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  • 8/18/2019 Soft Tissue Coverage of the Lower Extremity


    is Assistan t Professor of Surgery, Division of Plastic and

    Reco nstructive Surgery, at the Univers ity of Pittsburgh

    School of Medicine. After graduating from Dartm outh

    Medical School in 1970 and the Univers ity of Colorado

    Schoo l of Med icine in 1972, he trained in general surge ry

    at the Dartm outh Hitchc ock Affi liated Hosp itals and con-

    cluded his plastic surgery training at Brown Univers ity

    Affi liated Hosp itals. His fel lowship training in microvas-

    cular surgery was taken with Dr. Harry Buncke at the

    Ralph K. Davies Hospital at San Francisco . Dr. Swa rtz is

    a diplomat of the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and

    consulting editor for the Journals of Reco nstructive Mi-

    crosurgery and Microsurgery. His cl inical intere sts in-

    clude hand surgery and reconstructive microsurgery.

    is Assistan t Professor of Plastic and Reco nstructive Sur-

    gery at the Univers ity of Pittsburgh. A graduate of Ox-

    ford Unive rsity, he trained in general surgery in Great

    Britain and then completed a residency in plastic and re-

    constructive surgery at the Univers ity of Michigan in

    Ann Arbor. Dr. Jones continued training in plastic sur-

    gery at the Regional Plastic Surgical Unit at the London

    Hospital in England, fol lowed by a further fel lowship in

    hand surgery and microsurgery at the Ma ssach usetts

    General Hospital in Boston. His major f ield of cl inical

    practice is hand surgery and microsurgery.

    TREATMENT of the injured lower extremity has been improved

    significantly by recent advances in reconstructive surgical tech-

    niques. Chief among these are the development of muscle and

    musculocutaneous flaps and the parallel development of micro-

    vascu lar surgical techniques for free tissue transfers. Each of

    these techniques brings an augmented blood supply into the

    area of injury, thereby improving the conditions for primary

    healing of soft tissues and underlying fractures. The approach to

    the management of significant soft tissue and osseous injuries to

    the lower extremity outlined in this monograph represents the

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    combined efforts of the plastic surgeons and the orthopedic sur-

    geons at the University of Pittsburgh. It is essential that the

    plastic surgeon and the orthopedic surgeon have a common un-

    derstanding of the priorities of wound management and work

    toward a common goal from the time of the initial injury. Al-

    though the management of osseous defects, including fractures,

    nonunions, and segmental bone loss, is beyond the scope of this

    monograph, the techniques of soft tissue coverage have a direct

    bearing on these more complex wounds.

    Briefly, the principles of wound care include (1) a thorough

    assessment of the magnitude of the injury, including a detailed

    examination of motor and sensory function and vascular status;

    (2) anatomical alignment of fractures with appropriate fixation

    techniques; (3) thorough debridement of all nonviable tissues,

    followed by a second or third reassessment and additional de-

    bridement if necessary; and (4) definitive wound repair consist-

    ing of soft tissue coverage and bone reconstruction in selected

    patients. When these principles are carried out it is possible to

    achieve wound closure and primary reconstruction within 5-7

    days of the original injury.

    Within the f&t few days of injury, the surgeon and patient

    alike should have a thorough understanding of the magnitude of

    the injury, the reconstructive procedures required, and the like-

    lihood of restoring the patient to an ambulatory status within a

    reasonable period of time. It is our opinion that for this plan to

    be successful, efficient management of these problems should re-

    store the patient to a functional status within 1 year of injury.

    Patients with protracted disabili ty beyond this period of time

    generally have not resumed their preinjury way of life and

    might be better served by amputation.

    Despite the most careful initial management of traumatic and

    other injuries to the lower extremity, chronic problems such as

    unstable burn scars, chronic osteomyelitis, and fracture non-

    unions present additional special problems that may be resolved

    by the application of soft tissue based on a safe vessel network.

    A common theme in the following discussion on the techniques

    of soft tissue coverage is preservation of blood supply and the

    reliable application of this new supply to ischemic or chronically

    infected wounds.

    This monograph outlines principles in the management of soft

    tissue injuries of the lower extremity and delineates the tech-

    niques that have been most efficacious in their treatment. The

    general methods of soft tissue coverage, including skin grafts,

    muscle flaps, and free tissue transfers, wil l be discussed, with

    particular emphasis on their relevance in the lower extremity.

    Finally, specific procedures for coverage of defects beginning in

    the upper leg and extending to the foot and ankle will follow,

    with emphasis on those procedures that have been most success-

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    ful in our experience. This discuss ion is neither encyclopedic nor

    esoteric. Its purpose is to provide surgeons with a practica l and

    rational basis for flap selection for a variety of common clin ical



    Evaluation of the patient begins with a complete understand-

    ing of the mechanism of injury. Previous classifications of lower

    extremity injuries are of benefit in predicting the severity of the

    injury. Gustillo and Anderson classified fractures into three

    types: type I is an open fracture with a wound less than 1 cm

    long, type II is an open fracture with extensive soft tissue dam-

    age, and type III is either an open fracture or segmental frac-

    tures with extensive soft tissue damage that may require vas-

    cular repair.l Type III fractures have been further class ified

    based on the energy involved to cause them. It is possible to

    make recommendations for the treatment based on this classi fi-

    cation2 Type III-A fractures are those in which there i s an ac-

    curate demarcation between injured and noninjured tissues. The

    extent of injury is limited to the area of the defect. Local muscle

    flaps or free tissue transfers with a short vascular pedicle can be

    employed to treat these open wounds. Type III-B fractures are

    those in which abrasion injury produces more significant soft tis-

    sue damage and a less distinct line of demarcation between nor-

    mal and injured tissues. While the application of a larger flap

    may be required, the deeper structure, notably the principal ves-

    sels supplying the region, are not severely injured. Type III-C

    fractures are high-energy crush injur ies involving widespread

    damage to soft tissue, bone, and microvasculature. These inju-

    ries necessitate the use of flaps with long vascular pedicles, so

    the vascular anastomoses can be performed well outside the zone

    of injury. The use of local muscle flaps in such wounds is con-



    The initia l evaluation of the traumatized lower extremity re-

    quires a careful examination of major blood vessels. Injuries to

    these vessels portend a significant risk for subsequent tissue ne-

    crosis or limb loss. It is therefore of the utmost importance that

    an early diagnosis of major arterial injuries be made and appro-

    priate treatment provided at the outset. A delay of more than 6

    hours in the management of the arterial injury may render an

    otherwise salvageable extremity incapable of functional recov-

    ery. Even after a successful arterial repair has been performed,

    prolonged ischemia may result in diminished or absent capillary

    flow, which in turn prevents reestablishment of nutrient blood

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    flo~.~ Most arterial injuries can be diagnosed on physical ex-

    amination. The cardinal signs of an arterial injury include di-

    minished or absent pulses, loss of nerve function, hematoma,

    bruit at the site of injury, and persistent arterial bleeding. In

    addition to these findings, the presence of an injury in close

    proximity to a major vessel is justification for further arterial

    evaluation. In several recently reported series4-6 the absence of

    pulses distal to the site of the soft tissue injury had a high cor-

    relation with a proximal vascular impairment. The dorsalis

    pedis and posterior tibia1 pulses should be easily palpable in a

    patient without a vascular injury. Diminished or absent pulses,

    compared to the opposite uninjured extremity, should raise the

    suspicion of vascular compromise and is an indication for arte-

    riography. The presence of distal pulses

    does not rule out a ma-

    jor arterial injury. The dorsalis pedis pulse may be reconstituted

    from the first dorsal metatarsal artery communication with the

    posterior tibia1 artery through the plantar arch. The reconstitu-

    tion of pulses distally through collateral circulation about the

    knee has been documented in popliteal artery injuries.7

    Transcutaneous ultrasonic Doppler imaging is useful for eval-

    uating the acute vascular injury, particularly when peripheral

    pulses are difficult to assess. By using the flow-directed device,

    the examiner may detect reversed flow through collateral circu-

    lation in the foot. Hard copy tracings allow a comparison of nor-

    mal and abnormal flow patterns indicative of complete and/or

    partial obstructions.8’ ’

    Low flows on Doppler imaging without

    palpable pulses may indicate spasm or external compression, in

    which case the flow should improve over time. In most cases of

    acute traumatic injury, the Doppler examination confirms the

    clinical findings.

