Download - Small World Almanac v1 2 Book Format

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Page 2: Small World Almanac v1 2 Book Format

Barbarians Be NOT AFRAID

Race Tokens: 9 (14 Max) Power: Your Barbarians cannot redeploy

their troops at the end of each turn. If your fi-nal conquest attempt fails, keep the unused Barbarians off the board until the start of your next turn.

Amazons SMALL WORLD Race Tokens: 6 (15 Max) Power: Four of your Amazon tokens may

only be used for conquest, not for defense, as indicated by the +4 on the banner itself. So you start your initial turn with 10 Amazon to-kens (plus any additional ones that may be granted to you by the Special Power associ-

ated with the Amazons, depending on your combo). At the end of each of your Troop Redeployments, remove four tokens from the map, making sure to leave at least one Amazon token in each of your Regions if possible, and only take these four tokens back in hand to redeploy on the map once you Ready your Troops at the start of your next turn.


Race Tokens: 5 (10 Max) Power: Place the Great Ancient in the first

Region your Cultists conquer. This Region is immune. Conquer any Region adjacent to the Great Ancient at 1 less Cultist token than usual (minimum of 1). At the start of each of your following turns, you may move your

Great Ancient to the Region of your choice that your Cultists al-ready occupy.



Power: The player who discovers Stonehedge imme-

diately draws a Special Power at random from the stack of Special Powers. This becomes associated with

Stonehedge for the rest of the game. Ignore any Race tokens value indicated on that Special Power’s badge. Like all Popular Places, using the Special Power associated with Stonehedge is optional; for instance, if the player’s Race who discovers Stone-hedge has the Vanishing Special Power, that player is not forced to use Vanishing immediately upon discovering Stonehedge. Fur-thermore, if the Special Power associated with Stonehedge is a Power that has an effect on In Decline troops (Reborn, Wise, etc.), the player only gets to use Stonehedge’s power once their troops are In Decline. If the Special Power associated with Stonehedge is Tomb, that player’s tokens, once In Decline, do NOT all disappear at once should the player lose control of the Region containing Stonehedge.

The Wickedest Pentacle UNDERGROUND

Power: The player who discovers the Wickedest Pen-

tacle immediately sends the Balrog invoked by it into a neighboring (i.e. sharing a common border) Region of

their choice. If that Region is occupied, it is immediately con-quered by the Balrog and that Region’s prior occupant loses not 1, but 2 tokens (if any) into the tray as a result of the Balrog’s con-quest. The Region now containing the Balrog is immune to all players, and does not score Victory coins for anyone (player who controls the Balrog included). In subsequent turns, the player whose troops occupy the Pentacle’s Region may move the Balrog to the neighboring Region of their choice, once at any point during their turn, and repeat the process described above. The Balrog can conquer and occupy River, Sea, and Lake Regions.

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The Diamond Fields UNDERGROUND

Power: At the end of their turn, the player collects 1

bonus Victory coin for the Region their Diamond Fields are on and for any other Region their (same Race)

troops occupy that is of the same Terrain type. The Diamond Fields function even when the troops that occupy it are In Decline.

The Fountain of Youth UNDERGROUND

Power: At the start of their turn, the player whose

troops occupy the Fountain of Youth’s Region receives 1 bonus Race token (provided there is at least one left

in the tray).

The Keep on the Motherland UNDERGROUND

Power: The Keep on the Motherland is worth 1 bonus

Victory coin for the player whose troops occupy it at turn’s end. The Keep also augments that Region’s de-

fense by 1. Both of these benefits persist even once the troops oc-cupying the Keep are In Decline.

The Mine of the Lost Dwarf UNDERGROUND

Power: At the end of their turn, the player whose

troops occupy the Mine of the Lost Dwarf’s Region col-lects 2 bonus Victory coins. The Mine of the Lost Dwarf

yields these bonus coins even if the troops that occupy its Region are In Decline. The Scepter of Avarice has no effect if placed in the Mine.

The Great Brass Pipe UNDERGROUND

Power: All Regions of the same Terrain type as the

one in which the Great Brass Pipe is discovered are considered adjacent, for the player’s whose Troops oc-

cupy that Region


Race Tokens: 4 (9 Max) Power: At turn’s end, collect 1 bonus Victory

coin for each Region your Drow occupy that is not sharing a border with any Region contain-ing another Race (including your own non-Drow Races; opponents’ Races, even those In Decline; and Monsters).


