Download - SMART Seminar Series: From Social Media to GeoSocial Intelligence: A Report on Civic Co-management for Climate Adaptation from Jakarta, Indonesia


1. Assessing the Role of Social Media for Civic Co-management During Monsoon Flooding in Jakarta, Indonesia by Dr Tomas Holderness & Dr Etienne Turpin 2. Research Contributions Matthew Berryman, Rodney Clark, Sara Dean, Yantri Dewi, Olivia Dun, Ben Jones, Mohammad Kamil, Robert Ogie, Rhys Powell, Mary OMalley, Milly Matthews-Mulroy, Alifa Rachmadia Putri, Widya Ramadhani, Frank Sedlar, Ariel Shepherd, Fitria Sudirman, Rohan Wickramasuriya and Albert Yang 3. Funding SMART Infrastructure Facility Faculty of Engineering & Information Sciences University of Wollongong Research Development Fund University of Wollongong Global Challenges Fund Australian National Data Service (via NCRIS) Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction 4. Joint Pilot Study with SMART Infrastructure Facility, BPBD DKI Jakarta, and Twitter 5. Joint Pilot Study with SMART Infrastructure Facility, BPBD DKI Jakarta, and Twitter runs on CogniCity OSS a framework for urban data 6. Joint Pilot Study with SMART Infrastructure Facility, BPBD DKI Jakarta, and Twitter runs on CogniCity OSS a framework for urban data based on GeoSocial Intelligence Framework for Complex Urban Systems 7. 6 million 9 million 13 million (1976) (1989) (2004) By 2014, population of the metropolitan Jakarta (known as Jabodatabek) reached 28 million. Images courtesy of NASA: Landsat MSS (1976 and 1989), and ASTER (2004). 8. Phase 1 / Joint Pilot Study May 2014 May 2015 Jakarta, Indonesia 9. White Paper Assessing the Role of Social Media for Civic Co-management During Monsoon Flooding in Jakarta, Indonesia by Dr Tomas Holderness & Dr Etienne Turpin 10. Executive Summary 1.0 Overview of 1.1 Project Summary 1.2 Fluid Geographies of the Coastal Megacity 1.3 Infrastructure Overview in Indonesia 2.0 Computational Architectures for Big Crowdsourcing 2.1 GeoSocial Intelligence Platform 2.2 CogniCity System Requirements & Design 2.3 Technical Specifications 11. 3.0 Civic Co-Management: Citizen Perspectives 3.1 User Experience & Interface 3.2 Methods of Engagement 3.3 Communication Patterns: Overview 3.4 Tweet Typology 3.5 Summary & Recommendations 4.0 Civic Co-management: Government Perspectives 4.1 Government Experience 4.2 Operational Integration 4.3 Summary & Recommendations 12. 5.0 Integrated Evaluation 5.1 Critical Successes 5.2 Improvements 5.3 Research & Development 6.0 Joint Pilot Study: Lessons Learned 6.1 Recommendations 6.2 Jakarta in the ASEAN DRM Community 7.0 Acknowledgements 8.0 References Appendices 13. Phase 2 / Integration & Transfer June 2015 June 2016 Jakarta, Indonesia 14. PETAJAKARTA.ORG 2.0 15. Research Area A WEB-BASED GIS TOOLS, REM, CAP _ description A1 / 2.0 A2 / Risk Evaluation Matrix (REM) A3 / InAWARE Integration (CAP) _ concern OSS foundation for DRM-related innovation in SE Asia decision-support dashboard that facilitates resilience within the information ecosystem _ partners BPBD DKI Jakarta Twitter Inc. Selera Labs UNOHCA WVI via USAID _ data users BPBD DKI Jakarta DKI Jakarta / SmartCity Jakarta BNPB via InAware Pacific Disaster Center AIFDR via InaSAFE World Bank / GFDRR via JakSAFE 16. REALTIME SPATIO-TOPOLOGICAL NETWORK MODEL 17. Research Area B REALTIME NETWORK MODEL _ description Spatio-topological hydraulic network model _ concern OSS foundation for real-time flood infrastructure management actionable data visualization to facilitate warnings and response sensor integration via API-sourced data _ partners BPBD DKI Jakarta Selera Labs United Nations Pulse Lab Jakarta WVI via USAID GFDRR via World Bank _ data users BPBD DKI Jakarta DKI Jakarta / SmartCity Jakarta AIFDR via InaSAFE World Bank / GFDRR via JakSAFE 18. COMMUNITY-LED HAZARD & PREPAREDNESS MAPPING 19. Research Area C COMMUNITY-LED MAPPING _ description kampong data collection for hazard mapping; completion of OpenStreetMap with data integration for real-time evacuation and response cues _ concern integration of community-sourced hazard and exposure data actionable data visualization to facilitate warnings and response _ partners Jakarta Urban Poor Consortium United Nations Pulse Lab Jakarta _ data users BPBD DKI Jakarta DKI Jakarta / SmartCity Jakarta AIFDR via InaSAFE World Bank / GFDRR via JakSAFE 20. ET will add drone video UAV-SOURCED HIGH RESOLUTION DIGITAL ELEVATION MODEL 21. Research Area D1 UAV-SOURCED DIGITAL ELEVATION MODEL _ description UAV-sourced data collected and assembled to create up-to-date and easy-to-update Digital Elevation Model for Jakarta _ concern cost of satellite-sourced hazard and exposure data too high, yet DEM integral to real-time DRM tools base maps must include 3D data for improved decision-support _ partners Mayor of Jakarta Timor United Nations Pulse Lab Jakarta UAV Humanitarian Network National Geographic Indonesia World Bank / GFDRR _ data users Mayor of Jakarta Timor DKI Jakarta SmartCity Jakarta AIFDR via InaSAFE World Bank via JakSAFE 22. Research Area D2 COMPUTER-AIDED NAVIGATION TOOL _ description CogniCity OSS extension for algorithmic tasking and routing tool to support DRM sector based on Digital Elevation Model data integrated into CogniCity for realtime flood height information _ concern integration of community-sourced hazard and exposure data actionable data visualization to facilitate warnings and response _ UOW partners UN Pulse Lab Jakarta _ data users BPBD DKI Jakarta DKI Jakarta / SmartCity Jakarta AIFDR via InaSAFE World Bank / GFDRR via JakSAFE 23. Fulbright Fellow Frank Sedlar, Visiting UOW Researcher with 24. National Geographic Fellow Patrick Meier, Humanitarian UAV Network Coordinator with 25. Max Planck Institute Professor of Urbanism AbdouMaliq Simone, UOW VISA Fellow with 26. University of Michigan School of Public Health Director Laura Rozek, Dengue Map Project with