    Careful examination of the sensory distribution of nerves in

    the lower extremity wil l give clues to potential arterial injuries

    immediately adjacent to these nerves. In the popliteal region,

    the tibia1 nerve lies immediately adjacent to the popliteal ar-

    tery. Sensory loss in both the dorsal and the plantar aspect of

    the foot as well as motor paralysis below the knee would be ex-

    pected in a patient with complete nerve injury at this level. In

    the anterior compartment the anterior tibia1 artery lies imme-

    diately adjacent to the deep peroneal nerve, whose sensory dis-

    tribution includes the dorsum of the foot. Injuries below the

    take-off of the anterior tibia1 artery may be diagnosed by the

    finding of sensory loss only on the plantar aspect of the foot,

    indicating a potential posterior tibia1 artery injury. Serious ar-

    terial injuries ma7 be anticipated in 14 -33 of patients with

    nerve deficits.4, ‘, Major hemorrhage or hematoma should alert

    the surgeon to the probability of major arterial injury in addi-

    tion to nerve deficits.

    Displaced fractures or dislocation of the knee and ankle are

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    frequent causes of vascular compromise. Prompt reduction of the

    fracture or correction of the dislocation wil l result in restoration

    of normal pulses, precluding the need for operative intervention.

    Vasospasm associated with these problems generally resolves in

    a short period of time. Failure of the pulses to return suggests

    significant lacerations or intimal tears of the vessel and requires

    further intervention.

    Angiography is an important adjunctive procedure that pro-

    vides the surgeon with the information necessary to make a de-

    cision about vessel injury. Primary indications for angiography

    include the presence of the clin ical signs of vascular injury,

    namely, weak or absent pulses, neurologic deficits, bruits, or ex-

    panding hematomas. Even when the decision is made to explore

    an extremity for a probable vascular injury, angiography may

    help in identifying the exact location of the injury and aid in

    planning an approach to the vesseL7, lo Arteriography should be

    performed expeditiously so as not to prolong the ischemia time

    unnecessarily. Percutaneous transfemoral arteriography may be

    performed while the patient is on the operating table and being

    prepared for operation. Done by the surgeon, it is rapid and pro-

    vides satisfactory films. Patients without significant signs of

    ischemia may undergo arteriography under more ideal circum-

    stances in the radiology suite without detrimental effects. It is

    our practice to perform angiography whenever physical findings

    suggest an acute arterial injury; otherwise we observe the pa-

    tients with satisfactory distal pulses and circulation.

    Al l patients undergoing acute or delayed microvascular recon-

    structive procedures should undergo femoral arteriography be-

    fore reconstruction is performed. It is of utmost importance that

    the surgeon have a clear understanding of the vascular status of

    the extremity before undertaking dissections of local or regional

    muscles or attempting free tissue transfers that depend on the

    presence of intact vessels. Failure to appreciate the extent of

    vascular injury is the most frequent cause of flap necrosis when

    local muscle flaps are used in the severely injured extremity.

    Intraoperative problems of vasospasm, vascular occlusion, and

    unrecognized damage to the vessels can be expected if these

    basic tenets are not observed.


    Injuries to the major branches of the popliteal nerve below the

    knee have additional significance, beyond the potential injury of

    vascular structures. Accurate diagnosis of nerve injuries allows

    the surgeon to repair these at the time of initial operative inter-

    vention, with the potential for partial motor reinnervation and

    partial restoration of sensation. Isolated nerve injuries are gen-

    erally compatible with limb salvage and preservation of func-

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    Superf icial

    femoral artery

    Popliteal artery

    Anterior t ibia1


    Posterior t ibia1




    Popl i tea l

    fossa region



    lower leg



    lower leg


    Tib ia1

    Deep peroneal

    I lelTe

    Posterior t ibia1


    Anteromedia l

    lower leg

    Plantar foot

    dorsum oi


    Dorsum of foot


    surface of



    Plantar f lexion

    dorsif lexion of

    foot, toes

    Dorsif lexion of


    tion. Table 1 lis ts the findings in patients with isolated injuries

    of the branches of the popliteal nerve. In our experience patients

    with absence of plantar sensation in combination with severe

    osseous and soft tissue injuries have a poor prognosis for resto-

    ration of function. In these patients, serious consideration

    should be given to primary amputation. Injuries to the anterior

    tibia1 nerve with paralysis of extensors of the foot and ankle can

    be successfully treated with appropriate tendon transfers or or-

    thosis and are compatible with a functionally useful extremity.

    A more complete discussion of the role of soft tissue restoration

    where sensation is desirable is found later in this monograph.


    Initial management of a patient with a severely traumatized

    lower extremity is carried out in the operating room under gen-

    eral anesthesia. Tetanus prophylaxis is provided according to

    the guidelines of the Trauma Care Committee of the American

    College of Surgeons.ll Patients in whom a history of tetanus

    prophylaxis is unclear are given 500 units of human hyperim-

    mune globulin (Hyper-Tet) along with an initia l immunizing

    dose of 0.5 cc of adsorbed tetanus toxoid. A broad-spectrum an-

    tibiotic with activ ity against penicillinase-resistant staphylo-

    cocci is begun, generally a cephalosporin. In the operating room

    thorough and complete wound debridement is carried out. Skin

    flaps may be evaluated for capillary refi ll and any questionable

    skin may be further evaluated with the use of intravenous fluo-

    rescein dye. One to 2 gm of dye are injected after a test dose of

    1 cc to ensure that there is no allerg ic reacti0n.l’ While the use

    of fluorescein is helpful in determining skin viability, its value

    in the determination of muscle viab ility is less certain. At pres-

    ent there is no clinically useful vital dye that delineates necrotic

    from living muscle tissue. In the future the use of the magnetic

    resonance imaging techniques may be useful in this regard.

    Debridement is based on clin ical judgment. Viable muscle

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    blood supply muscles with a single dominant vessel and one or

    more secondary vascular pedicles are most safely transferred,

    with the dominant vessel being the point of rotation. If the dom-

    inant vessel is divided and the muscle is rotated on its distal

    vascular supply, significant muscle necrosis may occur. This

    method is less reliable but occasionally useful-for example, a

    vastus lateralis muscle flap based on its distal blood supply may

    be used for knee coverage, and a soleus muscle flap based on the

    posterior tibia1 artery may be used for distal tibia1 coverage.

    Functional Considerations

    It is important to understand the functional loss incurred

    when a muscle is chosen for a rotation flap. Frequently more

    than one muscle contributes to a given motion. For example, the

    soleus and gastrocnemius muscles both contribute to plantar

    flexion, and the use of either for soft tissue coverage does not

    result in a functional deficit. The use of both, however, would

    result in inabil ity to flex the foot in a plantar direction and

    would not be suitable for reconstruction. When a muscle has a

    special function, as in the case of the tibialis anterior, and its

    use for reconstruction is indicated, the muscle belly may be dis-

    sected away from the tendon to the musculotendinous insertion

    and rotated to cover the defect. In this manner the integrity of

    the muscle tendon unit is preserved. Additionally, a larger mus-

    cle such as the soleus may be spli t and only a portion of it used

    to cover the defect, leaving the remaining muscle functionally


    Muscle Flaps

    When muscle flaps are used for soft tissue coverage along with

    split-thickness skin grafting, some muscle atrophy may be ex-

    pected, due to muscle denervation and divis ion of insertion and/

    or origin. Flaps that are init ially bulky at the time of recon-

    struction ultimately settle into an acceptable contour over the

    injured tibia and malleolar areas. Latissimus and gracilis free

    flaps, for example, show a 30 ~50 decrease from the initia l

    flap thickness. Skin grafts placed directly over muscle have been

    shown to be quite durable in the lower extremity.25 We and oth-

    ers have found this to be an acceptable method of coverage over

    non-weight-bearing areas, with long-term durability. This tech-

    nique is especially useful in extensive defects where the har-

    vesting of a skin flap of necessary dimension would create an

    unacceptable donor site deformity.

    Occasionally it is possible to use local muscle flaps for soft

    tissue coverage and preserve their function aa well. With the

    nerve supply to the muscle preserved and its tendon reattached

    in a new location, the muscle wil l continue to function, provid-

    ing its length has been maintained. The vastus medialis muscle

    may be rotated anteriorly for coverage of defects about the su-

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    compartment may be released through a midline posterior inci-

    sion, an extension of the incision used for vascular access to the

    popliteal space. Further release of the deep posterior compart-

    ment may be carried out through this incision. Fibulectomy for



    compartment decompression, advocated by Ernst and

    while affording adequate decompression, is contrain-

    dicated when severe fractures or segmental bone loss are pres-

    ent. Following release of the fascia l compartments, temporary

    coverage of the wound is carried out with moist dressings, bio-

    logic dressings, or skin grafts where indicated. Our preference is

    to use adaptic gauze covered with a thick layer of bacitracin

    ointment on all exposed wounds. This prevents wound desicca-

    tion and provides a bacteriostatic atmosphere.

    Following this initia l debridement the patient is returned to

    the operating room in 24 or 48 hours for wound inspection and

    further debridement as needed. Any remaining devitalized mus-

    cle or bone is removed. A thorough inventory of the wound is

    carried out and plans for definitive reconstruction are made.