Race Tokens: 3 (8 Max) Power: Each Mine Region your Dwarves

occupy is worth 1 bonus Victory coin at the end of your turn. This power is kept even when the Dwarves are In Decline.


Race Tokens: 6 (11 Max) Power: When the enemy conquers one of

your Regions, keep all your Elf tokens in hand for redeployment at the end of the current player’s turn, rather than discarding 1 Elf to-ken back into the storage tray. Elf tokens are lost to the Sorcerers’ Racial Power and the

Vampire Special Power.


Race Tokens: 4 (9 Max) Power: Place the Volcano on one of the

Abysmal Chasm Regions marked with a Vol-cano symbol (or any Mountain Region on the original Small World map). Any Region adja-cent to the Volcano, or continuously linked to it by Regions occupied by your Flames, is at-

tacked at the same Flames token cost as if the Region was empty.

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Goblins CURSED

Race Tokens: 6 (11 Max) Power: You may conquer any In Decline

Region at a cost of 1 less Goblin token than normal. A minimum of 1 token is still required.


Race Tokens: 6 (11 Max) Power: During their turns, other players can-

not use their Racial & Special Powers or any effect of the Places or Relics they control to conquer Regions occupied by your Gnomes.


Race Tokens: 6 (11 Max) Power: Your giants may conquer any Re-

gion adjacent to a Mountain (or Black Moun-tain) Region they occupy at a cost of 1 less Giant token than normal. A minimum of 1 Gi-ant token is still required.


Race Tokens: 5 (10 Max) Power: Your Ghoul tokens all stay on the

map when going In Decline, instead of the usual 1 token per Region. In addition, unlike other Races, once In Decline, your Ghouls can continue to conquer new Regions in the following turns, playing exactly as if they were

still Active tokens. However, these conquests must be done at the start of your turn, before any conquest by your Active Race. You may even attack your own currently Active Race with your In De-cline Ghouls, if you wish. In Decline Ghouls are not considered as an Active Race by other Racial or Special Powers.

The Stinky Troll’s Socks UNDERGROUND

Power: Once per turn, the player whose troops con-

trol the Stinky Troll’s Socks may conquer 1 Region as if it was empty. The opponent player whose Race tokens

were in that Region gets to redeploy them all to their other Re-gions at turn’s end (or back in hand, if they have no troops left on the board).

The Sword of the Killer Rabbit UNDERGROUND

Power: Once per turn, the player whose troops con-

trol the Sword of the Killer Rabbit may conquer one Re-gion using 2 less tokens than normal.


Power: At the end of each of their turns, the player

whose troops occupy the Region containing the Altar of Souls may discard a single of their In Decline tokens in

the Region of their choice to collect 3 bonus Victory coins at turn’s end. The Altar even functions when the troops that occupy it are In Decline.

The Crypt of the Tomb-Raider UNDERGROUND

Power: At the end of their turn, the player whose

troops occupy the Region containing the Crypt of the Tomb-Raider places its Ghost in any Region, except

the one containing the Crypt, to make it immune. A player whose troops are In Decline in the Tomb-Raider’s Crypt can no longer move the ghost, but the Region containing the Ghost remains im-mune. When a player conquers the Crypt, the Ghost immediately leaves the Region it was protecting, and falls under the control of the conquering player.

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Power: Once per turn, the player whose troops con-

trol the Flying Doormat may conquer any Region, even one that is not adjacent to their own. The Flying Door-

mat is placed in this new Region. If the conquest attempt fails, the doormat remains where it was prior to the conquest attempt.


Power: At the end of their turn, the player whose

troops control Froggy’s Ring places it in a Region their troops occupy to collect 1 Victory coin from each player

with at least 1 Active Race token in a Region bordering the Region the Ring is placed in. Should an opponent have no coins left, Froggy’s Ring may still be placed in a Region next to their troops, but no coin is collected.

