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  • 7/29/2019 Sodomite Flesh Eating Giants in Peru


    Sodomite Flesh Eating Giants in Peru


    Garcilaso de la Vega - El Inca.

    From the Royal Commentaries of the Incas, volume I, chapter XI.

    BEFORE leaving this region, we should mention a very remarkable story which the natives havereceived as a tradition handed down by their ancestors for many centuries. It refers to some giants who

    they say arrived in their country from over the sea and landed at the point now called Santa Elena, a

    name given to it because it was first seen by Spaniards on this saint's day. As Pedro de Cieza de Len isthe Spanish historian who speaks of these giants at greatest length, having received his version in the

    very province which the giants visited, it seemed best I should follow his account word for word, for

    although Padre J. Acosta and the accountant general Agustn de Zrate say the same, their version is

    very brief. Pedro de Cieza's fuller account in his ch. Iii is as follows:"As there is in Peru a story of some giants who landed on the coast at the point of Santa Elena, in the

    vicinity of the city of Puerto Viejo, I have resolved to mention what I was told about them, as I

    understood it, without taking into account the opinions of the common people and their variousanecdotes, for they usually magnify events larger than life. The natives, repeating a story received from

    their forefathers from very remote times, say that there came from across the sea on reed rafts that were

    as large as big ships some men that were so big that an ordinary man of good size scarcely reached upto their knees: their members were in proportion to the size of their bodies, and it a monstrous thing to

    see their enormous heads and their hair hanging down about their shoulders. Their eyes were as large as

    small plates. They say they had no beards and that some of them were clad in the skins of animals, and

    others only in the dress nature gave them. There were no women with them. On reaching this point,they set up their camp like a village (and even in these times there is a memory of the site of their

    houses). As they found no supply of water they remedied the lack by making some very deep wells, a

    labor certainly worthy of record, being undertaken by such strong men as these must have been, tojudge by their size. They dug these wells in the living rock until they came to the water, and afterwards

    they built the wells in stone from the water line upwards so that they would last for ages. In these wells

    the water is excellent and it is always so cold that it is very pleasant to drink.

    "When these great men or giants had thus made their settlement and dug these wells or cisterns, they

    destroyed and ate all the supplies they could find in the neighborhood. It is said that one of them atemore than fifty of the natives of the land; and as the supply of food was not sufficient for them to

    maintain themselves, they caught much fish with nets and gear that they had. They lived in continuous

    hostility with the natives, because they slew the latter's women in order to have them, and they also

    slew the men for other reasons. But the Indians were not numerous enough to kill these newcomerswho occupied their land and lorded it over them; and although they held great discussions about this,

    they never dared attack them.

    "After some years the giants were still in this region, and as they had no women of their own and the

    Indian women of the neighborhood were too small for them, or else because the vice was habitual to

    them and inspired by the demon, they practised the unspeakable and horrible sin of sodomy,committing it openly and in public without fear of God or personal shame. The natives say that our

    Lord God, unwilling to conceal so wicked a sin, sent them a punishment suited to the beastliness of the

    crime, and when all the giants were together engaged in this accursed practice there came a fearful fire
  • 7/29/2019 Sodomite Flesh Eating Giants in Peru


    from heaven to the accompaniment of a great noise, in the midst of which a shining angel appeared

    holding a sharp, bright sword with which he slew them all at a single stroke, and the fire consumed

    them leaving only a few bones and skulls, which God allowed to remain unconsumed as a token of the

    punishment. This is the account they give of the giants, and we believe that it happened, for it is saidthat very large bones have been found and still are found thereabouts and I have heard Spaniards say

    they have seen pieces of teeth which they thought must have weighed half a pound when whole, and

    who had also seen a piece of a shin-bone of wonderful size, all of which bears witness to the truth ofthe incident. In addition to this one can see the places where the sites of their villages were, and also the

    wells or cisterns they made. I cannot state whence or how these giants came there.

    "In the present year of 1550 when in the city of Lima, I heard that when his excellency Don Antonio de

    Mendoza was viceroy and governor of New Spain, certain bones of men as big as these giants, and

    even bigger, were found there. I have heard too that in an ancient sepulcher in the city of Mexico orsomewhere else in that kingdom certain bones of giants have been found. Since so many people saw

    them and attest having done so, it can therefore be credited that such giants did exist and indeed they

    may all have been of the same race.

    "At this point of Santa Elena, which is as I have said on the coast of Peru and in the district of the city

    of Puerto Viejo, there is a remarkable phenomenon: the existence of certain wells or seams of pitch of

    such excellent quality that it would be possible to tar all the ships one wished with it, since it flowsfrom the earth. This pitch must be from some seam passing through that place: it comes out very


    "Thus far Pedro de Cieza, whose history we have followed to show the Indian tradition about the

    giants, and the well of pitch at the same place, for it too is remarkable."


    Garcilaso de la Vega, El Inca, Royal Commentaries of the Incas (In 2 Volumes), University of TexasPress, 1966.

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