    Further debridement is carried out as necessary, should the first

    reoperation not be sufficient.


    Definitive wound closure is the first step in the reconstructive

    process, ultimately leading to full rehabilitation of the patient

    with lower extremity trauma. Wound closure is achieved only

    after thorough debridement and control of bacterial contamina-

    tion have been achieved.


    The goal of soft tissue replacement on the lower extremity is

    to provide a well-healed, stable wound in the most expeditious

    manner. For anatomical areas with little or no padding, such as

    the anterior tibia1 region, the malleoli, and the patella, the tis-

    sues chosen must provide durable coverage. In addition, the tis-

    sues must be supple and able to conform to such regions as the

    knee and the ankle joints. In weight-bearing areas, tissues must

    be able to withstand the trauma imposed by ambulation or the

    wearing of shoes. In each of these conditions, the blood supply to

    the tissues must be adequate to prevent long-term ischemic

    changes and eventual tissue breakdown.

    A second requirement is the restoration of contour. The choice

    of reconstruction must take into account the necessity of provid-

    ing thin conforming tissue for coverage in the regions of the

    malleolus and the foot so that shoes may be worn comfortably.

    In addition, the cosmetic aspects with respect to leg contour

    should be taken into account when one chooses tissue. While


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    aesthetics may not be the primary consideration in lower ex-

    tremity reconstruction, if other factors are equal, acceptable con-

    tour is achievable.

    Third, tissue chosen for reconstructive purposes should pre-

    serve function whenever possible. It is unacceptable to sacrifice

    a functionally important muscle or muscle skin flap merely be-

    cause of its proximity to the wound. Only those muscles or mus-

    culocutaneous units that are not essential for normal function

    should be utilized. By preserving the musculotendinous junc-

    tions, a muscle like the tibia lis anterior, an essential dorsiflexor

    of the foot, can be used for covering the anterior tibia while pre-

    serving its functional integrity. Similarly , the function of the

    latissimus dorsi can be preserved by intramuscular dissection

    that preserves the remaining nerve and blood supply to the

    functional portion of the muscle. These technique wil l be de-

    scribed later in greater detail. These factors take into consider-

    ation the appropriate reconstructive method for each patient’s

    wound and may be chosen on the basis of a broad armamentar-

    ium of reconstructive methods.


    In choosing the appropriate reconstructive method for soft tis-

    sue coverage, the surgeon must take into consideration the

    wound itself. The nature of the injury plays a great role in de-

    termining the amount of soft tissue and bone destruction that is

    present. To a variable degree the tissues in the area of trauma

    will have become relatively devascularized. If the devasculari-

    zation is minor, the underlying soft tissue vasculature may be

    well maintained, thereby allowing the application of a split -

    thickness skin graft as the method of choice. Degloving injuries

    also generally provide a suitable wound base for split-thickness

    skin grafts. More severe trauma, such as crush avulsion injuries

    or grade III open fractures with crushing injuries to the under-

    lying muscle, significantly decrease the local blood supply, par-

    ticularly in the area of fracture. The choice of reconstructive

    method here must take into account these vascular changes.

    The surgeon must also consider the desirability of increasing

    the blood supply to an ischemic wound. The use of a highly vas-

    cularized muscle tissue in a free tissue transfer satisfies this re-

    constructive requirement. Final ly, the patient’s overall condi-

    tion, age, and concomitant medical and surgical problems may

    dictate whether the simplest possible method of reconstruction

    or a more complicated endeavor is attempted. Temporary wound

    closure with a biologic dressing or skin grafts wil l allow the sur-

    geon to further evaluate the patient before undertaking more

    complex procedures.

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    Bacterial contamination or gross infection may be adequately

    controlled with seria l debridement and systemic antibiotics.

    Continued wound infection reflects residual necrotic tissues, ei-

    ther muscle or bone, and their complete debridement is essen-

    tial. Topical antimicrobials such as Sulfamylon or the less pain-

    ful silver sulfadiazine may be used to treat the open wound prior

    to coverage. The use of biologic dressings allows the surgeon to

    further assess bacterial contamination. An initia l “take” of por-

    cine heterografts or the actual take of homografts indicates suc-

    cessfu l control of bacterial proliferation.

    The suitab ility of a heavily contaminated wound for grafting

    may be determined by quantitative bacterial analysis. The rapid

    slide technique is a useful method for determining whether the

    bacterial count i s less than lo5 per cubic millimeter of tissue.16


    Coverage of open wounds of the lower extremity is basically

    divided into three time periods. Immediate coverage means clo-

    sure of the wound within 24 hours of the time of injury. Defini-

    tive coverage at this time depends on a thorough evaluation of

    the wound and confidence that the underlying tissues have not

    sustained severe trauma or further necrosis.

    Delayed primary closure is performed a short period of time

    following injury, generally within 5-7 days. This technique is

    the most useful and allows a more thorough evaluation of the

    wound, including seria l debridement, complete vascu lar assess-

    ment with arteriography, and a thorough plan of reconstruction

    that the surgeon and the patient have had time to consider

    along with its alternatives. Delayed primary closure may be

    combined with definitive bone reconstruction or other recon-

    structive procedures as needed with a greater measure of safety

    than one might have in the acute setting immediately following


    The third category of wound closure is secondary closure.

    Many patients in whom secondary closure is necessary have in-

    curred severe injury with major soft tissue loss, crush injuries,

    or segmental bone loss. These wounds have been treated open

    for a period of time and frequently are heavily contaminated

    with bacteria, if not grossly infected. Coverage of these wounds

    presents a significant problem in infection control, particularly

    if bone is involved. Soft tissue coverage alone might be chosen

    rather than definitive bone and soft tissue reconstruction in or-

    der to prevent the loss of bone grafts or nerve grafts due to sec-

    ondary infections. Additional difficulties encountered in these

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    wounds are significant fibrosis and induration of tissues with

    loss of normal tissue planes. In general, the simpler the method

    of soft tissue closure in these wounds, the more successful it has



    In evaluating a wound that needs soft tissue coverage, the

    surgeon should consider methods in order of simple to complex.

    The simplest method that meets the reconstructive goals should

    be chosen in preference to more complex, risky methods. In in-

    creasing order of complexity, the reconstructive methods are pri-

    mary closure, skin grafts, local muscle flaps, free tissue trans-

    fers, and cross-leg flaps.


    Split-thickness skin grafts taken from the thigh or the buttock

    may be safely applied to most wounds in the lower extremity

    with a high degree of success. They have been used successfully

    for closure of fasciotomy wounds and for skin loss over underly-

    ing muscles and the periosteum. They take well over the para-

    tenon and on granulating wound beds. An essential requirement

    is an adequate blood supply to the underlying tissues. Skin

    grafts have also been used in less ideal locations, such as over

    the Achil les tendon and over bare bone. A time-honored tech-

    nique for grafting over bone is to drill holes through the bone

    cortex and allow granulation tissue to cover the bone before

    placing the skin graft. In the Achilles tendon region as well,

    granulation tissue is required to support a skin graft. These

    techniques require meticulous wound care and patience on the

    part of both surgeon and patient for successful completion of

    wound closure. Skin grafts are indicated for closure of heavily

    contaminated wounds, particularly in the chronic wound setting.

    The use of a meshed split-thickness skin graft over freshly de-

    brided tissue is particularly useful. Meshing permits wound ex-

    udate and bacterial accumulation to be collected in the overlying

    cotton dressing, passing through the interstices of the graft

    without lifting it from its bed.

    A special indication for the use of split-thickness skin grafts

    is in degloving injuries of the extremities (Fig 1). Replacing

    these full-thickness skin flaps on the traumatized wound is uni-

    formly unsuccessful and most of the time results in necrosis of

    the skin flap and infection of the underlying tissues.17 If the tis-

    sue is available, split-thickness skin grafts may be taken from

    the degloved specimen with an electric dermatome. Skin grafts

    may be used to close extensive wounds as a temporary measure

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    Fig 1.-A and 6, a large thigh flap resulting from a degloving injury. The flap was

    debr ided and a split-thickness skin graft harvested from the flap was used to cover

    the wound. Add itional skin grafting was necessary. Replacing such a flap in its

    wounded bed generally results in necrosis of the flap and underlying infection.

    when the patient’s condition does not allow a complicated sur-

    gical procedure to be carried out safely. Use of a skin graft under

    these conditions allows homeostasis to be regained and gives the

    surgeon and patient added time to plan more definitive complex

    reconstructive procedures.


