migration, COMPAS International Conference, Merton College, Oxford 21-22 February

[85] ‘Rethinking Race, Racism and Ethnicity: Shifting Research and Political Agendas’ Paper presented at Conference on Mapping the Field: Contemporary Theories of Race, Racism and Ethnicity, Newman University, 31st January


[84] ‘Racism, Migration and Multiculture: A Crisis of Integration in Contemporary Europe’ Plenary Presentation at ESRC Conference, Whose Security? Migration-(In)security Dilemmas Ten Years after 9/11, University of Warwick, 7-8 March


[83] ‘Racism, Migration and Multiculturalism: A Crisis of Integration in Contemporary Europe’ Plenary Presentation at Conference on Implications of the Eurozone Crisis for Perceptions, Politics and Policies of Migration, Malmo Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, 29-30 November

[82] ‘Community, Social Cohesion and Diversity’ Presentation at Living Multiculture: The New Geographies of Ethnicity and the Changing


Formations of Multiculture in England, Open University, London, 3 October


[81] ‘Migration, Race and Social Cohesion: Shifting Perspectives in British Society’ Paper presented at Conference on Fear and Anxiety over National Identity: Contrasting North American and European Experiences and Public Debates on Immigrant and Second Generation Integration, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 9-10 December

[80] ‘After the Riots: Musings, Analysis and Research Agendas’ Paper presented at conference on UK Riots: Civic Responses and Sociological Perspectives, BSA Social Theory Group, Birmingham, 15 October

[79] ‘Race, Rumours and Riots: Past, Present and Future’ Paper presented at conference on The Riots of Summer 2011: Causes, Calamities and Consequences, Academy of Social Sciences, London, 13 October

[78] ‘Thinking about Race and Racism in a Global Context’ Closing Plenary Session at 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Geneva, 7-10 September

[77] ‘From the Old to the New: Contemporary Expressions of Racism in Perspective’ Paper presented at Conference on Patterns of Exclusion in the 20th and 21st Centuries? Racism, Antisemitism and Islamophobia in Europe, University of Fribourg, 16-18 May

[76] ‘Shifting Research Agendas on Race, Ethnicity and Racism’ Paper presented at Centre d’Etudes de l’Ethnicité et des Migrations, Université de Liège, 24 March


[75] ‘Changing Forms of Minority Political Participation’ Paper presented at ESRC Seminar on The Political Representation of Ethnic Minorities in the UK in Comparative Perspective, University of Manchester, 20 September

[74] ‘Social Movements of Irregular Migrants: Rights, Recognition and Citizenship’ (with Milena Chimienti) Paper presented at XVII World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-17 July

[73] ‘Contemporary Forms of Racist Movements and Mobilisation’, Paper presented at Symposium on Confronting Rightwing Populist Movements in the European Union, 3-5 June, Örebro University

[72] ‘Migration, Race and Social Cohesion’ (with Liza Schuster) Paper


presented at Sub Plenary Event, BSA Annual Conference, Glasgow Caledonian University, 7-9 April


[71] ‘Migration, Race and Social Cohesion’ Paper for Seminar on Social Cohesion and the Prevention of Violent Extremism: Contradictory Policies? Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, 10-11 September

[70] ‘Irregular Migrants, Recognition and Migrant Organisation: Challenges Confronting European Societies’ (with Milena Chimienti) Paper for Workshop on Globalization, Migration and Precarious Labour, Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society, Linköping University, Sweden, 14-15 May

[69] ‘Theorising Race, Ethnicity and Racialisation: Changing Research Agendas’ Paper for Seminar of Racialisation in Question: National Constructions and Transnational Circulations, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1 April

[68] ‘Thinking About Race and Racism in a Global Context’ Paper for Conference on Still Two Nations? The Resiliency of the Color Line, Duke University, 19-21 March


[67] ‘Race, Ethnicity and Racism: Debates in British Sociology’ Paper for 1st Annual Brazil/Britain Meeting in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Debating Difference in Contemporary Society, British Academy, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5-7 November

[66] ‘Multiculturalism, Racism and Citizenship: Conceptual, Policy and Political Dilemmas’ Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, 30th January


[65] ‘Teaching Race and Ethnicity: Education, Politics and Practice’ Paper to C-SAP Conference on Teaching Race, Birmingham, 28th September

[64] ‘Multiculturalism, Racism and Citizenship’ Inaugural Lecture to celebrate the founding of the Identity, Citizenship and Migration Centre, University of Nottingham, 8th May


[63] ‘Racialisation, Politics and Multiculturalism in Contemporary Britain’ University of Gothenburg, 22nd November


[62] ‘Perspectives on Swedish IMER Research’ Plenary Speaker at IMER Conference, University of Gothenburg, 22nd-24th November


