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RELIGIONName : Adeel Iftikhar

Id : 20397

Agenda of Today’s Presentation

• What is religion?• What types of religion are in the world?• Common aspects in some religions.• Buddhism.• Satanism.• Voodooism.• Sikhism.


• Durkheim defined religion as :

‘Unified system of beliefs and practices

relative to sacred things’• But globally it is defined as :

‘belief in, or the worship of, a god or gods’


‘service and worship of God or the supernatural’


• Religion plays a very vital in shaping our lives.• It sets direction for the group of people.• It sets their spirituality.• It set their norms , values & their practices.

Types of Religion

• There are mainly three broad types on the basis of philosophy.

1. World religion : Refers to transcultural or international faith.

2. Indigenous religions : Refers to smaller culture specific or nation specific religious groups.

3. New Religious Movements : Refers to recently developed religions.

Common Aspects in Some Religions.

• Today’s some religions have some thing in common.• But differ in their approaches.• They teach the love to humanity.• Equality.• Justice.• Serve humanity.


they follow one God. But that’s a controversial issue regarding :

1. Objectively.

2. Or Subjectively.

But some differs due to:

3. Spirituality.

4. Life after death.

5. & even No existence of God.

Religion & Humanity


• It is monotheistic region.• Founded during 15th century in the Punjab Region of

Indian Subcontinent. • One of the oldest religions in the world.• Its follower are known as sikh.• They follow Guru Nanak.• They belief in equity w.r.t religion , cast , colour , race &

ethnicity etc.

Ten Gurus of Sikhs

5 virtues in Sikhism

• Sat : justice.• Santokh : freedom from ambition ,

jealousy , lust.• Daya : Caring of others.• Nimrata : Humbleness.• Pyar : love of God.

5 thieves in Sikhism

• Kam : Deep desire.• Krodh : Wrath or Rage.• Lodh : Constant focus on worldly things.• Moh : Ignorance due to worldly illusions.• Ahankaar : Ego or Pride.

7 deadly Sins in Sikhism

• A proud look• A lying tongue• Hands that shed innocent blood• A heart that devises wicked plots• Feet that are swift to run into mischief• A deceitful witness that uttereth lies• Him that soweth discord among brethren

Prohibitions in Sikhism

• Cutting hair.• Intoxication.• Blind spirituality.• Material

obsessions.• Sacrifice of


• Non-Family Oriented living.

• Worthless talks.• Priestly class.• Eating meat killed in

ritualistic manner.• Having Extramarital

Sexual Relationship

The Golden Temple or Harmindar Sahib


• Its practitioners are known as Voudosaints.• They call themselves ‘Servants of the spirits’.• Vodouists believe in a distant and unknowable Supreme

Creator.• Vodouists directs their worship towards spirits.• Spirits subservients to Loa.• Loa is known as Good God in French.

7 Nations of Loa

• Rada Loa : Beneficiary Loa.• Petro Loa : Fierce or Aggressive God.• Kongo Loa : Fierce Female Goddess.• Nago Loa : Warrior God.• Ghede Loa : Spirits of the Dead.

Their Moral Code

•Vodou's moral code focuses on the vices of dishonor and greed.


• According to Voodoo soul has two aspects.• Or simply Soul Dualism.

1. The gros bon ange (big good angel)

2.  the ti bon ange (little good angel)

First is responsible for basic biological functions.

Second is responsible for personality , willpower , character.

Their Channel to the God.

• They believe that they can convince their Gods through ritualistic blood spilling.

• Through an animal sacrifice.• They believe blood is Devine & have spiritual powers.• Beyond their scope.


• They follow Satan or Lucifer.• They admire his acts.• Satan has been a role model for these people.• These are called Satanists or Omega.• They have Ideological & Philosophical Belief.

Atheistic Satanism

• The Church of Satan asserts that

‘In Satanism each individual is his or her own god—there is no room for any

other god and that includes Satan, Lucifer’

That’s a controversial point in Satanism


• They believe that this pantacle belongs to Solomon.• Which is in the Egyption Manuscript.• Has a ring which has certain powers like:

1. Have ability to talk to animals.

2. Cure fatal disease.

3. Can control supernatural phenomenas.

4. & lastly can talk to the dead.

Goat of Mendas Or Bephomet


• These people are the followers of Gautama Buddha.• It is a non-atheistic religion.• According to Buddist.

Buddhists as an awakened or enlightened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end

their suffering through the elimination of ignorance and craving.

Gautama Buddha

The EightFold Factor

Division Eightfold factor Sanskrit, Pali Description

Wisdom(Sanskrit: prajñā,Pāli: paññā)

1. Right viewsamyag dṛṣṭi,sammā ditthi

Viewing reality as it is, not just as it appears to be

2. Right intentionsamyag saṃkalpa,sammā sankappa

Intention of renunciation, freedom and harmlessness

Ethical conduct(Sanskrit: śīla,Pāli: sīla)

3. Right speechsamyag vāc,sammā vāca

Speaking in a truthful and non-hurtful way

4. Right actionsamyag karman,sammā kammanta

Acting in a non-harmful way

5. Right livelihoodsamyag ājīvana,sammā ājīva

A non-harmful livelihood

Concentration(Sanskrit and Pāli:samādhi)

6. Right effortsamyag vyāyāma,sammā vāyāma

Making an effort to improve

7. Right mindfulnesssamyag smṛti,sammā sati

Awareness to see things for what they are with clear consciousness;being aware of the present reality within oneself, without any craving or aversion

8. Right concentrationsamyag samādhi,sammā samādhi

Correct meditation or concentration, explained as the first four jhānas

The Four Immeasurable

• May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes.• May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its

causes.• May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss

without suffering.• May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias,

attachment and anger.

4 Noble Truths

• The truth of dukkha (suffering, anxiety, unsatisfactoriness)

• The truth of the origin of dukkha• The truth of the cessation of dukkha• The truth of the path leading to the cessation of dukkha


• Dukkha : "suffering", "anxiety", "unsatisfactoriness", "unease", etc.

• The obvious suffering of physical and mental illness, growing old, and dying.

• The anxiety or stress of trying to hold onto things that are constantly changing.

• the term indicates a lack of satisfaction, a sense that things never measure up to our expectations or standards

Focus on serving Humanity rather than finding differences regarding religion.