The Scepter of Avarice UNDERGROUND

Power: At the end of their turn, before scoring, the

player who controls the Scepter of Avarice places it in a Region their troops occupy to double the number of

Victory coins collected from that Region. Dwarves don’t like to be known as greedy and will not accept the Scepter of Avarice in their mine, though: The Scepter will have no effect if placed in a Region containing the Mine of the Lost Dwarf. Note that the Scepter never doubles the number of victory coins received from other players (e.g. Liches, Thieving, and Froggy’s Ring powers).


Power: Once per turn, the player whose troops con-

trol the Shiny Orb may use it to substitute a single Ac-tive opponent token with a bonus token of their own to

conquer that Region. For the purpose of this relic, a single token is defined the same way as for the Vampire Special Power.


Race Tokens: 5 (15 Max) Power: Each time a Homunculi Race combo

is bypassed, in addition to a Victory coin, you must also add a Homunculus token taken from the storage tray (if any are left) to the combo. These tokens are added to those nor-

mally received when the Homunculi combo is finally picked, along with any Victory coins.


Race Tokens: 6 (11 Max) Power: Place 1 bonus Victory coin (taken

from the Victory stash) in each Region you abandon. You cannot conquer these Regions again this turn, but you receive the coins they hold as a bonus at turn’s end.


Race Tokens: 6 (11 Max) Power: Your Halfling tokens may enter the

map through any Region of the map, not just border ones. Place a Hole-in-the-Ground in each of the first 2 Regions you conquer, to make them immune to enemy conquests as well as Racial and Special Powers. Remove

your Holes-in-the-Ground when your Halflings go In Decline, or if you choose to abandon a Region containing a Hole-in-the-Ground.


Race Tokens: 5 (10 Max) Power: Each Farmland Region your Hu-

mans occupy is worth 1 bonus Victory coin, at the end of your turn. If playing on the Small World Underground map, immediately take 5 Victory coins when choosing the Humans.

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Kobolds CURSED

Race Tokens: 11 (16 Max) Power: You may never occupy (nor con-

quer) a Region with less than two Kobold to-kens. When going In Decline, however, keep a single token in each Region, as normal.


Race Tokens: 7 (12 Max) Power: During the Troop redeployment

phase of each of your turns, take 1 additional Silver Hammer token for each Mine Region you occupy and place it in front of you. From now on, and until the Dwarves go In Decline, you may use these Silver Hammers for con-

quests only, but not for defense, during the Conquest phase of your subsequent turns. At the end of the Troop Redeployments of each of your turns, remove all the Silver Hammers from the map, making sure to leave at least one Iron Dwarf token in each Region. Take your Silver Hammers back in hand and place them off the board, in front of you, where they will wait until the start of our next Conquest phase.


Race Tokens: 5 (10 Max) Power: At the end of your turn, you do not

have to empty any of the River Regions your Kraken may be in. You can leave them in and score Victory points for these River Regions—even once you are In Decline! And of course, any Race hoping to pass through a River Re-

gion occupied by Kraken must conquer it first. On the original Small World map, Kraken may conquer Lake or Sea Regions.


Race Tokens: 5 Power: When your Vanishing tokens go In De-

cline, remove them all from the map but collect 2 Victory coins per Region they occupy.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Give 1 Vengeance marker to each player

that attacks any of your Races during their turn. During your next turn, you can attack any Region

occupied by that player’s tokens (Active or In Decline) at a cost of 1 less token than normal. A minimum of 1 Vengeful troops token is still required. At the end of your turn, take any Vengeance markers you had given to your opponents earlier back in your hand.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 7 bonus Victory coins, once only,

at the end of your first turn.

Were- Cursed

Race Tokens: 4 Power: Each night (even-numbered game turn)

you may conquer all Regions with 2 less Race to-kens then normal. A minimum of 1 token is still re-

quired. Your Special Power has no effect during the day (odd-numbered game turn).


Race Tokens: 4 Power: At the end of any turn your Wise tokens

are In Decline (including the turn you send them In Decline), if they still occupy at least 1 Region on the

board, score 2 bonus Victory coins.

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Underworld SMALL WORLD

Race Tokens: 5 Power: You may conquer any Region with a Cav-

ern (or bordering a Chasm) with 1 less Race token than normal. A minimum of 1 token is still required.

All Regions with a Cavern are also considered adjacent to each other for your conquest purposes.


