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SOC 12 Unit 3 Review Answers

Original Program Design By: Matthew Ngo

Page 2: SOC 12 Unit 3 Review Answers Original Program Design By: Matthew Ngo.


• The point of the game is to make the most by answering questions

• Each briefcase is worth $1.00

• Answering CORRECTLY - you get $1.00• Answering INCORRECTLY - you lose $1.00

• Team with the most money wins the game!!!!

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It is the lifelong process of social interaction through which individuals acquire a self-identity and the physical, mental,

and social skills needed for survival in society.


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Name the 4 most pervasive socializing agents





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She concluded that boys and girls did not use the same standards of morality.

Carol Gilligan

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Name Piaget’s 4 stages of cognitive development

Sensorimotor stage

Preoperational stage

Concrete operational stage

Formal operational stage

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Sigmund __________, human development occurs in three stages that reflect different

levels of the personality.


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Is the totality of our beliefs and feelings about ourselves


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List the 4 components of self-concept

• The Physical Self (“I am tall”)• The Active Self (“I am good at Soccer”)• The Social Self (“I am ice to others”)• The Psychological Self (“I believe in world peace”)

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His 8 stages of conflict involve the inner struggle of humans (psycho) as they encounter the real world through interactions with people and situations (social).

Eric Erickson

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Basic trust vs. basic distrust

Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

Initiative vs. guilt

Industry vs. inferiority

Identity vs. role confusion

Intimacy vs. isolation

Generativity vs. stagnation

Ego integrity vs. despair

Which of the 8 stages is missing?

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What are Mead’s 3 stages of self-development?

• Preparatory Stage• Play Stage• Game Stage

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How did Mead divide the self?

I and Me• The “I” is the subjective element of the self that represents the

spontaneous and unique traits. (develops first)• The “me” is the objective element of the self, which is

composed of the internalized attitudes and demands of other members of society and the individual’s awareness of those demands. (develops second)

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Are those persons whose care, affection, and approval are especially desired and who are most important in the

development of the self.

Significant Others

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The process by which a person mentally assumes the role of another person in order to understand the world from that

person’s point of view.


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A. Refers to the way in which a person’s sense of self is derived from the perceptions of others. What is the term?

It is based on the perception other people think of us.The Looking Glass

B.Who came up with this theory?Charles Cooley

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Is the systematic study of how biology affects social behavior


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Children who have survived with little or no human contact.


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He classified moral reasoning into 3 sequential levels: Pre-conventional level (age 7-10), Conventional level (age 10 – adulthood), Post-conventional level (few

adults reach this)

Lawrence Kohlberg

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Name one of Urie Bronfenbrenner Systems.

Ecological System




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What are the 4 most common categories of age in Canada?

Infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood (young, middle and older


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Is the process of learning a new and different set of attitudes, values, and behaviours

from those in one’s previous background and experience


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A place where people are isolated from the rest of society for a set period of time

and come under the control of the officials who run the institution.

total institution

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The aspect of socialization that contains specific messages and practices concerning the nature of being female or male in a specific group or society.

Gender Socialization

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Name the Quintuplets of Canada

Dionne Quintuplets

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Having both male and female characteristics


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What are the four aspects of gender?





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Name 2 themes of ads about masculinity.

Attitude is Everything

The Cave Man Mentality

The New Warriors

Muscles and the "Ideal" Man

Heroic Masculinity

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What side of the brain is described below?

–Possesses strong verbal abilities–Excels at processing information–Exhibits logical, orderly thought processes

Left Brain

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This is the outcome of the brain’s organization of incoming stimuli.


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The responses from this test enable psychiatrists to classify a subject as one of three personality types:– Conceptual thinkers (those who look at the entire ink blot)– Rigid or compulsive people (those who focus on small details)– Rebellious or negative personalities (those who look at the white

space in the ink blot.)

Name the test!

Rorschach’s ink Blots

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_________: those who are shy, serious, reflective and inward thinking.


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_________: an outgoing, charismatic, and action-

oriented personality


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From a _________perspective, socialization is most effective when people conform to

the norms of society


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Every human being is a product of …

…biology, society, and ______________

Personal Experiences

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What is the most frequent form of child abuse?

Child Neglect

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_____________ is a group of people who are linked by common interests, equal social position, and similar age

Peer Group

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State the 2 functions in which mass media is an agent of socialization.

• They inform us about events

• They introduce us to a wide variety of people

• They provide an array of viewpoints in current issues

• They make us aware of products and services, that if we purchase them, supposedly help us get accepted

• They entertain us by providing the opportunity to live vicariously through other people’s experiences

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These are children whose physical needs have been met, but who have not received human bonding or love


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• The conscience that consists of the moral and ethical aspects of one’s personality that comes from parents, others, the whole society

• Superego

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The component of the personality that includes all of the individual’s basic biological drives and needs that demand immediate gratification


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The rational, reality-orientated component of personality that imposes restrictions on the

innate pleasure seeking drives of the id


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The process by which knowledge and skills are learned for future roles.

anticipatory socialization

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Wherein a person or group is considered to have less social value than other

individuals or groups

social devaluation

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When we assume a new status (such as becoming a student, an employee, or a retiree) of our own free will.

Voluntary Resocialization

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Occurs against a person’s wishes and generally takes place within a total


Involuntary Resocialization

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Left (female) or Right (male) Brain?

Possess strong spatial skillsLooks at the overall pictureConcentrates on shapes and patternsExhibits strong hand-eye co-ordination

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Four Factors that influence our perception?

1st impressionsPersonalityLife ExperiencesSelective Memory

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One who combines the characteristics of the introvert

and extrovert.


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______perspective on Family.It recognizes that children affect their parents’ lives and

change the overall household environment.

symbolic interactionist

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What type of an example is this on how women are portrayed in

the media?Objects

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What type of an example is this on how women are portrayed in the


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