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Social Media for Movies

Another field that according to us that can benefit largely from online monitoring is the film industry. With effective and efficient monitoring tools, movies can easily come up with better output as well as run an even better and successful campaign.There are many ways by which these movies can utilize the value of monitoring to bring about a positive change in their marketing and promotions. The various tools of monitoring like tracking your own progress rate and mentions across the web, sentiment analysis can prove to be beneficial for the film fraternity.

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1.   Topics

It is like a challenge for filmmakers of the world to come up with topics that will directly reach out to people and will be able to make a mark on screen. The directors and script writers can now make use of monitoring tools to understand what is trending in the society and what topics people are talking about majorly. This will help in making a movie that is relevant and will be something that viewers will want to see. The topics of such story lines come from the general public only and using monitoring tools the story lines can be thought of.

2.   Choice of Cast

The people working in a movie, the cast of it defines the film. Viewers hold strong perceptions and directors don’t wish to break that, instead they make good use of these ‘taken for granted’ issues to build a better hype of the movie. Monitoring can help directors chose their cast by analyzing the brand influence each star has at the present times and what kind of controversies, if any, surround him. 

3.   Responses

During the making of the movie many videos and songs are released for the general public to gear up for the upcoming movie. As such if the movie authorities are able to bring about a

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detailed study by analysing the sentiments and deriving insights from the data collected it will provide them with a clear picture of how well the audiences are taking their movie or will take in the future.

4.   Feedback

This comes at the later stage when the movie has been released, there are many discussions held on thesocial media about it. Analysing the mentions that are received across the web a movie’s success is calculated and an estimate is made on the amount of revenue it will generate in the near future.

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