Download - Social Media - NASUAD- National Association of States United for


Social Media

Presentation for the HCBS Conference


Social Media Overview

In the last several years, the use of Facebook,

Youtube, Twitter, and other social media tools to

disseminate information has grown significantly.

Using social media tools has become an effective

way to expand reach, foster engagement, and

increase access to credible, up-to-the-minute


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What is Social Media?

• The best way to define social media is to break it

down. Media is an instrument on communication, like

a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a

social instrument of communication.

• Includes:

– Participation

– Openness

– Conversation

– Community

– Connectedness

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Who is Using Social Media?

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• Sent to:

– State-level aging and disability directors

– State Long Term Care Ombudsman directors

– State Information and Referral/Assistance


• Included 11 questions about the use of social media in

state-level agencies

• Received 83 responses

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Low Use of Social Media • 74 percent of all respondents report they use no

social media options

– 80 percent of state agencies

– 86 percent of Ombudsman programs

– 47 percent of I&R/A programs

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Why Agencies do not Use Social


• Of those who do not use:

– 49 percent cite low staffing levels

– 29 percent say social networking sites are


– 27 percent do not see a need

– 13 percent say social media profiles are under

consideration or in progress

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Facebook and Twitter Most Used

• Of those who use social media:

– 100 percent use Facebook

– 48 percent use Twitter

– 43 percent use Youtube

– 10 percent use Flickr and LinkedIn

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Intentions of Profiles

• Intended uses

– 77 percent use to provide updates from the

agency and to promote visibility of the agency

– 65 percent use to advertise services to older


– 57 percent use to advertise services to caregivers

• Intended audience

– 100 percent report caregivers

– 83 percent report beneficiaries

– 74 percent report advocates

– 48 percent report state employees

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Scope and Frequency • Number of connections

– Facebook:

• Range: 4-1200

• Average: 127

• Median: 100

– Twitter:

• Range: 6-1038

• Average: 430

• Median: 154

• Frequency

– Respondents log on daily (40 percent) or weekly (24 percent)

– Respondents post weekly (36 percent)

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• 83 percent of respondents say that using social media

has been beneficial to their agencies

• 61 percent of respondents are interested in learning

more about social media

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How to Use Social Media

Social Networking Best Practices

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• There are hundreds of social networking sites

available, each with distinct targets, purposes, and


• Visit the sites to gain an understanding of the

participants’ culture and functionality.

• We will provide an overview of Facebook and Twitter,

the two most popular sites.

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Become Familiar with the Site

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Consider Overall

Communications Strategy

Before launching a page, make sure social networking

activities mesh with the communications strategy and

overall objectives of your organization.

Provide Engaging Posts and


Incorporate videos, questions, images, and other

materials to actively and repeatedly engaged users

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Develop a Promotion Plan

• Who is your audience?

• Who are your partners?

– Encourage fans to share and cross-promote using

these social media channels

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Create a Comment Policy

• While social media encourages conversation, it is

important to have policies in place that cover the

response to inappropriate or derogatory comments.

– Consumer Voice “Facebook First Fridays”

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Develop an Evaluation Plan

• How will participation be measured?

– User engagement

– Number of posts/week

• Analytic Packages

– “Facebook Insights” allow the administrator to see

demographic information and fan interactions with

the page over time.

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