Download - Social & Workplace Activities Manual - Reading ACSF Levels ...


Social, Community & Workplace English & Mathematics


Foundation Skills


Acknowledgements Each activity in this booklet has been aligned to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) * indicators of competence so that they are at the levels appropriate to the delivery of language, literacy and numeracy skills underpinning the units of competency.

• *The “Title to and Intellectual Property rights in relations to the Australian Core Skills Framework are owned by the Commonwealth of Australia”.

Minimum required levels of reading skills to meet ACSF levels 1 - 5

© All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of MW Training Consultants.

Chapter ACSF Reading Skills Level

ACSF Writing Skills Level

ACSF Oral Communication Skills Level

ACSF Numeracy Skills Level

ACSF Learning Skills Level

1. Reading Skills 1

2. Reading Skills 2

3. Reading Skills 3

4. Reading Skills 4

5. Reading Skills 5

Table of Contents

Reading Skills ACSF Levels 1 – 5

Chapter 1 Reading Skills ACSF Level 1............................... 8 Activity 1 Application Form.......................................................... 9 Activity 2 Community Signs ...................................................... 10 Activity 3 Community Advertisement .......................................... 11 Activity 4 Telephone Directory ................................................... 12 Activity 5 Shopping Flyers......................................................... 13 Activity 6 Correspondence......................................................... 14 Activity 7 Public Service Signs ................................................... 15 Activity 8 Bills & Accounts ......................................................... 16 Activity 9 Calendar................................................................... 17 Activity 10 Time ........................................................................ 18 Activity 11 Lists......................................................................... 19 Activity 12 Safety Symbols ......................................................... 20 Activity 13 Meetings................................................................... 21 Activity 14 Symbols or Words...................................................... 22 Activity 15 Product information.................................................... 23 Activity 16 Workplace Safety....................................................... 24 Activity 17 Automatic Teller ........................................................ 25 Activity 18 Traffic & Road Signs................................................... 26 Activity 19 Recipe...................................................................... 27 Activity 20 Timetables & Graphs .................................................. 28 Activity 21 Self Assessment ........................................................ 29

Chapter 2 Reading Skills ACSF Level 2.............................. 31 Activity 22 Local Event ............................................................... 32 Activity 23 Reading a Government Brochure.................................. 34 Activity 24 News Headline........................................................... 35 Activity 25 Racing Form Guide..................................................... 36 Activity 26 Advertisement........................................................... 37 Activity 27 Sports Article ............................................................ 38 Activity 28 Water Safety............................................................. 39 Activity 29 Public Transport ........................................................ 40 Activity 30 Staff Notice............................................................... 41 Activity 31 Lunch order .............................................................. 42 Activity 32 Charts, Dials & Scales ................................................ 43 Activity 33 Activity Program........................................................ 44 Activity 34 Meeting Agenda......................................................... 45 Activity 35 Timeline of Events ..................................................... 46 Activity 36 Instructions .............................................................. 47 Activity 37 Movie Program .......................................................... 48 Activity 38 Machine Directions..................................................... 49 Activity 39 Computer Components ............................................... 50 Activity 40 Postal Charges .......................................................... 51 Activity 41 Safety Signs ............................................................. 52 Activity 42 Self Assessment ........................................................ 53

Chapter 3 Reading Skills ACSF Level 3.............................. 55 Activity 43 Newspaper article ...................................................... 56 Activity 44 Current Events .......................................................... 57 Activity 45 Bar graph ................................................................. 58 Activity 46 Statistics .................................................................. 59 Activity 47 Induction Manual ....................................................... 60 Activity 48 Flow Chart ................................................................ 61 Activity 49 Course Guide ............................................................ 62 Activity 50 Job description .......................................................... 63 Activity 51 Meeting notes ........................................................... 64 Activity 52 Graphic Text ............................................................. 65 Activity 53 Entertainment Guide .................................................. 66 Activity 54 Author’s opinion ........................................................ 67 Activity 55 Interpreting News...................................................... 68 Activity 56 Comparing Costs ....................................................... 69 Activity 57 Instruction Manual ..................................................... 71 Activity 58 Computer Packages ................................................... 72 Activity 59 Repair Manual ........................................................... 73 Activity 60 Locating Information .................................................. 74 Activity 61 Itinerary Details ........................................................ 76 Activity 62 Service Enquiry ......................................................... 77 Activity 63 Self Assessment ........................................................ 78

