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Software libre + DrupalBetween volunteering and business

Page 2: Software libre + Drupal. Between volunteering and business

About me

• Gabriel Dragomir

• Board member - Drupal Romania Association

• Organizer: DrupalCamp Romania conferences (2010+)

• Managing a company specialized in development based on Drupal

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Drupal today

• 800.000+ community members

• 17.000+ developers

• 15.000+ modules

• 1.5M Drupal instances

• 55 supported languages

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Development process

• Slow release cycle: ~2 years for a new release

• Drupal 8 scheduled for release in August 2013

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Development cycle

• Feature freeze scheduled in march 2013

• 1000 contributors toDrupal core

• How the community works:

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Volunteering and sponsorship

• Huge community of delocalized development groups

• Enterprise contributions

• Project driven: Economist, France24, ING Bank

• Market driven: core contributions, small teams mobilized in critical moments

• Inter-community span: jQuery, Simphony Framework

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Drupal ecosystemSTAGE 1

• Developers: small/mid/enterprise level companies implementing Drupal web apps

• Hosting providers

• Training providers

• until 2010

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Drupal ecosystemSTAGE I1

• Product driven

• Commercial templates

• Distributions: niche products (publishing, e-learning etc.)

• Emerging marketplaces

• Open App Standard: initiative standardizing the procedures products are sold in a Drupal marketplace

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Drupal market Examples

• AberdeenCloud: virtual server cluster cloud (PaaS)

• Acquia

• DrupalGardens (SaaS)

• DrupalCloud (specialized cloud hosting)

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Selling gpl software

• Meet the big Drupal dillemma

• Open App Standard aims at opening new markets

• Voluntary code turns into marketed products

• Idealistic participation is undermined by commercial goals

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Come for the software stay for the community

• The Drupal motto

• Business coexists with volunteer-driven development

• Community split is a risk

• Other open source projects had same path: Apache Foundation, Linux Foundation etc.

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beyond drupal

• Open software produces social change

• New standards: open access, open data, community driven development

• Maturity of an OS product: stability, scaling -> enterprise ready

• What is the tipping point between volunteering and business

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Open software in romania

• Drupal ecosystem:

• DrupalCamp conferences: Timisoara (2010), Bucharest (2011), Arad (2012)

• Sponsorship shifted from external (corporate) to national (small and medium businesses)

• Participation: 50/50 national/international to 30/70

• Engagement: business, NGO, no government org

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AN OLD quest

• What is the overall ecosystem of OS communities in Romania?

• ROSI (Lucian Savluc) - Romanian FLOSS Directory: a register of open software actors in RO: developers, organizations, groups, businesses

• How can we cooperate and gain momentum?

• What is to be done to stimulate open software concepts into business/gov area?