[61] ‘Race, Community and Multicultural Politics in Contemporary Britain’, Paper for Conference on Ethnicity and Culture in the Global City, University of Birmingham, 25th-26th July

[60] ‘The Present and Future of British Sociology’, Panel discussion at LSE Sociology’s One-Hundredth Anniversary Celebration Conference, 13th May

[59] ‘Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Capital: A Critical Review’ (with Pauline Cheong, Rosalind Edwards and Harry Goulbourne), Paper for Whither Social Capital? International Conference at London South Bank University, 6th-7th April


[58] ‘Multiculturalism, Racism and Citizenship: Conceptual, Policy and Political Dilemmas’, Paper for Racist Futures Conference, BSA Race and Ethnicity Study Group, University of Leeds, 10th September

[57] ‘Race, Community and Multicultural Politics in Contemporary Britain’, World Congress on Human Movements and Immigration: A Challenge for the 21st Century, Barcelona, 2nd-5th September

[56] Panel Member for Session on ‘Challenges of National Unity and Diversity’, Launch Conference for ESRC Centre on Migration, Policy and Society on ‘The Changing Contexts of Migration’, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 5th-6th July

[55] ‘Race, Immigration and Politics in Britain: Changing Policy agendas and Conceptual Paradigms 1940s-2000s’ (with Stephen Small), Workshop on Cultures of Scholarship and Public Policy on Immigrants and Minorities, Maison de Sciences de L’Homme, Paris, 18th-19th June

[54] ‘Race and Ethnicity: Social Exclusion and Sustainable Communities’, Seminar for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, London 20th January


[53] Chair of Panel on ‘Institutional Racism to Institutional Change?’ Conference on ‘The Duty to Promote Race Equality in Central Government’, Sponsored by the Home Office and the Commission for Racial Equality, London, 10th July


[52] ‘Race and Racialisation: Changing Research Agendas’, Paper presented at Conference on Jews and Racialisation in Britain, Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 1st July

[51] ‘Race, Ethnicity and Social Capital’, Discussant to Robert Putnam, British Academy, 24th June

[50] ‘Race, Multiculturalism and the State’, Panel of the Political Studies Association, University of Leicester, 15th-17th April


[49] ‘Changing Research Agendas on Race and Ethnicity’, Paper presented at Conference on Race, Racism, Ethnicity: Changing Research Agendas’, Goldsmiths College, 23rd November

[48] ‘Race, Community and Multicultural Politics: Local and National Forms of Political Mobilisation’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra), Paper presented to Plenary Panel of the BSA Annual Conference, University of Leicester, 27th-29th March


[47] ‘The Transitional Sphere in Britain’s Ethnic Minority Political Movement’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra), Paper presented at Conference on Alternative Futures and Popular Protest, Manchester Metropolitan University, 17th-19th April

[46] ‘Democratic Governance and Ethnic Minority Political Participation in Contemporary Britain’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra), Paper presented at Conference Organised by the ESRC Democracy and Political Participation Programme, University of Manchester, 22nd March


[45] ‘Islam and the New Political Landscape of Contemporary East London’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra), Paper presented at Conference on Religion and Politics, University of Oxford, 20th September

[44] ‘Race, Community and Multicultural Politics: Local and National Forms of Political Mobilisation’ (with Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan and Kalbir Shukra), Paper presented at Conference on Explaining Changes in Migration Policies: Debates from Different Perspectives, University of Geneva, 20th-21st October

[43] ‘Hate Speech, Violence and Changing Expressions of Racism’ (with Liza Schuster), Paper presented at the Conference on New


Manifestations of Racism in 21st Century Europe: Threats and Responses, Ghent, 10th-12th April


[42] ‘Rights and Wrongs across European Borders: Migrants, Minorities and Citizenship’ (with Liza Schuster), Paper presented at 4th European Sociological Association Conference. ‘Will Europe Work?’, Amsterdam, 18th-21st September

[41] ‘Citizenship, Migration and Ethnicity: Some Conceptual and Methodological Problems’ (with Liza Schuster), Paper presented at Conference on Rethinking Citizenship: Critical Perspectives for the 21st Century, University of Leeds, 29th-30th June


[40] ‘Citizenship, Multiculturalism and the Politics of Identity: Contemporary Dilemmas and Policy Agendas’ (with Liza Schuster), Paper presented at Conference on Immigration, Citizenship and Xenophobia in Europe: Comparative Perspectives, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, 13th-16th November

[39] ‘Race, Racism and Ethnic Conflict in the Next Century’, Wiener Library and Institute of Contemporary History, 11th November

[38] ‘Rethinking the Politics of Race: Participation, Representation and Identity in Birmingham’ (with Les Back), Paper presented at Conference on Migrants and Minorities in European Cities: The Dynamics of Social Integration and Social Exclusion at the Neighbourhood Level, Liège, Belgium, 6th-8th November


