Download - So you want to improve your golf day!


A lower handicap?

To beat your mates?

Enjoy your golf more?

Become Club Champion?

Make it your career?

Or something else?

Mind Fit will help you, with whatever you want from your golf?

Several years ago Ben Hogan was asked to film a new commercial for his company Hogan Golf. Not too surprising until you realise was by now in his 80’s and had not played

much golf due to ill health. On top if this, his legs were getting worse from the car accident that almost claimed his life in the

early part of his career.

Hogan agreed and on the designated day the camera crew were set-up alongside all the other production that was necessary for the filming. Hogan duly arrived in his golf cart and made his way

to the teeing area.

On passing the guy in control of the golf balls he asked for only 3 balls and moved forward into position. Now Hogan never

allowed anyone to watch him practice. Famously years before Nick Faldo was having lunch with Hogan and when he asked if

he could watch Hogan practice after lunch Hogan thanks him for asking and said “No!”.

Everyone was expectant at the prospect of watching the great man hit shots. After a couple of waggles he made his first swing and ‘topped’ the ball. A noticeable hush descended as he made

another couple of waggles and made his second swing. This time he hit the ball somewhere around the equator and the ball

fizzed down the practice area very low.

Continued next page…

Finally, Hogan set-up to the third and final ball, the crew were now concerned at what might unfold as the day progressed.

Hogan made his third swing and hit the ground too much removing a large divot before the ball.

At this stage no-one knew where to look and some were wondering if they might get any good footage at all for the


Hogan turned around to face everyone and announced that he was ready. He promptly hit shot after shot perfectly and in no

time at all the assembled crew were congratulating Hogan on a great days shoot and pleased with what would prove to be a

successful advertising campaign.

One of the producers sidled over to Hogan at the end of the shoot curious as to what happened with the first three shots.

Hogan explained that as it had been several months since he had last hit a golf ball, that he needed to get his ‘eye in’. The

purpose of the first three shots was to work out where the ball was and indeed the ground!

The Fosbury Flop is a style used in the high jump. Popularized and perfected

by American athlete Dick Fosbury, whose gold medal in the 1968

Summer Olympics brought it to the world's attention.

Over the next few years the flop became the dominant style of the

event and remains so today. With the advent of deep foam matting high

jumpers were able to be more adventurous in their landing styles and

hence experiment with styles of jumping.

“The whole principle came from the idea that if you broke down everything you could think of that goes into riding a bike, and then improved each by 1%,

you will get a significant increase when you put them all together”.

We then heard about how his cyclists wash their hands really well, slept on the same pillow every night, and had every aspect of their lives improved

(as well as their bikes).

Dave Brailsford

Bought new clubs? Expensive option – good for the manufacturers!

Bought books, videos, dvd’s and magazines?

Lots of contradiction? How do you apply the information?

Had some lessons? How many and how many different coach’s and opinions?

Did any of it work?

What will you do NEXT?

Mind Fit Golf makes it simple!

Lower YOUR scores

Practice with PURPOSE & SUCCESS


Hit MORE fairways

Hole MORE putts

Greater understanding of every shot – SIMPLY!

Impress YOUR friends


Practice what the pros do

Anything else YOU want to add…?

A simple 3 Step Process that links how you think, move and play!

1. How YOUR BRAIN processes the information

2. What YOU learn by really watching the BALL

3. How YOUR BODY needs to move

By creating quality FEEDBACK, YOU raise YOUR AWARENESS, which in turn increases YOUR ability to FOCUS & CONTROL what YOU do.

• Hours of unfocused practice

• Embarrassing shots

• Your friendships

• Useless advice

• Being out of control

• Unnecessary lessons

• Money!

And you will improve your business too!!!

• Turned professional in 1985 and

became fully PGA Qualified in 1988.

• Since then he has enjoyed a great

career playing and coaching golf in the

UK and overseas.

• As a full time coach wanting to make a

difference he has studied in NLP,

Hypnosis, Personal Development,

Coaching for Performance and many

areas related to learning and how the

brain works.

• Having worked in Kiev, Ukraine and in

Portugal his coaching evolved when not

being able to coach using the English


• Since 2011 he has been the main stage

compere at the London Golf Show,

Earls Court, the National Golf Show at

the NEC and the Manchester Golf Show,


• Turned professional in 1999 and became a fully

qualified Master EGTF Professional in 2001.

• Since this time Dean, has ran a successful golf

club for 10 years before concentrating his

career in teaching golf from those new to the

game, to professionals playing on golf tours.

• He designed his own Junior Coaching Program

and has run successful Junior Academy’s with

over 5,000 children attending over the years.

He qualified as an All Abilities Golf Coach and

provides golfing experiences to those with

disabilities, encouraging everyone to accept

the challenge and embrace a new experience

that many would have thought impossible.

• For the past 17 years he has become best

known as a trick shot entertainer visiting

countries all over the world entertaining clients

at corporate days, captains days, charity days

and even weddings!

• More recently he has launched his second

edition of his book titled The A-Z of Junior Golf,

suitable for all junior golfers aged 5-11 years.

• He now enjoys balancing his time between

coaching and performing his world known trick

shot show.

• Neville presents regularly to SMEs in his

Federation of Small Businesses role as

Policy Lead for Kent. He is a regular on

radio and TV in the South East speaking

on business and youth issues.

• Working for most of his career in the

international corporate world, Neville

brings a proven record of optimising

financial and commercial outcomes

through a combination of original

thinking, pragmatism and determination

to get results.

• He has developed his skills from having a

hands on approach and is always ready

to test new ideas. As a trouble-shooter he

is open to opportunities while keeping

one foot firmly on the ground. His

development has been intuitively

discovered through continual practice

and taking positive action.

• His experience includes Oil & Gas,

Construction, Retail, B2B services and in

recent years with SME’s, Social

Enterprises and Start-ups. Critical mass,

scalability, leverage, collaboration,

growth and improvement are common to

his vocabulary and demonstrate the way

he views business opportunities.

If you’re serious you know you have to do it yourself – we show you how


• Create a ‘can do’ mindset

• Understand where you are on the Mind Fit Map

• Raise your self-awareness

• Understand the attitudes and behaviours that influence your performance at work and on the golf course!