    Significant improvements in soft tissue coverage of the lower

    extremity have been achieved with the development of muscle

    flaps in reconstructive procedures.18-20 This work has renewed

    interest in studying the blood supply to the muscles and has

    increased our knowledge of and ability to use muscles in recon-

    structive procedures.21-23

    Local flaps are indicated for soft tissue

    coverage of important structures such as the patella, the knee

    joint, the exposed tibia1 bone, and weight-bearing areas of the

    foot. Generally these are areas in which split-thickness skin

    grafting does not provide stable wound coverage or preservation

    of joint mobility. A necessary condition for the use of local mus-

    cle tissues is an adequate blood supply to these tissues. A thor-

    ough understanding of this blood supply allows the surgeon to

    make a judgment with regard to the use of these procedures.

    Vascular trauma in the region of the major blood supply to the

    intended muscle is a contraindication to the use of a local muscle

    flap. Similarly, an extensive crush injury to the region would

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    make the transfer of local muscle hazardous. In sections to fol-

    low, individual muscle and myocutaneous flaps will be described

    in detail for specific regions.

    Principles of Muscle Flap Transposition

    The reconstructive surgeon must be familiar with the basic

    principles of muscle flap transposition. These include an under-

    standing of the blood supply to the individual muscles con-

    cerned, the location of that blood supply with regard to the mus-

    cle’s arc of rotation, and the functional deficits incurred with the

    use of the muscle for soft tissue coverage. Finally, in using mus-

    cle flaps, preservation of function is an essential part of the re-

    constructive plan.

    Classification of Muscles by Their Blood Supply

    Mathes and Nahai have classified the blood supply of the mus-

    cles after extensive dissections and radiographic study with in-

    jection of contrast material.23 This information is extremely im-

    portant in planning the transfer of local muscle tissues either as

    a pedicle transfer or a free tissue transfer. A summary of this

    classification is presented here, along with a brief discussion of

    the more useful muscles for reconstruction of lower extremity

    defects (Fig 2).

    Type I blood supply to muscle is defined by the presence of a

    single vascular pedicle as the primary blood supply for the mus-

    cle or muscle skin unit. In general, the dominant blood vessel

    enters the muscle proximally. In the lower extremity muscles

    with a type I blood supply include the medial and lateral gas-

    trocnemius muscles, supplied by the sural arteries, and the rec-

    tus femoris muscle and tensor fascia lata, both supplied by the

    lateral femoral circumflex artery. A type II blood supply is that

    in which there are two vascular pedicles to the muscle, a domi-

    nant more proximal pedicle and a smaller minor pedicle, gener-

    ally in its distal portion. This blood supply is the most frequent

    vascular type in human anatomy. The dominant blood supply is

    used in transfer of the flap, and the entire muscle survives di-

    vision of the minor distal pedicle. Muscles with a type II blood

    supply include the gracilis, the vastus lateralis, the soleus, the

    biceps femoris, and the peroneus longus and brevis. The type III

    blood supply to muscle is defined by two equally dominant ped-

    icles. The muscle may be transferred on either of its vascular

    pedicles. Generally there is a rich anastomotic network between

    the two pedicles. The rectus abdominis muscle, based on the

    deep inferior epigastric or the superior epigastric artery, is a

    muscle with a type III blood supply. A type IV blood supply is

    found in muscles which have a multiply segmented blood supply

    over the length of the muscle belly. Division of more than two

    or three of these blood vessels results in necrosis of that segment

    of the muscle. These muscles are generally unreliable as flaps

    16 JUNE CPS

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    tibia / - -


    II soLEt.


    Fig 2.-Classification of the blood supply to muscles and musculocutaneous

    flaps: type I, single proximal domina nt pedicle; type II, proximal dominan t pedicle

    and distal minor pedicle; type Ill, two equally dominan t pedicles; type IV, mdtiple

    segmental pedicles; type V, one dominan t proximal pedicle and segmental second-

    ary vascular pedicles .

    when based on their more proximal segmental blood supply.

    Muscles with a type IV blood supply include the tibialis ante-

    rior, the flexor digitorum longus, and extensor digitorum longus.

    Lastly, muscles with a type V blood supply have one dominant

    vascular pedicle and segmental secondary vascular pedicles.

    These muscles are exemplified by the latissimus dorsi muscle

    and the pectoralis muscle. The significance of this blood supply

    is that a portion of the muscle may be transferred using one of

    the dominant blood vessels while the remainder of the muscle

    will survive, based on the lesser segmental blood supply.

    Arc of Rotation

    The use of muscles in rotation flaps depends on an under-

    standing of the point at which the major blood supply enters the

    muscle. This pivot point is fixed. Tissue distal to this point is

    rotated into the defect, preserving that blood supply. Additional

    arc of rotation may be achieved by releasing the muscle from its

    origin and carefully mobilizing the vascular pedicle. The gas-

    trocnemius muscle, for example, will reach farther around the

    knee or above the knee when this technique is used. Type II

    JUNE CPS 17

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  • 8/18/2019 Soft Tissue Coverage of the Lower Extremity


    perior portion of the knee, and the tendon may be reattached to

    the patella tendon for preservation of terminal knee extension.26


    The principles of the musculocutaneous flap were developed b&

    McGraw and Dibbell” from work that dates back to Manchot.

    They recognized the importance of perforating blood vessels

    from underlying muscle as a principa l means of blood supply to

    the overlying skin. There are, of course, other routes by which

    blood vessels enter the skin, including the direct cutaneous ar-

    teries and fasciocutaneous arteries; these routes will be de-

    scribed in greater detail later. From experimental injections in

    human cadavers and extensive clin ical use, the vascular terri-

    tories of underlying muscles have been well described.20, 22 Mus-

    culocutaneous units in the upper thigh include the rectus fe-

    moris muscle and the skin overly ing the anterior portion of the

    thigh,28 the tensor fascia lata muscle, including a long fasciocu-

    taneous extension covering the anterior lateral thigh, ’ and the

    gracilis muscle with the skin overlying the proximal muscle.22

    These muscles w ill safely supply the overlying skin when they

    are transferred for reconstructive purposes. Below the knee the

    most useful myocutaneous flap is the medial and lateral gastroc-

    nemius musculocutaneous flap. The skin overlying the medial

    and lateral aspect of the calf may be elevated based on the per-

    forating vessels through the gastrocnemius muscle.30’ 31 Fre-

    quently the skin territory extends beyond the muscle itself to a

    variable degree. This area is considered to be the random skin

    territory of the musculocutaneous flap. These flaps share certain

    advantages over underlying muscle flaps alone. They include an

    extended territory for greater coverage, and a potentially

    greater durability and, in certain circumstances, sensibil ity

    (e.g., the tensor fascia lata musculocutaneous flap). A potential

    disadvantage with the use of these flaps is that often skin grafts

    are required on the donor sites, leaving a less than acceptable

    donor site deformity. The skin and subcutaneous tissues do not

    undergo atrophy as do muscle tissues with sp lit-thickness skin

    grafts. In such areas as the ankle and distal third of the tibia,

    the use of musculocutaneous flaps require secondary defatting

    procedures for an acceptable contour.


    As our understanding of the blood supply to the skin has in-

    creased, a wide variety of flaps have been developed, based on

    this new information.3 ’ 33 Flaps based on blood vessels emerging

    from between muscles giving circulation to the overlying sub-

    cutaneous tissue and skin have recently been developed on the

    JUNE CPS 19

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    medial and lateral thigh.34 The skin of the medial aspect of the

    knee, based on the sural artery,35 is another example. This flap,

    however, has not found wide acceptance owing to significant do-

    nor site deformity. Finally, the skin on the posterior calf, also

    supplied as a musculocutaneous flap, may be elevated on a fas-

    ciocutaneous vessel emerging from between the two heads of the

    gastrocnemius muscle.36 The success of many of our reconstruc-

    tive efforts has probably been due to the redundancy in blood

    supply of the skin envelope. As our study of these flaps pro-

    gresses, new methods of transferring tissue will be developed.


    Free tissue transfers are indicated when local flaps are un-

    available or additional specialized reconstructive procedures are

    required, such as bone reconstruction and transfer of composite

    tissues. Free flaps have wide application in a variety of recon-

    structive problems and have been shown to significantly shorten

    hospitalization and reduce the number of operative procedures

    required as compared to conventional techniques in the lower

    extremity.37* 38 For problems of soft tissue coverage, these in-

    clude the use of muscle flaps alone with split-thickness skin

    grafts, musculocutaneous flaps, and free skin flaps.

