






New Media || CMT 3331 Faridah’s Fashion Social Media Plan



TARGET AUDIENCE......................................................................................................................................3





RESOURCES AND BUDGETS.........................................................................................................................8



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New Media || CMT 3331 Faridah’s Fashion Social Media Plan

INTRODUCTION Social media are digital media which encourage audience participation, interaction across

geographical boundaries and sharing. (Chaffey & Bosomworth, 2012). The rising popularity of

social media networks has naturally attracted marketers keen to leverage the ease of access and

technological capabilities of these sites to gain a competitive edge in the market place. Marketing

with social media channels, comes with various set of challenges. Social media being interactive

and dynamic in nature demands constant engagement with the target market. So asides money,

successful social media marketing requires notable investment in time, creative input and a good

strategy. The social media strategy must define key social media marketing activities to be

managed as they relate to the core commercial activities of the business as social media allows

you to go beyond just the services you provide, by being a resource and a brand that people rely


AIMThis social media plan is aimed at achieving Faridah’s Clothing social media marketing

objectives. These objectives includes;

Expand and strengthen the brand’s online presence

Increase awareness and recognition within different demographical regions

Increase sales leads

Fan Acquisitions and increase overall brand engagement

In order to achieve these objectives, the target audience has to be defined. What they are

interested in, what excites them and when they are online would determine the effectiveness of

the plan. To make it easy for customers to find the brand on social media, an invitation to

“Follow us” on the social pages would be included on Faridah’s clothing Web page.

Additionally, Communication on these platforms would be kept inherently less formal, more

personal and intimate than the formal copy that appears on brands Web site. Communication

would also be kept constant for about 3-6 times daily hence original contents would be created

with about 80% devoted to inform, inspire, amuse and connect with the fans and 20% would be

about the products. Furthermore, someone would be assigned to take full responsibility of

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New Media || CMT 3331 Faridah’s Fashion Social Media Plan

writing the daily content and discovering new strategies to increase engagement among the

social pages. Following the analysis of Social Media; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will be

used to achieve these objectives.

TARGET AUDIENCEFaridah Clothing targets women within the age range of 13-40. A wider age range was chosen in

order to have a wider demographic than Go Jane. However, Faridah Clothing would not stop

here, as its goal is to broaden its demographics by expanding its brands within different

geographical regions. This would be achieved by posting at different time interval based on the

time difference between geographical regions. Faridah clothing retails high end quality products

including shoes, bags accessories and variety of female clothing at an affordable price that will

interest the female audience. Thus, the brand is not restricted as women can wear whatever they


Based on the research carried out, women spend significantly an average of 5.5 hours per month,

demonstrating the strong engagement that women across the globe share with social sites.

(MarketingCharts, 2013). Also, approximately 53 percent of females indicate that social media

impacts their purchase, with Facebook being the most important, followed closed by Twitter and

Instagram. So it is very important for Faridah Fashion to have an online presence.

STRATEGYThe following techniques would be used to on the different social media platforms to promote

Faridah Fashion.

Choose Social Media Accounts: Based on the research carried and business goals, the first step

in using social media would be to create the networking platforms using the business name

“Faridah Fashion”. The platforms chosen would be based on their suitability to serve Faridah’s

Fashion goals in terms of online preferences and target audience preferences since all social

media has its own unique style, audience and demographics.

Consistent Branding: In order to increase Faridah’s fashion visibility, boost search engine

optimization (SEO) and strengthen the brand a consistent brand image would be employed

across all social media platforms. This would help project Faridah Fashion across each platform

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New Media || CMT 3331 Faridah’s Fashion Social Media Plan

unique environment and project a consistent identity. Faridah’s Fashion cover photos, avatars,

bios, and description would be kept consistent across each platform.

Post Contents: Before reaching out to the audience, it is important to have content for potential

and prospective fans convincible for them to follow Faridah Fashion. In regards, first set of

contents would be about valuable information about the company that customers would find

interesting. Subsequently, further contents would be aimed at boosting the brands awareness.

The use of images, videos, info graphics and classic based-text would be implemented. Related

links from external sources that provides valuable information that Faridah’s Fashion audience

would enjoy would be posted “Linking to outside sources improves trust and reliability, and you

may even get some links in return” (Kim, 2014). Outside sources sharing Faridah’s Fashion links

would help in broadening our online recognition, increase awareness and loyalty. In addition,

hashtags (e.g. #FaridahFashion) would be used in promotional contents to reduce the ease of

tracking Faridah’s Fashion promotions and unifying them across the social media platforms

(Hemley, 2013).

Build Community: Engaging and interacting with customers would help build a community and

in turn develop Faridah’s Fashion social media voice. Courtney Seiter suggests that a communal

relationship is built with customers by “Finding out their problems and concerns. Listening to the

way they voice their feelings. Know what they want from you. Speak their language, on their

terms” (Seiter, 2012). Communication would be kept conversational, relatable and professional.