Chapter 4 Reading Skills ACSF Level 4.............................. 80 Activity 64 Follow These Steps ..................................................... 81 Activity 65 Punting ..................................................................... 83 Activity 66 What’s on the Production Line Tonight? ......................... 85 Activity 67 It Looks Upside Down ..... ........................................... 86 Activity 68 How does this cloning work? ........................................ 87 Activity 69 As I see it… ............................................................... 89 Activity 70 Light up .................................................................... 90 Activity 71 Holistic Health............................................................ 91 Activity 72 Joint Plans................................................................. 93 Activity 73 Costs of Living ........................................................... 95 Activity 74 Entitled to nothing? .................................................... 97 Activity 75 Behind the Talk .......................................................... 99 Activity 76 What’s the connection? ..............................................101 Activity 77 Fact & Opinion ..........................................................103 Activity 78 Misunderstanding?.....................................................105 Activity 79 Culture & Humanity ...................................................107 Activity 80 Balanced News..........................................................109 Activity 81 Maths for Life............................................................111 Activity 82 What’s Your Line?......................................................113 Activity 83 Touring ....................................................................115 Activity 84 Self Assessment ........................................................117

Chapter 5 Reading Skills ACSF Level 5............................ 119 Activity 85 What is the of value?.................................................120 Activity 86 Culture & Beliefs.......................................................122 Activity 87 What was Your start? ................................................124 Activity 88 What is in a word or a phrase? ...................................126 Activity 89 Who is under the influence? .......................................127 Activity 90 Your story is… ..........................................................129 Activity 91 According to the Map.................................................131 Activity 92 They decided that…...................................................133 Activity 93 Editing Notes ...........................................................135 Activity 94 She clasped him passionately…...................................137 Activity 95 The demographics are….............................................139 Activity 96 Terrorism & Me.........................................................141 Activity 97 Stories of Surviving...................................................143 Activity 98 Family Profile ...........................................................145 Activity 99 Plain-Speak..............................................................147 Activity 100 Planning Process.......................................................149 Activity 101 Follow this Chart.......................................................151 Activity 102 What is the order? ....................................................153 Activity 103 What is the credibility? ..............................................155 Activity 104 It Is the Perception Not the Truth................................157 Activity 105 Self Assessment .......................................................159 Contact details & order information – refer last 2 pages.

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Chapter 1 Reading Skills ACSF Level 1


1. Application Form 2. Community Signs 3. Community Advertisement 4. Telephone Directory 5. Shopping Flyers 6. Correspondence 7. Public Service Signs 8. Bills & Accounts 9. Calendar 10. Time 11. Lists 12. Safety Symbols 13. Meetings 14. Symbols or words 15. Product Information 16. Workplace safety 17. Automatic teller 18. Traffic & road signs 19. Recipe 20. Timetables & graphs 21. Self Assessment

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Reading Skills Level 1

Activity 9 Calendar Write on the calendar page for the month of December


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 1. What date is the first Saturday in December? ____________________ 2. If a meeting is held on the last Wednesday of the month what date will

it be? __________________________________________ 3. Circle the dates on the calendar that appear in the appointment notices below?


Your six-month check up with Dr Drummond is due on the

17th December 2003



Parent / Teacher interviews

7.30pm in school hall

Tuesday 8th December 2003

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Reading Skills Level 1

Activity 21 Self Assessment Name .................................................... Aspects of Communication Task Activity Description Date Task Self Assessment Activity Date

Public Communication 1 Use a personal identification

card to complete form 1 Join a local library or club by completing an application form

