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July/August Issue

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Written by: Christine Smith-Washington

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Written by: Kimberly Bowman

The history of Charleston is one that is very rich and diverse, so its no surprise that the

fashion of the Holy City be just as diverse and rich in style. From high fashion to street

wear, Charlestonians are always walking the streets or ripping the runway in the latest

trends they can find in the mall, local boutique, or bargain bin. But now more than ever, the

locals are trading in their Ralph Lauren shirts for Sixteen Seventy shirts. Teenagers aren’t

wearing Ackoo anymore, they are rocking Geechee Apparel. It’s a revolution happening in

Charleston, that’s becoming just as popular outside of the Low country.

In honor of this growing trend in and outside of Charleston, we are spotlighting 10 of some

of our favorite local clothing brands and designers. Although there are hundreds out there,

these 10 in particular are creating a lot of buzz around the city as popularity for their

brands grow and they branch out into doing fashion shows, photo-shoots, celebrity en-

dorsements and support, and lots of other projects. Oh you didn’t know? Fashion does not

sleep, and neither do these designers! While we are sleeping at night, these designers are

up working on their next project, designing their next outfit, creating their next collection.

While we fall in love with other things like supports, television shows, or other people,

they are falling in love with fashion. Month after month, year after year, these lines, and all

the others out there continue to reinvent themselves to keep up with the latest trends and

create new ways to celebrate the culture, life, and people of our wonderful city.

Designers and clothing lines all over, we salute you.

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Charleston has garnered many nick-

names for itself for years, but one of

them that has stuck the most would

be Charleo. With a catchy and popu-

lar name such as that, you can only

expect the clothing line all of that

and more. Charleo embodies every-

thing that we natives love about Charleston

into one phrase, Charleo Fresh. But what

does it mean to be Charleo Fresh? It is what

you make it! When you wear a Charleo shirt,

you are taking pride in not only the history

and culture of Charleston, but your own his-

tory and who you are. Charleston is a

city loved and known all around the

world, so when you have on your

Charleo shirt, hat, pants, skirt, dress,

or anything, are apart of history and

representing your hometown in the

best way. So when you go out of

town, and they as you where you are

from, you can flash your Charleo

gear with pride and shout, “I FROM


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Pretty Bullshit, the phrase is a contradiction

on the surface, but these ladies, Amber and

Ashley, have turned it into some much more

multi-faceted. And to think it all started with a

joke amongst friends on the phone! While

some lines may be for the quiet, reserved

young lady, Pretty Bullshit is for the sassy,

sexy, take charge type of woman. One of the

many collection under the Pink Lips umbrella,

Pretty Bullshit gives women the confidence

they need when they are doing the unordi-

nary, or being above average. Whether its at

home, in school, at work, at the club, the mall,

the sidewalk, or the runway, this line screams,

“I’m here! I’m me! Get used to it or get over it!”

Their line of shirts, hats, and leggings, gives

any woman that edge she needs to make her

presence felt and take on the world. These la-

dies are definitely on their pretty bullshit as

they continue to build their empire in fashion

and entertainment.

Another one of my hometown slang would have to be the word

Geechee. The history, of both Gullah and Geechee, has been so

misunderstood and misinterpreted. With a history so important

to South Carolina and American history, Dee of Geechee Apparel,

only thought of it as right to create a symbol of that rich history.

And so Geechee Apparel was born! Our language and culture are

unordinary, which people love, and so is our fashion. The line,

comprised of hats, shirts, pants, and other accessories, pays

homage to our history and ancestors and a nod to our future. We

may be in different towns and states, but the Geechee Nation is

great in numbers! Not only can we look stylish, but Geechee Ap-

parel redefines what it means to be Geechee.

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Yet another newcomer to Charleston fashion, as

of early 2014, is Boss Life. Just as the name de-

scribes, this line is for the new generation Boss.

With a new generation of entrepreneurship tak-

ing the reigns, bosses are not just the ones sit-

ting back in the office, with their feet up on the

desk. With these new bosses, they are the ones

out with their teams hustling, promoting, build-

ing, networking, and making their brands

known to the people. Boss Life clothing is for the

new Boss, the hustler, the grinder. If you are

gonna be the boss of what you do, why not look

good while doing it?

