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Institutions and the Social

Grouping in SocietyJosefino Tulabing Larena Jr. ,AB, CPS,CPE,MPA

Learning Outcomes

Develop a comprehensive

understanding of the meaning

,characteristics and nature of social


Explain the classification and

relevance of social institutions

Discuss the institutional system s a

total integration in the culture

What is Social Institution?

Is a social structures and social

mechanisms of social order and

cooperation that govern the behavior

of its members.

Is a group of social positions,

connected by social relations,

performing a social role.

Any institution in a society that works

to socialize the group of people in it.

Characteristics of an Institution

Palispis ( 2015)

Institutions are purposive.

Relatively permanent in content.

Institutions are structured.

Institutions are a unified structure.

Institutions are necessarily value-laden.

Functions of an Institutions

1. Institutions simplify social behavior for the

individual person.

2. Provide ready-made forms of social

relations and social roles for individual.

3. Act as agencies of coordination and stability

for the total culture.

4. Control behavior.

Major Social Institutions

The Family



Economic Institutions

Government as a Social Institution

The Family

The Family

The smallest social institution with the unique

function or producing and rearing the young.

It is the basic unit of Philippine society and

the educational system where the child

begins to learn his ABC.

The basic agent of socialization because it is

here where the individual develops values,

behaviors, and ways of life through

interaction with members of the family (Vega,


Characteristic of the Filipino Family

The family is closely knit and has strong

family ties.

The Filipino family is usually extended one

and therefore, big.

In the Filipino family, kinship ties are

extended to include the “compadre” or


Functions of the Family

1. Reproduction of the race and rearing of the


2. Cultural transmission or enculturation.

3. Socialization of the child.

4. Providing affection and a sense of security.

5. Providing the environment for personality

development and the growth of self-concept in

relation to others.

6. Providing social status.

Kinds of Family

…according to STRUCTURE

b. Consanguine or Extended Family

-consist of married couple, their parents,

siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and


a.Conjugal or Nuclear Family

-the primary or elementary family

consisting of husband, wife and children.

…according to DESCENT

a. Patrilocal

-when the newly married couple lives with

the parents of the husband.b. Matrilocal

- when the newly married couple lives with

the parents of the wife.

c. Neolocal

- when the newly married pair maintains a

separate household and live by themselves.

…according to AUTHORITY

a. Partriarchal

- when the father is considered the head

and plays a dominant role.b. Matriarchal

- when the mother or female is the head

and makes the major decisions.

c. Equalitarian

- when both father and mother share in

making decisions and are equal in




a form of learning in which

the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group

of people are transferred from one

generation to the next through teaching,

training, or research.

What are the functions of Schools?

Mcnergney & Herbert(2001)

-described the school as first and foremost a

social institution, that is , an established

organization having an identifiable structure

and a set of functions meant to preserve and

extend social order.

School is the place for the contemplation of

reality, and our task as a teacher , in simplest

terms, is to show this reality to our students,

who are naturally eager about them.

Intellectual Purposes…

…to teach basic cognitive skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics; to transmit specific knowledge.

Political Purposes…

…to inculcate allegiance to the existing

political order(patriotism).

…to prepare citizens who will participate in the

political order.

…to assimilate diverse cultural groups into

political order.

…and to teach children the basic laws of


Social Purpose…

…to socialize children into the various

roles, behavior, and values of society.

Economic Purpose…

…to prepare students for their later

occupational roles, and to select, train,

and allocate individuals into the

division of labor.

Multiple Functions of Schools

Technical- Economic

Human/ Social




Manifest Functions of Schools

Social Control

Socialization Placement

Transmitting Culture

Promoting Social & Political Integration

Agent of Change

Latent Functions of Schools

Restricting some activities.

Matchmaking and production of social


Creation of generation gap.

Functions of School


Conservation Function

Instructional Function

Research Function

Social Service Function


What is Marriage

Marriage, also called matrimony or

wedlock, is a socially or ritually

recognized union between spouses

that establishes rights and obligations

between them, between them and

their children, and between them and

their in-laws


Monogamy is a form of marriage in

which an individual has only one

spouse during their lifetime or at any

one time (serial monogamy)

Serial monogamy

Governments that support monogamy,

may allow easy divorce. In a number

of Western countries divorce rates

approach 50%. Those who remarry do

so on average 3 times. Divorce and

remarriage can thus result in "serial

monogamy", i.e. multiple marriages

but only one legal spouse at a time.


Polygamy is a marriage which

includes more than two

partners. When a man is married to

more than one wife at a time, the

relationship is called polygyny, and

there is no marriage bond between the

wives; and when a woman is married

to more than one husband at a time,


Polyandry is notably more rare than

polygyny, though less rare than the

figure commonly cited in the

Ethnographic Atlas (1980) which listed

only those polyandrous societies

found in the Himalayan Mountains

Plural marriage

Group marriage (also known as multi-

lateral marriage) is a form of

polyamory in which more than two

persons form a family unit, with all the

members of the group marriage being

considered to be married to all the

other members of the group marriage,

and all members of the marriage

share parental responsibility for any

children arising from the marriage

Child marriage

A child marriage is a marriage where

one or both spouses are under the

age of 18

Same-sex and third-gender


As noted above, several kinds of

same-gendered, non-sexual

marriages exist in some lineage-based

societies; this section relates to same-

gendered sexual unions.



is a system of beliefs and rituals that

serves to bind people together through

shared worship, thereby creating a

social group.

set of beliefs and practices that pertain

to a sacred or supernatural realm that

guides human behavior and gives

meaning to life among a community of


Characteristics of Religion

Belief in a deity.

A doctrine of salvation.

A code of conduct.

Religious rituals.

Functions of Religion


1. Serves as a means of social control.

2. Exerts a great influence upon personality


3. Allays fear of unknown.

4. Explains events or situations which are

beyond comprehension of man.

5. Gives man comfort, strength and hope in

times of crisis and despair.

6. It preserves and transmit

knowledge, skills, spiritual, and cultural

values and practices.

7. It serves as an instrument of


8. Promotes closeness, love,

cooperation, friendliness and


9. Alleviates sufferings from major


10. It provides hope for a blissful life

after death.

Three Elements of Religion

Sacred and profane.

Legitimation of norms.


Religious community.




Concerned with the specific economic units

of parts that makes an economic system

and the relationship between those parts.

Emphasis is placed on understanding the

behavior of individual firms, industries,

households, and ways in which such

entities interact.

(Spencer, 1980; Javier,2002)


Concerned with the economy as a whole,

or large segments of it.

It focuses on such problems as the role of

unemployment, the changing level of

prices, the nation’s total output of goods

and services, and the ways in which

government raises and spends money.




Government… Is the institution which solves conflicts that

are public in nature and involve more than a

few people.

The SC defines government as the

institution by which an independent society

makes and carries out those rules of action

which are necessary to enable men to live

in a social state, or which are imposed upon

the people for that society by those who

possess the power or authority of

prescribing them.

Three Branches of Government




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