    Evaluation of Recipient Vessels

    Successful reconstruction using free tissue transfers requires

    healthy recipient arteries and veins for microvascular anasto-

    moses. A thorough evaluation of the vascular system must be

    carried out before such procedures are undertaken. Initial eval-

    uation includes palpation of the dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial,

    and popliteal pulses. Doppler ultrasound imaging may aid in de-

    termining the suitability of these vessels for free tissue transfer,

    particularly in obese individuals. At the ankle, the dorsalis

    pedis and posterior pulses should be palpable; if they are not,

    the vasculature will probably be inadequate. Since the dorsalis

    pedis artery may be reconstituted by collateral circulation from

    the posterior tibia1 and peroneal vessels and vice versa, arteri-

    ography is performed with the use of intra-arterial vasodilating

    agents prior to using these vessels. In the severely traumatized

    extremity major distal vessels may be injured, and circulation to

    the foot may depend on a single vessel. Knowledge of this situ-

    ation will prevent the sacrifice of that vessel and influence the

    selection of an end-to-side vascular anastomosis.3g’ 4o Flow stud-

    ies in the extremity will also determine which of the patent ves-

    sels in the distal extremity has the greater flow and therefore

    the least chance of intraoperative complications.

    The venous system must also be evaluated prior to the use of

    free tissue transfers. Venography has been helpful in identifying

    20 JUNE CPS

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    unsuspected deep vein thrombosis which may occur in both the

    acute and the chronic posttraumatic situation. In long-standing

    deep vein thrombosis, lower leg edema is generally observed and

    the superfic ial venous system would be chosen as a recipient

    vein for transferred tissues. Impedence plethysmography is use-

    ful in identifying this condition. Finally, intraoperative evalua-

    tion of the vessels must show them to be free of fibros is and

    scarring. Vessels encased in fibrotic tissues frequently undergo

    severe irreversible vasospasm when dissection of the vessels is

    carried out. This situation can be avoided by more proximal dis-

    section of the vessels in healthy uninjured tissues. An alterna-

    tive strategy is to use a flap with a long vascular pedicle, such

    as the latissmus dorsi flap, in order to place the vascular anas-

    tomoses in the popliteal fossa, where vasospasm is less of a prob-


    Flap Selection

    To meet the requirements for soft tissue coverage in lower ex-

    tremity defects, the appropriate flap must be selected. Large de-

    fects requiring substantial bulk may be treated successfully

    with the latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap, the scapular flap,

    the tensor fascia lata flap, and the groin flap. Each of these flaps

    has specific advantages and disadvantages. Smaller defects are

    best treated with a gracil is muscle or musculocutaneous flap, an

    internal oblique muscle flap, or a rectus abdominis muscle flap.


    used with a split-thickness skin graft, these muscles atro-

    phy to give the most acceptable contour for distal third defects.

    Planning and Execution of Free Tissue Transfers in the Lower


    The success of free tissue reconstruction requires an orderly,

    planned approach to the recipient vessel dissection and flap dis-

    section, with planned alternatives should conditions prevent use

    of the firs t selection. Both the surgeon and the patient should be

    prepared for the use of alternative flaps or vein grafts for ex-

    tending vascu lar pedicles, should this become necessary. When

    possible, two teams simultaneously dissect the recipient vessels

    and the flap. It is our practice initially to identify the recipient

    vascu lar bundle before the flap dissection and decide whether it

    is an acceptable vessel for free tissue transfer. Further prepara-

    tion of the vascular pedicle with meticulous dissection of the ar-

    tery and vein is performed while the second team is raising the

    flap. Once recipient vessels are adequately prepared, the wound

    is temporarily closed with skin clips after the vessels are bathed

    in a solution of 2 lidocaine to relieve vasospasm. After the flap

    is isolated on its vascular pedicle, the flap is allowed to perfuse

    for 20 minutes prior to division of the vessels. If there is any

    question about the viability of the flap at this time, it may be

    sutured back into place and the wound temporarily closed until

    JUNE CPS 21

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    the flap may be safely transferred. At each step along this path

    a planned retreat is sti ll possible.

    When it is clear that the flap is well perfused on its vascular

    pedicle, the defect in the lower extremity is thoroughly debrided

    of all marginally viable tissue in preparation for the transfer of

    the flap. This is the point of no return. The vascular pedicle of

    the flap is then divided and the flap transferred into the defect.

    The second team closes the donor site while the first team insets

    the flap, ensuring adequate vessel length and positioning before

    the microvascular anastomoses are begun. If vein grafts are re-

    quired to extend the vascular pedicle, anastomosis of the vein

    graft to the flap vessels may be carried out prior to insetting the

    flap or passing the vascular pedicle beneath skin bridges.

    Final ly, the vascular anastomoses are performed. Conserva-

    tion of major vessels of the lower extremity is an essential part

    of the planning in microvascular procedures.40 The end-to-side

    anastomosis is routinely chosen for arterial anastomosis into the

    anterior tibia1 and posterior tibia1 vessels. This maintains opti-

    mal blood flow to the remainder of the lower extremity. Venous

    anastomoses are generally performed end to end. In selected

    cases the superficial veins, such as the greater or lesser saphe-

    nous vein, may be utilized when deep vein thrombosis is sus-

    pected. To ensure proximal patency, gentle irrigation of the vein

    is performed prior to vascular anastomosis. Recent evidence sug-

    gests that end-to-side venous anastomoses may be preferable in

    preventing venous thrombosis at the anastomotic site.41

    Postoperative Care of Patients Undergoing Free Tissue


    Unlike muscle flaps and skin grafts in the lower extremity,

    free tissue transfers require hour-by-hour observation in the

    first 5 postoperative days to detect vascular thromboses. Throm-

    bosis in the flap vessels means certain flap necrosis unless im-

    mediate measures are taken to correct the problem. The moni-

    toring of microvascular free tissue transfers is primarily carried

    out by the surgeon and specially trained nursing personnel.

    Changes in the appearance of the flap with regard to capillary

    refil l and color are extremely important signs of partial or com-

    plete vascular occlusion. An additional clinical sign is the color

    of bleeding from a small wound made by a No. 11 blade scalpel.

    Recently developed monitoring techniques such as surface tem-

    perature monitoring, transcutaneous Po2 sensors, plethysmog-

    raphy, and quantitative IV fluorescein analysis are useful in

    monitoring the flap postoperatively.41-44 Each of these methods

    indirectly measures the circulation at the anastomotic site. More

    direct monitoring of the flap vessels, both artery and vein, by

    pulsed Doppler ultrasound, currently under investigation, may

    ultimately prove to be the optimal method.45

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    Pharmacologic Manipulations and Free Tissue Transfers

    The essential ingredient of successful free tissue transfers is

    the technically perfect anastomosis. The sk ill is developed

    through progressive laboratory exerc ises in animal models.

    Careful attention to selection of recipient vessels, prevention of

    vasospasm, and meticulous surgical technique wi ll assure a

    thrombosis-free anastomosis. In most cases vascular thrombosis

    is the result of technical errors due to inadequate resection of

    the injured vessel segment, preexisting vascular disease result-

    ing in elevation of an intimal flap, or improper placement of su-

    tures. Despite the best of technique, occas ionally vascular

    thromboses continue to occur. Low-dose aspirin given as a 5-

    grain rectal suppository at the beginning of the operation and

    continued on an alternate-day basis is the only prophylactic an-

    tiplatelet medication employed in our free tissue transfers.

    There is no general agreement as to the appropriate dose of as-

    pirin to give for this purpose. Experimental evidence suggests

    that doses in the range of 1.7 mg/kg inhibit platelet aggegation

    without depressing prostacycline on the vessel wall. Higher

    doses inhibit both prostacycline and thromboxane. To date there

    is no conclusive experimental evidence that the routine use of

    antithrombotic medication is beneficial.47 When platelet thrombi

    are seen to occur intraoperatively, however, a full anticoagulant

    dose of heparin is given IV.48 Reoperation for thrombosed vessels

    is also managed by heparinizing the patient following explora-

    tion and repair of the thrombosed vessels. Continuous IV hepa-

    rin at the rate of 1,000 units/hour in a 70-kg adult is carr ied out

    for 5 days and the dose tapered over a 2-day period.

    Postoperative elevation is maintained for 7 days, after which

    time gradual, progressive leg dependency is allowed. The flap

    must be monitored carefully for signs of venous congestion dur-

    ing this period. When ambulation is finally permitted, gentle

    support with stockings or ace bandages is maintained for 6-12

    weeks postoperatively.


    Exposure of the knee joint and patella as a result of trauma

    or wound complications following prosthetic knee replacement

    requires flap closure for the preservation of knee motion. Occa-

    sionally reconstruction of the extensor mechanism or ligaments

    that provide medial and lateral knee stabil ity wi ll depend on

    adequate soft tissue coverage. Requirements of tissue in this

    area are that it be supple, allowing full range of motion, and be

    able to withstand the pressure from underlying structures as

    well as external pressure during routine activities. In general,

    muscle flaps with skin grafts and cutaneous flaps satisfy these


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  • 8/18/2019 Soft Tissue Coverage of the Lower Extremity


    Fig 3.-Medial gastrocnemius muscle flap. The gastrocnemius muscle is elevated

    alone on its proximal vascular pedicle and used to cover defects of the proximal

    third of the tibia . A meshe d split-thickness skin graft is place d directly on the muscle.

    scored to allow further stretching of the muscle unit and direct

    application of the highly vascu lar muscle to the underlying de-

    fect. The muscle is sutured in place and the donor incis ion closed

    over suction drains. A meshed spl it-thickness skin graft is then

    used to cover the muscle (Figs 3 and 4).


