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Page 1: Solar BoS BoP Usa 09

SOLAR BALAnce Of PLAntS & BALAnce Of SyStemS cOnfeRence & exPO

Are you serious about BoS & BoP? 6 excellent reasons why you must attend this event!

the best speakers... and the most incredible networking opportunities

CSP • CPV • Thin Film • PV

Over 150 industry experts set to attend

20+ Industry Experts Speaking!

BoS/BoP focused Exhibition Hall

Over 20 hours of networking and business building opportunities

Top case studies from US & international solar projects

Panel sessions, discussion groups, key note speakers

The FiRST eVeR inTeRnATiOnAl BOS/ BOP leAD eVenT

•Crucialcostcutsforsolarplants: Discover what you can do to dramatically lower one of your biggest budget costs - Balance of Systems and Balance of Plant (BoS/BoP)

•LowerLCOEforlargescalesolar: Understand the full impact BoS/BoP has on the overall Levelised Cost Of Electricity (LCOE) of your plant

•Reallifelessons,realsolarsavings: Gain practical BoS/BoP advice and top tips from up-and-running solar plants that you can apply now and see savings straight away

•SolidBoS/BoPsolutionsforallsolar: Hear innovative case studies from integrators who have successfully reduced BoS/BoP costs for PV, Thin Film, CPV and CSP installations - both across Europe and the USA

•MaximumBoS/BoPforminimumpain: Uncover and compare the real costs of technological, design and construction decisions to optimize your solar plant efficiency

•LoselessfromtheSuntotheGrid: Minimize electrical losses throughout your whole solar plant and push the most power possible through your connection to the grid

•Costcutsthroughcoresolarcomponents: Get a heads up on the latest research and development in trackers, inverters, frames, cabling and more that will make a real difference to your BoS/BoP costs

OPEN NOW for the full summit agenda!

Oscar Pereles Astrom

Fernando Rueda Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas

Steve Horne SolFocus

Courtney McColgan Draper Fisher Jurvetson

José C Martín SENER

Jesse Tippett Albiasa Corporation

Paula Mints Navigant Consulting

Industry leaders speaking

“This conference tackles a major challenge - and

opportunity - to decrease solar lCOe and grow the market”Bob Conner, VP Photovoltaics,


look inside for

the full program!

Lacks Sampath ELLIPTIQ Energy Partners

Reduce Costs and Maximize Efficiency For Your Large Scale Solar Project – Master The Balance of Systems and Balance of Plants Strategies You Need

DecemBeR 3-4 2009, SAn DiegO

Save $300!

Register Today &

…the first & only Bos & BoP focused event this year… simply unmissable!

Media Partners




Page 2: Solar BoS BoP Usa 09

Improve Your Solar Project’s Balance of Systems/Balance of Plants - The Key You Need to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Solar Business...

6 gReAt ReASOnS tO AttenD






1THE BOS & BOP CONFERENCE & EXPO IN SAN DIEGO IS A UNIQUE EVENT FOR THE GLOBAL SOLAR INDUSTRYWe’re aware that there are other solar events out there, but there is nothing in the US that focuses exclusively on the specific business and technology challenges in Solar Balance of Plants and Balance of Systems. You will hear case studies from industry leading companies with firsthand experience of building, running and maintaining solar plants, but you will also get unique insights on emerging market opportunities.

PROJECT UPDATEAt no other event will you have the chance to hear from each of the companies with plants on the ground, and hear real experiences of planning, building and maintaining a solar plant.

INDEPENDENT FORUMNew Solar Today is an independent information provider. We are not here to sell you a particular idea, piece of research or vendor solution. That is why at the BoS & BoP Conference & Expo you’ll receive a well balanced, innovative and informative briefing to enable you to make the best decisions for your business.

EXPERT SPEAKERS, FRESH MATERIAL, INNOVATIVE THINKINGThe foremost experts in the industry who kick started solar projects and the companies who are doing it right now! And crucially, hear from the regulatory bodies, financiers and investors, whose decisions have the power to make or break your project.

BOS & BOP SOLUTIIONS EXHIBITION AREAMeet today’s leading solution providers as they take you through the latest cutting edge technologies to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase profits. Find out which products and services are the right fit for you and see demonstrations of the latest solutions in research and production – all under one roof.