Also, customer support would be offered when requested on the platforms. This would help build

a long lasting relationship with customers.

Monitor Competitors: Faridah’s Fashion competitors would be closely to identify new

strategies working for them, what form of campaigns they are running and how they engage their

customers. This way the Faridah Fashion would get insights on what strategy and technique to

employ in order to achieve a competitive advantage. The different social media platforms now

provide features to closely watch competitors. For Example Facebook “Pages to watch” and

Twitter “Tweet deck” would be used to monitor competitors.

Use Analytics to measure success: The success of Faridah’s social media strategies would be

measured using various analytics tool based on the social media platform. This would help in

determining what technique best worked and techniques to improve on or abandon.

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Other strategies that would be used includes; Time of posts depending on the social media

platform and the use of automated social networking tools for monitoring, managing and

carrying out promotions. Based on the strategies outlined, the following social media platforms

would be used to promote Faridah Fashion. For Example “Facebook Insights” and Twitter

Analytics” would be used to measure success.

FACEBOOKResearch has shown that “72 percent of social shoppers are influenced by Facebook in at least

one fashion category” (, 2014). With more than 300million active users, the most

engaged demographic is within the age range of 18-34 year old females which is the target

audience of Faridah Fashion. A Facebook page would be created with name “Faridah Fashion”

using the custom URL feature to make it easy for customers to locate the brand. The cover page

would be updated frequently depending on the ongoing campaign and the brand logo would be

used as the profile picture. This page would be used to promote the brand through sharing of

contents regarding the products, ad campaigns, upcoming events, sharing of related links,

customer service, polls and surveys, special offers and contests. All this would be carried out

through the use of photos, videos and text oriented contents. At least 2 posts would be made per

day, 7 days a weeks and within the hours of 9am, 1pm, 3pm and 7pm. Question based contents,

polls and survey would be carried out from Thursday through the weekend as researched has

shown that “engagement rates 18% are higher on Thursday and Friday and 32% on weekends”

(Cooper, 2014). The strategies listed above would however be carried out.

TWITTERTwitter has one of the most-engaged audiences of all social media networks with “64% of the

users being women and 46% of its users are on the site each day and 64% are women” (Tyler

Hakes, 2014). The Faridah Fashion Facebook account would be synchronized with the twitter

account to unify the brands message and voice. However, the platform would be used as a two-

way communication tool between the brand and customers. The account would be used to

actively customer services since it allows a one-on-one dialogue in order to build brand loyalty

and long term relationships with customers.

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New Media || CMT 3331 Faridah’s Fashion Social Media Plan

In order to keep the Faridah Fashion community engaged, we would interact closely with

customers on twitter, question and answer related to our product would be made more frequently

especially during the weekends as “twitter engagement for brands is 17% higher during the

weekends” Cooper, 2014) . The Hashtag and Photos in posts would be used extensively on the

account as tweets with hashtags and images as twice as much engagement. Also, “tweets using

images are 94% more likely to be retweeted” (Tyler Hakes, 2014). All content made on the

timeline would have direct links to Faridah Fashion webpage.

INSTAGRAMInstagram is a free mobile photo-sharing app with 150 million users and counting. “Over 90% of

the 150 million people on Instagram are under the age of 35, which makes it an attractive

platform for many fashion and media brands focused on the 18- to 34-year-old age bracket”

(Smith, 2014). The account would use the same name with the twitter account and would be

connected to the Facebook accounts to help Facebook users know you are on Instagram. The

Instagram account would be used basically for photo sharing of the brand’s product and photo

centric promotions. However, random photos such as behind the scene photos and video of a

campaign shoots would be posted just to give users a sneak peek to keep them anticipating. In

order to increase the brands affinity, reward followers and keep them engaged, user generated

content would be shared requesting users to share their pictures using the brands hashtag (e.g.

#FaridahFashion) for a chance to be featured on our profile.

The tables below show the posting frequency for Faridah’s Fashion Facebook, Twitter and

Instagram accounts.


Minimum 5 × per week 5 × per week 2 × per day

Maximum 10 × per week 5 × per day 3 × per day

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Table 1.0: Faridah Fashion Posting Frequency

The table above shows the minimum and maximum number of times Faridah Fashion would

posts content on its Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Before Event During Event After Event

Create the event post 2 weeks

before post

Upload posters with call to

action buttons (e.g. button that

redirects to the event page

would be added).