2 Signs related to the local environment 2 Locate local library or venue

following signs

3 Local community advertisement Hand drawn map

3 Follow simple instructions to a local venue

4 Telephone directory – locate specific numbers 4 Find the number of a local

venue in telephone book

5 Shopping specials list, flyer, value of Australian coins 5 Locate items on special at local


System Communication 6 Match address for letters and

envelopes 6 Mail a response letter in a reply paid envelope

7 Signs related to Public Service Institutions 7 Identify signs for local transport

8 Key words on a bill, pay slip 8 Pay a household bill by cheque

9 Recognise calendar information for appointment 9 Identify details on an

appointment card

10 Read time on a digital and analogue clock 10 Locate times on a bus/train


Cooperative Communication 11 Locate name on a list of

teams, class or group members 11 Locate name on an electoral roll

12 Read safety symbols found on household products 12 Identify caution warning on

household products

13 Match time and place of meeting on a notice or letter 13 Locate meeting time on a notice

or letter

Personal Communication 14

Symbols or words encountered in personal circumstances

14 Identify public amenities in a specific area

15 Locate expiry date on licence, food product information 15 Locate use by date on a product

Technical Communication 16 Understand workplace safety

logos, letters on keyboard 16 Follow fire evacuation signs

17 Use an automatic teller machine 17 Withdraw money from an

Automatic teller machine

Procedural Communication 18 Identify traffic/road signs and

warnings 18 Follow road signs at an intersection

19 Locating information in recipes 19 Follow simple recipe steps

20 Gather information from pie graphs, timetables 20 Read values on a graph

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© MW Training Consultants Chapter 2 – Reading Skills ACSF Level 2 Page 12 of 31

Chapter 2 Reading Skills ACSF Level 2


22. Local event 23. Government Brochure 24. News Headline 25. Racing form guide 26. Advertisement 27. Sports Article 28. Water Safety 29. Public Transport 30. Staff Notice 31. Lunch Order 32. Charts, Dials & Scales 33. Activity Program 34. Meeting Agenda 35. Timeline of events 36. Instructions 37. Movie Program 38. Machine Directions 39. Computer Components 40. Postal Charges 41. Safety Signs 42. Self Assessment

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Reading Skills Level 2

Activity 33 Activity Program

Dinosaurs AT THE LIBRARY  May 15th to 20th

Create an activity program for the week suitable for a child aged 8

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Selected libraries are holding presentations called

Fascinating Dinosaur Facts over the school holidays. The talks will focus on exhibits from the city museum and answer questions about the existence and extinction of dinosaurs on


Session starts at 10am and finishes at 12 noon for 5-9 year olds

Session starts at 1pm and finishes at 3pm for 10-15 year olds

TUESDAY, THURSDAY Storytelling session 10-11am for 5-8 year olds Art & Craft Workshop 1-3pm for 5-12 year olds Books on line 10-2pm for 10-15 year olds Storytelling Session 1-3pm for teenagers


Phone your nearest library for more details and to book a place

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Reading Skills Level 2

Activity 42 Self Assessment Name .................................................... Aspects of Communication Task Activity Description Date Task Self Assessment Activity Date

Public Communication 22 Locate specific information

about a local event 1 Locate details of event on a community newsletter

23 Underline the meaning of terms in a Government brochure

2 Underline meanings of terms on Centrelink brochure

24 Demonstrate understanding of current affairs issues 3 Discuss main headline of local

newspaper front page

25 Extract information from a list with words and numbers 4 Use information guide to

complete lotto ticket

26 Express own opinion about an author’s intention 5 Discuss purpose of favourite

television advertisement

27 Locate specific information from a passage of text 6 Explain content of local news


28 Interpret signs and symbols related to public safety 7 Identify road & pedestrian

safety signs in local area

29 Read diagrammatic text to find information 8 Locate an intersection for

nearest bus stop on local map

System Communication 30 Read personally relevant text

in form or notice 9 Explain different sections of a pay slip

31 Extract information from a list with words and numbers 10 Complete an order form for

school uniform and books

32 Read simple charts, dials and scales 11 Describe local weather from

map and table

Cooperative Communication 33 Extracts information form text

to make a choice 12 Plan a day trip for a family using a tourist brochure

34 Reads key information from a meeting agenda 13 Describe meeting content from

the minutes distributed

Personal Communication 35 Demonstrates understanding

of text to draw a timeline 14 Recall the sequence of events relating to a personal experience

36 Reads and follows simple instructions 15 Follow instructions for a simple


37 Locate and select information from a written text 16 Find time and channel for a

television program

Technical Communication 38 Read short explicit text to

operate machinery 17 Follow instructions to operate a household appliance

39 Extracts information from a list of words and terms 18 Compare cost of two home

computer packages

Procedural Communication 40 Reads and compares

information in two columns 19 Use bus timetable to calculate travelling time

41 Reads brief message at work that relates to common signs 20 Interpret instructions from an

appliance warranty

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NOTES/QUESTIONS/COMMENTS ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................