A veteran to the local fashion scene is, Sixteen

Seventy. The line combines fashion with history,

as a way to honor the rich legacy of Charleston

and surrounding areas. At a first glimpse, some

may mistake the line for Ralph Lauren, for its

debonair, clean cut polo, and small, white logo.

Who would have thought that this first brand

got started in a college dorm? Founder, Troy

Gathers, build this brand off of the pure love

that he had for his hometown of Charleston, SC.

That love has grown into a national, and soon

international, that has all eyes on Charleston. As

they continue to grow throughout the South

East, the brand continues to hold on to its roots

here in the Lowcountry.

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With such a unique name, you can only ex-

pect this simplistic line to come with an

even more unique back story. As a child of

adoption, Corey resented his biological

mother for many years, but as he grew old-

er and with the love of his adopted family,

that resentment evolved into appreciation.

From that new found appreciation for her, Lvevol was

born. The logo may peak your interest, but what it repre-

sents is so much more. While this line is a representation

of Corey’s experience and his story, its intended to influ-

ence others to share their story as well. So when you don a

Lvevol shirt, hat, or pants, you are not only fashionable,

but also inspiring! It’s evolving into more than just a line,

but a movement for people to let their voice be heard and

give them confidence to share their story and who they are

with the world.

Historically, combining both religion and fashion have never

ended well, either causing controversy or just flat out sending

the wrong message to the public. But where some have failed,

other have succeed, and Marcus definitely is succeeding. After

being saved, Marcus chose to tap into his life long love of fashion

as a way to celebrate his new and uplift others who were just

like him. A solider of God in his own right, the mission of Devine

Souls is to help lead people to God, while being the freshest per-

son in the room! His t-shirts and seasonal gear, feature biblical

references and scriptures to inspire not only the person wear it,

but those who see it. The idea is. In over two years, the Devine

Souls has been nominated for various awards, featured in many

fashion shows, and held fundraisers throughout its home city of

Laurens, South Carolina. With God as their right hand man, and

Marcus leading the pack, only more great things around bound

to come from Devine Souls.

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Designer Jamal has always been known to turn

heads all throughout Charleston with his eye

catching fashion sense. It was no surprise that he

eventually caught the eyes of many more, who

started to call upon him to create designs for

them. A few outfits and photo-shoots later, he’s

already being tapped by celebrities in and out-

side of Charleston to designs outfits for them as

well. Jamal prides himself on creating his pieces

for his customers, to match their personalities,

their style, and their attitude. He never fails to

shut down a runway with any of his pieces, or to

make anyone do a double take when they see his

creations. With half of the year down, he’s al-

ready got a few fashion shows under his belt, and

looking to release a calendar, more photo-shoots,

and lots more of his incredible creations.

Who would have thought anything would have came from mak-

ing a few outfits for friends? Tequia would by our personal defi-

nition of “started from the bottom.” She took her desire to look

good and stand out at parties and events, and turned it into a

brand, a business, and her own store! Amazing isn’t it? Custom

House is for the woman just like Tequia. The woman that wants

to stand out, the woman who wants to not just look good, but

feel fabulous, the woman who wants to make men drool as she

walks down the street, and other women envious of her. Cus-

tom House is just that, CUSTOM especially for you. Got a hot

date for the night? Wear custom house Going out for a night on

the town? Wear custom house. Wanna just look damn good?

Rock some custom house! Her creations will have you scream-

ing “YESSSSS HUNNI!” as you are putting it on. Tequia never

disappoints to create something to dazzle us all, on and off the


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Although the line has only been active for a few months,

they are making waves in Charleston just as other lines.

Most designers create lines for you to wear out with

friends, or to a party or club, but Lux does is accomplishes

embodies what these other lines lack at times. Comfort.

It’s simple in appearance, but still gives you the confi-

dence to turn heads anywhere. Whether it be at the mov-

ies, the mall, the park, the beach, or even work, Lux allows

you to be comfortable, while feeling like a million bucks.

