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Sun Flames

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Solar Sun Flames

Photovoltaic Cells 3by P. Anna Paddon


Photovoltaic Cells: Electricity From The Sun

Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Electricity From The Sun

First Page:

Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Electricity From The Sun

Photovoltaic Solar Electricity From The Sun

Photovoltaic cells are used to make electricity from sunlight. They are sometimes called solar cells.Photovoltaic cells (PV) generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. They were developed for use in space to provide power for satellites. The Russian Sputnik 3 satellite in 1957 was the first to use solar power.Early solar cells were used to provide power in remote locations where other power (e.g. mains electricity) was not available. Uses included power for remote telephones, water pumps, lighting and small consumer electronics like watches and calculators.Home solar cells can be used with mains electricity to provide household electricity and pump surplus power back into the electricity grid.Solar power is also used by electricity generators to produce renewable energy.Electricity from solar power is an environmentally friendly alternative to electricity produced by other sources, such as coal, that produce greenhouse gases.----Household solar power

How do PV cells work?

Photovoltaic solar investigations:

Investigation 1: Solar cells - how much solar? Investigation 2: Solar cells - solar search Learn about: Passive solar, Thermal solar
* DC = Direct current is a continuous, consistent flow of current (electrons) in one direction.
* AC = Alternating current where both the direction and amount of current varies cyclically.

Second Page:

Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Electricity From The Sun

Closed loop thermochemical energy storage system using ammonia . If solar energy is to become a major contributor to our energy supply, means to store it have to be found. One promising method is closed loop thermochemical energy storage using ammonia.

Photovoltaic Solar Electricity From The Sun

Photovoltaic cells ----Household solar power

How do PV cells work?

What is watt (W)?

A W is a measurement of energy used. Electricity consumption is measured in watt-hours (Wh) and more typically kilowatt-hours (kWh).A simple example is a 100W light globe. This means it uses 100 joules (J) per second. To power the light for one hour would require 100Wh of electricity or 0.1kWh of electricity.* DC = Direct current is a continuous, consistent flow of current (electrons) in one direction.
* AC = Alternating current where both the direction and amount of current varies cyclically.

Third Page:

Household Solar Power

There are three components in a household solar power system.Solar panels are flat panels of solar cells usually located on the roof and face towards the sun Inverter converts the DC (direct current)* current from the cells to AC (alternating current)* the type of current used in homes. Some inverters have a display that shows how much power is being generated from the solar panels Two-way electricity meter allows surplus power from the solar cells to be directed into the electricity grid for other consumers to use. The value of the surplus power is credited to the household electricity account.

Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Electricity From The Sun

EXCELLANT. This video LINK provides a clear explanation of how a swimming pool can be heated with solar energy.

Trough systems collect the sun's energy using long rectangular, parabolic mirror collectors. The trough field consists of a large array of these modular collectors. Many parallel rows of collectors span across the solar field, normally aligned on a north south axis. The mirrors mechanically rotate and follow the sun east to west, focusing sunlight on receiver tubes that run the length of the mirrors. The receiver tubes are positioned along the focal line of each parabolic mirror. The reflected condensed sunlight is very intense and heats a fluid flowing through the tubes to a very high temperature (about 550 degrees Celsius or 1020 degrees Fahrenheit). The very hot fluid is then used to heat water to create steam for a conventional steam turbine generator to produce electricity. The receiver tube is heated by the reflected sun's rays which in turn heats up a transfer fluid as it circulates through the tubes. The receiver tube is a stainless steel tube with a special sunlight absorbing surface and is mounted inside an anti-reflective outer glass tube with a vacuum separating the two tubes. Originally a special type of oil, called therminol, was used as the transfer fluid. Today, new designs are using a molten salt compound as the transfer fluid. The molten salt is a mixture of 60 percent sodium nitrate and 40 percent potassium nitrate, commonly called saltpeter. The molten salt can achieve a higher temperature and hold heat longer than the therminol. However, the molten salt must be kept at a temperature of about 290 degrees Celsius to keep it fluid as

Fourth Page:

Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Electricity From The Sun

Assessment of photovoltaics potential in urban areas using GIS aroslav Hofierka, Jn Kauk Department of Geography and Regional Development, University of Presov, Slovakia

