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Soci 302A 2014 - Final Paper Guidelines

Final Paper (30%): Research Papers will be about a topic of your choosing with previous approval of your instructor or TA. You will need to incorporate at least 3 readings from all the course.  Organized, with:

1) Introduction: including a main argument, a brief discussion of what you are going to do.

2) A body involving information you researched and readings from class you are  analyzing. Please make explicit  what are the different points of view on the topic you chose to research with direct references to your sources, include appropriate quotations if necessary.

3) Conclusion, were you explain what you learned from this discussion, and where you may raise new questions.

Papers will be evaluated using the following criteria: a) Research (defining a topic, finding relevant sources), b) Strength of your argument (how well is your argument supported on relevant information), c) Organization and writing clarity. Papers should be 8 pages long (double-spaced,1 in  margins 12 pt font).

*** Due at the beginning of class November 27***


Sources :


Depending on your theme you will need to search for sources other than the 3 class readings required. You can use media sources but you also need to show you are informed on the academic discussions on the topic. Academic sources are University Press books and published Journal Articles. 


Quote your sources in a “References cited” section at the end of your paper.  You can use any citation style you prefer (American Sociological Association, American Psychology Association, Modern Languages Association, etc) Please be consistent ie do *not* mix up two styles.


Some relevant journals are:

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o   Identities : Global Studies in Culture and Power o   Ethnic and Racial Studieso   Race Ethnicity and Education o   Journal of Migration and Ethnic Studies o   Journal on Gender Studies






Revision Option


You have the option of revising your paper in collaboration with a classmate. This option implies a series of steps, a different deadline and different submission requirement, yet the general assignment remains the same.Note you will *not* be “marked down” if you do *not* chose this option.The marking criteria are the same.  

If you chose to make the revision:


a) You will need to work in collaboration with a classmate. b) On November 27 (or earlier) you will exchange papers with your partner. c) Each of you will make comments and return to your partner by the evening of

Friday November 28. Notes:

·      Reading your partner’s 8-pages paper and making comments should not take more than 1 hour.

·      The comments are expected to be mostly on writing and argumentation style, you are *not* expected to sugest your partner develops a whole new section, or engages with a whole new body of literature (yes you can sugest she-he engages with one author we have read in class) or substantially change their paper.

·      Use the activity with Baloy as example). d) Once you got your comments you will have a chance to revise your paper anytime

before the deadline and produce a new version. e) You will hand in the 2 versions.

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Deadline for revised papers: ***December 2nd , at 3 pm in the ANSO building’s dropbox***  Requirements for revised papers: You will submit 2 versions of the same paper:

1) A first draft that includes the comments of you partner. Comments can be handwritten or made through Word processor comment tool. Please include your partner’s name.  2) The final version.

We will look at the old version to see the points you worked after the revision. ***We will grade the final version only***