Ladies, you don’t have to wear the tightest dress, or have

on the highest heels all the time. You can rock your

choice of a Lux t-shirt, or hat, and still be the baddest

chick. Be on the look out for lots more from Lux! Design-

er Angel has plans to release Lux sports wear and kids

wear very soon.

Quintin is a man that wears many hats in Charleston,

but the one that he holds closest to his heart is that of

fashion designer. Since early 2013, Millionaire Men-

tality has been ripping runways all over Charleston and

South Carolina with its flashy yet simple designs. But

how should one feel when they put on a Millionaire

Mentality piece? Well like a millionaire of course! Quin-

tin wants his customers to feel like they are on top of the

world and that you have the power and ability to do any-

thing. Millionaire Mentality is custom to match you and

your attitude and take you to another level. And how

could you not with such a diverse selection of tops, body

suits, pants, and jackets for men and women. Some may

not have the millions, but Millionaire Mentality will give

you the look and confidence to take on whatever is in

your way like any other millionaire.

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Please find the following updated schedule for our Support Group For Survivors Of Homicide Refreshments are provided at each group!

Support Group is held in the following locations:

1st and 3

rd Thursday of the month from 1:00pm until 2:00pm:

National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center

67 President St.- 2nd

Floor South Entrance, Charleston SC


Thursday of the month from 6:30pm until 8:00pm:

John Wesley United Methodist Church

626 Savannah Hwy. West Ashley

4th Thursday of the month from 6:30 pm until 8:00pm:

Park Circle Community Center, North Charleston


July 3 1:00-2:00 National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center

July 10 6:30-8:00 John Wesley United Methodist Church

July 17 1:00-2:00 National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center

July 24 6:30-8:00 Park Circle Community Center, North Charleston



Aug 7 1:00-2:00 National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center

Aug 14 6:30-8:00 John Wesley United Methodist Church

Aug 21 1:00-2:00 National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center

Aug 28 6:30-8:00 Park Circle Community Center, North Charleston

Sept 4 1:00-2:00 National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center

Sept 11 6:30-8:00 John Wesley United Methodist Church

Sept 18 1:00-2:00 National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center

Sept 25 6:30-8:00 National Day of Remembrance- Lonnie Hamilton Building

If you need help with transportation to support group or any appointment that relates to the loss of your loved one please call 792-8209 and ask for Alyssa Rheingold.

Please call Easter La Roche at (843) 745-2250 or Alyssa Rheingold at (843) 792-8209 if you have any questions

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A new era of business is breaking ground these days,

welcoming a new generation of entrepreneurs. With

this new generation, they bring a fresh perspective on

business, and new ideas and approaches. In another

Exquisite Exclusive, we got a chance to sit down with

an entrepreneur, who is definitely the ambitious type,

Mr. Michael Aiken. To only be 22 years old, Michael

has built more businesses than most entrepreneurs in

their 40s. When asked what the term entrepreneur

means to him, with no hesitation, he defines it as,

“someone who is willing to be different from 98% of

the population.” With a successful landscaping and

record label, its evident that he isn’t planning on slow-

ing down at any point to stop and smell the roses.

Read our interview with him below!

By: Kimberly Bowman

1. What does the work entrepreneur mean to you?

Michael: The word Entrepreneur means to me a person with a purpose who is willing to be different from 98%

of the population. He or she has strong personal development skills and understands business processes to

make profits from either a product or service they have created from the ground up.

2. What inspired you to want to start your own business? Where did the idea come from for the first business?

Michael: Well, my first idea ever was going around cutting grass at the age of 11. Ever since my father told me

that I could make money by doing so, I stuck with the idea. For big jobs, I had my friends come along and I knew

exactly what to pay them and still made a profit for getting the job and the labor I put in. I was very intelligent

for my age.

3. What is it like juggling 2 businesses? How do you find balance and make time for each?

Michael: Not a problem now. Now what REALLY was the problem was working on a job and juggling two busi-

nesses, lol. I quit my last Job with AlliedBarton Security Services on December 28, 2013 and that is when life

took on a new meaning to me. It was a major challenge to keep up with rent and all of my utilities and liabilities

so I saw that as a major opportunity to start building my assets. I have over Hundreds of ideas and creations

that I have made a significant amount of income from but my main two were my Yard Clean Up Service and My

Recording Studio. Priority and focus is the key.