[37] ‘Cultural Expressions of Racism and Anti-Semitism: Researching Contemporary Trends and Processes’ (with Les Back and Michael Keith), Paper presented at Conference on Tolerance and Intolerance, University of Southampton, 10th-12th September

[36] ‘Racism in Football: Patterns of Continuity and Change’ (with Les Back and Tim Crabbe), Paper presented at Conference on Fanatics! Football and Popular Culture in Europe, Manchester Metropolitan University, 11th-13th June


[35] ‘The New Modalities of Racist Culture: Technology, Race and Neo-Fascism in a Digital Age’ (with Les Back and Michael Keith), Paper presented at Conference on Brotherhoods of Nation and Race: The


Emergence of a Violent Euro-American Racist Subculture and the Creation of a New Ethnic Identity, New Orleans, 9th-12th December

[34] ‘Conceptualising Race, Identity and Hybridity’ (with Les Back), Paper presented at 2nd Theory, Culture & Society Conference, Berlin, 10th-14th August

[33] ‘Race, Identity and Hybridity’, Paper presented at Commission for Racial Equality Seminar on Constructing and Deconstructing Black Identity, London, 29th March

[32] ‘Race, Equality and Public Policy’, Paper presented at Fulbright Colloquium on The Quest for Equality: Race and Racism in America and Britain, Institute of United States Studies, University of London, 27th-28th March


[31] ‘The Politics of Citizenship and Nationality in European Perspective’, Paper presented at the XIII World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Bielefeld, 18th-23rd July

[30] ‘Politics, Representation and Identity: Processes of Mobilisation and Social Change in Birmingham’ (with Les Back), Paper presented at Conference on Migration, Social Exclusion and the European City, University of Utrecht, 14th-16th April


[29] ‘Race and Political Action: A Comparison of Some Theoretical Perspectives’ (with Les Back), Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, University of Leicester, 20th-22nd April

[28] ‘Race and Ethnic Relations in Contemporary Social Theory’, Paper presented to the Presidential Symposium on Developments in Sociology, Annual Conference of the BSA, University of Essex, 5th-8th April


[27] ‘Rethinking Equal Opportunities’ (with Les Back), Paper presented at Rowntree Symposium on Exchange of Experience Across Welfare Sectors, Birmingham University, 19th-20th November

[26] ‘Race and Racism in Social Theory’ (with Les Back), Paper presented at Conference on Social Order in Post Classical Sociology, University of Bristol, 8th-10th September



[25] ‘The Political Process and Race in Birmingham: Continuities and Discontinuities’ (with Les Back), Paper presented at Eighth Urban Change and Conflict Conference, Lancaster University, 13th-16th September

[24] ‘Who Represents Us? The Racial Politics of Candidate Selection in Birmingham and Cheltenham’ (with Les Back), Paper presented at Conference on Elections, Parties and Public Opinion in Britain, Worcester College, Oxford, 28th-29th September

[23] ‘Black Politics and Social Change in Birmingham’ (with Les Back), Paper presented at Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Lancaster University, 15th-17th April


[22] ‘Political Language and Racial Discourse’, Paper presented at Conference on Racism and Migration in Europe, Hamburg, 27th-30th September

[21] ‘The Politics of Race and Social Change in Birmingham’ (with Les Back), Paper presented at conference on The Social Construction of Racial Minorities, University of Leiden, 13th-14th September

[20] ‘Racial Inequality and Public Policy: Continuity and Change in Contemporary Britain’, Paper presented to the British Sociological Association Conference on Social Divisions and Social Change, University of Surrey, 2nd-5th April

[19] ‘Black Political Mobilisation and the Struggle for Equality’, Paper presented to Conference on Nationality and Citizenship in the UK, Paris, CNRS, 30th March


[18] ‘The Politics of Racial Equality and the Local State: Some Conceptual and Empirical Issues’, Paper presented at Conference on Racism and the Postmodern City, University of Warwick, 29th-31st March


[17] ‘The Formulation and Implementation of Race Equality Policies in Public Sector Housing: Two Case Studies in London’, Paper presented at Conference on Local Authorities and Racial Equality, University of Warwick, 24th-25th September


[16] Rapporteur for ‘Employment and Economic Policy’, Working


Group at Conference on New Expressions of Racism in Europe, organised by International Alert, Amsterdam, 19th-21st October

[15] ‘Black Politics and “The Enemy Within”: The Usages of Myths and Metaphors in Racial Discourse’, Paper presented to Conference on Black People and British Politics, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, 26th November


[14] ‘Political and Ideological Responses to the 1981 and 1985 Riots’, Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, Race Day School, 1st November

[13] ‘Political Language and Violent Protest’, Society for Caribbean Studies Annual Conference, Hoddesdon, 8th-10th July