© MW Training Consultants Chapter 3 – Reading Skills ACSF Level 3 Page 16 of 31

Chapter 3 Reading Skills ACSF Level 3


43. Newspaper article

44. Current events

45. Bar graph

46. Statistics

47. Induction manual

48. Flow chart

49. Course guide

50. Job description

51. Meeting notes

52. Graphic text

53. Entertainment guide

54. Author’s opinion

55. Interpreting news

56. Comparing costs

57. Instruction manual

58. Computer packages

59. Repair manual

60. Locating information

61. Itinerary details

62. Service enquiry

63. Self Assessment

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Reading Skills Level 3

Activity 56 Comparing Costs Using the information presented in the table below, are you better off with a credit, debit or charge card?

Credit cards Debit card Charge card Card Alternatives

Bank A Visa Card

Bank B Visa Card

Bank C Credit Union


Bank D Company Card

Variable rate 16.15% 11.75% N/A unless go into overdraft Then pay 10.5%


Free days after statement date

25 0 0 21

Minimum repayments

1.5% or $25 of the balance

2% or $20 3% on overdraft balance or $25

Balance in full. If not there’s a charge of $20 or 3% of the balance

Annual fee $59 $26+ $36 Joining: $30 Annual: $65

Interest charged from

Purchase date Purchase date When the overdraft facility goes into debit


Rewards Yes. Shopping, banking and travel awards. Can convert award points to frequent flyer points. Bonus points for spending with selected partners

Optional ($33). Currently 1st year is free. Apart from offering a standard awards program with bonus points, Bank B offers discounts and vouchers from some partners.

No Optional. $59 pa allows you to transfer to frequent flyer programs or purchase products in Bank D catalogue

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Activity 56 Cont’d Use the information in the table to give reasons to support your suggestion for the type of card that best suits the people in these circumstances.

1. A young, single person, earning $30 000, who spends $1000 a month and pays only the minimum balance on the card each month?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

2. A thirty-something couple with two children earning a combined income of $100 000. They use a card for all their living and entertainment expenses. They travel overseas regularly and spend about $3000 a month on their card. They always pay off the card before the “payment due” date. They like reward points and redeem them regularly.

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

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Reading Skills Level 3

Activity 63 Self Assessment

Name .................................................... Aspects of Communication Task Activity Description Date Task Self Assessment Activity Date

Public Communication 43 Read news article and identify

topic sentences 1 Select key points in the main story of a local newspaper

44 Review content of a current event report 2 Give oral recount of local sports


45 Interpret information from a bar graph 3 Compare saving scheme returns

over a period of time

46 Assess how statistics in graphic form can affect opinion 4 Explain how share performance

may influence investors

System Communication 47 Use personal induction manual

to check own entitlements 5 Compare the salary package of a job in private/public sector

48 Use a flow chart to describe job searching 6 Design a flow chart to buy a


49 Locate courses available related to a specific job 7 Gather information to enrol in a

course of personal interest

50 Review a job description 8 Compare job descriptions in the same area

Cooperative Communication 51 Explain agenda and meeting

notes 9 Review information /minutes from a meeting attended

52 Relate graphic text to a particular group 10 Present staff with a diagram of

holiday/leave arrangements

Personal Communication 53 Find details of local

entertainment in newspaper 11 Locate details of family entertainment in local area

54 Reflect on author’s opinion about characters 12 Identify author’s bias in a

newspaper report

55 Interpret and use information in a news article 13 Express personal opinion

related to a local current event

56 Compare costs of different credit cards using table 14 Compare interest rates on home


Technical Communication 57 Use an instruction manual to

setup a DVD player 15 Follow instructions to set a VCR to record a program

58 Select a computer package appropriate to small business 16 Compare prices of similar PC


Procedural Communication 59 Locate information in a manual

to conduct repairs 17 Follow instructions to maintain a home appliance

60 Use a table of contents, index to locate information 18 Use a library computer

catalogue to locate a book

61 Plan travel arrangements for a meeting using schedules 19 Cost a family of four holiday

travelling overseas

62 Identify details of an enquiry requesting information 20 Request information from local

council on home extensions

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NOTES/QUESTIONS/COMMENTS ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................