OPEN DISCUSSIONS ON THE BIGGEST ISSUESWe are committed to showing both sides of the argument, and we are convinced that to achieve solutions, discussion is of the essence. For that reason, we have included panel sessions, speed networking, focus groups and over 20 hours of networking opportunities including a very special networking party on the evening of the first day.

BALAnce Of SyStemS/BALAnce Of PLAntS cAn nOw mAke uP tO 50% Of yOuR OveRALL PLAnt cOStS!

The holy grail of solar energy is to reach grid parity and beat our traditional energy sources. That’s why in the last few years solar research and development has focused on boosting efficiency and reducing prices. Today we are seeing real world cost reductions. This, combined with the fall in global demand for PV in 2008-2009, has led to a rapid crash in price for thin film and PV modules. The net result is that Balance of Systems/Balance of Plants (BoS/BoP) has become the critical cost factor in lowering your plant’s Levelized Cost Of Energy (LCOE). Improving your BoS/BoP is one of the fastest and smartest ways you can give your solar business a real competitive advantage.

even mORe tO gAin fROm BALAnce Of SyStemS/BALAnce Of PLAntS...

The cost cuts you will gain from improving your BoS/BoP planning and design are vital - but in addition improved BoS/BoP will also have a strong impact on your plant’s future monitoring, efficiency and operations & maintenance. Better BoS/BoP will improve the operation of your plant throughout it’s entire life cycle!

The Solar Balance of Systems & Balance of Plants Conference + Expo 2009 has been created to provide you with the exact information and leading strategies you need to master your BoS/BoP and unleash the full profit potential of your solar project.

wheRe tO StARt with BALAnce Of SyStemS/BALAnce Of PLAntS?

With EPC constructors often in control of the design and construction process, it can be difficult to determine how BoS/BoP costs can be reduced according to the location, solar resources, proximity to the grid and services and general characteristics of your plant. You find yourself facing a vast array of tough questions:

• Isitbesttotrackornottotrack?

• Howdoyouoptimizeself-shadowing?

• WhatisthebesttechnologyforyourparticularlocationaccordingtoDNI,windload,environmentalissues?

• IntermsofBoS,whichtechnologywilldeliverthemostoverallsavings?

Clearly, you can’t just flip a switch and see results, you need a plan, a road map to set you on your path to improved BoS/BoP - that is why you need to attend the solar industry’s only BoS/BoP focused event - The Solar Balance of Systems & Balance of Plants Conference + Expo 2009.

the SOLutiOnS yOu neeD tO gO LARge ScALe

The BoS/BoP conference is the very first event that covers everything you need to get a large scale plant up and running – other than the modules themselves.

This Conference + Expo will arm you with the knowledge you need to develop and design your project, choose the right suppliers, choose the right monitoring system and build an optimized operations and maintenance plan that will cover the lifetime of your plant - maximizing efficiency at minimum cost.

You will also benefit from:

• Incrediblecostreductionstrategiesforlargescale solar plants

• AnA-Zguidetominimizingelectricallossesthroughoutyour plant and grid connection

• Reallifelessonsandtoptipsfromtheintegratorswhoaredriving down BoS/BoP costs in projects around the globe

• In-depthanalysisofkeyPVplantcomponents-invertersand trackers, combiner boxes, transformers, cabling and more

• BestpracticeinsightsforCSPplants,coveringpowerblocks, turbines, heat exchangers and the latest in storage and dispatchability technology

Plus an unmissable look at the results of studies that compare different technologies BoS/BoP costs – such as thin film and PV. Mesirow Financial and Astrom will provide you with thought provoking data and fill you with inspiration by discussing their experiences working on hundreds of projects in PV, thin film, CPV and CSP.

Whether you are a CSP or a PV (including Thin Film & CPV) engineer or developer, this Conference + Expo is for you, with separate tracks dedicated to your technology so every second of the agenda is relevant to you and filled with information you need.

meet the tOP minDS AnD SuPPLieRS fROm AcROSS the SOLAR inDuStRy

Driven by the lowering of European feed-in tariffs European developers are paving the way at reducing BoS/BoP and so we are bringing you case studies from the companies in the region who are seeing the best results and can provide you with the knowledge of what works and what doesn’t - lessons you can start incorporating right away!

