Download - Solar System


Last week we worked on the Solar System. We discovered important information about this topic.The Solar System is a planetary system of the Milky Way galaxy. It consists of a single star called the Sun which gives its name to this system, eight planets, moons, asteroids, comets, dust and gas. The planets, asteroids and comets travel around the Sun, the centre of our Solar System.The names of the planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun.Venus is also known as the morning star.We live on the Earth. This is the only planet where there is life. There is a moon around the Earth. Mars is the red planet.Jupiter is biggest planet.Saturn has got a ring around it.Uranus is very cold and was the first planet discovered using a telescope.Neptune has got eight moons and it is blue.Every student prefers a different planet but we agree on an important idea: we must take care of the Earth!

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