    The lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle may be used for

    coverage of lateral and anterolateral defects of the tibia and

    knee joint. The muscle is 2-3 cm shorter than the medial head

    and, as a result, has a more limited arc of rotation. Dissection

    and elevation are performed in a manner sim ilar to that for the

    medial gastrocnemius, with care taken to avoid the common pe-

    roneal nerve in the region of the fibular head. Again, additional

    pedicle length may be obtained by detaching the muscle origin

    from the lateral femoral condyle, carefully preserving the lateral

    sural artery.


    CPS 25

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    Fig 4.-A media l gastrocnemius muscle flap used to treat chronic osteomyelitis

    of the proximal third of the tibia of 10 years’ duration. A, chronic osteomyelitic cavity.

    B, muscle flap elevated. C, closure of the wound prior to split-thickness skin grafting.

    D, fina l result at 1 year.


    The medial gastrocnemius musculocutaneous flap is indicated

    for soft tissue defects over the middle third of the tibia and for

    extensive defects about the knee. Since a skin graft is required

    at the donor site, there is a significant cosmetic deformity. The

    flap extends from the midline posteriorly to within 2 cm of the

    anterior tibia1 crest. Its maximum length is to within 5 cm of

    the medial malleolus. The flap is elevated by including the un-

    derlying fascia to the level of the gastrocnemius muscle. This is

    necessary because the blood supply to the skin is from fasciocu-

    taneous vessels derived from the last perforating vessel through

    the gastrocnemius muscle. Once the skin flap is elevated to the

    edge of the gastrocnemius, the skin-muscle unit is elevated as

    previously described for elevation of the muscle alone. The mus-

    cle is mobilized until coverage of the defect is achieved, and the

    donor site is closed with a split-thickness skin graft (Fig 5). The

    lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle may also be used as a

    musculocutaneous flap. Its skin territory extends to within 10

    cm of the lateral malleolus and therefore is somewhat limited in

    its arc of rotation compared to the medial flap (Fig 6).

    Several additional maneuvers are available to increase the

    usefulness of the gastrocnemius muscles for coverage of knee de-

    fects. These include division of the origin of the muscle and mo-

    bilization of the vascular pedicle to allow more proximal exten-

    26 JUNE CPS

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    Fig S-Med ial gastrocnemius musculocutaneous flap. The flap may be elevated

    to within 5 cm of the media l malleolus. The gastrocnemius muscle is included with

    the flap and provides perforating vessels that connect with the fascial extension. A

    skin grafl is necessary for closure of the donor site.

    sion of the mu scle, spl i tt ing the mus cle longitudinally and

    placing portions of the muscle within small osseous defects or

    marrow cavity defects, and advancing the gastrocnemius muscle

    and overlying skin as a V-Y advancement flap to cover below-

    knee amputation stumps (Fig 7).30


    The vastus lateralis muscle, based on a distal blood supply,

    may be turned down to cover lateral defects of the knee in its

    superior portion. Because the major blood supply to this muscle

    is the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex ar-

    tery, the most proximal portion of this muscle is subject to ne-

    crosis when the muscle is based on its more tenuous distal blood

    supply. Nevertheless, the muscle regularly covers the superior

    lateral portion of the knee when the more reliable gastrocne-

    mius muscle flap is unavailable (Fig 8). A longitudinal incision

    is made over the anterior aspect of the upper thigh and the ten-

    sor fascia lata is divided. The vastus is mobilized with blunt and

    JUNE CPS 27

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  • 8/18/2019 Soft Tissue Coverage of the Lower Extremity


    Fig 7.-Gastrocnemius muscle may be split longitudin ally and used to fill cavities

    within the knee joint. A, Charcot joint in a paraplegic patient with septic arthritis and

    chronic osteomyelitis. B, med ial he ad of the gastrocnemius muscle is split longitu-

    dinally. C, after the knee joint has been thoroughly debrided, the muscle is passed

    through the join t and covered with a split-thickness skin graft. D, fina l result at 6

    weeks. Long-term healing of the wound resulted.

    Fig E.-Turned-down vastus lateralis muscle flap. The proximal dom inant blood

    supply to this muscle, the latera l femo ral circumflex artery, must be sacrificed when

    basing the muscle on its distal secondary blood supply, branches of the geniculate


    JUNE CPS 29

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    Fig 9.-A turned-down vastus lateralis muscle flap used for coverage of lateral

    defects of the tibia. A, cornminuted fracture of the proximal tibia with fixation plate

    exposed. Cancellous bone grafts are packed into the depth of the wound. B, the

    muscle flap is left attached in its distal on e quarter to ensure its blood supply. C,

    fullness in the lateral aspect of the knee at the muscle pedicle requires closure with

    a split-thickness skin graft. D, result at 6 months with primary healing and a united


    simus is as an innervated muscle flap when medial knee stabil-

    ity is desired (Fig 10) or for dynamic reconstruction of the quad-

    riceps muscle (Fig 11). Alternatives include the scapular flap or

    groin flap, which can carry cutaneous flaps of large dimensions.

    Vascular access for these procedures is generally from the

    popliteal fossa. This necessitates a graft with a vascular pedicle

    of adequate length to prevent kinking of the pedicle due to ten-

    sion and sti ll provide adequate coverage of the knee region.



    A recurrent problem in patients with below-knee amputations

    is breakdown of skin overlying the bone ends when soft tissue

    padding is not adequate. Coverage of these defects presents a

    considerable problem, often challenging the ingenuity of the

    30 JUNE CPS

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    Fig lo.-Innervated latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous free flap for coverage and

    stability of the knee. A, traumatic injury of the leg and loss of stable soft tissue in

    the med ial and posterior aspects of the knee. B, latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous

    free flap used to provide both soft tissue coverage and innervated muscle stability

    to the region.

    surgeon. When shortening the bone is not a satisfactory option,

    several others are available. These include turn-down muscle

    flaps from the thigh, V-Y advancement of the remnant of the

    gastrocnemius muscles and overlying skin, free tissue transfers,

    and cross-leg flaps.

    Each of these procedures may have particu-

    lar indications in individual patients.

    The vastus lateralis muscle, based on its precarious distal

    blood supply, is occas ionally useful in covering below-knee am-

    putation stumps, particularly in the prepatellar and lateral as-

    pect. This muscle used in this fashion with overlying skin grafts

    has proved to be durable (Fig 12).


    The proximal portion of the gastrocnemius muscle may be de-

    tached from its origins on the femoral condyles and the muscle

    and overlying skin advanced in a V-Y fashion.30 Use of this

    technique allows advancement of the full-thickness muscle and

    skin approximately 3 cm, with primary closure of the distal

    wound beyond the area of pressure, and V-Y closure of the donor

    site in the popliteum. Sensation to the skin is maintained with

    this procedure, which is a significant advantage. It is important


    CPS 31

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    Fig 11 .-innervated latissimus dorsi musculocu taneous free flap. A, chronic trau-

    matic osteomyelitis of the femur w ith loss of rectus femoris muscle. B, muscle flap

    provides both coverage and dynamic extension of the knee.

    to ascertain that the sural arteries, branches of the popliteal ar-

    tery, have not been damaged.


    When local muscles are not available for distal coverage of the

    amputation stump, free tissue transfers have provided a reliable

    method of obtaining adequate soft tissue coverage. The latissi-

    mus dorsi muscle, or musculocutaneous, flap can provide stable

    Fig 12.-Distally based vastus

    lateralis muscle used for coverage of

    below-knee stump. A , chronic

    recurring wound breakdown on the

    weight-bearing surface of the

    amputation stump. B, flap, based on

    its distal bloo d supply, reaches to the

    tibia1 area. C, stable wound achieved

    .-.:a. -2 --..-.- --A-1:-^

    32 JUNE CPS

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    13.-Latissimus dorsi muscle free flap used for coverage of below-k nee am-

    putation stump.


    exposed tibia and chronic nonhe aling wound in a patient with

    bilateral am putations. B, healed wound with adequate padding over amputation

    stump. The vascular anastomoses were performed in the poplitea l fossa.

    soft tissue coverage. The length of the vascular pedicle allows

    vascular anastomoses to be created in the popliteal fossa. This

    flap, however, does not provide cutaneous sensation, and pa-

    tients must be diligent in preventing pressure ulceration. The

    tensor fascia lata flap, when used as a free flap, allows sensory

    reinnervation, utilizing the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve su-

    tured to the saphenous nerve.52 Free tissue transfers may be in-

    dicated in patients with bilateral leg amputations, in whom

    cross-leg flaps would be unavailable and local muscle flaps un-

    reliable (Fig 13).


