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Web 2.0

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Social Media What is it? Technology Why is this different?

Benefits of SMO Challenges of SMO Global Trend

User profiling Internet usage vs. Social Media Consumption User Views on Content

Corporate presence Worldwide India Insurance

Global India

Suggestions for your brand Phase 1 plan Phase 2 plan

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Web 2.0 is an evolving platform where the internet user is not passive, but participative. Users generate content and share it with other users, making each one of them a broadcaster in their own right.

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Enabled by simple yet powerful technologies Blogs Wikis RSS (Really Simple Syndication) AJAX Podcasts Web services Online Video Adobe Flash


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Web 2.0 provides users the possibility to create content and experiences: Pursue social goals Create content Manage content Share content

The previously well defined website borders are non-existent, content is shared.

User experience changes

From limited, company centered individual To rich, user centric, social experience

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“Web2.0 is Social Media”

“I believe the bloggers and their ideas. They are my friends and will tell me the truth, unlike advertisements.”

“Consumers control the online environment so brands need to think

about facilitating user- created actions, not just user-generated

content. “unlike newspapers and TV where the advertisers are speaking at

consumers, the internet allows for more back and forth interaction”

In Social Media the best way to reach, engage and garner trust of customers is by ensuring proper presence and not by Marketing. Hence we should have Social Media Optimization (SMO) approach and not Social Media Marketing.

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Increase Brand recall by engaging customers Get more leads Augment traditional campaign Negate bad word of mouth Tracking brand feedback for the marketing

campaigns Distinguish brand from other companies Educate people about fair claim management

philosophy Increased ranking of Corporate website in

Google, Yahoo and MSN SERP

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Taking leadership role in openness and guidance to customers in industry

Having first mover advantage in Social Media, as currently none of the major Companies have presence in interactive way in Internet. In long run the consumers believe company’s commitment to transparency, fair values and friendly relationship with them

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How to maintain and control brand experience over many channels.

Not all channels are good for everything Not all channels should be treated in the

same way The key is to understand how channels

are perceived and used by the users

Users’ comments and brand positioning:

User created content may not be aligned with the desired corporate image.

User created content damage corporate image.

Corrective measures may cause a “censorship” emotional reaction.


Social Media Platforms are identified based on state of preparedness and requirement

All platforms are different in the way visitors interact with each other. It has to be kept in mind before launching SMO.

Ensure that all irate customers are replied properly.

All bad cases are identified and proper replies are drafted in advance.

Representative grouping of bad cases are done and proper mitigation channels are identified in advance

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78% of people trust recommendations of other consumers 41% of users read blogs 47% of the time people spent on the internet is spent looking

at content and 33% time is spent communicating 91% of users are likely to buy on recommendation 330 million online video viewers Twitter has 1 million users and 3 million messages/day Facebook has majority members in 30+ age group Facebook has 250 million active users Orkut has 120 million users MySpace has 110 million users Twitter is being confimred as the support for traditional medium

SOURCE: Pricewaterhouse Coopers

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Top Social Networking Sites in India by Unique Visitors (December 2008 vs. December 2007) Total IndiaAge 15+, Home/Work Locations*

Total Unique Visitors (000)

Dec-07 Dec-08 % Change

Total Internet : Total Audience 26,240 32,099 22

Social Networking 12,795 19,369 51

Orkut 7,123 12,869 81 1,619 4,044 150 1,736 3,269 88 714 2,012 182

ibibo.Com 1,970 990 -50

MySpace Sites 352 741 110 293 513 75 2,106 433 -79 515 385 -25 256 248 -3

Source: comScore World Metrix

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There are many examples of blogs being maintained by corporates, CISCO is one of those.

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Comcast H&R Block Southwest IBM Intel QuickBooks Jet Blue Dell SAP

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Challenge: In a competitive market we had to influence the other DTH users’ preference towards Reliance Big TV DTH. To create awareness about its service USP and generate buzz among the active internet audience was another task. And also to facilitate the building of ‘Big TV’ community on the Internet.

Approach: Strategic planning towards building of ‘Big TV’ community on Social networking websites and starting polls and discussions on various forums and blogs was undertaken to create awareness about the service. Also, engaging users and conversing with them about the distinctive features and qualities influenced their buying decision positively

Results: Among various other DTH services, people were still keen to know more about the Reliance Big TV DTH. Discussion on its unique features and services led to many posts and polls by the users on the forums and blogs. This created a user driven buzz about the brand. Constant engagement with users also helped sales.

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Presence on major Social Media Platforms:- Facebook Twitter Linkedin Youtube blog Wikipedia Digg Stumpleupon LookUp Page

Scenario Planning for various contingencies Regular tracking of response Content seeding and planning for phase 2

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To initiate the SMO, the below mentioned criteria can be finalized:- Agenda with customer engagement as

main interaction point No hard selling Lot of tips Quizzes to engage the customers Scenario planning Strict monitoring of discussions /comments

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During the campaign any negative comment/feedback/ issue should be tracked and properly handled. Various Scenarios can arise during this period. These are listed below:-

Scenario 1 Overwhelming positive WOM Few customer complaints

Scenario 2 Lots of customer complaint Overwhelming positive WOM

Scenario 3 Few customer complaint Few positive WOM

Scenario 4 Few Positive WOM Few queries from customer about claim management philosophy

Scenario 5 Overwhelming brand recall, positive word of mouth Few queries from customer about claim management philosophy Few customer complaint Few queries related to job openings

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Although there are many metrics & tools to track, social media engagements, the prominent ones are discussed on my blog here.

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Property Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3

Facebook Quiz Tips Widget

Twitter Updates on activity

Updates on weather

Promo based updates

Linkedin Poll Questions

Youtube Video blog Tips Widget

Wikipedia Product details Tips

Digg Brand Page Content Seeding Widget

StumpleUpon Brand Page Content Seeding Widget

RSS Feed Quiz Tips

LookUp Page Brand Page Content Seeding

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Property Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3 Expected Investment (Rs.)

Facebook Quiz Tips Widget 300000

Twitter Updates on activity Updates on weather

Promo based updates


Linkedin Poll Questions 5000

Youtube Video blog Tips Widget 100000

Wikipedia Product details Tips -----

Digg Brand Page Content Seeding Widget 50000

StumpleUpon Brand Page Content Seeding Widget 50000

RSS Feed Quiz Tips 25000

LookUp Page Brand Page Content Seeding -----

Contingency Planning

Video Update 50000

Total Investment 6.3 Lakh

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How do we measure Return on Investment? We can use the defined IAB metrics for calculating the ROI

Should the CEO blog? CEO, CFO, COO all of them can add their views on the blog Users will be allowed to post comments, questions and views on the blog,

which will be moderated to ensure cuss languages are debarred.

Blog or Forum? Blog is more company centric, although users can also comment and put their

views Forums are more user centric and issues faced by users can be solved, and

answered to In forum various department heads can also act as thread owners and resolve

customer issues, make people understand more about general insurance and do subtle promotion

How do we find enough to write about? We can hire ORM agency to write content for us. We can devote some time ( 10 mins) each day

How do we handle negative comments? Scenario planning All type of expected negative comments planned and proper reverts canned

Blogging Codes of Conduct ORM

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