Our leading agenda is filled to the brim with the companies and industry leaders you need to hear from. From the world of PV you will hear from: Suntech America, EnXco, Prosolia, SolFocus, Albiasa Corporation and Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas.

From the world of CSP you get the chance to benefit from the experience of: SENER, Acciona, Abener, Tessera Solar, Nexant, Siemens and many others

In addition this Conference + Expo will feature the top solar suppliers you need to meet - both in the conference room and at our exclusive and intimate expo, giving you the chance to meet and connect with the partners you need to help you reduce your BoS/BoP costs and ramp up your plant’s efficiency. There is simply no easier or more time-efficient way to meet and forge the relationships you need than to attend the BoS/BoP Conference + Expo.

SecuRe yOuR LARge ScALe SOLAR futuRe - BOOk yOuR ticket tODAy

In San Diego this December 3 & 4 you have the chance to attend the world’s first event focused on BoS and BoP for the solar industry - The Solar Balance of Systems & Balance of Plants Conference + Expo 2009.

If you want your solar project to succeed long-term and to produce the most power for the lowest possible cost, you need to attend this event. It will be two of the most productive days you have ever spent working in solar.

Call now and receive a discount on your ticket and get in at the lowest possible cost

1 800 814 3459

Reserve Your Place Today - Call 1 800 814 3459

Page 3: Solar BoS BoP Usa 09

For The Latest Speaker Updates Visit

Look Who’s Talking... Check Out Our Expert Speaker Line Up!

The best speakers… And the most incredible

networking opportunities…

To see who else you will meet at this event - go to


1 CONNECTIONS - Only senior level decision makers from leading solar stakeholders will be in attendance at this premier investment and finance meeting point

2 FACTS - Solid, hard-hitting presentations filled with information you can’t get anywhere else and delivered by experienced experts

3 INSPIRATION - Take a fresh look at the most important common challenges in solar investment and finance through lively discussion with your fellow solar executives

4 PRACTICAL IDEAS - Only at the Solar Energy Investment and Finance Summit will you hear the best tips, strategies and practical knowledge that will help you successfully secure investment and finance for your projects

PlUs you will get free access to the conference presentation slides, free conference booklet, expert finance advice and much more!

Are you ready to meet with top industry executives, slash your BoS/BoP costs and reduce your overall LCOE?You don’t need me to tell you that as the Balance of Systems/Balance of Plants costs constitute up to 50% of a solar plant, bringing down BoS/BoP costs is key to reducing overall solar LCOE.

BoS/BoP is no longer an afterthought but is the key to ensuring that your project is a success. It is essential that you have a thorough understanding of where cost reductions can be made and where efficiency can be raised significantly for the success of your project. And it can be done!

But there are significant challenges still awaiting us and they need to be solved… fast!

What technology is best for your project? Do you track or mount? What is the best inverter for you? Is it worth partnering with an EPC or should you go it alone? What plant designs achieve higher efficiencies at cheaper cost? Now is the time that you need all the essential information, contacts and technology that will enable you to decide whether your plant is a success not. The Balance of Systems and Balance of Plants Conference & Expo is the platform you need!

Take a look at our agenda and you’ll see exactly what we mean. You’ll get information on the challenges I just mentioned plus vital cost reduction information, and exclusive case studies from those driving the industry forwards including ACS Cobra, Suntech America, SolFocus, EnXco, Aries Ingenieria y Sistemas, Tessera Solar, SENER and many more!

Over 4000 people have attended our global events in just the last 18 months, so you can be sure that you will connect with the people that will take your business to the next level. Nowhere else will you meet so many dedicated industry executives under one roof. It’s a hub of BoS/BoP knowledge!

We spoke to over 100 of your industry peers over 6 months to develop an innovative, segmented, information-rich agenda based on what the industry wants. You also told us who you wanted to hear from, so turn the page and you’ll see the world’s best top level experts speaking. Finally you told us about the exclusive case studies, cutting edge research and market intelligence you needed to know. Well, we got it for you! We’re convinced this will be the most valuable event you will attend in 2009!

New Solar Today’s track record is built on our proven ability to help you make better decisions to drive your business forward and stay ahead of the curve in the United States Solar Market. All this culminates in an unmissable event which will sell out – it does every time!