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4. Why do you think you produce music that no one else produces?

Michael: Because I’m just me. We all will most likely experience the same circumstances, but we all have a different

form of expression. Why give up your form of expression to conform to society or the local area you were born or

raised? Creativity describes everyone’s character in my opinion.

5. Besides being a millionaire, what are you trying to accomplish by starting all of these projects and businesses?

Michael: I understand that I owe a debt to society. The most valuable place on the planet is the graveyard because

people take their talents to the grave rather than leaving them behind to live on. I have a major purpose in life to

help people make changes financially and spiritually. In addition, I want to set a milestone and be able to show peo-

ple if I can do it, they can too.

6. What has been your biggest lesson that you have learned since becoming an entrepreneur?

Michael: Never procrastinate on ANY of your ideas or goals. I realized in January, after I quit my job that everything

then relied on self. I have to raise my confidence, my discipline, my esteem and my faith in order to succeed.

Knowledge is not enough. See, knowledge is potential power; it only becomes power when applied. If you possess

the knowledge, but you do not have the confidence, the discipline or even faith to act upon an idea, you will procras-

tinate. Personal development is only ONE of the keys to success.

7. Why chose to get start with your businesses now? You are so young! Why not wait?

Michael: To me, time and age do not exist, however it is good to use as a convenience. Everyone has the power to

create. You create when you act on an idea and when you do not act on an idea. Might as well get started now, it will

save you years. Besides…Your mind determines who you are and what you stand for, not your age.

8. What are you hoping that other young people and people your age take from seeing you and all your successful


Michael: I really do not hope for anything because those who see a re-

flection of themselves from my actions or speech will follow and those

who are aligned to other purposes will not. Realize that the Law of Free

Will is always in effect. Everyone wants to be successful at something.

Some people want to work for a living and others will build business. I

made a choice to build businesses and all I did was follow the ones be-

fore me who were successful. I am only an instrument that god uses to

lead people in the same direction that I am going.

9. What are your next plans? Upcoming projects? New businesses?

Michael: You will see them when they are presented to the society. I

like to build anticipation. Actions really do speak louder than words.

10. Why did you want to have more than one business? Why not just

one? Why several different ones?

Michael: I know my capabilities and I will rise to any challenge that life

gives me for growth. I also believe in multiple sources of income. This is

why my dream of being a Self Made Millionaire will come into exist-

ence. Some people get spread too thin between projects and it hap-

pened to me before. After the beginning failures, I still believed there

was a way to do it. Focus and Priority was the answer. You all will find

out more in one of my future seminars and events.

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I remember a time when children, were children, and they

did things that children do. They went to school, they ate

junk food, they played video games, they did all the things

that kids do, at least what I thought they did. I’m fairly new

to being an adult, and to see the new generation of

“children” growing up now is shocking.

When I was growing up, cell phones and internet weren’t as

popular as they were now. Everywhere you look there is a

kid with a iPhone and a Mac. Its evident that the times are different now than they were 10

years ago when I was their age, but what happened to just being a kid? With the media and

pop culture among only a few of the influences on children these days, its not surprise that

they are in such a rush to grow up and get older with adult lifestyle is flashed in front of

them so much.

But is the media really to blame? It’s the parents that are there with the children, watching

this behavior flourish and thrive.

Let me remind you that a lot of these parents had their children when teen pregnancy was

at some of its highest rates. So many of the parents raising these children, were children

themselves when they first were born. So how does a child raise a child when they are still

being raised themselves?

Rather than place blame on the media, and other influences, parents need to take responsi-

bility for their children. No more do we need to blame rap videos, music lyrics, movie vio-

lence, or models for causing their child to act out. They are the ones in the households with

the children! They are there with the children when they watch these videos, they expose

them to these things and allow them to witness

these things.

Parents, be more mindful of your children, what

they do, and what they are exposed to. Your job

is to mold them, teach them, help them, and

guide them. Not stick them in front of a TV or

hand them a laptop and hope for the best.

Don’t be their enabler, just because you want

them to have the finer things and to have fun, be

their parent! Don’t take their most precious

years of life for granted, teach them while they are still able to listen.

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