Race Tokens: 5 Power: Once per turn per opponent, your Vampire

tokens can conquer a Region by substituting one of your opponent’s Active tokens with one of your own

Vampire tokens, taken from the storage tray (or your hand, if none are left in the tray). The token your Vampire replaces must be the only Race token in its Region. A single opponent token in a Black Mountain Region, in a Region with the Keep on the Motherland, and a single opponent token protected by Mushroom Armor all still count as Regions with a single token for this purpose, and may thus be Vampirized. A Region containing a single Gnome token is protected, however. Place the substituted opponent’s Race token back into the storage tray. If an Immortal (or Elf) token is Vam-pirized, its token is lost and placed back into the tray.


Race Tokens: 5 Power: When going In Decline, you may keep all

your Tomb tokens on the map; you may redeploy them one final time before scoring for your In De-

cline turn. If a Region containing your In Decline tomb is con-quered, at the end of the attacking player’s turn, you may redeploy any Tomb tokens in excess of the ones lost to your opponent’s conquests as if your Tombs were still Active. If your Tomb tokens have no Region left on the board, you may not redeploy them, however. At this point, they are all permanently lost.

Leprechauns BE NOT AFRAID

Race Tokens: 6 (11 Max) Power: During Redeployment, place 1 Pot

of Gold in any (or all, if you wish) of the Re-gions your Leprechauns occupy. Each Pot of Gold still present at the start of your next turn goes into your Victory stash and is worth 1

coin. If an opponent conquers one of these Regions before your next turn, they get the Pot of Gold instead. Any remaining Pot of Gold tokens can be used during subsequent redeployments until all are gone.


Race Tokens: 5 (10 Max) Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin from

any opponent each time they successfully conquer one of your In Decline Liches’ Re-gions. An opponent with no coins remaining cannot conquer a Region occupied by your In Decline Liches.


Race Tokens: 7 (12 Max) Power: Your Lizardmen may pass through

any River, Sea, or Lake Region, occupied or empty, without having to conquer it or leave any token on it.


Race Tokens: 5 (12 Max) Power: During the Troop redeployment

phase of your turn, take 1 new Mudman token from the tray for each Mudpool (or Swamp) Region you occupy and deploy them in any Region(s) your Mudmen occupy.

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Race Tokens: 9 (16 Max) Power: During your Troop Redeployment,

leave only a single Pixie token in each Region they occupy. All your other Pixies must be kept off the board until the start of your next turn.


Race Tokens: 10 (15 Max) Power: All your Mummies’ conquests re-

quire 1 more Mummy token than usual.


Race Tokens: 5 (10 Max) Power: Conquer Regions with 1 less Ogre

token than usual. A minimum of 1 Ogre token is still required.


Race Tokens: 5 (10 Max) Power: Each not-empty Region your Orcs

conquered this turn is worth 1 bonus Victory coin at the end of your turn.

Spirit small WORLD

Race Tokens: 5 Power: When the Race tokens associated with

your Spirit Power go In Decline, they never count toward the limit of having only a single In Decline

Race on the map at any given time. You may thus end up with two different Races In Decline on the map at the same time and score for them both. If a third Race you control goes In Decline, your Spirits remain on the board, although the other Race already In Decline disappears, as normal. In other words, your In Decline Spirits never leave the map (except when taking losses from oppo-nents’ conquests), though other Races sent In Decline may go away when a new Race goes In Decline.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each

Black Mountain (or Mountain) Region you occupy at turn’s end.

Stout small WORLD

Race Tokens: 4 Power: You may go In Decline at the end of a

regular turn of conquests, after scoring, instead of spending an entire turn going In Decline.

Swamp small WORLD

Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each

Swamp (or Mud Pool) Region you occupy at turn’s end.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin from each

player with at least one Active Race token bordering one of your Regions your Thieves occupy at turn’s end.

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Race Tokens: 5 Power: Once your Reborn are In Decline, at the

start of each of your turns you may empty 1 or 2 of their Regions, and replace those tokens with a sin-

gle new token from your Active Race (taken from the tray, or from your hand if none are left in the tray) in each of these Regions.