We are proud to say this is the United States’ first and only BoS/BoP focused event and provides unrivaled networking opportunities!

Make sure your competitors don’t get your seat – Reserve your place today!

We look forward to meeting you in San Diego this December.

Best Regards,

P.S. Visit for the latest speakers

Belén GallegoNew Solar Today

For the latest speaker line up go to


Solar Balance of Plants and Balance of Systems Conference & Expo

Page 4: Solar BoS BoP Usa 09

The Only Forum Dedicated Exclusively To BoS & BoPLeading industry Speakers

new for 2009! working group Discussions

Solar Industry 2010 – A Comprehensive Market Overview

•Analyzesolarmarketdevelopmentinthenext18months and ensure you have the keys to success secured in your business

•Hearhowthefluctuationofthesiliconmarketwillcontinue to affect prices right across solar energy and what you can do to plan for market upheaval

•Understandhowamajoroversupplyofpanelsissignificantly driving down costs and get the latest forecastsforthenext12-18months

•GetthelowdownonwhyaneffectiveBalanceof Systems is key to drastic cost reduction throughout your solar project

BoS and BoP: The Vital Element in Your Long Term Project SuccessThe Balance of Systems (BOS) portion of a solar system can account for up to 50% of the system cost, and its reliable operation is essential for a successful project. It is crucial that these costs are reduced sharply in order to bring down your Levelized Cost of Elecricity (LCOE). This session provides a thorough analysis of how and why BoS/BoP are so important and what your business needs straight away to benefit.

•Hearfromindustryexpertsonwhyyouneedtotake into consideration BoS / BoP and how it massively impacts your LCOE and overall project costs

•UnderstandhowcostsinBoS/BoPcanbedrivendown substantially to make big savings and efficiency gains for your project

•Takeastepbystepjourneyalongtheroadtosuccess for a solar project and understand how a proper analysis of your BoS / BoP costs at the beginning can guarantee that you make the right decisions for your plant as you proceed

•ThinFilm,PVorCPV?Learnhowtoaccuratelycalculate the optimum technology to apply to your plant from the BoS perspective

•Discoverthehugesavingsyoucanmakeatthedesign, component selection, and maintenance stages of your project, and how this will massively impact your bottom line

Europe and the US – A Unique BoS / BoP Comparative Analysis

•Reallifecasestudies:WhichlessonslearnedfromEuropean solar farm installations can be applied to the US, and how can you get your hands on thisvitalinformation?

•Understandthedifferencesbetweenthesetwomarkets and what makes some successful elements of European solar plants not applicable in the US and vice versa

•Ensureyougettheinformationyouneedtostayon the road to success in all your projects across the globe

Technical Case Studies: Delivering better BoS / BoP across CSP, CPV, PV and Thin Film

•Hearuniquecasestudiesfromindustryleadersinthedesign,construction and installation of their plants for maximum efficiency gains from a BoS and BoP perspective

•Identifythepitfallstoavoid,bestpracticeexamplestofollowandthechoices you need to make to ensure you increase efficiencies and reduce costs in all your plants


Cost vs Efficiency – A Guide to Success

•Getastepbystepguidetocalculatingandmodelingthecostsofyour plant and understand where savings can be made and how this will impact your efficiency


•Getanoverviewofthewarrantiesyouneedinplacefromcomponent manufacturers and EPCs to ensure due diligence and risk management standards are satisfied

The Inside Track on Efficiency Optimization

•Evaluatetheimpactofincreasingconversionefficiencyondecreasing costs, and understand the techniques that can be used to increase energy density

•Discussanddebatetheeffectsofincreasingsystemoperatingvoltage on cost reduction and get essential information on the tradeoff analysis of backtracking and partial shading

•Findoutwhybenchmarktesting,developmenttestingandacceptance testing are crucial to maintaining the effectiveness of your systems in the long term

Connecting to the Grid: Overcoming Electrical Efficiency Problems

•Whatisthebestwaytoconnectwithoutlosingvaluablepower?AvoidcostlyefficiencylossesbymaximizingO&Mininvertersandelectrical components

•Getmust-haveinformationonconnectingtothegrid,includingunderstanding the percentage of DC PV module efficiency in comparison to net AC system efficiency

•Effectivelyidentifytheelementsresponsibleforelectricallossesin your solar plant and take away a step by step guide on how to minimizethem

