Download - SolidWorks Session 4 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Dr. Behnam Moetakef Imani.


SolidWorks Session 4Ferdowsi University of MashhadDr. Behnam Moetakef Imani

Fillet : Types of Fillet

Fillet Type : Constant Radius

Constant radius . Creates fillets that have a constant radius for the entire length of the fillet.

set the PropertyManager options to create these fillet types:

a.Multiple radius fillets       

•Round corner fillets.

•Setback fillets

Multiple Radius Fillets

Creates fillets that have different radius values

Round Corner Fillet

Creates a smooth transition where fillet edges meet

Setback Fillets

Defines a setback distance from a vertex at which the fillets start to blend

Fillet Type : Variable Radius

Creates a fillet with variable radii values

Fillet Type : Variable Radius Control Points

You can manipulate and assign radius values to the control points between the vertices of a variable radius fillet

Fillet Type : Face Fillet

Blends non-adjacent, non-continuous faces

Face Fillet Hold Lines

An edge on the part or a projected split line on a face as a boundary that determines the face fillet shape

Face Fillet with Constant Width

Creates a fillet with a constant width

Fillet Type : Full Round Fillet

Creates fillets that are tangent to three adjacent faces sets( with one or more faces tangent)

Fillet Property Manager : Tangent Propagation

Extends the fillet to all faces that are tangent to the selected face


• Overflow Type• Default. The system chooses one of the following options, depending on the

geometry conditions )convexity of edges being filleted and the adjacent edges, and so on(.

• Keep edge. Maintains the integrity of adjacent linear edges. However, the fillet surface is broken into separate surfaces, and in many cases the top edge of the fillet may have a dip in it.

• Keep surface. Uses the adjacent surface to trim the fillet. As a result, the fillet edge is continuous and smooth, but the adjacent edge is disturbed.


• Select Loop

To select a loop:

1- On a part, right-click an edge and choose Select Loop. A loop is selected on one face. A handle displays the direction of the loop.

2- To change the loop selection to the edges of the other connecting face, click the handle.

3- To select a loop on a face:

Select a face. Hold Ctrl and select an edge of a loop. The complete loop is selected.