Race Tokens: 5 Power: At the end of your turn, place your Queen

in a Region your Royal tokens occupy, to make it immune. If you go In Decline, your Queen stays

where it was and keeps that Region immune, but can no longer be moved.

Seafaring small WORLD

Race Tokens: 5 Power: As long as your Seafaring Race is Active,

you may conquer the Seas, Lake, and River Re-gions, considering them as empty Regions. You

keep these Regions even once you go In Decline, and continue scoring for them as long as you have tokens there. Only Seafaring Races (and Kraken) may occupy the Seas and the Lake.


Race Tokens: 3 Power: For each Mushroom Forest (or Forest) Re-

gion you occupy at the end of your Conquest phase, take 1 Mushroom Armor from the tray in your hand.

Deploy these Mushroom Armors in any of your Region(s), during your Troop Redeployment phase. Each Armor placed in a Region augments that Region’s defense by 1, even when In Decline. These markers do not count as Race tokens (for instance, a single Race token with 1 or more Shields in a Region could still be Vam-pirized). You can stack multiple Mushroom Armor in the same Re-gion. Remove the Armor and discard them back in the tray when you abandon the Region or any enemy conquers it. Otherwise, keep it in play as long as your Shield troops are on the board.


Race Tokens: 6 (11 Max) Power: Each time you lose a Pygmy token,

roll the Reinforcement Die and receive as many new Pygmies from the storage tray as you rolled pips on the die (up to the number of Pygmies left). Deploy them on the board at

the end of the current player’s turn.

Priestesses GRAND DAMES

Race Tokens: 4 (9 Max) Power: When they go In Decline, take one

Priestess token from each occupied Region and stack them to form a single “Ivory Tower” pile in one of the Regions they occupy, aban-doning all others. Each turn, score 1 bonus

Victory coin for each Priestess token in the Ivory Tower, in lieu of your usual In Decline scoring. But beware: your Ivory Tower may still be conquered like any other Region (with enough Race to-kens or a Dragon)! If your Priestesses were Fortified, their Ivory Tower can be built atop a single Fortress.


Race Tokens: 8 (13 Max) Power: No Race benefit; their sheer num-

ber of tokens is enough!


Race Tokens: 7 (12 Max) Power: When initially selecting this Race,

you may immediately swap the Shadow Mimes’ Special Power with any other visible Special Power of your choice that is visible in the list of combos. You do not swap or pick up any coins on the Combo initially associ-

ated with the Special Power you are mimicking.

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Race Tokens: 5 (10 Max) Power: Each Mushroom Forest (or Forest)

Region your Shrooms occupy is worth 1 bo-nus Victory coin at turn’s end.


Race Tokens: 6 (20 Max) Power: During your Troop Redeployment,

take 1 new Skeleton token from the storage tray for every 2 non-empty Regions you con-quered this turn, and add it to the troops you redeploy at the end of your turn. If there are no more tokens in the storage tray, you do not

receive any additional tokens.


Race Tokens: 5 (18 Max) Power: Once per turn per opponent, your

Sorcerers can conquer a Region by substitut-ing one of your opponent’s Active tokens with one of your own taken from the storage tray. If there are no more tokens in the storage tray, then you cannot conquer a new Region in this

way. The token your Sorcerer replaces must be the only Race to-ken in its Region and that Region must be adjacent to one of your Sorcerers’ Regions. Place the substituted opponent’s Race token back into the storage tray. If an Elf is converted by a Sorcerer, the Elf does lose their token.


Race Tokens: 7 (12 Max) Power: For conquest purposes, consider all

Caverns or Regions bordering a Chasm as adjacent to Regions you already occupy. Your first conquest may be any Region bordering a Chasm. Conquer Caverns with 1 less token.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Mys-

tic Crystal (or Magic) Region you occupy at turn’s end.

Peace-Loving GRAND DAMES

Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 3 bonus Victory coins at the end of

each turn during which you have attacked no Active Race. You have no love for In Decline Ghouls,

though, and may attack them without forfeiting your Peace-Loving bonus.

Pillaging small WORLD

Race Tokens: 5 Power: Each non-empty Region you conquer this

turn is worth 1 bonus Victory coin at turn’s end.