Designing Your Plant for Maximum Efficiency and Long Term ProfitsPlanning for long term success is absolutely vital to delivering a profitable solar plant. In this session we address the design challenges you face when building a successful solar plant, the challenges associated with scaling up and the avoidable pitfalls you need to overome

•Gettingstarted!Howtosecurelandandcontinuallyassesstheconsequences of choices of location, solar resources and geography

•Optimizethelayout,orientationandelectricalsysteminyourplant:Make the right decisions for substation, topography and health and safety issues and avoid costly mistakes

•BuildinBoSconsiderationsfromthestart.Whyearlyincorporationof best practice will pay dividends as your plant matures



Reserve Your Place Today - Call 1 800 814 3459

Senior Representative, ACS CobraJesse Tippett, Albiasa CorporationFernando Rueda, Aries Ingeniería y SistemasOscar Pereles, AstromCourtney McColgan, Draper Fisher JurvetsonJosé Gandía, ProsoliaChristopher Dymond, EnXcoLauren Hill, Mesirow FinancialPaula Mints, Navigant ConsultingShannon Moore, NexantLacks Sampath, ProsoliaJosé C Martin, SENERErik Bakke, SMASteve Horne, SolFocusGene Choi, Suntech AmericaRandy Etheridge, Tessera Solar

Solar industry leaders will be gathered in San Diego to work together to build a solar industry that achieves grid parity…and fast!

ThisyearNewSolarTodayhaveorganizedformal working group discussion moderated by industry leaders as we combine our collective thinking to address the challenges the industry faces.

Get involved, inspire and innovate!

You’ll be expected to get involved and put forward your opinions in these vitally important discussions that will form the basis of feedback sessions and post Summit papers.

Be part of the Solar BoS/BoP revolution! Register your place today and help drive the agenda on topics including:

•CASESCENARIO: A solar plant is to be built in a desertic site. What is the best technology for this site from the BoS/BoP perspectiveandwhy?ShouldyouworryaboutO&M?Howmuchwillenvironmentalassessment, transmission and staffing affect thecost?

•CASESCENARIO: A solar plant is to be built inaplotlimitedinsizeandveryclosetoa city center and transmission lines - How canyoumaximizethecost/efficiencyofyourplantforhigheroutput?Whatkindofhealthand safety and O&M measures should you putinplace?

•CASESCENARIO:A100MWCSPsolarplantneeds to be build in a desertic site with 7 hours storage - How do you manage water acquisition?WhatBoPmeasureswillmakethe storage facilities mostefficient?

Page 5: Solar BoS BoP Usa 09

Get Unique Insight From Leading Solar Companies

Choosing the Right CSP Technology for Your Plant

•Understandtheprosandconsofvarioustechnologies including parabolic troughs, central tower, multitower, dish stirling and Fresnel

•Discussthelatestdesign,installation,costandmaintenance issues and discover how each technology differs in terms of the BoS cycle

•Discoverwhichapplicationeachtechnologyisbest suited for and how you can make each achieve minimum LCOE

Engineering View of Thermal Storage – All You Need to Know

•Assessthefinancialcostandlong-termbenefitsof thermal storage, including solid media, liquid media and latent heat storage

•Hearbestpracticeforachievingmaximumefficiency from your storage capabilities and get a step by step guide for connection to the power block

•Toptipsinlessonslearnedfromdesigntoconstruction of storage: Understand how potential cost reductions can be achieved mid and long term

•Learnaboutthecostofstoragemediaindollarsper kilogram and reduce your cost whilst increasing efficiency!

Efficiency Gains for CSP through Combined Cycles and Direct Steam Generation

•AssessCombinedCycle(CC)andDirectSteamGeneration(DSG)andunderstandtheefficiencygains that can (and have!) been achieved

•HearwhatmakesagoodmatchforCCplantintegration with CSP and understand how CC can add to CSP plants during high demand periods

•DSGplantsvsHeatTransferFluids(HTF)–arethe promises of 20% cost reduction in electricity pricesthroughDSGreallypossible?

Top Tips in the Construction and Installation of Your CSP Plant

•Goingitalone?Shouldyoupartnerwithan EPCandhowisyourprojectimpactedfinancially?What is the cost of labor for solar plant development and where do you find qualifiedstaff?

