Download - Soc 02 Lucas Dustin

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Sociological QuestionsDustin LucasSoc 100 - 02

Page 2: Soc 02 Lucas Dustin

♦Do academics interfere on how well kids perform in sports?

♦Do sports help reduce the risk of kids getting into trouble with illegal activities?

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♦Does smoking affect the class someone is labeled in?

♦Are the kin of a drug users chances to actively engage in drugs higher?

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♦Do children who learn to read early more likely to steer clear of drugs in their future?

♦Does a better education increase a students interest to participate in extracurricular activities?

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♦Do bi racial relationships affect which class that one may be portrayed in?

♦Do relationships at an early age affect ones ability to perform well in academics?

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♦Do playing violent video games affect ones social relationships?

♦Is one born good/bad or is it learned from the environment that they’re surrounded by?

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♦Why is it socially awkward for a younger man to be with an older woman?

♦Is a couple that gets married at a younger age more suspectable to add to the cause higher divorce rates?

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Does giving your child a cellphone at an early age help them become more sociable?

Does technology advances contribute to economy inflation rates?

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♦Are there trends why certain classes may have more pregnant teens than others?

♦Are there more teenage mothers in a certain region than their are in other regions around the country?

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♦Why are rappers associated and stereotyped with gangs and violence?

♦Do entertainers affect the way society may view one specific race?

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♦Are there reasons why gay marriages may happen more frequently in one class than another?

♦Does the media have a positive or negative impact on how we socially view gay marriage?