    Finally, the medial gastrocnemius fasciocutaneous flap may

    be utilized as a cross-leg flap for below-knee amputation stump

    coverage in situations where free tissue transfers are not possi-

    ble and local muscles are damaged. As in other applications of

    the cross-leg flap, this requires a 3-week period of flap attach-

    ment to the stump followed by careful flap pedicle division. In

    lower extremity wounds with poor vascularity, cross-leg flaps do

    not allow improved nutrition to the area and do not provide cu-

    taneous sensibility. Nevertheless, they may be useful in selected



    Soft tissue coverage of the lower leg may be conveniently di-

    vided into three regions, the proximal third, the middle third,

    and the distal third of the tibia. Local muscle flaps are useful for

    coverage of proximal and middle third defects when their blood

    supply is intact. Free tissue transfers are recommended for dis-

    tal third defects.


    CPS 33

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    The gastrocnemius muscle flap described above is the flap of

    choice in the proximal third of the tibia. When it is covered with

    a split-thickness skin graft the muscle provides a minimal donor

    site defect. The medial head of the gastrocnemius has a longer

    muscle belly than the lateral head; however, both will cover de-

    fects of the anterior tibia. For lateral proximal tibia1 defects, the

    lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle is chosen (see Fig 5).

    The soleus muscle, discussed below, wil l also reach the proximal

    third of the tibia. However, this is a second choice.


    The Soleus Muscle

    The soleus muscle is most useful for covering soft tissue de-

    fects in the middle third of the tibia. It is a broad muscle which

    extends from the popliteal fossa to the Achil les tendon in the

    . proximd b&d





    ar ery

    Fig 14.-Vascular anatomy of the soleus muscle. The proximal domina nt blood

    supply of the soleus muscle is the peroneal artery. A secondary distal blood supply

    OOmes from branches of the posterior tibia 1 artery. The muscle may be transferred

    on either its proximal or its distal blood supply.

    34 JUNE CPS

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    posterior calf and lies immediately beneath the gastrocnemius

    muscles. Its blood supply comes from branches of the peroneal

    artery in its proximal portion and the posterior tibia1 artery in

    its distal portion (Fig 14). When based proximally, the distal

    vascular pedicles must be divided prior to rotating the muscle

    for coverage of the middle third of the tibia. Following rotation

    and inset, it is covered with a split-thickness skin graft. The

    muscle will cover the middle third of the tibia, and with more

    extensive dissection, the proximal third (Fig 15). The primary

    advantage of using this muscle is that its use does not cause a

    significant contour deformity such as may occur when the gas-

    trocnemius muscle is employed. Also, because of its rich vascu-

    lar supply the muscle is frequently available for transfer in the

    injured extremity. The muscle is best approached from the me-

    dial aspect of the leg through an incision from the medial con-

    dyle of the tibia to just above the medial malleolus. The muscle

    is identified immediately beneath the gastrocnemius muscle. In

    the proximal third of the leg, there is an avascular plane sepa-

    rating the gastrocnemius from the soleus. In the distal portion

    of the leg, however, these muscles fuse to form the Achil les ten-

    don. Additionally, the deep surface of the soleus muscle must be

    sharply divided from the flexor digitorum muscle in the middle

    third of the leg. The minor vascular pedicles arising from the

    peroneal artery are divided only to the point at which the mus-

    cle can be rotated into the defect. If a small area is to be covered,

    the soleus muscle may be split longitudinally in the midcalf and

    only a portion of the muscle transferred (Fig 16). In larger de-

    fects, the entire soleus muscle may be used. The muscle is skin


    15.-Cadaver dissection of the

    soleus muscle.


    the muscle flap is

    raised, based on the proximal peroneal

    artery. One may elevate only the lateral

    or the media l half of the muscle. 8, arc

    of rotation includes the region of the

    patella. C, distal arc of rotation includes

    AL- -:


    CPS 35

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    Fig 16.-Left,

    soleus mu scle flap used for coverage of exposed tibia1 fracture

    (middle third o f tibia).


    use of the soleus mu scle and a spl i t-thickness skin

    graft over a midtibial fracture.

    grafted primarily and the donor site is closed over suction drain

    catheters. If the lateral aspect of the tibia requires coverage, a

    lateral approach to the soleus muscle may be made. The inter-

    posed fibula makes difficult the visualization of the minor pedi-

    cles, which must be divided and ligated to assure adequate mo-

    bilization of the muscle and good hemostasis.

    The second choice for coverage of soft tissue defects in the

    middle third of the tibia is a gastrocnemius musculocutaneous

    flap. An extended skin flap based on the medial gastrocnemius

    Fig 17.-Medial gastrocnem ius musculocutan eous flap for coverage of the middle

    third of the tibia. A, open wound of the m iddle third of the tibia. 6, rotation of the

    gastrocnem ius musculocutan eous flap. The donor site requires a spl i t-thickness skin


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    muscle can be elevated to within 5 cm of the medial malleolus.

    This provides excellent soft tissue coverage in the middle third

    of the tibia but requires split-thickness skin grafting in the do-

    nor defect (Fig 17).

    Use of the Gastrocnem ius Myo fascial Flap as a Bipedicled Flap

    Bipedicled gastrocnemius musculocutaneous flaps may be

    used to cover defects of the anterior tibia in the middle and dis-

    tal thirds.53 Keeping intact the distal attachment above the mal-

    leolus increases the blood supply to the “fascial extension.” This

    attachment limits the amount of flap mobility, however. The bi-

    pedicled flap is elevated by making a midline posterior incision

    and splitting the raphe between the two heads of the gastrocne-

    mius muscle. The incis ion is carried to within 2 cm of the mal-

    leolus. The medial or lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle

    is separated from the underlying soleus muscle and elevated

    with the skin and subcutaneous tissue along with the underly-

    ing fascia. Care is taken to preserve the posterior tibia1 neuro-

    vascular bundle as well as the short saphenous vein and sural

    nerve. A back cut is required distally just above the malleolus

    to achieve adequate rotation. Skin grafts are required for the

    donor defect. In our opinion, these flaps risk the creation of fur-

    ther wound healing problems in an already compromised area,

    particularly for the distal third of the tibia, and instead we pre-

    fer free tissue transfers.

    In addition to the soleus muscle and the gastrocnemius mus-

    culocutaneous flap, smaller muscles may be useful in augment-

    ing soft tissue coverage in the distal portion of the middle third.

    The tibialis anterior muscle and the extensor digitorum muscle

    based proximally may be combined with the soleus muscles for

    covering larger defects. When using these muscles it is possible

    to preserve their function by separating a portion of the muscle

    belly from the tendon. Caution must be exercized in selecting

    these muscles in the traumatized extremity. Because of their

    tenuous blood supply (type IV), extensive mobilization fre-

    quently leads to muscle necrosis.


    The distal third of the tibia presents a difficult problem for

    the use of local muscle flaps. In this region, the extensors and

    flexors of the foot have largely become tendinous and there is

    little muscle useful for soft tissue coverage. Although the use of

    several muscles based on their segmental distal blood supply has

    been described, including the tibialis anterior, extensor digito-

    rum longus,

    and the soleus, it must be emphasized that the

    blood supply is marginal for survival of the muscle. Muscle ne-

    crosis occurs in a significant percentage of cases, rendering these

    techniques unreliable.56 Rotation of dista lly based muscle flaps

    JUNE CPS 37

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    is contraindicated in patients with severe local trauma to the

    distal third of the leg and in patients with absent posterior tibia1

    or anterior tibia1 pulses. When the proximal blood supply of

    these muscles is ligated, the smaller secondary blood supply

    must be adequate for survival of the muscle. Preoperative arte-

    riography is recommended before the use of distally based mus-

    cle flaps. The technique of elevation of these muscles is similar

    to that of proximally based muscles. The proximal portion of the

    muscle is elevated and its major blood supply ligated. The

    smaller, distal blood-supplying vessels are ligated only as nec-

    essary to allow adequate rotation of the muscle flap.