•Takeastep-by-stepjourneyalongtheEPCroad to success, covering key points such as integrated project delivery, contracting models, the design process, site selection, piping, and equipment selection

•Understandthecomplicationsofalargescaleproject from the balance of plants perspective, overcoming hurdles in order to effectively manage your plant end-to-end

•Gettoptipsonhowtominimizeprojectpitfallsand delays that could cost you a fortune

Key Components for Maximizing Efficiency in CSP Power BlocksThis session address the specific and complex challenge of building a CSP power block including heat exchangers, turbine issues, thermal fluid and refrigerationfortheoptimizationofefficiency and reduction of heat losses.

•Exclusiveinsightonmovingthethermalenergy collected in the solar field to the power block with minimum efficiency losses

•Insidethepowerblock–youruniqueguide for increasing efficiency and minimizinglossesinthepowerblock

•Keycomponentssuchasheatexchangers, heat transfer fluid and turbines – how to engineer them together working for maximum efficiency

Significantly Reducing Your CSP Balance of Plants Cost

•TakeyourLCOEtothenextlevel!Hearhow scaling up a CSP plant is the best way to achieve significant cost BoS reductions

•Getrealsavingsfromraisingyouroperating temperature: Learn how increasing your plant temperature will directly impact your efficiency output

•Understandhowdifferenttechnologiesfrom troughs to towers represent different challenges when scaling up from the balance of plants perspective

Exclsuive Insight: Raising CSP Plant Temperature

•EvaluatetheRankinethermodynamiccycle, through wet heat rejection, dry heat rejection and hybrid heat rejection and gain a full understanding of the processes involved

•UnderstandhowtheefficiencyofaRankine Cycle is defined, in large part, by the pressure and the temperature of the steam both entering and leaving the turbine

•Learnhowcycleefficiencycanbeimproved either by raising the pressure and the temperature at the inlet to the turbine or decreasing the pressure and the temperature at the outlet and take valuable lessons away to apply to your project!

In the planning stage you identified the technologies that would work best for your business. Now we take a look at each technology, evaluate their costs and consider alternatives to ensure you make the right decisions.

Choosing the Right PV Solar Technology

•GetaninsightintothemostapplicablesolarPVtechnologyforyourplant based on your project characteristics, including PV, Thin Film and CPV

•Discussthelatestdesigns,costsandmaintenanceissuesanddiscoverhow each technology differs in terms of the BoS cycle


Unique Component Guide: Your a-Z for Pv, Thin Film & CPv

A solar plant is far more than just a module. Your component selection process is absolutely critical to the success of your plant long term. In this session we evaluate the main components of a solar plant and the critical factors you need to be aware of.

Cabling Optimization and Cost Reduction

•Discussthecostreductioncapacityincablingandconsidertheimpactof your cabling decisions for the long term electrical load management ofyourplant…Plus,findouthowtooptimizeyourcablingformaximum performance

•Understandwhatyouneedtoconsiderwhenplanningyourcabling;where do your junction boxes go, have you considered trench digging, andwhatisthecostofthis?

•Planahead!Avoidlossesintheelectricalsystemthroughcabling,goaway with a roadmap for improvement and enjoy maximum efficiency gains for your plant

Practical Solutions in Tracker Technology

•Hearhowtomaketherighttrackingdecisionsbasedonthetechnologyyouhaveselected.Andanalyzehowtrackingcanmaximizeyourcost/efficiency ratio

•Assesstheperformanceandreliabilityoftrackersandunderstandhowtrackers compare with stationary mounting structures

•Evaluatea2-axistrackerversusa1-axistrackerandtakeafirst-handlook at innovative tracker designs for high accuracy

Mounting Frames – What You Need to Know

•EnsureyoumakeinformeddecisionsinBoPplanningforsturdiness,stability and durability and understand how will mounting frames affect your cost efficiency/ratio

•Beprepared!Getthelatestondealingwithwindloads,extremeweather and issues of dust and dirt

•Frameinnovations:Assessthelatestlightweight,strongerframes which are easy to transport, quick to assemble on site and require minimum O&M

Improving Electrical Systems in Your Plants

•Whatistheelectricalsystemofaplantmadeupof?Understandhowbest to position junction boxes, string monitor units and fuses for maximum efficiency in your plant

•Hearfromexpertsonhowtocontroltheelectricalloadinaplantwithminimum efficiency losses

•Healthandsafetyissuesandenvironmentalissuesrelatedtohighvoltage electrical systems: Ensure that your plant complies with the regulations to avoid costly errors later down the line

TRaCK TWO - CSP Technologies

For The Latest Speaker Updates Visit

TRaCK ONe – Pv Technologies

Page 6: Solar BoS BoP Usa 09

Solar BoS & BoP Exhibition Zone: Get your products seen by the right people!