© MW Training Consultants Chapter 4 – Reading Skills ACSF Level 4 Page 21 of 31

Chapter 4 Reading Skills ACSF Level 4


64. Follow These Steps

65. Punting

66. What’s on the Production Line Tonight?

67. It looks Upside Down

68. How does this Cloning Work?

69. As I See it

70. Light Up

71. Holistic Health

72. Joint Plans

73. Costs of Living

74. Entitled to Nothing?

75. Behind the talk

76. What’s the connection?

77. Fact & Opinion

78. Misunderstanding?

79. Culture & Humanity

80. Balanced News

81. Maths for Life

82. What’s your line?

83. Touring

84. Self Assessment

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Reading Skills Level 4

Activity 77 Fact & Opinion

Reel News: 23.4.05 Most people believe that travelling overseas or any travel that involves any period of time in an airplane is extraordinarily dangerous. While the likelihood of an airplane accident is not as high or likely to be as frequent as that of a car accident, you are less likely to survive! You will find any number of people- friends, family, acquaintance or colleagues – willing to attest to having experienced some car accident during their lifetime – often minor accidents but still accidents. How many do you know have had a plane accident and are still around?

Reel News: 24.4.05 over the two week holiday period more than 102 people have been killed and 245 people have been injured in road accidents. At the same time 1 light plane carrying 4 passengers touched down safely after one of the engines caught fire in mid-flight. A Brisbane passenger jet carrying 250 people had to land in Sydney instead of Melbourne because of suspected fuel problems. Over a 12 month period there may be 3 major plane accidents that leave no survivors but over that same period there may be the same number killed on our roads and hundreds more injured.

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Activity 77 Cont’d What are the strategies used by each writer to gain the reader’s agreement with their viewpoint? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ How ‘shaky’ or reliable is their evidence to support their opinions? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ How would you respond to both articles in an article of your own? ________________________________________________________________


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Reading Skills Level 4

Activity 84 Self Assessment Name .................................................... Aspects of Communication Task Activity Description Date Task Self Assessment Activity Date

Procedural Communication 64 Follow these steps

1 Do the exercise with a friend

65 Punting

2 Follow the share prices for a few days

66 What’s on the production line tonight?

3 Reflect on systems that made

you ‘produce’ each day

Technical Communication 67 It looks upside down

4 Review a simple machine you

use – how did you learn?

68 How does this cloning work?

5 What are the ethics for this issue?

Personal Communication 69 As I see it

6 Can you explain a cartoon in

the paper?

70 Light Up

7 Advice is offered what do you do?

71 Holistic Health

8 Reflect on stories from others that you believed

Co-operative Communication 72 Joint Plans

9 Reflect on the last meeting you


73 Costs of Living

10 Review your own costs

System Communication 74 Entitled to Nothing?

11 What entitlements do you


75 Behind the talk

12 Ask for a range of opinions on an issue

Public Communication 76 What’s the connection?

13 Read the projected weather

long term and compare

77 Fact & Opinion

14 Compare a news topic in two different papers

Co-operative Communication 78 Misunderstanding?

15 Review your relationship with


79 Culture & Humanity

16 Reflect on the different cultures in your street/class

Public Communication 80 Balanced News

17 Compare advertising for pain


System Communication 81 Maths for Life

18 Review your math skills

Personal Communication 82 What’s your line?

19 Explain situation similar for you

Procedural Communication 83 Touring

20 Plan the details of your won trip

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©MW Training Consultants Chapter 5 – Reading Skills ACSF Level 5 Page 26 of 31

Chapter 5 Reading Skills ACSF Level 5 CONTENTS

85. What is of Value?

86. Culture & Beliefs

87. What was your Start?

88. What is in a Word or a Phrase?

89. Who is Under the Influence?

90. Your Story is…

91. According to the Map…

92. They Decided that...

93. Editing Notes

94. She Clasped him Passionately…

95. The Demographics are…

96. Terrorism & Me

97. Stories of Surviving

98. Family Profiles

99. Plain-Speak

100. Planning Process

101. Follow this Chart

102. What is the Order?

103. What is the Credibility?

104. It is the Perception not the Truth

105. Self Assessment

Contact details & order information – refer last 2 pages.

