Download - Socia Media & online resources for students

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Can social media &

online resources

support careers?

Page 2: Socia Media & online resources for students

+Social media & careers

What is social media?

Name examples of social media?

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+Examples of social media

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+Why do we use Facebook or


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+Facebook: Why do companies

spend time & energy creating....

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+Another example on Facebook….

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+Reasons why…..

They want you to remember them!

They want you to shop with them!

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Do you know of any social media

sites which can support your


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+UCAS on Facebook helping you

with info on university…

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+National Apprenticeship Service,

students seeking apprenticeship…

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+For one week I want you to ‘Like’ or

‘Follow’ Susan Burke Careers

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+Or on Twitter… use your

phones, tablet or pc to get online…

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+Can you research posts from the

one of the following…

UCAS Facebook

National Apprenticeship Service

Susan Burke Careers

Work in pairs to work out one post you found useful……

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+In 5 mins what can you find which

would be useful to you?

Now feedback to the class…

Page 16: Socia Media & online resources for students is

One stop stop of careers resources for example it can help you

find work experience, explore gap years, apprenticeship, UK and

overseas universities and much more.

Click on the link to learn how to find

work experience now spend 10 minutes finding information using and present it back to the class.

(Tip: Just focus on one section for example Career Research,

Work Experience, Apprenticeships, Option Choices, Course

requirements etc)

Click on > Click ‘Careers Resources >

Select appropriate year group.