The Solar Balance of Systems & Balance of Plants Conference & Expo offers an excellent range of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities to suit every need and budget. We can literally tailor make a sponsorship package to your needs meaning that you speak, build your brand or organize meetings with the leading figures in the solar space.

Do not miss out on this unrivalled opportunity to do business and secure sales from the solar industry!

Where can I find new customers for my solar products and services?

Which emerging challenges will offer my business lucrative opportunities going forward?

Which partnerships will allow me to take my solutions into new markets and add significantly to my bottom line?

Well, ask no more! Secure a sponsorship or exhibition package at the Solar Balance of Systems & Balance of Plants Conference & Expo and you’ll get be guaranteed to meet and do business with over 150 solar industry leaders who need your solutions and services!

solution and service providers… ever find yourself

asking these questions?

Contact Jim Cohen today: (+1) 917 270 4603 or [email protected]

Opportunities available include

• 1to1meetingswithkeydecision makers

• Takeaspeakingslotandaddress 150 industry leaders

• Showoffyourlatestproductsand services in the exhibition hall

• Buildyourbrandwithexclusivepromotional opportunities

• Hostinteractiveworkshopswithcore clients and prospects

And much more!

Limited Opportunities! Secure your space today to ensure you fill your sales book for the next 18 months!

networking Drinks Party

who has Attended Our Previous Solar events?

ABB Robotics

Air Liquide Electronics

Air Products

Albiasa Corporation

ALSTOM Power Systems

Applied Materials


Caerus Systems

CIS Solar

Clairvoyant Energy

Dow Corning

DPR Construction

DuPont Company

EM2 Associates

Ernst & Young

FTL Solar

Fuji Electric Device

Technology America


Builders, Inc.

Heliovolt Corporation

i2S LineScan Imaging



Linde Electronics

LPKF SolarQuipment GmbH

Lux Research

Mitsubishi International

Moser Baer PhotoVoltaic

Mugla University



Abengoa Solar

Acciona Solar Power

ACS Cobra


Bosch Rexroth

BP Alternative Energy

BrightSource Energy

Chevron Energy Solutions



German Aerospace Center

MAN Ferrostaal

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Patriot Solar Group



Sharp Solar



SkyPower Corp.


Solar Millennium



Southern California Edison


World Bank







veRy LimiteD SPAce AvAiLABLe...

contact us now to secure your spot!

Check for updates!

New Solar Today´s Summit´s in Europe and the United States have surpassed expectations and attracted over 4000 industry professionals. See below for a snapshot companies that attend our events:For more information on who you will meet at the Solar Balance of Systems & Balance of Plants Conference & Expo please visit

Last year’s conference was very productive as in just 3 days I could contact

key decision makers of all players in the value chain. Great opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in technical

ground as well as on regulatory standards. Looking forward to the next event


The conference provided the perfect venue for those who are serious about the solar industry

menA Cleantech

New Solar Today conferences allowed me to gain quickly and spontaneously a good knowledge of these niche markets, and establish a dialogue with relevant

stakeholders. For my work, these conferences are an obligatory stopover

leornardo energy

We had a wonderful response as a result of participating in the San Francisco event


I really enjoyed the conference and got a lot out of it. I commend

you on a job very well done

US Digital

With over 150 people from the solar industry in attendance you’ll want to meet and do business with everyone you need to. That’s why we have organised the BoS/BoP Networking Drinks Party on Dec 3 in San Diego. Make sure you clear your diary for this important networking event!