Abstract: This study shows how the potential of photovoltaic (PV) electricity production can be assessed using a 3-D city model and geographic information system (GIS) technology. The 3-D city model of Bardejov (eastern Slovakia) has been prepared using existing map data and field work (laser mapping). The parameters related to solar radiation input of buildings have been mapped (building's height, type of roof, available area of the roof, slope, aspect, shadows, restriction on building cultural heritage) and implemented into a GIS database. The PV potential has been assessed using PVGIS web-based utility. Morphological zones of urban areas have been defined in order to evaluate the PV potential of various urban zones in Slovakia without a need for 3-D city models and time-consuming mapping and calculations for the other Slovak cities. The solar radiation model r.sun implemented in GRASS GIS has been applied on this 3-D city model to account for shadows potentially cast over roof areas. Expected further work: Development of a 3-D version of the r.sun solar radiation model implemented in GRASS GIS to account for facades and temporal changes in shadows. A complete 3-D city model will be prepared (including trees, inhabitants and power-consumption statistics). A comparison of PV and heating/cooling application.

Fifth Page:

Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Electricity From The Sun

Typical Features Of Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Eaves (where the roof overhangs to provide shade) to keep summer sun out but let winter sun in North facing windows to maximise solar gain in the winter Insulation (especially in roofing) to reduce heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer Heating, Cooling, Ventilation and Electrical Systems

Heating, Cooling, Ventilation and Electrical SystemsB Co-Generator Unit
Provides heat (and electricity) when passive solar heat or photovoltaic (PV) generated electricity is insufficient.K Solar Photovoltaic Panels
Provides approx. 80% of electrical requirements.L Batteries
Sufficient electrical energy storage for 4 days without sunshine.

Sixth Page:

How do PV cells work?

Electrons in the solar cells are activated by the suns radiation, which produces an electrical current. During daylight, even under cloud cover, the solar cells will produce some current. More sun means more current. Without the sun, solar cells cannot produce current, for instance at night.Solar panels are described by their maximum current output under standard test conditions (STC). A typical solar panel of 1.4 metres square will produce 160 watts (W) in full sunshine. Cloudy skies or high air pollution will reduce this output significantly.

Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Electricity From The Sun

Electronic Projects CircuitsEasy Electronics Circuit Project for Students and Hobbyist

Seventh Page:

Investigation Investigation 1: Solar Cells-How Much SolarTask : What is watt (W)?A W is a measurement of energy used. Electricity consumption is measured in watt-hours (Wh) and more typically kilowatt-hours (kWh).A simple example is a 100W light globe. This means it uses 100 joules (J) per second. To power the light for one hour would require 100Wh of electricity or 0.1kWh of electricity.Photovoltaic solar investigations:

Investigation 1: Solar cells - how much solar? Investigation 2: Solar cells - solar searchWhat you need-Step 1- Record . Step 2- Record Step 3 - Record Step 4- RecordStep 5

Warmest spot

Coolest spot


In Class 1. Discuss findings.2. Create a list of everybodys results.3. Discuss why the findings are the same or different.

Photovoltaic Solar Cells Investigations:

Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Electricity From The Sun

Eighth Page:


Passive Solar Investigations:

Investigation Investigation 2 Solar Cells-Solar Search



Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Electricity From The Sun


In Class Discuss Solar Eclipse Australia What Happens to Solar Energy? Create Findings

Australian GlossaryLook Up: Customer churn Mass market energy customers switching suppliers.

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Photovoltaic Cells: Electricity From The Sun

Thank YouSolar - Renewable Sustainable EnegyPhotovoltaic Solar Cells Electricity From The SunElect.P. Anna PaddonMLA-Cowichan/Crofton MAY 14 2013BC Provincial Election09-16-2012

Solar Sun Flames

Photovoltaic Cells 3by P. Anna Paddon


Solar Sun Flames Thermal Solar 1 P. Anna Paddon 09-16/17-2012 ppt.Solar Sun Flames Passive Solar 2 P. Anna Paddon 09-17/18-2012 ppt.Solar Sun Flames Photovoltaic Cells 3 P. Anna Paddon 09-18-2012 ppt.

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