Race Tokens: 3 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each

separate set of Regions (i.e. group of Regions not sharing a common border with another group of Re-

gions) your Quarreling tokens occupy at turn’s end. If all your Quarreling tokens form a single contiguous set of Regions on the map you score 1 bonus coin; if they are split across two separate sets, you score 2 bonus coins; etc...

Ransacking Cursed

Race Tokens: 4 Power: Each time you successfully conquer a Re-

gion containing an opponent’s Active Race token, they must immediately pay you 1 Victory coin from

their own personal stash (unless they have no coins left). You can-not ransack In Decline Ghouls.

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Race Tokens: 4 Power: Each time you conquer a Region, you may

spend 1 Victory coin to reduce the number of tokens you need to conquer it by 2. A minimum of 1 token

is still required. If you use Mercenary during your final conquest attempt, you may decide to do so after you roll your Reinforcement Die.

Merchant small WORLD

Race Tokens: 2 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for any Re-

gion you occupy at turn’s end.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Mine

Region you occupy at turn’s end.

Mounted small WORLD

Race Tokens: 5 Power: You may conquer any Hill or Farmland

Region with 1 less Race token than normal. A mini-mum of 1 token is still required.


Race Tokens: 3 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each

Muddy (or Swamp) Region you occupy at turn’s end, even when In Decline.

White Ladies GRAND DAMES

Race Tokens: 2 (7 Max) Power: Once In Decline, your White Ladies

become immune to your opponents’ con-quests and Racial and Special Powers.


Race Tokens: 6 (11 Max) Power: Your Tritons may conquer all

Coastal Regions (those bordering a Sea, Lake, or River) at a cost of 1 less Triton than normal. A minimum of 1 Triton token is still required.


Race Tokens: 5 (10 Max) Power: Place a Troll’s Lair in each Region

your Trolls occupy. The Troll’s Lair augments your Region’s defense by 1, and stays in the Region even after your Trolls go In Decline. Remove the Troll’s Lair if you abandon the Region or when an enemy conquers it.


Race Tokens: 6 (11 Max) Power: You may use the Reinforcement die

before any conquest of a Mystic Crystal (or Magic) Region or any Region adjacent to a Mystic Crystal (or Magic) Region your Will-o’-Wisps occupy. Designate the Region you wish to conquer before you roll the die. Re-

gardless of your die roll result, if you have enough Will-o’-Wisp tokens left to conquer this Region, you must conquer it once your roll is made.

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Race Tokens: 5 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Re-

gion containing a Popular Place that you occupy at turn’s end.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 2 bonus Victory coins at the end of

each turn your Race hasn’t yet gone In Decline.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 3 bonus coins each time your Bar-

ricade troops occupy 4 regions or less at the end of your turn.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: You may use the Reinforcement Die be-

fore each of your conquests, rather than just the last one of your turn. Roll the die first; select the Region

you wish to conquer; then place the required number of Race to-kens (minus the die results) there. If you do not have enough to-kens left, this is your final conquest attempt for the turn. As usual, a minimum of 1 token is still required to attempt the conquest.


Race Tokens: 5 (10 Max) Power: Each Magic (or Mystic Crystal) Re-

gion your Wizards occupy is worth 1 bonus Victory coin, at the end of your turn.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: When the enemy conquers one of your

Regions, keep all your Immortal tokens in hand for redeployment at the end of the current player’s turn,

rather than discarding 1 back in the storage tray.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: For each Region in excess of 3, which

your Imperial troops occupy at the end of your turn, collect 1 bonus Victory coin. (i.e., if they occupy 5

Regions at turn’s end, you receive 2 bonus Victory coins.)


Race Tokens: 5 Power: The Bag-o’-Many-Things duplicates the

power of 1 Righteous Relic currently in play. You decide which one on each turn, using the Bag to

represent the Relic you choose. The bag may not be stolen. If a Region containing the bag is conquered or abandoned, you do not leave the Bag behind; rather, you take it back in hand.

Marauding Cursed

Race Tokens: 5 Power: Once your conquests are over (but before

any final conquest attempt using the Reinforcement Die) take your troops back in hand, leaving at least

one token per Region, and go through another complete cycle of conquests; then do you final conquest attempt, if any.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin from the bank

each time one of the Regions your Martyrs occupy is conquered by an opponent.