Page 7: Solar BoS BoP Usa 09

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Company: Position/Title:

Telephone: Fax:



Zip Code: Country:

Date & VenueDecember 3-4, San Diego, CA

Hotel DiscountsNew Solar Today has negotiated a special rate for delegates of the summit. Full details will be sent to you upon registration

Group DiscountsTake advantage of New Solar Today’s unique group discounts. The more people you bring, the more money your company saves!

Contact the New Solar Today team on 18008143459or+442073757575oremail [email protected] for more details

Choose one of the following payment options:

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(payable to First Conferences Ltd)

Please invoice my company: $ ______________

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The FiRST eVeR inTeRnATiOnAl BOS/ BOP leAD eVenT

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SOLAR BALAnce Of PLAntS & BALAnce Of SyStemS cOnfeRence & exPODecemBeR 3-4 2009, SAn DiegO




(Expires Friday October 30)

(Expires Friday November 20)

eARly BiRD lAST ChAnCe FUll PRiCe

$1495 $1595

$1295 $1395

$695 $795




Platinum Pass:• Fullaccesstoallconferencesessions• Fullaccesstoexhibition• AttendanceatallsocialandnetworkingeventsonDec3-4• Postconferenceonlineaccesstoallaudioandsummit


gold Pass:• Accesstoallconferencesessions• Fullaccesstoexhibition• AttendanceatallsocialandnetworkingeventsonDec3-4

Academic Pass:• AvailabletoacademicsandNGOsonly-allwillbeverified• Accesstoallconferencesessions• Fullaccesstoexhibition• AttendanceatallsocialandnetworkingeventsonDec3-4

Post conference audio, presentations & data• Postconferenceonlineaccesstoallaudioandsummit

presentations(Please note that purchase of post-conference audio, presentations and data does not grant you any access to the conference, exhibition hall or networking events)


Page 8: Solar BoS BoP Usa 09

SOLAR BALAnce Of PLAntS & BALAnce Of SyStemS cOnfeRence & exPO

Are you serious about BoS & BoP? 6 excellent reasons why you must attend this event!

the best speakers... and the most incredible networking opportunities

CSP • CPV • Thin Film • PV

Over 150 industry experts set to attend

20+ Industry Experts Speaking!

BoS/BoP focused Exhibition Hall

Over 20 hours of networking and business building opportunities

Top case studies from US & international solar projects

Panel sessions, discussion groups, key note speakers

The FiRST eVeR inTeRnATiOnAl BOS/ BOP leAD eVenT

•Crucialcostcutsforsolarplants: Discover what you can do to dramatically lower one of your biggest budget costs - Balance of Systems and Balance of Plant (BoS/BoP)

•LowerLCOEforlargescalesolar: Understand the full impact BoS/BoP has on the overall Levelised Cost Of Electricity (LCOE) of your plant

•Reallifelessons,realsolarsavings: Gain practical BoS/BoP advice and top tips from up-and-running solar plants that you can apply now and see savings straight away

•SolidBoS/BoPsolutionsforallsolar: Hear innovative case studies from integrators who have successfully reduced BoS/BoP costs for PV, Thin Film, CPV and CSP installations - both across Europe and the USA

•MaximumBoS/BoPforminimumpain: Uncover and compare the real costs of technological, design and construction decisions to optimize your solar plant efficiency

•LoselessfromtheSuntotheGrid: Minimize electrical losses throughout your whole solar plant and push the most power possible through your connection to the grid

•Costcutsthroughcoresolarcomponents: Get a heads up on the latest research and development in trackers, inverters, frames, cabling and more that will make a real difference to your BoS/BoP costs

OPEN NOW for the full summit agenda!

Oscar Pereles Astrom

Fernando Rueda Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas

Steve Horne SolFocus

Courtney McColgan Draper Fisher Jurvetson

José C Martín SENER

Jesse Tippett Albiasa Corporation

Paula Mints Navigant Consulting

Industry leaders speaking

“This conference tackles a major challenge - and

opportunity - to decrease solar lCOe and grow the market”Bob Conner, VP Photovoltaics,


look inside for

the full program!

Lacks Sampath ELLIPTIQ Energy Partners

Reduce Costs and Maximize Efficiency For Your Large Scale Solar Project – Master The Balance of Systems and Balance of Plants Strategies You Need

DecemBeR 3-4 2009, SAn DiegO

Save $300!

Register Today &

…the first & only Bos & BoP focused event this year… simply unmissable!

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