    The Distally Based Soleus Muscle

    The inferiorly based soleus muscle derives its blood supply

    from secondary segmental vessels that are branches of the pos-

    terior tibia1 artery. A muscle is exposed for incision over the

    medial lateral border and is divided from the Achilles tendon

    with sharp dissection. It is easily divided from the overlying gas-

    trocnemius muscle. The distal vascular pedicles are seen approx-

    imately 12 cm from the medial malleolus and should be pre-

    served if possible. The donor site is closed primarily and the

    muscle is skin grafted (Fig 18).55

    Free Tissue Transfers

    The use of free tissue transfers for distal third soft tissue cov-

    erage is particularly appropriate for the reasons given in the

    preceding paragraphs. Because of the nature of severe local

    trauma, distally based muscle flaps are generally unreliable.

    Consequently we favor free tissue transfers as the primary mode

    of therapy for these injuries.57

    Indications for Free Tissue Transfer

    Open fractures of the distal tibia, exposure of the ankle joint,

    and extensive soft tissue defects are indications for microvascu-

    Fig 18.~-Dista lly based soleus muscle flap for coverage of defects of the distal

    third of the tibia. A , open wound of the tibia in the distal third. B, soleus muscle has

    bee n split and rotated to cover the distal third. Use of this muscle in a freshly trau-

    matize d patie nt is risky because of the precarious nature of the secondary bloo d


    38 JUNE CPS

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    lar free tissue transfer. The one-stage transfer of muscle on mus-

    culocutaneous flaps has provided a reliable solution to these

    problems. Muscle flaps and skin grafts provide the most desir-

    able contour for both large and small defects. A meshed skin

    graft is placed immediately over the muscle, and with subse-

    quent shrinkage of the muscle an acceptable contour is ob-

    tained 25, 58 A large skin island may be included for larger de-

    fects or when greater bulk is required. Advantages of the

    latissimus flap are that one can cover a distal third of the ex-

    tremity defect and place the microvascular anastomosis in the

    popliteal artery well out of the zone of injury.5g Larger vessels

    are not as prone to spasm as are the more distal anterior and

    posterior tibia1 vessels. This has been a useful technique in our

    hands. The dissection is rapid and the vessels are extremely ac-

    cessible. In such cases we have been able to obtain a latissimus

    flap with pedicle lengths of up to 35 cm (Fig 19).

    For smaller defects, the gracilis muscle, or musculocutaneous,

    flap, based on the medial femoral circumflex artery, is both con-

    venient and reliable.20 The muscle is located in the medial thigh

    between the sartorius and the vastus medialis. It originates on

    Fig lg.-Use of the latissimus dorsi musculocu taneous flap for coverage of de-

    fects of the distal third of the tibia. A, chronically infected nonun ion in the distal third.

    Local blo od vessels were unsatisfactory for vascular anastomos is. B, design of the

    latissimus flap based low in the back, a llowing vascular pedicles up to 30 cm in

    leng th. C , Hea led wound . The vascular anastomosis was constructed at the trifur-

    cation of the poplitea l artery and vein.


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    the pubis and inserts on the medial tibia1 tubercle. The vascular

    pedicle enters the muscle approximately 10 cm distal to the pu-

    bic tubercle. Its length is approximately 6-7 cm, with an arte-

    rial diameter of 1.5-2.0 mm. The flap may be used as muscle

    alone with skin graft, or the skin island over the proximal half

    may be safely included. For defects about the ankle and distal

    tibia, muscle alone is preferred, as it gives the most acceptable

    contour. The primary advantages of this muscle are its ease of

    access in the supine patient, its convenient size for smaller de-

    fects, and the well-tolerated donor scar on the medial thigh (Fig


    In addition to the gracil is muscle, the internal oblique and the

    rectus abdominis are smaller muscles with dependable vascular

    pedicles for use in the distal third of the lower extremity. The

    internal oblique muscle, based on the deep circumflex iliac ar-

    tery, is elevated through an extended herniorraphy incision. The

    vascular pedicle is 8-10 cm long and has an arterial diameter

    of 1.5-2.0 mm. The muscle is flat and can be easily tailored to

    fit difficult contours. Its primary indication is for surface defects

    of the ankle. The donor scar is well hidden in brief underwear.

    No patient in our experience has developed abdominal laxity

    when this muscle flap has been used (Fig 21).60

    The rectus abdominis muscle, based on the deep inferior epi-

    gastric artery, provides yet another useful muscle for coverage

    in an extremity. The vascular pedicle is very long (lo-12 cm)

    and its external arterial diameter is 2-3 mm. The muscle is eas-

    Fig 20.-The gracilis

    musculocutaneous flap for small defects

    of the distal tibia and ankle. A, open

    wound following comminuted fracture of

    the distal tibia. 8, design of the gracilis

    musculocutaneous flap. The blood supply

    is based on the med ial circumflex femoral

    artery. The skin island is reliable only

    over the proximal third of the muscle. C,

    healed wound followkig microsurgical

    transfer. Vessel anastomoses were

    constructed in the posterior tibia 1 artery

    and vein.

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    Fig 21 .-Internal oblique muscle free flap and skin graft for smaller defects about

    the distal tibia and ankle. A, chronically nonhe aling posttraumatic wound of the distal

    third of the tibia. 6, design of the internal obliqu e muscle free flap based on the

    ascending branch of the deep circumflex iliac artery. C, muscle flap elevated on the

    deep circumflex iliac artery. Note that the muscle flap is centered directly over the

    ascending branch, ensuring complete survival of the muscle. D, healed wound at


    year with acceptable contour of the distal third of the tibia.

    ily dissected through a transverse suprapubic incision, is suited

    for intermediate-sized defects, and may be contoured as


    With free tissue transfers, the appropriate tissue for the indi-

    vidual defect may be selected. These flaps are reliable in expe-

    rienced hands, with a success rate of 95 or greaterIn the dis-

    tal third of the leg and foot, free tissue transfers are the resort

    of choice and have largely replaced the older methods of tubed

    pedicle flaps and cross-leg flaps.62

    Cross-Leg Flap

    The cross-leg flap may be useful in distal third coverage when

    a free tissue transfer is not possible or has failed. The donor flap

    must be skin grafted, as previously described. The gastrocne-

    mius fasciocutaneous flap has provided a useful, reliable fascio-

    cutaneous unit for use as a cross-leg flap when other methods

    are not available. The advantages of this flap over the conven-

    tional cross-leg flap are that it does not require a preliminary

    delay, and that because the gastrocnemius muscle is not ele-

    vated in the procedure, it causes no impairment of this muscle.

    In the previously described musculocutaneous flap, the distal

    skin over the medial distal leg to within 5 cm of the medial


    CPS 41

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    Fig 22.-Gastrocnemius musculocu taneous flap used as an unde layed cross-leg

    flap. Inclusion of the gastrocnemius muscle with its perforators allow s secure ele-

    vation of the flap witho ut prior delay. T he donor site requires a split-thickness skin

    graft for closure.

    malleolus is elevated in a subfascial plane. As one approaches

    the border of the gastrocnemius muscle, a significant perforating

    artery will be observed. This artery should be left intact and

    marks the extent of the proximal dissection of the flap. The do-

    nor site is skin grafted and then the flap is set into the recipient

    defect in the opposite leg (Fig 22). Division of the flap is begun

    at 3 weeks by cross-clamping the vascular pedicle and injecting

    fluorescein to ensure adequate vascularization from the recipi-

    ent bed. There is some concern that due to the axial-patterned

    blood supply, a delay in revascularization might occur in these

    flaps. It is our preference to base the judgment for division of the

    flap on the fluorescein test. If there is any question, a partial

    transection of the pedicle is carried out and the procedure is re-

    peated in 3-5 days (Fig 23). The Hoffman external fixation de-

    vice is a useful adjunct for immobilizing patients undergoing the

    cross-leg flap procedure. It allows ease of access to flap dressings

    and is more comfortable then the plaster and cross brace tech-




    Reconstruction of soft tissue defects of the foot remains a com-

    plex and challenging problem despite the recent developments

    42 JUNE CPS

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    medial gastrocnemius

    musculocutane ous cross-leg flap for

    coverage of the middle

    and distal thirds

    of the tibia. A, cross-leg flap can be

    elevated to within 5 cm of the med ial



    time of division of the

    mus cle pedicle is determined by use of

    IV fluoroscein dye. The extent of dye

    penetration ma y be seen by the second


    drawn on the flap at 30 days. C,

    comp lete survival of the cross-leg flap

    after division of the pedicle and insetting

    in musculocutaneous flap and free flap surgery. Defects of the

    foot may be divided arbitrarily into three geographic areas: the

    dorsum of the foot, the medial and lateral malleoli, and the

    plantar, weight-bearing surface. The etiology of soft tissue de-

    fects in the foot may also be divided into three general catego-

    ries. Trauma is the most frequent cause and may range from

    degloving injuries and burns to pressure ulcerations. In the sec-

    ond category, diminished sensibil ity of the plantar skin may

    lead to the development of a neurotrophic ulcer in conditions

    such as paraplegia, myelodysplasia, and diabetes. Fin