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Reading Skills Level 5

Activity 99 Plain-Speak Globalization is such a pervading force that often we are unaware of the extent of its impact. Influences via the Internet, emails and instant communication around the world result in our own culture taking on a smattering of different languages and symbols from a range of cultures that are now part of the fabric of our own social, economic and personal lives e.g. computer viruses, virtual relationships, global marketing via websites. The overwhelming array of information to process on a daily basis requires internal cognitive skills that can scan, interpret and ‘download’ information into ‘plain-speak’!

Eyewitness of workplace accident: Sergio  filled  out  the  accident  report  form.  He  wrote  that  the  “alarm  was  off”  when  Sharon  caught  her  hand  in  the  machine.  When  he  verbally  described  the  incident  he  waved  his  arms  about  when  he  said  “the  alarm  it  is  going  off  louder  and  loud...  she  put  hand  in  machine”  

Supervisor said to Sergio: So  the  alarm  rang  before  Sharon  put  her  hand  in  the  machine.  The  alarm  is  sounded  to  tell  you  that  there  is  a  problem  with  the  machine  and  to  turn  it  off  before  calling  maintenance.    

The use of the client as the focus, the source of the training program enables the trainer/teacher to quickly address the individual “gaps” in skills that the client demonstrates. Instead of writing for the whole group to “get to fractions at level 2” the individual can work from a base level to the required level when the need occurs. This dynamic approach requires a “lack of control” on the part of the trainer/teacher yet does not require a facilitator as the trainer/teacher still needs to provide the ‘knowledge of how to calculate 12 ½ % of that dress” to enable the individual who wants to become a sales assistant the skills to understand this process”. The trainer/teacher is the guide and source of information to direct the learner not the arbiter of learning - s/he enables the learning experiences and attends to the slight improvement as they occur to accelerate the learning process. If the actual learning needs of the individual are addressed as they occur the faster the learning. The trainer/teacher does not “1:1” with the learner but sets up a an on-going program, as demonstrated in the previous page, that determines the direction of the individual who then determines the pace and the content.  

Peripherals to computers that enable you to take all your information and ‘hang it around your neck’! Those sorts of technological advances have the unparalleled potential for creative growth and workplace flexibility that is limitless. This technological breakthrough has ramification in terms of archiving, in terms of privacy and, of course, in terms of ‘info-sharing’!

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Activity 99 Cont’d Read the information provided below then re-phrase these workplace texts into Plain English e.g. Take this example of ‘what was said by Sergio’ and what was actually MEANT by Sergio that the supervisor then re-phrased in Plain English ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

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Reading Skills Level 5

Activity 105 Self Assessment Name .................................................... Aspects of Communication Task Activity Description Date Task

Self Assessment Activity - determines own activity at this level


Public Communication 85 What is of value? 85

86 Culture and Beliefs 86

87 What was your start? 87

88 What is in a word or a phrase? 88

89 Who is under the influence? 89

System Communication 90 Your story is… 90

91 According to the map… 91

Cooperative Communication 92 They decided that…. 92

93 Editing Notes 93

94 She clasped him passionately. 94

95 The demographics are … 95

Personal Communication 96 Terrorism & Me 96

97 Stories of Surviving 97

98 Family Profiles 98

Technical Communication 99 Plain-Speak 99

100 Planning Process 100

Procedural Communication 101 Follow this chart 101

102 What is the order? 102

103 What is the credibility? 103

104 It is the perception not the truth 104

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Social & Workplace Language, Literacy & Numeracy

Activities Manual

Reading Skills ACSF Levels 1 - 5 Order from Teach2Learn Resources

Email [email protected] or [email protected] Mail PO Box 71 Scarborough QLD 4020 Phone: (07) 3203 5203 Fax: (07) 3203 7174