Post pictures of the event and

upload event video

Post event poster 3 times

before event

A brief post about the reason

for the event would be posted

Thank fans that were able to


24 hours before event, tweets

and emails would be sent and

Facebook customers would be

sent an event invitation

Post about invited guest would

be shared

Get your attendees talking by

asking them about their views

of the event

About 3 post would be shared

encouraging fans to engage

and share

The program of the even

would also be shared

Create a survey on how to

improve the next event

Facebook notifications would

be sent 1 hour before the event


Share event moment pictures

2 sneak peek pictures of the

event preparation would be

posted 30 minutes before the


Stream event live if possible

Table 1.1: Event Activity Plan

The table above shows the series of activities and the posting frequency that would be carried out

on the social networks before, during and after the launch of a new campaign, promotion or an


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New Media || CMT 3331 Faridah’s Fashion Social Media Plan

RESOURCES AND BUDGETS Although social media tools are free, there has to be some level of commitment, both in terms of

resources and a well followed budget. The human resource would include a social media

manager who would be in charge of content creation, developing of brand awareness, generating

inbound traffic and responding to users. A graphic designer would also be required to oversee the

designs for the profile photos, promotional / social ad campaigns and visual based contents

across the social media platforms.

The table below shows a detailed cost break down of all resources that would be required for a

successful implementation of the plan. This plan will be reviewed on a monthly basis to increase




Promotional Video Models 2 600

Video Pre-Production 1 500

Video Post-Production 1 500

Location Studio 300

Miscellaneous (Props, stock images, sound)


Posters Ad Campaign posters Lots (Graphic designer’s


Human Resources Social Media Manager 1 2000

Graphic Designer 1 1000

Social Media

Facebook Promotional Ads -

Twitter Promoted Tweets -

Instagram Regular Posts -

TOTAL £5,100

Table 1.2: Budget for Faridah’s Fashion Social Media Plan

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Although, the total cost of the budget as indicated in table 1.0 is £5,100, the month recurring cost

is far less as some of the cost are within 2-3 months.

EVALUATION This promotion strategy aims at achieving an online presence which in turn would create brand

awareness and recognition within different demographics and increase sales lead. The success

and failure of this strategy would be measured using the following social media metrics. The

table below shows in detail a breakdown of the targeted results expected within 2 weeks of

implementing the strategy.



FACEBOOK No. Page Likes 300

Post Reach 500

Fan Engagement 150

TWITTER Followers Growth 50

No. of Retweets 50

No. of Favorites 30

INSTAGRAM Followers Growth 100

No. of Comments 50

No. of Likes 50

Table 1.3: Social media metrics evaluation

Furthermore, the Return of Investment (ROI) would be calculated by translating the number of

customer’s engagement (e.g. Likes, shares and favorites) on the social media platforms that

would generate a sale lead for Faridah Fashion. According to a research conducted by Vision

Critical, “16% of Facebook purchasers and 9% of Twitter purchasers say that when they share or

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favorite an item they purchase it” (Visioncritical, 2014). Based on this, the ROI would be

calculated using the formula below:


16% of total engagement on a product (En) = no of En x 16/100

Average profit of a product = £18

Budget = £5100

So if a product gets about 150En in a week, the sale lead is: 150 x 16 / 100 = 24

Therefore 24 Engagement = 1purchase

With this calculation, if 150 engagement (likes, shares, comments) is gotten per week, the return

of investment would be gotten in

150 x 24 / 18 = 200

3600/200 = 18weeks

Same formula applies to twitter but the total number of engagement would be based on 9%.

REFERENCES, (2014). What Social's Fashion Statement Is Saying To Retail. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Aug. 2014].

Cooper, b. (2014). [online] Available at: Social, (2014). The Best Times for Tweets, Facebook

Posts, Emails, and Blog Posts. [online] Available at:

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tweet-post-to-facebook-send-emails-publish-blogposts [Accessed 3 Aug. 2014]. [Accessed 3

Aug. 2014].

VisionCritical, (2014). From Social to Sale. [online] Vision Critical. Available at: [Accessed 5

Aug. 2014].

Hemley, D. (2013). 26 Tactics, Tools and Tips to Create a Strong Social Media Content

Strategy. [online] Social Media Examiner. Available at:

[Accessed 3 Aug. 2014].

Kim, A. (2014). Learn PPC in three guided courses with WordStream. Knowledge is power! .

[online] Available at:

[Accessed 3 Aug. 2014].

MarketingCharts, (2013). Social Networking Eats Up 3+ Hours Per Day For The Average

American User. [online] Available at:

networking-eats-up-3-hours-per-day-for-the-average-american-user-26049/ [Accessed 10 Jul.


Seiter, C. (2012). 20 Great Social Media Voices (And How To Develop Your Own). [online]

Marketing Land. Available at:

to-develop-your-own-18057 [Accessed 3 Aug. 2014].

Smith, C. (2014). Here's Why Instagram's Demographics Are So Attractive To Brands. [online]

Business Insider. Available at:

12 [Accessed 3 Aug. 2014].

Tyler Hakes, (2014). 50 social media statistics to create a smarter marketing strategy - Tyler

Hakes. [online] Available at:

you-be-more-strategic/ [Accessed 3 Aug. 2014]., (2014). How Much Does Video Production Cost?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Aug. 2014].

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