[12] ‘The Politics of Racism and Migrant Labour in Great Britain’, Free University of Berlin, Faculty of Political Science, 9th June

[11] ‘Racism, Black Youth and the State in Britain: Official Ideologies and Forms of State Intervention’, International Symposium of the Association Francaise des Anthropologues on Towards the Pluricultural Society, Comparative Studies: The Situation in France and Other Experiences in the Pluricultural Societies, Paris, 9th-11th January


[10] ‘Racism, Class Formation and Economic Restructuring in the 1980s’, Paper presented to Conference on Racial Minorities, Economic Restructuring and Urban Decline, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, 18th-20th September

[9] ‘Racism, Urban Conflict and Industrial Restructuring: The Changing Context of Class Formation in the 1980s’, Paper presented to 5th Urban Change and Conflict Conference, University of Sussex, 16th-19th April

[8] ‘Racism, Political Action and the State in Contemporary Britain: Trends in Political Analysis’, Paper presented to Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, University of Manchester, 16th-18th April

[7] ‘The Social and Political Context of Black Youth Unemployment: A Decade of Policy Developments and the Limits of Reform’, Paper presented to 8th International Sociology of Education Conference, Youth, Unemployment and Schooling, Westhill College, 3rd-5th January


[6] ‘Training For What? Government Policies and the Politicisation of


Black Youth Unemployment’, Paper presented to Conference on Race and Politics in Britain, St Hugh’s College, Oxford, 28th-30th September

[5] ‘Problems, But Whose Problems? The Social Construction of Black Youth Unemployment and State Policies’, Paper presented to Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, University of Southampton, 3rd-5th April


[5] ‘The Politics of Anti-Discrimination in Employment: Planned Social Reform or Symbolic Politics?’, Paper presented to Conference on Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity in Employment, Birmingham, RUER, 15th-16th July


[4] ‘The Ideological and Policy Responses to the July 1981 Riots’, Paper presented to Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, University of Kent, Canterbury, 14th-16th April


[3] ‘Forms of State Intervention to Combat Youth Unemployment in Europe and the United States of America’, Paper presented to 3rd Workshop on the Transition from School to Work, Organised by the National Youth Bureau, Cardiff, 9th-10th July

[2] ‘Unemployed Black Youth and the Ideology of State Interventions’, Paper presented to 3rd Workshop on the Transition from School to Work, Organised by the National Youth Bureau, Cardiff, 9th-10th July


[1] ‘Unemployment and the Marginalisation of Migrant Workers in Britain: The Case of West Indian and Asian Youth’, Paper presented to European Science Foundation Workshop on Cultural Identity and Structural Marginalisation of Migrant Workers, Bochum, 10th-12th December

Occasional Seminars and Lectures

In addition to the papers and lectures listed above I have given occasional lectures or seminar papers based on my research and scholarship at the following Universities:


Amsterdam; Aston

Birmingham; Bradford; Bristol

Central England; Central Lancashire; City University London; Cologne

De Montfort


Free University Berlin

Ghent; Glasgow; Goldsmiths College; Greenwich


Institute of Education London

Kingston; Leicester

Leeds; Liege; London Guildhall;

London School of Economics; London South Bank; Loughborough

Malmo; Manchester; Middlesex


Olomouc; Oxford

Paris; Portsmouth

School of Advanced Urban Studies; Southampton; Southampton Institute; Surrey; Sussex; Swansea


Warwick; Westminster; Wolverhampton



If you need three referees the following are my preferred choices:

Professor David Theo Goldberg


University of California Humanities Research Institute

307 Administration, Irvine

CA 92697-3350


[email protected]

Professor Stuart Croft

Vice Chancellor

University of Warwick

[email protected]

Professor Michael Keith


Centre on Migration, Policy and Society

University of Oxford

58 Banbury Road

Oxford OX2 6QS

[email protected]


The following are also able to provide references for me and know my work well:

Professor Les Back

Dean of Graduate School

Department of Sociology

Goldsmiths College

[email protected]

Professor Martin Bulmer

Emeritus Professor

Department of Sociology

University of Surrey


Surrey GU2 5XH

[email protected]

Professor Stephen Castles

Research Professor of Sociology

School of Social and Political Sciences

University of Sydney

NSW 2006, Australia

Tel. +61-2-9351 2641; Fax +61-2-9036 9380

[email protected]

Professor Patricia Hill Collins

Department of Sociology

University of Maryland

2112 Art-Sociology Building #146

College Park, MD 20742-1315


[email protected]

Professor Paul Gilroy

Professor of American and English Literature

King’s College London

[email protected]

Professor Satnam Virdee

Department of Sociology

University of Glasgow

[email protected]

Professor Michel Wieviorka

EHESS, Paris

[email protected]

Professor Howard Winant


University of California Centre for New Racial Studies

[email protected]