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Task 2: Social Action

Beth geldard

Page 2: Social actions task 2 bg

Social Issues• Smoking • Drink/drug driving • Cancer • Fracking • Politics • Pollution/environment • Racism • Bullying • Mental Health • Women's rights • Alcohol • Litter • Homelessness • Drugs/ legal rights • Sexuality • Addiction • Gender identity • Domestic abuse • Speeding/driving• Death penalty• Gambling • Animals/ endangered • Fish

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Homelessness What I think is good about this poster is how to it showing what homeless people are like reviling who there true identity is. Showing that money that is given to them from the streets, they spend it on gamboling, alcohol and drugs. So this poster is identifying who they are and making people realize that the money that people are giving them that they have earned it going to be used on one of these three things. What I think is creative about this poster is how they are used a brown basic paper bag for the background creating a rough texture to resemble the life that they have. It all clear the images on the bag showing that people know what they are up to in which people do not want to help. But a negative aspect of this is maybe not all homeless people are like this creating a bad outlook on who they are and judging them to be something they are not. Which is stereo typing themThis is another homeless poster, which has been designed on the floor. This poster I believe is making people look like they a belittling them making them feel small and unwanted. And it showing what peoples actions are like; you would stop to read this poster but you wouldn’t help someone that is in need of care. This is a large contrast with the poster I analyzed before, as it showing what people actions are and how if you was in that position you would want to be treated like a human not looked at like you are dirt, making you want equal rights because you are the same as everyone else. The colours of the colours are plain black and white its straight forward and straight to the point making you think about what you are doing and if its rights?What I will take away from this poster is the chose of words being used. They need to mean something for someone to take in consideration of someone else and how they can help them. To help homeless people, what I could do to make people more aware about it is to create is a adverts, charity and a webpage. Giving a range of resources for people to be able to find out about it and if they haven't got enough on the for instance a poster they have got some where else to look.

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BullyingBoth of these adverts/posters are based around children/students implying that this is when it’s most common. This shows that its been round for years and its never been stopped. The child that is being straggled by words suggest that its over facing him, its belittling him suggesting that he cant speak up for him self. Using hurtful and aggressive words making him feel unworthy. There's a saying “Actions speck louder then words” which maybe his parents are threatening him. I think this is a good display of how bullying can come across as maybe the child has no proffe of bullying but the marks on his skin and speak out for him to make people aware of the problem with out him saying anything. The poster to the left is showing a lot of typography around the boy next to it. which have been all put in the colour yellow which can connote signs of distress, warning and it can also stimulates mental activity meaning its wanting you to become aware of the problem. Remembering that the purpose of this poster is to change attitudes and raise awareness. Asking rhetorical question making the public think that what they are doing and to stand up for someone in need if they are not willing to do it them selves. Placing tape over his mouth to suggest that his opinion does not matter. By him being in the corner of the image shows how bullying is over taking his life, he is getting backed up in to a corner and no one is realizing. What I will take in to consideration for this poster is the choice of colours are words something that will be able to speak to the audience and maybe for people who are being bullied make them stand up for them selves and chose to say something to there, parent, friends and teacher so they know the struggles they are going through. Another thing I will include are children and students, showing when its most common and how peoples lives can be ruined by it. another way I could make this more known is a Facebook page because this is social media that they use making it a easier access for them to get help and bring support in to them. Facts on bullying; 32.Million students are victims of bullying 160,000 teens skip school each day Bullying charities are, children line, NSPCC and beat bullying

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RacismWhat I think is good about this poster is that it is sating everyone is the same, black or white, it does not matter what colour you are. People think that white is there to show perfection, innocence and goodness. And black illustrates death, evil, unknown and negativity. Stereo typing skin on what they have heard within the mainstream media which is creating a active audience and believing everything they hear and not realizing that everyone is the same its only a skin colour and they have demonstrated by two Guns merged together as hands. But what this also could show it that maybe that they have each others backs they wants to protect one another or because of what generation we are in people are being two faced and have to think its okay to be in a world with blacks and whites.The black and white then begins to start to contrast with the red to represent the history behind racism on how many people died by there skin colour. The poster to the left Is there to show how it does not matter what skin colour you are and how you are looked upon because you are all the same underneath and gives an idea that there should be equal rights. Using 3 simple words in black, so it’s prominent and clear for people to realize that there are no differences in each heat like I said before showing how we are all the same. To make a racism poster/advert i would fine an image of all races showing the different between cultures but showing all we all have the same body part, maybe we all look different, but it the up bringing is what shows more about you. Facts: In California, 40% of African American men between 18-25 are either in jail, on parole, or on probation.Since the very first U.S. census in 1790, every U.S. census has sorted people by race. Since then, racial groupings have changed 24 times.