Download - Smoking

Page 1: Smoking

Smoking By Taylor Weddle 7G

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What is in it?

In the cigarettes there are tar from the roads, Hexamine from a barbecue lighter, Nicotine, Ammonia from toilet cleaner, paint, Toluene, Cadmium from batteries, fuel, candle wax, Acetic Acid, Methane from sewer gas, Arsenic, Carbon Monoxide and so much more.

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Why did people smoke?

People smoke because they think it is cool, it looks tough and they believe keeps them skinny. They are some of the reasons why people start smoking but in the end they continue to smoke because it’s addictive

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What can it do?

Smoking can do a lot of things and damage to your body such as giving lung cancer, yellow teeth, black gums, smelly breath, cancer, toes will start going black, raised blood pressure, heart rate, less oxygen carried by the blood, blindness, gum disease, other diseases, unhealthy, unfit, hard to breath, yucky skin, colds, stroke, mouth and throat cancer, less oxygen to the brain, heart attack, heart disease, bladder cancer, stained fingers, poorer muscle tone and so much more.

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How can quit smoking help?

Quit smoking can help you by you saving money every week to get a new packed because smoking cost a lot of money, you will be able to do sport really well, you not get cancer or diseases, you will live longer, you will be healthy, you have a better life, you will have beautiful teeth and gums, a healthy heart and healthy skin.

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How can you Quit?

The ways you can quit smoking, by starting to cutting down on the cigarettes each day or week , is to wear patch on your arm, have spray for your throat that is called ‘Nicorette’, you can go on websites to get ideas, you can get help from your friends and family and you can go and see a doctor for help.

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Thank you watching