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Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Re-

gion you occupy with at least 3 Race tokens at turn’s end.


Race Tokens: 5 Power: At the end of your turn, place each of your

2 Heroes in 2 different Regions you occupy. These 2 Regions are immune to enemy conquests as well

as to their Racial and Special Powers until your Heroes move. Your Heroes disappear when you go In Decline.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Hill

Region you occupy at turn’s end.


Race Tokens: 5 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Race

In Decline at the time you select the Historians. While you’re Active, collect 1 bonus Victory coin

each time another Race goes In Decline, and 1 final bonus coin when your own Historians go In Decline!

Hordes Of Cursed

Race Tokens: 5 Power: You may use your 2 Hordes tokens ex-

actly as if they were additional Active Race tokens of your own Race. They disappear when you In De-

cline, however.

Bivouacking SMALL WORLD

Race Tokens: 5 Power: Deploy the 5 Encampment tokens in any

of your Region(s) during your Troop Redeployment phase. Each encampment counts as 1 Race token

toward the defense of the Region in which it is placed (thereby protecting a single Race token with an Encampment from the Sor-cerer’s Racial Power or the Vampire Special Power). Multiple En-campments may be placed in the same Region to obtain a higher defense bonus. Each turn you may break camp and settle in any new Region you occupy. Encampments are never lost during an attack on the Region they are in; they are redeployed at the end of the current player’s turn. When the Race they were associated with goes In Decline, they disappear.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Once per turn, you may place the Catapult

in a Region you occupy to conquer any Region that is 1 Region away (but not adjacent) at 1 less token

than usual. The Catapult may be used to attack a Region beyond the Lake or River, but not over Seas. The Region with the Catapult is immune to enemy conquests as well as their Racial and Special Powers. The Catapult disappears when you go In Decline.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: You may conquer any Region with 1 less

Race token than normal. A minimum of 1 token is still required.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus coin from any opponent

each time they successfully conquer one of your Ac-tive Regions.

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Cursed Cursed

Race Tokens: 0 Power: You must pay 3 victory coins, not 1, to

skip the Race that is Cursed when selecting a Race and Special Power combo. It brings no additional Special Power.


Race Tokens: 5 Power: At the end of your turn, you may select

one opponent whose Active Race you did not attack this turn as your ally. You are now at peace with

them and they cannot attack your Active Race until your next turn. You may change allies each turn, or stay at peace with the same opponent. Tokens In Decline are not impacted (so Ghouls In De-cline are Immune to this power and may still attack you).

Dragon Master SMALL WORLD

Race Tokens: 5 Power: Once per turn, you may conquer a Region

using a single Race token, regardless of the number of enemy tokens defending it. Once conquered,

place your Dragon there. The Region is now immune to enemy conquests as well as to their Racial and Special Powers until your Dragon moves. During each new turn, you may move your Dragon to a different Region you wish to conquer. Your Dragon disap-pears when you go In Decline.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each com-

plete pair of Coastal Regions that you occupy at turn’s end. Coastal Regions are all those sharing a

border with the River, Lake, or Seas; excluding the River, Lake, and Sea Regions themselves.


Race Tokens: 5 Power: Collect 2 bonus Victory coins if all your

Regions form a single set of Regions on the map at turn’s end. Single set of Regions means a “single

set of adjacent Regions” here, so Flocking Spiderines spread out along separate Chasm Regions will still be considered Flocking and score this Flocking bonus.


Race Tokens: 5 Power: You may conquer any Region of the map

except Seas and Lakes. These Regions do not need to be adjacent or contiguous to ones you al-

ready occupy.


Race Tokens: 4 Power: Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each For-

est (or Mushroom Forest) Region you occupy at turn’s end.


Race Tokens: 3 Power: Once per turn, as long as your Fortified

Race is Active, you may place 1 Fortress in any Re-gion you occupy. Each Fortress is worth 1 bonus

Victory coin at turn’s end, unless you are In Decline. The Fortress also augments your Region’s defense by 1 (just as if you had an additional Race token stationed there), even if you are In Decline. Remove the Fortress if you abandon the Region or when an en-emy conquers it. There can only ever be a maximum of 1 Fortress per Region, and a maximum of 6 Fortresses on the map.